And some of the creatures in the dark world simply couldn't go back because they were surrounded by zombies.

Now surrounded by zombies, they can only hold on for a while, and will soon be killed or infected by zombies.

Bashu's health bar is only about 20%, and facing the attack of two powerful Seven God Realm zombies, he is no match at all.

The two zombies kept leaving claw marks on him.

Although he has no flesh and blood, every time there is a scar, the zombie virus will invade his body, which makes his consciousness more and more blurred.

Lin Fan was near Bashu, watching Bashu's health bar drop and it was about to become zero. He wanted to make the last blow, make up the knife, and harvest experience points!

As for the Seven God Realm zombie fighting with Feng Da, after seeing Feng Da turn around and run away, he also kept chasing him.

But because Feng Da specifically fled to the dark world creature group, the four-week dark world creatures blocked this Seven God Realm zombie for him.

Allowing him to quickly escape into the cage world.

Seeing Feng Da escape, the zombie of the Seven Gods Realm did not continue to chase him, but followed the zombies around him to kill and infect all the dark world creatures around him.

The entire 6th floor has been surrounded by them, and no one can escape. He felt relieved when he saw Feng Da escape into the cage world.

As long as you enter the cage world, you will be stuck in a dead end, and no one can escape their killing.

As long as they go in, they can kill Feng Da, it's just a matter of time.

After Feng Da escaped into the cage world, Bashu could no longer hold on, and his blood bar dropped madly, and soon only 10% was left.

In the end, he was knocked to the ground by two zombies.

Its huge body collapsed like a mountain and fell to the ground. Lin Fan also came to Bashu's side in an instant.

At this moment, Bashu no longer had any power to resist. He also closed his eyes and silently waited for himself to transform into a zombie. When his blood bar dropped sharply, Lin Fan took action.

He accurately locked Bashu's eyebrows and cut directly into it with a fierce knife.

Since Bashu's health bar was almost in the single digits, his body defense naturally dropped to the lowest state.

If he was in his peak state, Lin Fan could not leave a wound on him, but now he was basically dead.

Lin Fan easily cut into his forehead with a knife, completely ending his life.

Killing Bashu, Lin Fan gained 100 billion experience points, and several options popped up in his mind, indicating that he could upgrade his talent.

But he did not upgrade for the time being, and still tried to kill Bashu's vitality with a knife as much as possible, and at the same time destroyed his head to prevent him from turning into a zombie.

If Bashu's head was not destroyed, Bashu would immediately turn into a seven-god zombie, but Lin Fan did not want him to become a zombie.

He wanted Bashu's corpse, and this seven-god corpse was a good fertilizer for his domain world!

After Bashu's head was destroyed, he could no longer turn into a zombie. The two Seven God Realm zombies saw Bashu's body fall to the ground, and they didn't care anymore, but turned to attack other creatures in the dark world.

And Lin Fan was able to quietly summon the domain world and sucked Bashu's huge body directly into the domain world. Bashu's huge body disappeared on the ground and did not attract the attention of the surrounding humans and zombies.

Because the dense zombies had already flooded over.

Lin Fan was hidden in a group of zombies, and these zombies passed by him without noticing him.

After Bashu's body was sucked into the domain world, it was quickly decomposed, and its 700-meter-high body turned into infinite elemental energy and was absorbed by the domain world.

His domain world was also rapidly becoming stronger, especially the world tree, which became taller and taller. Bashu's huge body directly made his domain world look brand new.

The last trace of desert also disappeared completely, and his domain world once again became a vibrant world with beautiful mountains and clear waters, birds singing and flowers blooming.

Lin Fan hid in a safe place, and then began to upgrade his talent, killing Bashu to gain 100 billion experience points.

He chose to upgrade his talent shadow world without hesitation.

[Talent Shadow World Upgrading...]

[Talent Shadow World Upgraded Successfully]

The talent shadow world was upgraded from level 10 to level 11, and his eyes were completely renewed, and his vision was directly expanded from 100,000 meters to 200,000 meters.

This also means that within 200,000 meters, he can see clearly any existence that threatens him.

200,000 meters makes his vision wider, and he also sees countless powerful figures in the sea of ​​death in front of him, densely packed zombies are distributed in the 6th floor, and he also sees the zombie king.

The zombie king is not nearby, but wandering near the entrance of the 7th floor in the distance.

It seems that there is a powerful existence over there, which is attracting his attention and making him unable to care about the situation here.

Seeing that the zombie king did not focus on this side, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the zombie king does not come over, then he is safe for the time being.

Of course, this is not absolute, because he saw some powerful zombies nearby, which had surpassed the Seven Gods Realm. Although they did not come over, they were sitting nearby, silently waiting for the battle here to end.

They were like the great generals of ancient times, sitting in the rear, silently waiting for their men to fight. They were responsible for presiding over the overall situation and dispatching troops.

Seeing that these powerful zombies had no intention of coming over, Lin Fan also breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, even if the zombies of the Eight Gods Realm came over now, it would be difficult to find him unless they were 10,000 meters close to him!

The zombies of the Seven Gods Realm could find him if they were 500 meters close to him.

The zombies of the Eight Gods Realm could find him if they were 10,000 meters close to him.

However, now his eyes can see 200,000 meters. Within 200,000 meters, he can find the location of these powerful zombies in advance and avoid them one step in advance.

He can survive safely in the zombie group by avoiding these powerful zombies accurately.

2 He couldn't see the situation beyond 200,000 meters, but he always felt that there was another powerful battlefield 200,000 meters away.

He couldn't get involved there, which was why the Zombie King didn't come over. There were strong men holding the Zombie King back.

Perhaps it was a dark world creature from the seventh floor!

Lin Fan did not leave here, but carefully hid while absorbing the corpses on the ground.

As more zombies came, the number of dark world creatures here was also decreasing madly.

There were more and more corpses on the ground, and Lin Fan took the opportunity to absorb these corpses into his own domain world.

He even sucked some living zombies in.

Of course, everything was done quietly. He couldn't be too blatant. If he was sensed by those powerful zombies, the consequences would be disastrous.

The dark world creatures outside the cage world have basically been killed or infected by zombies.

The remaining dark world creatures all fled back to the cage world.

Lin Fan also entered the cage world.

After everyone entered the cage world, they used the entrance as a battlefield to prevent the zombies outside from coming in.

Because the entrance to the cage world is not large, only a part of the zombies can come in at the same time, and they are guarding here.

When a group of zombies come in, they kill a group.

In this way to prevent the invasion of zombies, the zombies are also blocked outside and can't kill in.

"Hold on!"

Feng Da personally sat at the entrance, commanding the creatures of the dark world to attack together. He also attacked. Whenever a zombie came in, they would attack frantically.

Blow up the heads of these zombies, and one by one, the zombies fell to the ground, forming a pile of corpses, piling up at the entrance.

The battle was very tragic. They attacked frantically, and countless zombies fell to the ground. The entire entrance was a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

Lin Fan was also secretly absorbing the corpses on the ground, and these corpses were slowly disappearing.

Of course, no one noticed the situation here. Even if someone found that the corpses were decreasing, they had no time to investigate what was going on.

They just wanted to survive and kill as many zombies as possible.

Feng Da was anxious. He had sent a distress signal to his brother. He only waited for his brother to come, and he would be saved.

Now, he had to delay time and delay these zombies as much as possible until his brother came.

Countless zombies died here, and eventually alarmed those powerful zombies.

A Seven Gods zombie pushed aside the zombies around him and rushed directly to the entrance of the cage world in front.

When he rushed into the cage world, countless attacks were waiting for him. The dark world creatures led by Feng Da launched overwhelming attacks, and his body was beaten back in an instant.

He flew out of the cage world directly, and his body fell among the zombies outside. He climbed up from the ground with an angry roar.

He was covered in blood and scars, but he rushed in again.

Zombies, unless their heads are blown up, or their hands and feet are broken, they are still alive and well!

This Seven Gods zombie led a large number of zombies and rushed into the cage world.

Facing the attacks of Feng Da and others, they can only resist with their flesh and blood.

Because there is no protection at all, they can only use their bodies to withstand the attacks of Feng Da and others.


Countless zombies were blown up, and they turned into blood rain and broken bones, falling to the ground. The powerful Seven God Realm zombie was also broken, and his hands and feet were broken.

No matter what, they relied on their own bodies to bear it. Facing the attack of so many people, he couldn't bear it.

The Seven God Realm zombie had his legs broken and fell to the ground, but he still rushed towards Feng Da and others fiercely.

Feng Da looked coldly at the disabled Seven God Realm zombie, and the staff in his hand struck out lightning, directly hitting the zombie's head. This zombie lost its flexibility because its hands and feet were broken.

When the lightning struck his head, he was severely injured on the spot.


A new round of attacks from the dark world creatures fell, covering the sky and the earth. This Seven God Realm zombie could only hate the northwest and his head was blown up on the spot.

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