However, Bashu's strongest part was his head, and Lin Fan had no way to cause any damage to him.

Bashu's health bar barely dropped, which made Lin Fan very helpless. He could only wait for the people outside to break the soil.

Chapter 278 The World Tree was frantically devouring the life energy of the domain world and couldn't stand it


While Lin Fan was avoiding Bashu's pursuit, he was also attacking the soil. Controlling everything could control everything within 100,000 meters, so he could naturally attack the soil.

He controlled the damage to the structure inside the soil, trying to destroy the rules from the inside, and working with the people outside to break the soil together.

Bashu stood at the entrance, constantly reinforcing the rules of the soil, making the soil more and more solid. No matter how Lin Fan and the dark world creatures outside attacked, the soil would not break.

"I want to see how long you can hold on!"

Lin Fan sneered.

Bashu stood at the entrance, constantly reinforcing the soil, which was also a huge consumption for him, because he needed to provide power continuously to reinforce the rules in the soil.

He didn't believe that Bashu could hold on unless he had the meat of the immortal lizard!


More and more dark world creatures gathered outside, and the few people controlled by Lin Fan kept spreading the news.

More and more dark world creatures gathered here.

There were already six or seven hundred people outside, and more and more people were attacking the mud blocking the entrance together. Under their attack, the mud was trembling, but it was very solid.

"What's going on? It's so hard!"

"Who is inside!"

Many dark world creatures were secretly shocked. With so many of them, even a Seven God Realm powerhouse could touch it, but this piece of mud blocked their attack.

It was like a solid wall, locking their steps firmly and preventing them from entering.

This also aroused their competitive spirit.

As more and more people came over, they didn't believe that so many people would not be able to break a piece of mud together!


Just as this group of dark world creatures attacked the soil, the zombies wandering around also rushed over. The zombies would pounce on the living when they sensed the living.

The arrival of the zombies made Lin Fan frown. He didn't want the zombies to come and affect the dark world creatures.

Fortunately, the outermost dark world creatures turned around instantly and fought with the zombies rushing over.

The number of these zombies rushing over was not large. Under the attack of the dark world creatures, they were quickly suppressed by the iron blood and their heads were blown up.

After the zombies fell to the ground, the surroundings became quiet. Only the dark world creatures were left. They could finally attack the soil together.

In the depths of the cage world, Bashu had stopped chasing Lin Fan. Anyway, he couldn't find Lin Fan for a while.

If he went to chase Lin Fan, he couldn't take care of the soil.

So, he simply stood behind the soil, put one hand on the soil, and constantly reinforced the rules of the soil.

Let the soil last longer, but he knew that this was not a solution, he would be exhausted sooner or later.

When the soil was broken and the passage appeared, Lin Fan might escape.

Bashu was also frowning and thinking. He had been plotting the world tree for a long time, but he didn't want anyone to know.

If someone from outside came in, and Lin Fan casually said that there was a world tree here, then this world tree would not be his.

He wanted to take it all for himself and didn't want more people to know.

The only way was to find Lin Fan and kill him before someone from outside came in, and snatch the world tree.

At that time, even if someone from outside came in, no one would know what happened here.

What he was worried about was that someone from outside came in, and Lin Fan's escape was a small matter. What he was most afraid of was that Lin Fan would let slip and tell people from outside that there was a world tree here.

At that time, if the true god above came down to investigate, he would never have a chance to get the world tree again!

"Damn it!"

Bashu couldn't help but curse. He was a powerful man in the Seven God Realm, but he was trapped in such a dilemma. The people outside were obviously his own people, but he didn't dare to let them know about the World Tree.

Lin Fan was very cunning. He didn't know how Lin Fan was invisible and could avoid his pursuit.

His sensing power locked the entire cage world, but he couldn't find Lin Fan at all.

If he hadn't sensed Lin Fan's figure before, he would have doubted whether there was still Lin Fan in this cage world!

He was sure that Lin Fan was in a certain position.

Maybe he was staring at him, waiting for him to show a flaw, or waiting for the passage to be opened and escape.

He must not let Lin Fan escape!

The World Tree was his. He had been plotting for so long, but he couldn't let Lin Fan pick the peach halfway!

Lin Fan and Bashu fought wits and courage in the cage world. They had their own ideas.

Lin Fan waited silently, looking at the blood bar above Bashu's head.

The health bar above Bashu's head finally dropped, and now only 98% is left, but it is still a huge threat.

As Bashu becomes weaker and weaker, his body seems to be hollowed out. Every minute and every second, he has to reinforce the rules in the soil, which consumes him the most.

As he consumes, his health bar will drop.

His health bar value not only represents his vitality, but also his state. If the health bar drops seriously, then his combat effectiveness will decline.

This is very dangerous. Of course, only Lin Fan can see his health bar clearly.

Others standing in front of Bashu now would think he is in peak condition, because Bashu looks very fierce and does not look weak at all.

But only Lin Fan knows that Bashu's health bar has dropped. Now it is only 80%. With continuous consumption, his health bar has dropped by 20 percentage points, which makes Lin Fan see hope.


More and more dark world creatures gathered outside the cage world, and thousands of them have gathered.

So many people attacked together, and it was also thanks to Bashu's strong strength. In the Seven Gods Realm, he is also a super master.

If it were an ordinary Seven Gods Realm, it would have been blown up long ago and could not be defended at all.

Bashu cursed in his heart. He felt that the people outside must be dark world creatures, but he had no way to communicate with them now.

If he could communicate, he could let the people outside leave.

He wanted to move the passage a little and talk to the people outside, but he was worried that if the passage was moved, Lin Fan would escape.

Because the rules in the mud blocked the entire passage, flies couldn't fly out, but once a gap appeared, Lin Fan could escape.

Because there was no rule to hinder him, Lin Fan could shuttle through space. When Lin Fan escaped before, he shuttled through space.

Bashu realized that Lin Fan had a very deep grasp of space. Once a flaw appeared, he could escape with the help of the space gap.

Bashu was very calm. The World Tree could not be lost. It could only be obtained by him alone, so he would never take risks.

Lin Fan had been waiting for an opportunity, even if there was a slight gap, but the passage was sealed tightly, and his space power could not be exerted here.

For a long time, Lin Fan didn't wait for the opportunity to escape, and finally he stayed quietly in a corner.

Part of his spirit stayed outside and stared at Bashu, worried that Bashu would attack him.

Most of his mind entered his own domain world, and he went to observe the World Tree.

The seeds of the World Tree were transplanted into his own domain world by him, and he didn't have time to observe them.

The seed of the world tree, whose roots had died and only had a diameter of 800 meters, was transplanted to a remote corner of the domain world and took root in the earth.

When Lin Fan's mind came in, he found that the world tree had changed.

The seed of the world tree was absorbing the life force in his domain world. His domain world was a newly developed domain world, full of vitality.

At this moment, all the life energy poured into the seed of the world tree, forming a huge vortex above the seed of the world.

This vortex was madly absorbing the life force of the entire domain world. Lin Fan even felt that his domain world seemed to have become a little withered.

The thin vitality was absorbed by the seed of the world tree, and the whole world became dim.

"I won't be able to support it!"

Lin Fan's scalp suddenly numbed. The seed of this world tree had too much demand for life energy. His entire domain world was 3 kilometers in diameter, but now almost all the vitality was swallowed up by the seed of the world tree.

The lush land was full of forests, but now, as the life energy is absorbed, many trees are withering and aging.

The land is dry and the water disappears, and he is stunned.

Does the seed of the world tree require so much life energy?

However, he also found that the seed of the world tree has undergone a huge change. The tender shoots that were only one meter high have now grown to two meters high.

At the same time, its 800-meter-diameter dry roots have now shown a trace of life energy, as if they can be revived again.

Some faint life energy appeared on the roots that were originally dead and dry. Although it was very weak, it gave Lin Fan hope.

If the tree is revived again, then the seeds of the world tree will grow again, and then it will grow into a towering tree.

Legend has it that the world tree can grow as high as the sky and the earth, connecting the sky and the earth.

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