Even if he doesn't take action now, as long as these six people are in the Sea of ​​Death, it won't take long for the zombie virus to completely infect them.

It's only a matter of time before they become zombies.

The Zombie King is not in a hurry.

The Zombie King's eyes are fixed on the entrances of the 12th and 14th floors. As long as he makes sure that no one stronger than him comes down, he is not afraid even if the True God comes down!

What's more, those who come up from the 12th and 14th floors are all small Karami, and they were all killed by his zombie army.

No one can come to the depths of the 13th floor at all. He can kill the remaining 6 people with confidence. The other two True God zombies received the order from the Zombie King and began to harass them nearby.

The six people are very desperate. Their combat effectiveness has declined seriously. Moreover, the zombie virus in their bodies has been lurking, and they may be infected into zombies at any time.

Everyone's blood bar has dropped very seriously.

They now feel what despair is!

What is the way to heaven!

There is no door to the ground!

In desperation, they wanted to fight the Zombie King to the death.

However, the current Zombie King was unfathomable and far beyond their ability to deal with.

Even if they were in their peak state, they could not be the opponent of the Zombie King. In this state, fighting the Zombie King would only accelerate their death.

They could only keep a distance from the Zombie King and try to see if there was a glimmer of hope.

They were also praying in their hearts that the God King could come down and save their lives.

Unfortunately, the God King could not hear their calls, and no one came to support them.

Although some dark world creatures came down from the 12th and 14th floors, they were just some small Karami, not even as good as them.

They could not provide any support to them at all.

In desperation, they were like headless flies, running around everywhere.

More zombie viruses continued to pour into their bodies.

Even, several people were stiff, their movements were hindered, and their speed became much slower.

They knew desperately that the zombie virus had begun to transform their bodies...

"What should I do..."

The six true gods were originally high and mighty beings. Under the true gods, they were all ants. At this moment, they were ants.

Facing the zombie king of the same level, they had no way out and only had the way to escape.

Their domain world was now broken and riddled with holes, and everything inside was destroyed.

The domain world was also on the verge of breaking, and it could be blown up by the zombie king at any time.

The zombie king was still violently controlling his domain world and smashing towards them.

Every time, they had to control their domain world to resist, and every time they were knocked away by the zombie king's domain world.

There were countless cracks in their domain world.


Some people's domain world had a series of shocking cracks, and these cracks penetrated the world barrier of the entire domain world.

His domain world was about to break, and he desperately put away his domain world and dared not summon it casually again.

Just one time, his domain world would be blown up.

Even in such a desperate situation, he did not want to lose his domain world, he wanted to survive!

The situation of other people was as bad as his, but they did not dare to put it away.

Once put away, the domain world of the zombie king could blow up their real bodies at any time.

They would die without a burial place.

Therefore, the other people were still controlling their own domain worlds to resist the domain world of the zombie king.

But every time they collided, their domain worlds would be severely damaged, and the domain worlds of several people were on the verge of breaking and could be blown up at any time.

They were very desperate.

The zombie king stared at the six people coldly, pressing them step by step, and the two true god zombies were also attacking them from the side.

Lin Fan watched all this in secret. He knew that these six people would definitely die in the hands of the zombie king, and he did not continue to use the destructive thunder to expose the figure of the zombie king.

There was no point in doing this now.

Even if he exposed the position of the zombie king to these six people, these six people did not dare to actively attack the zombie king.

Now, they are like dogs that have lost their homes, fleeing madly, without any intention of fighting at all.

Even their domain world is about to be blown up.

In this state, even if the domain world explodes, it cannot pose a big threat to the zombie king.

They no longer have any trump cards, and their own blood bars are also very low now!

The average blood bar of the 6 people is only 30%. In this state, their combat effectiveness has declined too seriously.

When Lin Fan put away the thunder of destruction, the 6 people completely lost the trace of the zombie king, and didn't know where the zombie king would appear.

Even the two true god zombies, they didn't know where they were.

These two zombies no longer made any sound, like ghosts, wandering around them, and launching fatal attacks on them from time to time.

Some people were hit, their bodies were severely injured, and their blood bars dropped wildly. They may be infected and become zombies at any time.

At this moment, they have completely lost control of the zombie virus in their bodies and can't control it!

These zombie viruses began to invade their brains, preparing to destroy their consciousness and infect them into zombies. This was irreversible.

Some people's consciousness was already blurred, their bodies were out of control, many parts of their bodies were stiff, and they were unable to move.

At this time, the zombie king appeared next to one of them, and this person could not escape after all.

His speed became very slow, and he was easily caught up. The zombie king made a move and slapped him with a claw.

A shocking claw fell from the sky and slapped him hard on the top of his head, directly hitting his body into the ground below, smashing a bottomless pit.

At the bottom of the pit, he vomited blood, and his health bar was only in the single digits, and he was about to die.

Lin Fan also made a move at the critical moment, finishing him off before he died, killing him and gaining 100 trillion experience points!


After a while, he opened his eyes again and jumped out from the bottom of the pit. He had become a zombie.

Moreover, his combat power was at its peak, because his body was intact, with both hands and feet. He roared, rushed into the sky, followed the zombie king, and continued to chase the remaining 5 people.

The remaining five people, hearing that there was another zombie behind them, became even more desperate.

At this moment, there were already three True God zombies around the Zombie King, and they were left with only five people.

Even in a one-on-one duel, they were no match.

Those True God zombies, one-on-one, could easily infect them.


The five people who were running away in front were quickly surrounded. The Zombie King did not let go of the net, and the three True God zombies also came from all directions and surrounded them in the middle.

Their escape route was completely blocked. They wanted to break out from one of the directions, but a zombie roared, and a terrible attack tore through the sky and appeared in front of them, scaring them back.

There were more zombies behind them, and no matter which direction they ran, they would face powerful zombies.

Especially the Zombie King, whose terrifying aura was released, the whole world was shaking, and their bodies were trembling.

At this moment, the Zombie King's aura had reached a terrifying level, and it was not much different from that of the God King.

They even thought that the Zombie King had evolved to the God King!

Because with the death of each true god, the death aura absorbed by the Zombie King became more and more terrifying.

The death aura born from the death of each true god can be equal to thousands of troops!

Moreover, people from the 12th and 14th floors continued to kill their way to the 13th floor. As soon as these people came, they were killed by the zombie army of the Zombie King.

The death of these people will also give birth to countless death auras. The dense death auras drilled into the body of the Zombie King, accelerating his strength!


Among the five people, one fell behind. His body was stiff and his speed became the slowest. He was also caught up by the first one.

A zombie rushed over from behind, grabbed his back with a claw, and directly grabbed him and flew out. Behind him, a hideous wound appeared, and the terrible zombie virus instantly entered his body.

His will, desperately resisted, but everything was in vain. Once scratched or bitten, he would quickly turn into a zombie.

Despite his strong willpower, he couldn't stop it after all.

His health bar was dropping madly.

Lin Fan had been observing for a long time. Seeing that this person was infected, he did not hesitate to shoot, piercing his heart, killing him first, and gaining one hundred trillion experience points!

After killing this person, Lin Fan's experience points exceeded one hundred trillion, and a series of choices suddenly popped up in his mind.

[Whether to consume one hundred trillion experience points to upgrade the talent shadow world]

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