
Lin Fan looked at the weak zombies and dark world creatures around him and used the illusion without hesitation. The zombies and dark world creatures that looked at him were all affected by the illusion.

Then, he controlled these zombies and dark world creatures to quietly come to Feng Da's side, and when Feng Da was not paying attention, he blew himself up in an instant.


As earth-shaking explosions sounded, some zombies and creatures from the dark world suddenly self-destructed, causing considerable damage to Feng Da.

He was battling zombies with wits and courage, but he didn't expect that the zombies and dark world creatures around him would suddenly self-destruct.

The terrifying explosion shock wave overwhelmed him, and he was also greatly affected.

"Damn it!"

"what happened!"

Feng Da rushed out of the explosion shock wave angrily. His health bar dropped to 70%. He didn't understand why these zombies and dark world creatures suddenly exploded.

This made his scalp numb. If he hadn't been cautious just now, he might have been seriously injured.

But at this moment, more zombies and creatures from the dark world rushed over. As soon as they came to his side, they self-destructed without hesitation, even from a long distance away. Their main purpose was to harass him.

This made him roar angrily, but there was nothing he could do.


More and more zombies and dark world creatures are self-destructing. Lin Fan doesn't care at all. As long as they look at him, he will control them. Regardless of their level, they will all self-destruct next to Feng Da.

Feng Da was in a state of panic, and his health bar continued to drop.

The Seven God Realm zombies fighting Feng Da were relatively safe because Lin Fan was not targeting him.

The zombie did not let go of Feng Da. When Feng Da retreated, he followed him, but did not get too close. He was also aware of the danger.

The self-explosion of the zombies and dark world creatures around Feng Da may also cause harm to him, so he wandered nearby, always looking for opportunities.

Lin Fan continued to control zombies and dark world creatures to explode next to Feng Da, causing his blood bar to continue to drop.

Although it did not cause much damage to Feng Da, Feng Da's health bar quickly dropped to 68%.

It can be regarded as a serious injury. Feng Da was so angry that he had no idea who was targeting him. He also couldn't understand why these zombies and dark world creatures exploded crazily.

He suddenly felt frightened. If it continued like this, he would be killed because his condition kept declining.

He even looked around and wanted to call for help. His brother was on the battlefield. If he called for help, his brother would come to save him immediately.

Feng Da made up his mind to leave here first and find a safe place to hide. If it was not safe, he would ask his brother for help.

Therefore, Feng Da quickly retreated, but no matter where he went, the zombies and dark world creatures around him would explode towards him like crazy.

He couldn't understand more and more that no matter where they were, zombies and dark world creatures would explode themselves.

They all seemed to have a deep hatred against him. He could understand the zombies' self-destruction, but what was going on with these creatures from the dark world?

He tried to wake up those people, but there was no chance at all. These people did not communicate with him at all and just blew themselves up.


Feng Da was hit hard again. He vomited blood and flew backwards. His health bar dropped to 60%. The Seven God Realm zombie also seized the opportunity and rushed to Feng Da's side. He saw this Seven God Realm zombie rushing over. , Lin Fan didn't control anyone to self-destruct.

Let this Seven God Realm zombie attack Feng Da.

At this moment, Feng Da was in poor condition and had been hit hard.

This Seven God Realm zombie is still in peak condition. When the two of them fight, Feng Da is at the bottom. He is in danger and may be scratched by the zombies at any time.

Once he is scratched, he will be infected by the zombie virus and become a zombie. He is frightened. He fights and escapes from the zombies, and at the same time he starts calling for help.

"Brother, save me."

Although it is very shameless, in the face of death, what does face mean?

Every time he faced a danger of death, he would ask for help.

Feng Tian, ​​who was wandering on the battlefield, looking for Lin Fan, suddenly heard his brother Feng Da's cry for help, and he frowned.

Afterwards, he put down what he was doing and immediately rushed in the direction where Feng Da called for help. He could not ignore his brother.

Chapter 291 Brother, save me

The situation on the battlefield was complicated. When Feng Tian was about to rescue Feng Da, a Nine God Realm zombie suddenly came out from the side and blocked his way to the land.

Feng Tian was stopped by this powerful zombie and did not dare to be careless. He was forced to fight the zombie and had no way to save Feng Da.

He can ignore other zombies, but he dare not ignore zombies of the same level.

Because once this kind of zombie scratches him, he may be infected and become a zombie, which is different from fighting other people of the same level.

If he fights with other people, the other party will have to kill him if they want to hurt him, but zombies are different.

As long as the zombies leave a slight scar on his body, he will be finished, so he must pay close attention.

Although Feng Da kept calling for help in the distance, he had no way to get over. He could only fight the zombies while approaching Feng Da's direction.

"Hold on, I'm coming!"

Feng Tian asked Feng Da to hold on a little longer. It would take time for him to get there.

At the same time, Lin Fan stared at Feng Da intently, watching the Seven God Realm zombies attack Feng Da crazily, and Feng Da's health bar dropped.

If this continues, it won't be long before Feng Da is killed by this Seven God Realm zombie. At the same time, he also hears Feng Da's cry for help.

Lin Fan's eyes were staring in all directions nervously. Fortunately, Feng Tian did not appear within 200,000 meters.

In this case, Feng Tian might have been entangled by something and was unable to come over immediately.

And this also gave him some time. He couldn't do anything to Feng Tian, ​​but he must accept Feng Da this time, calculate some interest first, and then settle the account with Feng Tian later!

Feng Da knew that Feng Tian could not come over immediately, and he was also very desperate. He could only survive the attack of the Seven God Realm zombies. However, he had been attacked by self-destruction from those zombies and dark world creatures before, and his health bar The decline was severe.

At this moment, he is no match against the Seven Gods Realm zombies in their peak state. These Seven Gods Realm zombies may threaten his life at any time.

Once he is scratched and bitten, he may become infected and become a zombie.

In order to avoid zombie attacks, he can only attack from a distance.

The snake staff in his hand continued to strike out streaks of lightning. However, the lightning was very strong at the beginning, and then it was like sparks, and its power dropped a lot. The long-term long-distance battle was too draining on him.

"Brother, I can't hold on anymore..."

Feng Da desperately asked for help again, but Feng Tian's side has now reached fever pitch.

The Nine Gods Realm zombie came specifically to deal with him and didn't give him a chance to breathe at all.

He was beaten so hard that he couldn't lift his head, because this zombie kept trying to infect him. The purpose of this zombie was to scratch him.

Facing such a terrifying attack, he didn't dare to be careless, so he couldn't save Feng Da.

Feng Tian was unable to come to the rescue. Feng Da was in danger and could be infected by the Seven God Realm zombies at any time, and Lin Fan was also secretly watching Feng Da.

As long as Feng Da's health bar is about to reach zero, he will take action immediately. Feng Da is still in the Seven Gods realm, but with 100 billion experience points, he will not let it go!


Feng Da spit out a mouthful of blood. He could hardly hold on any longer. His health bar was now less than 50%, and he was absolutely severely injured.

However, the Seven God Realm zombies are like Xiaoqiang who cannot be killed. No matter how he is attacked, as long as his head is fine, he will be at his peak, making Feng Da miserable.

However, his brother couldn't come to save him, so he could only save himself now.

He kept grabbing some zombies and dark world creatures around him and throwing them towards the Seven God Realm zombies, trying to give himself a chance to escape.


When Feng Da was about to catch a group of zombies, the zombies blew themselves up without any warning, blowing him up hundreds of meters and causing him to be hit hard again.

Lin Fan took action and saw Feng Da catching some zombies and creatures from the dark world. He controlled these creatures to explode without hesitation.

The instant self-destruction also caused Feng Da to lose more than ten percent of his health bar.

Feng Da's injuries became more and more serious. He fell to the ground and took a long time to get up. The zombies around him kept rushing over, trying to kill him. However, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse. He waved his hand and the zombies around him were killed. They were all knocked away by him, but the zombie from the Seven God Realm came again.

"Brother, save me!"

Feng Da shouted loudly while avoiding the attack of the Seven God Realm zombies. Feng Tian in the distance heard Feng Da's miserable cry. He knew that Feng Da would die if he didn't go to the rescue. However, the Nine God Realm zombies stopped him. , making it impossible for him to go to the rescue.

"Whoever saves my brother, I owe him a favor."

At this time, Feng Tian shouted loudly to the surrounding creatures in the dark world. He had no way to save Feng Da now and could only let others go.

After hearing his voice, the eyes of some strong men from the dark world in the crowd flickered, and then they rushed towards Feng Da.

If Feng Da can be saved, it is not bad that Feng Tian owes them a favor. Favors in the Nine God Realm are very big. The most difficult thing in the world to repay is a favor!

Not only was it a last resort, Feng Tian also didn't want to owe others any favors, especially at the scene where there were many hostile forces.

However, he has no choice but to do this now.

A group of dark world creatures from the Seven God Realm and the Eight God Realm rushed towards Feng Da, trying to save him.

Lin Fan's eyes saw that within 200,000 meters, a group of dark world creatures from the Seven God Realm and the Eight God Realm suddenly appeared. He knew that these people should have come to save Feng Da. He could not let Feng Da be rescued by these people. .

"Want to save someone? Have you asked me?"

Lin Fan sneered, and then looked at the group of dark world creatures and zombies in front of him.

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