"Never mind, let's transplant it first!"

Lin Fan took a deep breath, then used the control of all things to control the roots of the tree king. Although the 10,000-meter roots were large, his control of all things could control everything within 100,000 meters.

Controlling the 10,000-meter roots was not too difficult for him, and he instantly controlled the roots of the tree king.

Then, it seemed as if a pair of invisible big hands grabbed the roots and quickly pulled them out from the ground and dug them out.

Lin Fan's domain world was also summoned and waited on the side, but his domain world was only 3 kilometers in diameter, and he had no idea whether he could pull the tree king in.

Lin Fan thought about it, and his domain world could not accommodate the tree king. The roots were too big, and he wanted to remove some of the extra roots.

Therefore, he used the control object to start cutting off some of the extra roots. Invisible knives were cutting the roots, and most of the rotten roots of the roots were cut off!

Chapter 277 The seeds of the world tree can create a real big world

Most of the roots of this tree king have decayed, and its health bar is only 1%. Except for the one-meter-high buds on the surface of the soil, the rest of the tree is completely dead.

Lin Fan began to clean up the roots. The roots with a diameter of 10,000 meters must be reduced, otherwise, his domain world cannot accommodate them.

He used the control of all things to transform into an invisible knife, cutting the roots, while he was also observing the health bar of the tree king.

After he cut off most of the roots, the health bar of the tree king was still 1%, and did not become 0.

He breathed a sigh of relief, because he was worried that if he cut off most of the roots, it would cause the death of the tree king.

While observing the health bar of the tree king, he cut the roots.

Soon, 70% of the roots were cut by him.

The roots of the tree king became 3 kilometers, which can be transplanted into his domain world.

But if they are transplanted in, his domain world will be filled up.

He thought for a moment, since he had already cut 70%, why not just cut some more, since the tree king's roots were already dead anyway.

He continued to cut the tree king's roots, and at the same time, closely observed the tree king's health bar. As more and more roots were cut, the tree king's health bar was still 1%. Soon, the tree king only had a thousand meters.

He continued to cut, and when there were only 800 meters of roots left, he saw the tree king's health bar flicker, and he stopped immediately.

"It's the limit!"

He couldn't cut any more, otherwise, the tree king's health bar would become zero. He left 800 meters of roots, and then summoned the domain world to the side.

Then, he dug out the 800-meter roots, and the underground soil was transplanted as a whole into his own domain world.

An invisible big hand grabbed the 800-meter root, dug it out from the depths of the earth, and then transplanted it into the domain world.

In the process, the earth also trembled, and the ground shook.


The 800-meter-deep soil dug deep underground also caused the soil above to collapse instantly.

Bashu, who was digging tree roots outside, suddenly felt a tremor. Then, he saw a large hole with a diameter of several hundred meters suddenly appeared in front of him, and the ground suddenly sank.

It was as if a sudden earthquake caused the ground to sink downward, revealing a bottomless pit. Bashu also looked over at the first time and slowly approached. He approached the big hole cautiously.

He came to the side of the big hole, with his huge body, and looked carefully into the depths of the big hole, but he saw nothing, only a bottomless pit.

"What's going on? Why did it collapse!"

He was puzzled, his eyes moved quickly, and finally he decided to jump into the big hole to see what was going on.

Deep in the earth, Lin Fan had transplanted the 800-meter-diameter roots and soil of the tree king into his own domain world.

He also saw Bashu above his head. Seeing that Bashu was about to jump in, he shuttled through the ground without hesitation, left his original place, and headed for the exit of the cage.

He shuttled underground and soon left his original place.

And Bashu instantly jumped from the ground into the depths of the big hole. When his body fell to the ground, his huge body filled the ground. He carefully sensed it, but did not see any life.

His nose moved, as if he sensed something. Then he grabbed a handful of soil on the ground, put it under his nose, and smelled it carefully.


Bashu was instantly excited. He had been looking for the tree king. He sensed the breath of the tree king here. He thought that the tree king had escaped underground. The movement just now was the tree king's escape.

He began to search in this underground, carefully sensing the direction where the tree king disappeared. Finally, he came to a place where the breath of the tree king disappeared without a trace.


He stood here, no matter how he sensed, he could not sense the breath of the tree king, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

It was here that the Tree King entered Lin Fan's domain world. In this caged world, there was no trace of the Tree King.

Bashu dug everywhere, digging the big hole underground deeper. However, no matter how hard he dug, even though he expanded the hole 10 times, he still couldn't sense the Tree King's trace.

He didn't give up and kept searching. He couldn't find it underground, so he went to the surface to look for it, digging out the tree roots one by one.

When Bashu was looking for the Tree King, Lin Fan had already arrived at the entrance of the cage, where a huge piece of soil blocked the exit.

This is what Bashu left behind. Once the soil is touched, Bashu will sense it.

But if Lin Fan wants to leave here, he must move this piece of soil. Bashu has set rules for this piece of soil. Once anyone touches this soil, Bashu will sense it.

Lin Fan had to leave this caged world. He couldn't stay in the same place as Bashu, otherwise he would be doomed if Bashu discovered him.

Therefore, he entered the dirt instantly without hesitation.

He can travel through shadows and darkness, and the deep darkness of the earth naturally allows him to travel through it.

When he entered the soil, he instantly came into contact with the rules left by Bashu.


Bashu, who was looking for the Tree King, instantly turned his head to look at the exit. His rule of staying at the exit was disturbed. He didn't know whether it was because someone came in from the outside or someone went out from the inside!

He instantly ran towards the exit from the depths of the cage. He was huge and reached the exit in one step.

When he came to the exit, he sensed Lin Fan deep in the soil and saw a person deep in the soil. His expression changed, and then he thought of the big hole in the Cage World.

Thinking of the missing tree king, he understood everything in an instant.

"It's you, you thief!"

Bashu immediately felt that Lin Fan had stolen the Tree King. He had been looking for it for a long time, but Lin Fan got there first.

Now Lin Fan stole his Tree King and wanted to leave. Fortunately, he had laid down rules here and Lin Fan couldn't leave in an instant.

Deep in the soil, there are powerful rules, and there is a terrible force that is imprisoning it, just like a barbed wire fence, blocking the exit. If Lin Fan wants to leave, he has to break a big hole in the barbed wire fence before he can leave.

However, the barbed wire fence was arranged by Bashu himself. Unless the Seven Gods took action, ordinary people would not be able to break it.

"go to hell!"

Bashu roared angrily, and a giant hammer appeared in his hand, hitting the soil hard.

He wanted to kill Lin Fan inside with one hammer!

Lin Fan also felt a strong sense of crisis, but with his current strength, there was no way he could break the rules here.

This rule is too strong, it belongs to the Seven Gods Realm, and surpasses all his current power!

He gave up and walked out of the mud in an instant, disappeared into the depths of the mud in the blink of an eye, and appeared at the end of the caged world.

This cage world is 100,000 meters long, and his limit is 100,000 meters, and he was 100,000 meters away in an instant.

Bashu was stunned for a moment, and the giant hammer hit the soil hard, but did not hit it.

He sensed that Lin Fan had left the soil and was in the cage world. However, he did not know where Lin Fan was. Beyond 10,000 meters, he had no way of knowing Lin Fan's location.

He stared coldly at the caged world. Every corner might be where Lin Fan existed.

Lin Fan looked at Bashu regretfully. He thought Bashu would smash the soil with a hammer so that he could take the opportunity to leave.

Unexpectedly, Bashu stopped at the critical moment and did not smash the soil. Naturally, the rules in the soil still existed.

He couldn't escape unexpectedly. This was the only way out of the caged world.

However, with the rules of the Seven God Realm there, he could not escape with all his power, not even through space.

That rule imprisoned time and space. He couldn't break it in a short time, and Bashu wouldn't give him time.

If Bashu was not here and given time, he could completely break that rule and leave.

But Bashu will not give him time easily now.

Bashu roared angrily, and then his huge body flashed rapidly in the world.

He is also very fast and can reach the end of this caged world in an instant.

Lin Fan had to fight a speed battle with Bashu.

When Bashu flashed, he also flashed, and the two of them could reach the end of this caged world in an instant.

Just like two lights, flashing rapidly, Lin Fan had to avoid Bashu's pursuit while maintaining a safe distance of 10,000 meters.

Therefore, he must ensure that he will not be sensed by Bashu, and at the same time think of ways to leave here.

The two of them chased and escaped. In this caged world, the lights flashed rapidly. Bashu could not sense Lin Fan, but Lin Fan could see Bashu's position.

When Bashu set off, he reacted in advance and avoided Bashu so that Bashu could not sense him.

In this world, Bashu drove the speed to the maximum, flashing like crazy. He went to almost every corner, but he didn't feel Lin Fan's figure at all.

This made his expression change greatly. He was in the Seven God Realm, but he couldn't sense where Lin Fan was.

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