"What's going on!"

All the members of the Mechanic Cult were terrified, because their situation was the same, some key parts in their bodies suddenly broke down, causing their bodies to freeze.

They became like wooden lumps, standing there and being passively killed by zombies.

If only one or two people had this situation, it could be explained, but if everyone had this situation, then it meant that someone could use some method to target their mechanical bodies and make their parts break down.

This was too terrible, it was simply the deadly nemesis of their Mechanic Cult.

The bodies of the members of the Mechanic Cult were very strong, and it was generally difficult to break them with external force.

They were simply invincible bodies, but in front of some people, they were just a pile of mechanical parts.

As long as these mechanical parts were destroyed, they could be killed.

However, if you want to destroy the mechanical parts, you have to break their bodies, but now someone can use invisible power to destroy their parts, which is very deadly, and is the control-type mutant they fear the most.


The leading Mechanic Cult member could only retreat with those who could still move, they could not stay here.

Otherwise, everyone's parts will be destroyed, and when they retreat, the dark world creatures' defense line will be gone.

Originally, the mechanical sect members formed a defense line to resist the zombies, but now all the mechanical sect members left because of fear. The defense line disappeared, and the zombies directly killed into the dark world creatures.

Lin Fan looked at the mechanical sect members who left, and he stopped attacking, but continued to target the dark world creatures in the six gods.

Without the defense line of the mechanical sect members, the zombies and the dark world creatures directly merged with each other, and the battlefield became more chaotic.

This is also a better opportunity for Lin Fan, because those dark world creatures have been surrounded by zombies. Beside them, there are zombies besides their own people.

It is very chaotic, and anyone may be suddenly attacked by zombies.

Lin Fan also took the opportunity to use illusion on a dark world creature in the six gods.

This person was attacking zombies crazily. There were zombies all around him. He was suddenly affected by the illusion. Although he woke up quickly, the zombies also took the opportunity to leave some wounds on his body.

He was very frustrated. He didn't expect that he would be injured in an instant. Although it was just a simple scratch, it was very fatal.

Once scratched, he would be infected by the zombie virus and become a zombie. This is irreversible unless he can find a panacea.

However, he has never seen the legendary panacea.

Panacea is a medicine that can cure all diseases in the world, whether it is zombie virus or any other virus. Even if it is a terminal illness, it can be cured instantly after taking the panacea.

But the panacea is too rare and no one can find it.

At this moment, he is powerless unless a panacea appears in front of him now.

Finally, he roared and turned into a new zombie.

Lin Fan continued to affect those dark world creatures in the Six Gods Realm in secret, making them stunned. The zombies left small wounds on them, which could turn them into zombies.

This is impossible to defend, because there are zombies everywhere, it's too chaotic.

In addition, Lin Fan's attack has no rules, they don't know how they were hit, and they were inexplicably affected by the illusion.

Their willpower is strong, and they can break free from the illusion in an instant, but at the moment they are affected, because the surrounding environment is different, they may be fighting with zombies, and the two sides are in a fierce battle, and a moment of influence can cause them fatal damage.

Zombies don't need to kill them, just some wounds can turn them into zombies, which is the most deadly.

In a short while, 10 six-god zombies appeared, and their appearance completely changed the situation on the zombie side.

Before, zombies did not have high-end combat power, but now with more than 10 six-god zombies, they can pose a greater threat to dark world creatures.

Because the six-god zombies, their infection speed is very terrible, they only need to walk around in the crowd, and countless dark world creatures will be scratched by them and turned into zombies.

These six-god zombies are also very smart. They don't need to kill anyone, they just need to infect them.

So, when 10 six-god zombies shuttled among the dark world creatures, the speed of infection of the dark world creatures accelerated, and countless zombies appeared.

Lin Fan did not stop infecting the dark world creatures of the six-god realm. He was still influencing them with his illusion.

Although the success rate was not very high, it was always successful.

Many people struggled out of the illusion in an instant, and the zombies did not leave wounds on them in time.

They were afraid and kept alert, but they could not find who was targeting them.

In the unconscious, they would be affected by the illusion again. They could escape once or twice, but the third and fourth times, they would be scratched by the zombies.

They could not guarantee that they could survive under the claws of the zombies every time. As long as they were scratched with a wound, they would become zombies.

"Ah! Damn, who is it!"

A Sixth God Realm screamed in anger. He dodged three times, but the fourth time, when he was affected by the illusion, the zombies around him left wounds on his back, and he was powerless.

He could only watch himself being transformed into a zombie. The dark world creatures present immediately stayed away from him because they knew he was about to become a zombie.

Once he became a zombie, he would be very scary and a fatal threat to the living.

The other Sixth God Realm dark world creatures were terrified at this moment. They knew that someone could use illusions to influence them in secret.

However, they could not find where the enemy was. They were cautious in every step, worried that they would be affected by the illusion and scratched by zombies...

Chapter 271 Entering the Sixth Floor

With Lin Fan's secret attack, dark world creatures were inexplicably affected, then scratched by zombies, and then transformed into zombies.

The number of zombies increased rapidly, like a snowball, spreading rapidly.

The dark world creatures on the fifth floor were soon torn through by the zombies.


When the zombies tore through the defense lines, the dark world creatures on the fifth floor could no longer stop them. They could only retreat. One by one, the dark world creatures rushed into the corridor next to them and began to flee in all directions. They did not dare to continue fighting with the zombies.

The zombies dispersed the crowd and began to hunt the dark world creatures one by one.

The dense zombies chased after the dark world creatures. Some ran into the cages next to them, and the zombies rushed in.

The zombies and the dark world creatures had a shocking battle in the cages, and Lin Fan followed the zombies calmly.

The zombies could not see his existence at all.

He was like walking in his own back garden, watching the zombies chasing the dark world creatures calmly.

At the same time, he also made a move in secret, killing the dark world creatures one by one. Anyone who looked into his eyes would be controlled by him.

However, now the dark world creatures are in the process of fleeing, no one dares to look back, so there are few people who look at him.

Of course, he killed the creatures of the dark world not by his luck, but by controlling everything and destructive thunder, as well as other talents.

Within 50,000 meters, he can attack any place at will. Some dark world creatures were suddenly smashed in the head by a destructive thunder that fell from the sky while escaping, and were killed on the spot.

Lin Fan quickly changed his attack method. He specifically attacked the hearts of these dark world creatures, piercing their hearts to keep their brains intact.

In this way, they will be infected by the zombie virus gas in the air, turning into zombies and rising again, so that the number of zombies will increase.

Although the zombies are chasing the dark world creatures, the number is not too large. He needs more zombies so that he can kill them on higher levels.

While paying attention to the dark world creatures, he also pays attention to the 4th floor and the entrance to the 6th floor!

The zombies on the 4th floor have basically been wiped out by the dark world creatures. Some strong dark world creatures have come to the entrance from the 4th floor to the 5th floor.

There was no obstruction here, and all the zombies gathered were wiped out by them, and then they went straight to the 5th floor.

When they came to the 5th floor, they instantly fought with the zombies wandering on the 5th floor.

Most of the 5th floor area already belonged to the zombies. When the dark world creatures came up, these zombies smelled the breath of living people and rushed over like moths to a flame.

First of all, the dark world creatures that came up were very strong, and many of them were in the Six God Realm. After coming up, they started killing and killed batches of zombies like harvesting wheat.

Of course, there were also Six God Realm among the zombies. They rushed out and blocked these Six God Realm dark world creatures.

A big battle broke out between the two sides at the exit, and each suffered losses. Generally speaking, the zombies had the upper hand.

Not all the dark world creatures that rushed up were in the Six God Realm.

People below the Six God Realm would also be attacked by zombies after coming up, and finally be infected and become zombies.

Lin Fan looked back at the exit and saw more creatures from the dark world coming up. He realized that he had to stop them. Otherwise, they would steal from the back and cause heavy losses to the zombie army.

His eyes were fixed on the exit in an instant. Some creatures from the dark world instantly looked at him. He controlled these people to self-destruct without hesitation. These people suddenly self-destructed in the crowd.

Many people were killed directly without warning, and some Sixth God Realm creatures were also seriously injured.


The self-destruction came too suddenly, and many creatures from the dark world did not react and were blown to ashes on the spot.

Some people were seriously injured, and the zombies next to them seized the opportunity to leave wounds on them while they were injured, so that they quickly turned into zombies.

This group of dark world creatures who had just rushed up were full of vigor and energy, ready to fight a big battle, but were stunned by the sudden self-explosion.

Their formation was instantly messed up, and many people avoided each other in fear, not daring to get too close, worried that the people around them would suddenly self-destruct.

No one knew why those people wanted to self-destruct, and no one knew who would self-destruct. Everyone stared at each other in horror, and were worried about being attacked by the zombies in front of them. As a result, many people were scratched by the zombies as they were tied up.

Anyone who is scratched by a zombie, no matter how high their realm is, will eventually turn into a zombie.

Lin Fan focused on those below the Sixth God Realm, and specifically controlled these people to self-destruct. Below the Sixth God Realm, no one can resist his illusion.

Affected by his illusion, they are controlled by him like puppets, and they self-destruct accurately in the crowd, effectively causing damage to the creatures of the dark world.

Some Sixth God Realm were caught off guard and were also seriously injured. In the end, the Sixth God Realm zombies in the crowd seized the opportunity and left accurate wounds on them.

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