Long Wudao.

There are countless superpowers in this world, and some of them are very troublesome, such as the ability to pass through walls and the ability to travel invisibly in the dark.

But this superpower has long been targeted by people, and a barrier has been developed. As long as this barrier is set up, the opponent cannot travel invisibly or through walls.

If the barrier is compared to a fishing net, and Lin Fan is the fish in the encirclement of the fishing net, as long as he comes out of it, he will be caught in the fishing net!

In the darkness, Lin Fan naturally saw the densely packed dark world creatures outside, and at the same time he felt that these people were setting up a barrier.

His eyes can see through everything. He saw a layer of transparent barrier formed outside. This barrier exudes terrible energy, which reminds him of the barrier inside the Federal Research Institute.

At that time, he tried to enter the Federal Research Institute from underground, but was bounced back by the barrier inside, and was almost killed, which is similar to the barrier now.


He realized that in front of this barrier, his ability to travel in the dark would be invalid, and he would be bounced back by the barrier.

"Save me, they've surrounded me." Lin Fan had to send a message to Ji Ziyue, asking Ji Ziyue to bring people to save him.

"What on earth did you do? Why do so many people want to kill you!" Ji Ziyue was stunned, "Wait a minute, I'll come to save you as much as possible."

Chapter 56 One Child in Each Hand

Ji Ziyue communicated with Director Zhang and led all the night watchmen to rush towards the time train platform.


The creatures of the dark world were destroying the wall.

They couldn't break through the huge titanium alloy door weighing 100,000 kilograms, so they could only find a way to break through the ten-meter-thick wall.

"Get out of the way!"

Seven or eight two-meter-tall members of the mechanical sect walked in front of the wall, and then their bodies began to change. On their stomachs, a black hole suddenly appeared on the mechanical muzzle.


A bucket-thick energy beam shot out from the mechanical muzzle and hit the wall.

A big hole suddenly appeared on the wall.

Seven or eight members of the Mechanical Cult shot out eight energy beams, attacking a point on the wall at the same time, and shot out a big pit on it.

This wall was also made of boulders, but in front of their energy beams, it was melting little by little to form a deep pit.

The ten-meter-thick wall was melting.

Other dark world creatures were on guard all around, and the outermost dark world creatures were frantically resisting the attack of the night watchmen.

"Stop them, buy five minutes!"

Ji Ziyue and Director Zhang brought the night watchmen over, and were frantically blocked by the dark world creatures.

"Lin Fan, hold on, we are trying to find a way!"

Ji Ziyue sent a message to Lin Fan. Lin Fan's eyes could see through everything, so he could naturally see outside that the dark world creatures were breaking through the wall, and the night watchmen were also blocked by the dark world creatures...

The ten-meter-thick wall had been broken five meters deep, and it would not take long for it to be completely opened. Once the dark world creatures broke through the wall and came in, he would not be able to escape.

"Are there any photos of the weepers?" Lin Fan suddenly asked.

Ji Ziyue was stunned for a moment, then she looked at Director Zhang next to her, and Director Zhang nodded.

"We still have three photos of the weeping man left, this is my last asset."

Originally, Director Zhang kept these three photos of the weeping man, ready to use them against passengers coming down from the time train or creatures from the dark world when it appears next time.

"Smoke bomb, ready!"

Director Zhang made a prompt decision and took out the photos of the weeping man to save Lin Fan. He also saw the importance of Lin Fan.

Suddenly, the night watchmen suddenly threw smoke bombs at the creatures from the dark world.

When the smoke bombs exploded in the crowd, the thick smoke blocked everyone's sight.

"Oh no, they're using this trick again!"

All the creatures in the dark world were disappointed. They knew what it meant for the night watchmen to throw smoke bombs, and everyone closed their eyes instinctively.

After the smoke bombs were thrown out, several night watchmen came out carrying three photos, and placed three photos of the weeping man in the smoke in front of them. All the other night watchmen turned around and closed their eyes.


All the night watchmen disappeared in an instant. They were hundreds of meters away from the smoke bombs, with their backs turned and eyes closed, silently waiting for the arrival of the weepers.

"Flash bombs, ready!"

After retreating to the safe zone, the night watchmen threw flash bombs one after another, all of which hit the smoke bombs. The super-strong flash bombs shone with dazzling white light. Even with their eyes closed, the eyes of many dark world creatures were slightly damaged.


At this moment, all the dark world creatures closed their eyes and stood in the smoke. The night watchmen launched a devastating attack on them.

One by one, long-range energy shells flew into the smoke, and many dark world creatures standing in place were attacked.

After being attacked by artillery shells, they were blown away and their eyes could not be closed at the same time...

Some people were unlucky and saw the photos of the weeping people standing next to them the moment they opened their eyes. These photos were so conspicuous, and the smoke bombs just dissipated at this time...


These creatures of the dark world screamed in despair. They had closed their eyes, but they were caught off guard and their eyes were opened by the bomb, just in time to catch a glimpse of the photos of the weeping people.

A whimpering sound rang out in the air. The Weeper was coming, just like the sickle of the god of death was placed on their necks. These people felt scared.

"Destroy the photo!"

Long Wu closed his eyes and shouted. He asked those who saw the Weeper's photo to destroy the Weeper's photo as much as possible.

Upon hearing this, these people rushed to the Weeper's photo with tears in their eyes, but at this moment, a thin and tall figure appeared in front of them strangely. Before they could rush to the Weeper's photo, they collided with the Weeper.

The Weeper stretched out his hand and crushed their heads into pieces. The Weeper's speed was too fast, just like a phantom, flashing through the scene, and everyone who saw his photo was killed by him.

"Woo woo..."

The weeping man cried in annoyance and regret, resounding throughout the venue. The dark world creatures present were all tingling, especially those who had seen the weeping man's photo. Now they had no time to destroy the weeping man's photo. Fear drove them to escape instinctively...


In the distance, the night watchmen fired energy shells with their eyes closed. They had already set up the turrets and locked the direction of the smoke bombs. Even with their eyes closed, they only needed to press the launch button to accurately hit the place where the smoke bombs were.

Energy shells fell in the darkness and landed on the place where the smoke bombs were. When the weeping man arrived, many dark world creatures were so scared that they stayed where they were and dared not move.


The shells fell beside them, directly killing them or seriously injuring them. The severe pain made it impossible for them to close their eyes. When they opened their eyes, they instantly saw the figure of the weeping man flashing in front of them.

"Woo woo..."

The Weeper shuttled between the shells. These shells could not hurt him at all. Even if they exploded next to him, they had no effect on him. He just flashed around the people who saw his figure and reached out to crush their heads into pieces.

"Woo woo..."

The screaming dark world creatures ended their pain under the hands of the Weeper.


The living dark world creatures did not dare to stay where they were. If they continued to stay here, they would be the living targets of the Night Watch. Even if they were not killed by the Weeper, they would be killed by the Night Watch's shells. The dark world creatures closed their eyes and moved to the side.

As more and more dark world creatures saw the Weeper, they knew they would die and rushed to the three photos of the Weeper next to them!

It was these three photos that made them become like this.


Several people took action and directly destroyed the three photos of the Weeper. The three photos of the Weeper were destroyed in the explosion.

But the Weeper did not disappear. He was still killing people, one child in each hand!

Chapter 57 The Weeper with No Solution

The creatures of the dark world hid to one side, away from the place where the smoke bombs were set off, in a temporarily safe area, they closed their eyes and silently waited for the Weeper to disappear.

Those who saw the Weeper were being slaughtered by the Weeper.

"Damn Weeper!"

The leaders of the dark world creatures such as Long Wu were bleeding in their hearts. Facing the Weeper, they had no solution at all. They had no choice but to passively endure the slaughter of the Weeper. The gap between them and the Weeper was too big. As long as they saw the Weeper, they would be killed!

No one knew how powerful the Weeper was, but many dark world organizations speculated that the Weeper had already reached the level of "God".

Without the "God" taking action, no one could resist the slaughter of the Weeper!

"Woo woo..."

The Weeper's cry was so harsh that everyone listened with fear.

Soon, they no longer heard the Weeper's voice. Did the Weeper leave after killing people?

"Has the weeper gone?"

Although no one heard the weeper's voice, they still didn't dare to open their eyes, because no one was sure whether the weeper had gone or was still there!

They decided to wait a little longer, and time passed by little by little, and everyone was now living every second like a year.

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