They were pale, and the power of time could not be used all the time. They also paid a great price.

"Time is still!"

The four passengers shouted at the same time.

The next second, the dark world creatures around them instantly stopped in place, motionless, and even everything around them was still.

The four passengers also took the opportunity to leave this place from the still crowd. They didn't dare to stay at all, because the time was still for only three seconds.

After three seconds, if they were still in the encirclement, they really couldn't leave.

After three seconds, the four passengers disappeared in the forest without a trace.

The stilled dark world creatures also returned to normal. They stared blankly at the original place, empty, and they didn't know where the four passengers went.

"Where are the people?"

"They ran away!"

"What a terrible time power, it turned out to be time stillness. We must find them and deprive them of their time ability!"

The dark world creatures present were excited. The reason why they wanted to control the time train was for the passengers who got off the time train.

Many of these passengers have superpowers.

Catch these passengers, study their abilities, deprive them of their abilities, and then copy them to the creatures of the dark world.

This is what the Federation is doing. The Federation has captured many passengers, studied their abilities, and then tried to copy their abilities to the night watchers.

The four passengers' time stopped, which only affected the creatures of the dark world. The night watchers hiding in the forest were not affected. They witnessed the whole process.

Seeing the four passengers use time to stop all the creatures of the dark world and flee into the forest as soon as possible, the night watchers took a breath.

Time stops, it is almost unsolvable.

"Did you see where they fled to?" Ji Ziyue looked at Lin Fan beside him.

Lin Fan's eyes looked into the depths of the forest. In his eyes, the figures of the four passengers were transparent. He could see where they were, including what they were doing!

"They are on a big tree three miles away from us. They seem to be injured." Lin Fan said.


Director Zhang's eyes lit up.

Time is a very rare supernatural power. If they can catch these four passengers, find a way to study their time power, and copy it to the night watchmen, then they will give birth to a group of night watchmen who control time.

"Let's go and capture them." Director Zhang was eager to make a contribution. He saw that the four passengers were injured, and he didn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once these four passengers were captured, it would be a great achievement.

"Don't be impulsive!" Ji Ziyue stopped Director Zhang.

"Are they seriously injured?" Ji Ziyue looked at Lin Fan.

"I can't tell whether they are seriously injured or not, but I feel that they should still have fighting power. They seem to have stopped to rest for a while... No, they are back!"

Lin Fan was suddenly surprised. He saw the four passengers coming back. They slowly touched the time-space train and lurked.

"They seem to have come back for revenge and didn't leave immediately!"


Director Zhang was scared and sweated. He just wanted to capture the four passengers, but he didn't expect them to come back.

Lin Fan saw the four passengers lying in ambush near the creatures of the dark world, ready to wait for an opportunity to hunt the creatures of the dark world. They had just suffered a little loss and decided to come back for revenge. These four ruthless people!

"We will not move for the time being and retreat a hundred meters first!"

Ji Ziyue proposed an idea. The night watchmen all retreated a hundred meters and handed the battlefield to the four passengers and the creatures of the dark world.

Here, a fierce hunting activity will break out next!

Chapter 46 Rejuvenation

The four passengers lay in ambush near the creatures of the dark world, just like excellent hunters, holding their breath and waiting for an opportunity to move.

A group of dark world creatures gathered near the time train. They occupied the time train. Most of them were scattered around, guarding against the night watchmen. At the same time, some people went into the forest to look for passengers.

Several dark world creatures accidentally came to the four passengers, and one of the passengers looked at them coldly.

"Time is still!"

The next second, the bodies of these people were motionless and prohibited in place. The other three passengers took the opportunity to launch a fatal attack on them.


The heads of several people were blown up by three passengers, and they died completely.

Lin Fan's eyes can see everything in the darkness. He witnessed four passengers using time prohibition to kill several dark world creatures in an instant. He felt his scalp tingling. This time stillness was simply unsolvable and no one could resist it.

The four passengers wandered in the darkness, constantly approaching the dark world creatures who were looking for them.

When the two sides were close, they used time stillness to freeze the bodies of these people in place, and then other passengers killed them.

In less than a minute, no less than fifteen dark world creatures were killed by them, and everything was done without anyone noticing.

"No, someone is hunting our people."

In the darkness, a member of the mechanical sect shouted, and he saw several corpses with blown heads on the ground.

His voice attracted a group of dark world creatures. They came nearby and looked at the corpses on the ground with ugly faces.

"Did the night watchman do it?"

"It doesn't look like the night watchman, it may be those four passengers!"

"Could it be that they didn't go far, but were lying in ambush nearby to target us?"

A group of creatures from the dark world looked gloomy, and ruled out the night watchman's attack, because the night watchman's killing method was not this.

Long Wu came to the scene, he looked at the corpse on the ground, closed his eyes, and felt it carefully, he sensed the power of time.

"Time stops!"

He opened his eyes in a flash, and he felt the power of time stopping. This kind of power, he would never forget it after experiencing it once, he concluded that the four passengers were assassinating their people.

"Be careful, they control the power of time, we are not opponents."

Long Wu warned all creatures from the dark world that they could no longer disperse individually, and they must form a team of twenty people. If there were too many people, the four passengers' time stopping could not be used casually.

In the darkness, the four passengers no longer dared to use time stopping casually. If there were only a few people, they would have no problem using time stopping, but if there were too many people, they would use time stopping, which would cause great harm to them. If they could use time stopping infinitely, they would have been invincible in the world.

But they could use other time powers.


A team of twenty dark creatures was suddenly attacked by four passengers. Their bodies turned into babies in an instant, and they sat on the ground, unable to walk.

They couldn't even speak, and crawled on the ground like babies learning to speak, trying to pick up the weapons around them, but their little arms and legs couldn't lift them at all.

Just as they were crawling on the ground, four passengers rushed out of the darkness and violently blew up their heads. Twenty dark creatures were all killed in less than ten seconds.

Before dying, someone sent out a distress signal. The four passengers had already disappeared on the spot. When they came to support, they only saw corpses all over the ground.

"Damn it, how dare they!"

The angry roars of dark creatures rang out in the forest. Long Wu, Yin Qi and others gathered together. They gathered all the dark creatures searching for passengers in the forest to the vicinity of the time train.

The enemy was in the dark, and they were in the light. It was easy to be defeated one by one. A group of people gathered together, and the four passengers did not dare to attack them rashly.

They stood near the time train, alert to the surrounding forests. The four passengers also lost the opportunity to defeat them one by one, and stood in the dark and stared at them coldly.

"How is it? Are they gone?"

Ji Ziyue looked at Lin Fan beside him, and Lin Fan's eyes could see the darkness.

He saw the four passengers wandering in the forest near the time train for a while, and after seeing that there was no chance, they had to retreat quietly.


Lin Fan said affirmatively.

Ji Ziyue sighed with regret. Originally, they were thinking of waiting for these four passengers to fight with the creatures of the dark world, and they would sit on the side and reap the benefits.

"They are injured..."

Lin Fan saw the health bars of the four passengers. Their health bars were less than 50%. The continuous use of the power of time was very scary to them, which was why they retreated.

Unfortunately, these four passengers were all LV5. Even if their health bars became very low, Lin Fan did not dare to take action.

The strength of LV5 was terrifying, and he, a LV2, could not provoke it.

Unless he can get close to them like an invisible person...

"Then let's do it too."

Seeing that the four passengers never came back, Ji Ziyue and Director Zhang discussed and decided to attack the dark world creatures in front.

This time, the Federation and the dark world organizations held a secret meeting, and the content of the meeting was about the time train.

Involving the control of the time train, the Federation and the dark world organizations reached an agreement, and they were ready to fight the time train for the last time.

The troops sent by both sides cannot exceed LV5.

Led by LV5, there will be a fight. Whoever grabs the time train before dawn, then they will completely control the time train, and others are not allowed to come to attack the time train again.

At the same time, the organization that controls the time train must hand over the passengers who get off the time train to other organizations for research every once in a while.

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