The entire ocean is very wide and can block people's perception. Normal people who come here and enter the ocean cannot see the surrounding situation. The visibility is very low.

Only Lin Fan's eyes are abnormal. He can see everything within 200,000 meters. He is like having the eyes of God and can clearly see everything happening on the seabed.

And those water tribesmen, they can't be like Lin Fan. Their visibility in the water is very low, and they can only search bit by bit.

Those hiding jailers naturally have very low visibility in the sea. So far, Lin Fan has not seen any hiding jailers.

He searched patiently and believed that he would find them.

When he came to the middle of this cage world, he looked to the east and saw more than a dozen jailers hiding in the ocean.

The situation of these jailers in the ocean is not optimistic. There are defensive shields around them, but the light of the shields is very dim. They are pale and can't hold on for long.

They are also swimming hard in the sea. Avoiding the pursuit of the water tribesmen around, in such a fierce consumption, the sea water corroded them severely, and they could not hold on for much longer.

These dozen people are very strong, most of them are in the Seven God Realm, and the leader is a female jailer in the Eight God Realm, who is very beautiful and has a graceful figure. In the sea, she led a group of people to avoid the attacks of the water tribesmen.

"Captain, we can't hold on any longer, let's fight them!"

A jailer whispered, they can't hold on for much longer, he thought very simply, rather than being corroded to death by these sea water, it is better to drag a few water tribesmen as a scapegoat before dying.

Others also expressed their agreement when they heard what he said.

"Yes, captain, we have been running away for a long time. Instead of dying in the sea like this, it is better to fight them!"


A group of jailers wanted to fight, and didn't want to die in the ocean like this.

The female captain frowned when she heard this, and finally sighed. She also knew that they could not hold on for much longer.

Then they began to swim towards the sea surface. If they fought in the sea, they were no match for the water tribe.

They could only go to the sea surface and try to attract the water tribe to the sea, so that they would not be passive in the battle!

A dozen jailers soon came to the sea surface. When they reached the sea surface, they no longer hid their breath.

Some water tribe people around them also found their traces and began to swim towards them. In the end, they were surrounded by hundreds of water tribe people.

Looking at the water tribe people who were ten times their own, although the jailers were afraid in their hearts, they all showed expressions of seeing death as home.

They didn't want to escape anymore. Instead of dying in the sea, they might as well fight these water tribe people.

"Surrender, I promise not to kill you!"

After the water tribe people swam to the sea surface, their bodies returned to normal, almost like normal humans. Only when they were in the sea, their bodies would be transparent and exactly the same color as the sea water.

The person who spoke was a young man with long hair and looked very handsome. He was the leader of this group of water tribe people, who was specifically responsible for coming to hunt down this group of jailers.

"Don't even think about it!"

The jailers were murderous, and each of them had a knife and an iron chain in his hand.

"Why are you doing this? Surrender, I can spare your life, but if you insist on resisting, you will surely die!" The handsome young man still tried to make the jailers surrender.

His order was to capture this group of jailers, and to capture as many alive as possible, because they needed to get the information from the living jailers.

In the later period, the federation's resistance became more and more tenacious. They needed to find some flaws, and the living jailers were the breakthrough point. Unfortunately, the jailers they met along the way basically resisted desperately.

Either they committed suicide at the last moment, or they exploded themselves, and they didn't give them the opportunity to capture alive. Even if they were caught, they were very stubborn and would find ways to kill themselves.

"Don't talk nonsense, there is nothing to say between us!" The female captain spoke calmly.


A dozen jailers started charging, rushing directly towards the young man in front. They were determined to die and had no intention of running away.

Some of them were even swelling up. When the young man saw the jailers resisting, he was also frightened and decisively attacked.

Behind him, the ocean rolled up to form a wall of waves, and then hit the jailers in front.

The sea water in the surrounding oceans was suddenly controlled by him, like a vast ocean, attacking the dozen jailers in front.

The water tribesmen around also controlled the water thorns and stabbed at the jailers.

Two-meter-long water thorns flew towards the dozen jailers, and it was like a rain of arrows. The iron chains in the hands of the dozen jailers rotated, constantly resisting these water thorns.

At the same time, the long swords in their hands also chopped out a series of sword qi, slashing at the surrounding water tribesmen.

"Wandering around the world!"

The young man spoke calmly.

The surrounding seawater rolled violently, forming a wall of waves, which directly surrounded the dozen jailers in the middle, and finally formed a square wave cage, which surrounded the jailers.

The cage continued to compress, trying to trap all the dozen people.

"Break!" The female captain roared, and the long knife in her hand slashed out a shocking knife energy, tearing a hole in the wave wall on the left, but the hole healed instantly...

Chapter 299 Upgrading Talent Shadow Realm, Level 12 Shadow Realm

"Just surrender obediently, don't resist anymore!"

The young man spoke calmly, and the four walls of water waves continued to compress, the space range shrank, and more than a dozen jailers felt desperate!


The female captain roared, and more than a dozen jailers followed him to attack the water wall in front, but their attack only opened a channel on the water wall, and the water wall healed quickly, and they had no way to break it.

"Take it down!"

Seeing the four walls of water constantly compressing, the activity space of a group of jailers shrank, the young man spoke coldly, he stretched out his hand and grabbed, and an illusory big hand appeared, which was formed by sea water.

Grabbed towards one of the jailers, the jailer wanted to resist, but was grabbed by this big hand!

The moment the jailer was caught by the big hand, he had no power to resist and was taken to the side of the young man, who threw the jailer aside casually.

A group of water tribesmen came over and tied up the jailer and captured him alive.

Seeing the jailer being captured alive, the other jailers looked ugly. At this time, the young man attacked again. Every time he attacked, a jailer would be captured, and the others couldn't save him.

Because this hand was very hard, their attacks hit it, and they were helpless!

One jailer after another was captured alive. The female captain watched the number of people around her continue to decrease, and she was also very desperate. She had tried her best to attack, but there was no way to do anything to the other party.

Slowly, there were only three people left around her. They attacked together, but they couldn't change their fate of being captured alive.

"Captain, I'll tear a passage for you, you find a way to escape!"

A jailer was determined to die, his body swelled, and rushed directly to the water wall in front of him. He wanted to explode and blow up the water wall.

At the same time, he asked the other three to step aside so as not to be accidentally injured by his self-explosion.

"No, it's too close!"

The female captain stopped him and told him not to self-explode. Their activity space was too small. If he self-exploded, the three of them would also be seriously injured.

Or even killed!

This is why other people were captured alive and could not self-explode, because once they self-exploded, they would only hurt their own people.

"Then I'll commit suicide!"

The man's eyes were determined. He didn't want to be captured alive. Once he was captured alive, he would be waiting for endless pain.

Therefore, he committed suicide directly.

When he died, his body fell into the ocean below and was directly corroded by the ocean suit into a black liquid.

The female captain saw this person committing suicide, her eyes were painful, and the other two also had a decision in their eyes, and they didn't want to be captured alive.

The big hand came to catch people again. One of them committed suicide without hesitation, and the other hesitated for a moment and was sucked into the palm of the big hand.

In the blink of an eye, only the female captain was left.

The young man looked at him with a sneer, ready to capture the female captain alive.

A big hand appeared above the female captain's head again, and the long knife in her hand slashed out a knife aura fiercely.

However, the big hand did not move at all, and still grabbed her steadily, and the iron chain in her hand pierced the big hand.

The big hand was not hurt at all, and still grabbed her.

Seeing that the female captain was about to be captured alive.

In this cage world, Lin Fan happened to come nearby, watching the jailers being captured one by one, he did not hesitate, and did not hesitate to attack.

"Control everything, time stops!"

The next second, the big hand and the people of the surrounding water tribe were stopped in place in an instant.

When the female captain saw the big hand prohibiting, she also slipped out from under the big hand. She looked at the big hand and the people of the surrounding water tribe in doubt, not understanding what happened.

Only the young man at the scene was not affected by the time stoppage. He broke free from the time stoppage in an instant, and then he looked around solemnly.

"Who are you? Get out!"

He felt the power of time, and he suspected that someone from the Time Sect appeared nearby.

Lin Fan saw that the young man was not affected, which was within his expectations. After all, the other party was in the Eight God Realm, and he could not kill him for the time being. At most, he could only have a little impact on him.

At this time, Lin Fan directly used time to stop the four water walls.

Under the time stop, the operation of the four water walls was suddenly affected. The next second, they collapsed.

The female captain also rushed out of the encirclement.

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