Lin Fan was puzzled. In this dangerous situation, Feng Tian went to find the six true gods. Isn't this suicide?

The six true gods are now thinking about killing all the living people. If he goes there, he will be like a moth flying into a flame!

Feng Tian approached the six true gods with a trembling heart. As he approached, he called out loudly.

"I have news about the World Tree!"

When he said it loudly, the six true gods who were fighting were stunned.

They couldn't help but stop fighting. All eyes were on him. The World Tree is a priceless treasure for any true god. It is a treasure that all true gods dream of.

As long as they can get a World Tree, then their strength will advance by leaps and bounds, becoming the most powerful existence among the true gods, or even going to a higher level.

Therefore, any news about the World Tree can make all the true gods crazy.

At this moment, Feng Tian said that he had news about the World Tree. How could they not be surprised.

The six true gods stopped fighting in an instant and looked at Feng Tian.

"What you said is true. If you tell me a lie, I will kill you now!" Zhan Kui looked at Feng Tian coldly, his heart was excited.

The other true gods were also staring at Feng Tian.

Feng Tian nodded without thinking.

"Of course, what I said is true. I know where the World Tree is. I just ask you to let me go. I don't want to die here."

Feng Tian's meaning is very clear. He wants to use the whereabouts of the World Tree to exchange for his chance to live.

After hearing what Feng Tian said, the six true gods couldn't move their feet. They even gave up their hatred and wanted to know where the World Tree was.

Hearing that Feng Tian wanted to live and exchange the news of the World Tree.

The six true gods frowned. What they did today must not be spread out. Once there are survivors, they may be exposed.

They all tacitly chose to kill everyone and kill them.

Now, Feng Tian used the news of the World Tree to exchange, which made them a little embarrassed.

If they don't agree to Feng Tian, ​​then Feng Tian will not tell them the information of the World Tree.

But if they agree to Feng Tian, ​​Feng Tian will go out, and everything they did today will be spread by Feng Tian.

At that time, they will be punished by the Elders of the Dark World Alliance, and even killed.

After all, everything they did has offended all the dark world organizations and races.

This 11th floor is where the wounded of all the dark world organizations and races are located. Each organization has a large number of wounded here. Now all these wounded are killed, which is what they did!

Whether it is direct or indirect, they are inseparable from them. Once the six people are discovered, they will be punished.

Therefore, the six people are a little hesitant now, not knowing whether they should agree.

Feng Tian looked at the six people thinking, and he spoke without hesitation.

"Don't try to fool me. If you don't let me go, then you will never get the news of the World Tree. I can also promise you that after I go out, I will never spread what happened today!"

Feng Tian was very sincere and said that he would not spread it, but the six true gods didn't dare to believe him at all.

This matter concerns their life and death, how can they easily believe Feng Tian, ​​so the six people are now in deep thought.

I don't know how to choose.

Feng Tian is also an old fox, he naturally has a back-up plan, he knows that in front of the true gods, he has no power to resist.

But if these true gods know the news of the world tree, they will never kill him easily.

If the true gods want to catch him and torture him, it will be in vain. He can commit suicide in advance before the true gods catch him.

After all, although he is not a true god, he is invincible under the true gods, and it is still possible to find a way to commit suicide.

Lin Fan, who followed from a distance, heard that Feng Tian wanted to use the news of the world tree to exchange for a way out, and he almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

I didn't expect Feng Tian, ​​the sixth old man, to want to betray him.

Isn't the world tree on him?

If Feng Tian told the six true gods that the world tree was on him, the six true gods would chase him madly.

Lin Fan was so angry that he started to curse, but he had no way out. Feng Tian was communicating with the six true gods, who seemed very hesitant and did not agree to Feng Tian immediately.

Lin Fan prayed that the six people would not agree, and even more prayed that Feng Tian, ​​the old man, would not spread the news about the World Tree.

If everyone knew about it, how would he live in the future?

I'm afraid he would be hunted down every day.

Even the zombie king in the distance suddenly became quiet, and stopped hunting down the creatures of the dark world, but silently paid attention to this side.

Obviously, he was also very interested in the World Tree!

Chapter 315: Killing Everyone in This World

The six true gods fell into deep thought, not knowing whether to let Feng Tian go or whether to believe him. It was obvious that they were determined to get the World Tree.

The six people who were originally fighting each other for life and death also stopped, standing on both sides, thinking.

At this time, the Spider Queen said to Feng Tian, ​​"Tell me the news about the World Tree, and I promise to let you leave alive!"

Hearing the Spider Queen's promise, Feng Tian's eyes lit up. The Spider Queen was the most powerful among the true gods present.

If he had not been seriously injured, he would definitely not have been besieged by Zhan Kui and his men. If the Spider Queen agreed, then he would have a great chance, but he was not sure whether what the Spider Queen said was true or false.

"Spider Queen, I can assure you that after I go out, I will never spread what happened today!"

Feng Tian also expressed to the Spider Queen seriously that after he goes out, he will not spread anything that happened here today.

"Wait a minute, Feng Tian, ​​tell me the news of the World Tree, and I can also guarantee that you will leave alive!" Zhan Kui was anxious. Seeing that the Spider Queen was about to get the news of the World Tree from Feng Tian, ​​he was not calm.

The Spider Queen is strong in itself. If she gets the World Tree, wouldn't he die even more miserably!

So, he must not let the Spider Queen know the news of the World Tree, so he also risked it!

Even if Feng Tian was released, even if he talked nonsense, it would be better than being killed by the Spider Queen in the future!

"Go to the exit now, I will keep you safe!"

In order to show his sincerity, Zhan Kui and the three true gods around him immediately stood near the exit and asked Feng Tian to leave from the exit immediately.

Seeing that Zhan Kui really said he would let him go, Feng Tian hesitated and looked at the Spider Queen.

"I can also let you go!"

The Spider Queen decisively came to the exit. The two true gods stood on the left and right sides of the exit, which made Feng Tian embarrassed.

He didn't know who to believe now. The news of the World Tree was like a hot potato. The eyes of the six true gods were all staring at him, waiting for him to make a decision!

Feng Tian struggled in his heart and didn't know who to tell. If he told the Spider Queen, he would definitely offend Zhan Kui.

Zhan Kui would definitely find a way to kill him, and if he told Zhan Kui, the Spider Queen would definitely not let him go.

No matter who he told, the final result was that he would be killed by the other party. He was desperate.

"Feng Tian, ​​tell me, I let you go!"

Zhan Kui said loudly, hoping that Feng Tian would tell him quickly. However, Feng Tian looked at Zhan Kui and then at the Spider Queen. He didn't want to offend either party, and he didn't want to die here.

He gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

"The World Tree is now in the possession of a night watcher. I can tell both of you his name. I hope you can all let me go and not attack me!"

Feng Tian honestly told the six true gods the truth of the matter. He told the six true gods that the World Tree was obtained by a night watcher.

This night watcher is not a true god, and his realm is very low.

After hearing what Feng Tian said, the eyes of the six true gods lit up. As long as he is not a true god, it will be easy to deal with!

They all wanted to know who this night watcher was. To snatch the World Tree from a night watcher who is less than a true god, isn't it enough to have a hand!

"Feng Tian, ​​as long as you tell us who this person is, we can let you go!" Zhan Kui immediately expressed his position to Feng Tian, ​​saying that he could let him go, of course, on the premise that he would not talk nonsense.

"If what you said is true, then I can let you go."

The Spider Queen also spoke. Seeing that both true gods said that they could let him go, Feng Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he planned to tell the six people Lin Fan's identity. At the same time, he also came to the exit direction.

When he stood in front of the exit passage, the six true gods did not attack him.

Feng Tian did not turn around and run away. He knew that running away in front of the six true gods was simply courting death.

Even if he ran to the lower floors now, he would not be safe. If the six true gods wanted to hunt him down, he would die wherever he ran to, so he had to be sincere.

He took a deep breath and looked at the six true gods. He had made a decision in his heart. He knew that if he did not tell the six true gods Lin Fan's name, he would be killed wherever he ran to.

Facing the pursuit of the six true gods, even a true god could not escape.

So, he could only honestly tell the six spirits Lin Fan's name, and he directly transmitted the voice to the six people separately.

The six people listened carefully and soon knew Lin Fan's name.

"Could it be him!"

When Zhan Kui heard Lin Fan's name, coupled with Feng Tian's description, he instantly remembered that he had met Lin Fan in the cage world.

At that time, he searched for a long time but could not find Lin Fan.

On the contrary, Lin Fan made countless creatures of the dark world disappear right under his nose, which made his pupils shrink.

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