As for the stealth ability, it has become even stronger.

When he turned around, he found the bald man behind him, looking at his position with a blank face. The moment he upgraded to the third level of Shadow Fiend, the bald man lost his trace.

"Where is he?"

"Why did he disappear?"

The bald man stood there in confusion, and he couldn't see Lin Fan at all. Lin Fan just disappeared out of thin air.

Lin Fan stood not far from the bald man. Looking at the bald man's appearance, he touched his chin and figured it out in an instant. Shadow Fiend level 3, LV4 can't see him.

As for whether LV5 can see him, this needs to be tested.

At least it can be confirmed that the bald man can't see him now, and he doesn't have to run for his life like before.

He looked at the bald man in front of him coldly. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have wanted to assassinate the bald man now.

Shadow Fiend level 3, his devouring ability has also become much stronger. At least he is sure to kill LV3, as for LV4, it's a bit troublesome.

He decided to give it a try, so he took a step of 30 meters and came to the side of the bald man in an instant.

However, when he was three meters away from the bald man, the bald man sensed something instantly and turned back to look at his location.

He was shocked and took a thirty-meter step without hesitation, instantly moving away from the bald man.

"Come out!"

The bald man roared angrily. He had just sensed Lin Fan's breath. Although he still couldn't see Lin Fan, he knew that Lin Fan was beside him.

Lin Fan also tested that although he could make the bald man invisible, he wanted to cover the bald man with black mist and devour him without anyone noticing, which was not possible!

Once he was three meters away from the bald man, he would be sensed by the bald man.

"Come out!"

Lin Fan ignored the bald man who was still howling in the same place and left here. Now that the shadow demon's ability has become stronger, he will be safer when he devours the residual blood. At least one thing can be confirmed, LV4 can't see him either, as long as he keeps a distance from the other party!

He returned to the battlefield and deliberately appeared next to some LV4s, and these LV4s did not see him.

However, some LV5s still saw him, and he didn't dare to act rashly, and instantly moved away from LV5.

"Sure enough, LV5 can still see me."

This made him keep a certain degree of vigilance and stay away from all LV5. As long as he didn't get close to LV5, he would be absolutely safe on this battlefield.

He could even sneak attack some powerful dark world creatures.

Although swallowing residual blood can allow him to quickly gain experience points, most of the existing residual blood are low-level residual blood, which can't bring him too much experience points. He decided to attack the living LV3.

On the battlefield, as the battle time passed, basically everyone was injured. He locked a LV3 with only 70% of the blood bar.

Instantly came to the other side, the man didn't see him at all. He turned into black mist and instantly enveloped the man.


The man growled, and then he couldn't make any sound anymore, because he was being swallowed by Lin Fan.

After the third level of Shadow Demon, Lin Fan's swallowing speed increased a lot. This LV3 had no power to resist in his hand. He just struggled for two minutes before being completely swallowed by him.

[Experience +100]

He looked at the LV3 on the battlefield excitedly. These people were injured to some extent, and their health bars were not complete, which brought him a huge opportunity.

He quickly locked onto another LV3 member of the Flesh and Blood Sect. This person was round and turned into a meat ball, rolling on the ground, killing the surrounding night watchmen.

All the night watchmen who were approached by his meat ball would be sucked into the meat ball by a terrible devouring force, and then dissolved into liquid by his meat ball. Lin Fan came to the side of the meat ball, turned into black mist, and instantly enveloped the meat ball.

The meat ball struggled frantically in the black mist, and the flesh and blood could be seen constantly changing into different forms, suddenly there were more than a dozen hands, or human faces, etc.



No matter how the meat ball struggled, his health bar eventually decreased little by little. Two minutes later, the meat ball was completely devoured by Lin Fan.

[Experience +100]

Lin Fan licked his lips excitedly. With this method, the experience value increased very quickly. He only attacked LV3 because one LV3 could bring him 100 experience points, which was worth a lot of LV3 on the battlefield.

Of course, when he encountered low-level dark world creatures, he would also devour them. In his hands, there was no resistance at all.

He could devour dark world creatures of this level in an instant.

[Experience +10]

He no longer looked down on low-level dark world creatures because the experience points were too low. He locked onto another LV3. This was a stone man, four meters tall, holding a pair of sledgehammers, and madly hammering the night watchmen around him.

The low-level night watchmen, in his hands, basically hit a kid with one hammer. He was like a bulldozer, rushing around on the battlefield.

"It's you!" Lin Fan locked onto the stone man calmly.

Chapter 52: Mental Attack of the Man in Black Robe

The Stone Man was raising his giant hammer, preparing to smash a Level 2 Night Watchman in front of him into pieces. Suddenly, a black mist enveloped his figure, and his eyes were dark. He felt that every cell in his body was attacked...

"Who is it!"

The stone man roared in horror, but what was waiting for him was Lin Fan's devouring. He kept struggling, waving the giant hammer in his hand, trying to attack the people around him, but in the black mist, his resistance seemed insignificant.



The stone man's health bar decreased bit by bit, and finally became zero.

[Experience value +100]

Lin Fan looked excitedly at LV3 in the dark. These people all had his experience points!

He quickly locked onto another target, a man in black robes.

The men in black robes are like ghosts on the battlefield. Although they are not as invisible as the invisible ones, their elusive movement also gives the night watchmen a headache.

The attack method of the black-robed man is a mental attack. When they approach you, you will feel that you are hallucinating, or you will feel a tingling in your mind. Lin Fan approached a LV3 black-robed man.


Suddenly, Lin Fan felt that a beautiful woman appeared in front of him. This beautiful woman was naked and dancing in front of him. This strange scene shocked him...

"Something's wrong..."

Reason told him that this situation was abnormal. He was on the battlefield. Where did the beautiful woman come from?

He concentrated his attention as much as possible, but this beautiful woman was still dancing in front of him. At this moment, he felt a crisis, and his brain stung. He shook his head crazily and stepped back. Ten meters.

After he left, he saw where he was just now. A man in black robe was floating there with an expressionless face, searching around suspiciously.

"The mental attack of the man in black robe is truly worthy of its reputation!"

He understood why he saw the beautiful woman. He was mentally attacked by the man in black robe and had hallucinations. Moreover, he had no power to resist, which surprised him!

The other LV3s were unable to resist him. The man in black robe was not only unaffected by his attack, but it also affected him in turn. He was almost killed by the man in black robe!

He put away his contempt. He originally thought that after the third level of Shadow Demon, he would have few opponents at LV3. Now the man in black robe taught him a lesson. He was also at LV3, and the opponent could It's easy to influence him. His current shortcoming is that he has no mental defense unless he upgrades the Thunder of Destruction to level three!

He took a deep look at the man in black robes, and finally gave up on killing him and chose other targets.

On the same spot, the man in black robe searched around in confusion. He had just sensed someone approaching him and initiated a spiritual attack on him. It seemed that he had hit the opponent, but the opponent disappeared in an instant, leaving him unable to determine what the situation was. People were attacking him.

The man in black robe was nervously guarding his surroundings. He had a hunch that a powerful enemy was staring at him.

Lin Fan no longer dared to attack the men in black robes. Instead, he specifically selected those dark world creatures that could only deal physical damage, such as members of the Mechanical Sect, members of the Flesh Sect, and stone men. These were all physical damagers and were restrained by him!

He transformed into black mist and instantly enveloped a member of the Mechanical Cult. The other party resisted desperately, and his body mechanized, constantly changing into various forms, and even his hands turned into energy cannons. Each energy cannon penetrated the black mist and attacked the surroundings randomly. He also injured several dark world creatures.

But it was all to no avail. Swallowed by the black mist, he only struggled for two minutes before being completely swallowed by Lin Fan.

[Experience value +100]

Sure enough, devouring this kind of dark world creature that only has physical damage is what Lin Fan should do the most. He shouldn't provoke those black-robed men with spiritual attacks!

The resistance of the Machine Sect member just now attracted the attention of many people. Lin Fan left the place in an instant. He felt that many big guys were staring at him just now, and even a few LV4s came. Unfortunately, these people also I can't see him!

"Someone is assassinating us in the dark!"

"Invisible Man, see if you can see who the other party is?"

Several LV5 dark world creatures were communicating with each other.

Yin Qi looked towards the darkness and immediately locked onto Lin Fan who was walking through the darkness, but he felt that Lin Fan was not very strong.

"There is a Level 2 Night Watchman. No, his strength should be Level 3. He is hunting our people!"

Yin Qi pointed out Lin Fan's location to the others. A group of LV5 bosses followed Yin Qi's gaze and quickly locked onto Lin Fan.

When they saw that Lin Fan could become invisible in the dark, several people felt familiar, as if they had seen Lin Fan before.

"Why do I feel so familiar with this person? By the way, isn't there someone who looks very similar to him on our Machine Religion's wanted list..."

Lao Wu felt that Lin Fan looked familiar, so he instantly opened the Mechanic Cult's internal wanted list and found Lin Fan's information.

"It's him, he grows up so fast!"

Long Wu quickly found Lin Fan's information. Lin Fan's wanted list within the Information Machine Sect had been updated several times.

At first, Lin Fan was only identified as an ordinary person, then he became a first-level night watchman, and now he is a third-level psychic. This growth rate is a bit amazing!

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