Lin Fan always wanted the Zombie King to fight with the seven true gods, preferably both sides would be injured, so he could take the opportunity to pick up the leaks and absorb some experience points.

Now he finally achieved the effect he wanted to see, and the Zombie King was also very helpless. He had to take action. If he let this zombie be killed, it would be difficult for him to carry out his plan.

So, he also came nearby and attacked frantically. His attack contained a powerful zombie virus. As long as he was scratched by his attack, it would be very likely to be infected and become a zombie.

The seven true gods also understood this deeply, so they absolutely did not dare to be hit by the Zombie King at will!

With the harassment of the Zombie King and the Spider Queen, it was difficult for the seven true gods to kill the zombies in the Thunder of Destruction.

But this zombie in the Thunder of Destruction was also beaten up by the seven true gods. His body was very strong, and the Thunder of Destruction could not hurt him at all, but the attacks of the seven true gods could hurt him.

His body was trembling and almost broken apart.


His health bar was decreasing. Although the seven true gods were entangled by the zombie king and the spider queen and could not attack him with all their strength, he did expose his position after all.

Being treated as a live target, the seven people's attacks, just touching his body, would be enough for him to eat a pot.

So, under the attack of the seven people, his body was also broken, and even several fingers on both hands were broken. The situation was very dangerous!


His body was shaky and could be blown up at any time in the thunder of destruction.

The thunder of destruction followed his wound and hit his body, making his body break faster.

Although these thunders of destruction could not kill him accurately, if he had wounds on his body, it would be another matter.

The thunder of destruction struck his wounds, which could accelerate the opening of his wounds, making his situation more and more dangerous.

The zombie king saw that this zombie was about to be blown up, and he was also very helpless. He knew that the familiar figure appeared nearby and was attacking in secret.

Without these destructive thunderbolts, the trace of this zombie would not be exposed!

However, the zombie king was powerless. He could use the Sea of ​​Death to hide the trace of the zombie, but if the destructive thunderbolts kept staring at this zombie, he would have no way to deal with it.

The destructive thunderbolts naturally restrain the aura of death, and he had no way to deal with these destructive thunderbolts. The most important thing was that he didn't know where Lin Fan was hiding.

He stared at the surroundings, and he could see everything in the Sea of ​​Death clearly, but he didn't know where Lin Fan was hiding at all.

At this moment, Lin Fan was in a safe place, controlling the destructive thunderbolts to attack the zombie, so that the position of this zombie was always exposed, so that the seven true gods could kill him as soon as possible.

He was also observing the health bar of this zombie, and the health bar of this zombie soon fell below 50%.

Facing the attack of the seven true gods, no matter how strong his body was, it would be broken.

At this moment, his hands were bloody and fleshy.

Several fingers had been broken, and his hands were shaking.

Thunders of destruction struck his wounds one after another. The zombie felt no pain, but he also felt that he was going to die.

He roared madly, and the Zombie King and the Spider Queen were also trying to save him.

However, they were powerless.

The seven true gods also saw the hope of killing this zombie. As long as they could get rid of this zombie first and then kill the remaining Spider Queen.

They could face the Zombie King alone.

At this moment, the situation of the seven people was not very good. After all, they had already gone deep into the Sea of ​​Death and fought face to face with the Zombie King.

This was also their first real head-on confrontation!

The Zombie King also tried his best to save this true god zombie.

He kept controlling the Sea of ​​Death, surging over, and the zombie virus spread all around.

They felt that with every breath, there was a strong zombie virus entering their respiratory tract.

It merged into their bodies, making their condition worse and worse.

Especially the claws of the Zombie King. Every claw torn off was very likely to be life-threatening to them!

The seven true gods also tried their best to avoid the deadly attacks of the zombie king, and seized the opportunity to kill the zombie as much as possible.

The situation of this zombie is getting worse and worse.

He roared madly, but the thunder of destruction locked his figure. No matter where he went, he would be discovered and surrounded by thunder.

He was in the minefield, constantly accepting the destructive attacks from the seven true gods.

His body was broken in half.

His two hands were finally blown up.

The broken body was trembling from the thunder of destruction.

He was extremely unwilling, and did not expect to die in this way!

The thunder of destruction exposed his figure, thus accelerating his death!


The zombie once again ushered in a new wave of attacks from the seven true gods.

The terrible attack overwhelmed him, and his body was blown up.

His head was struck by the thunder of destruction and flew around, and the rest of the body was already in tatters.

The consciousness in his mind was also disappearing rapidly.

His blood bar dropped rapidly, leaving only single digits.

Lin Fan also saw the opportunity and acted without hesitation.

The destructive thunderbolt struck the skull crazily. The terrible attack penetrated into the depths of his mind from his eye sockets, directly destroying his last consciousness. Lin Fan also gained another 100 trillion experience points...

The death of this zombie made the Zombie King angry.

He did not expect that under his nose, this zombie still could not survive and was cruelly killed by the seven true gods.

The zombie died, and the seven true gods were overjoyed. They finally solved a troublesome zombie.

The seven true gods did not stop and fled to the Sea of ​​Death in an instant, as far away from the Zombie King as possible. The current situation was not suitable for a life-and-death battle with the Zombie King.

They needed to recuperate!

After all, they had done their best to kill this zombie.

They also had to face the attack of the Zombie King. The situation of the seven people was not right.

The Zombie King roared angrily and the Spider Queen rushed into the depths of the Sea of ​​Death to chase the seven people. They were not going to let them go. They were ready to kill them directly in one go!

The seven true gods fled while dodging the attacks of the Zombie King and the Spider Queen.

The situation of the seven people was not right. Lin Fan stared at the seven people and looked at the direction in which the seven people fled. The Zombie King could accurately lock on, so he didn't need to attack again!

Lin Fan did not continue to attack. The Thunder of Destruction disappeared in the Sea of ​​Death. Everything became quiet, leaving only the roar of the Zombie King and the silent traces of the seven true gods.

They shuttled in the Sea of ​​Death while recuperating, preparing to recover some combat power before fighting the Zombie King again.

At the same time, they locked on the Spider Queen.

Now, the Zombie King only has the Spider Queen as an assistant. As long as the Spider Queen is solved.

They can let go and fight the Zombie King!

The seven people fled and recovered at the same time.

Although the Zombie King could lock on the position of the seven people, he couldn't kill them quickly.

Seeing the seven people's breath recovering, the Zombie King also knew what they were planning.

The Zombie King glanced at the Spider Queen beside him. The Spider Queen was now in a disabled state. She had only 4 legs left out of the original 8 legs, and her real combat power could not be fully exerted.

He frowned. He knew that the target of the seven true gods might be the Spider Queen!

The Zombie King suddenly stopped and stopped chasing the seven true gods.

The Spider Queen also stopped.

Looking at the Spider Queen, the Zombie King instantly had an idea in his mind.

Since the target of the 7 people was the Spider Queen, he used the Spider Queen as bait.

Lure the 7 people over, find a way to kill a few of them, and then kill the rest!

The Zombie King suddenly stopped, and the 7 people breathed a sigh of relief. They stayed away from the Zombie King and looked for a safe place to rest for a while.

The Zombie King didn't care about the 7 people anymore. If they were given time, they wouldn't be able to recover much.

The final outcome was already doomed.

The Zombie King roared and controlled the entire 13th floor, all the zombies, and asked them to kill the living dark world creatures as much as possible.

After such a long time, there were not many living creatures in the dark world on the entire 13th floor.

But the zombie king could accurately lock the living creatures in the dark world through the death aura.

He leaked the location of these dark world creatures to all zombies and asked them to kill them!

Suddenly, the locations of those living dark world creatures were known by the zombies.

The dense zombies drowned them like a tide.

Countless dark world creatures were killed again, and the death aura that was born was absorbed by the zombie king.

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