This person was unable to resist and was assimilated and devoured by him.

[Experience +1]

In the darkness, Lin Fan could see the health bars on everyone's heads.

The health bars on the heads of the people guarding the surroundings were all 100%.

Suddenly, he saw a burly figure, whose health bar on his head was 100%, and there was a LV2 behind him.

He seemed to understand something.

Ordinary people's health bars are less than 100%.

And non-ordinary people, their health bars are all 100%, the reason why many people only show 100% health bars is because they are LV1, belonging to the first-level superpowers!

Only those who are LV2 and above will have data such as LV2 behind their health bars, such as Ji Ziyue's LV5!

So, everyone on the scene is LV1, only that burly figure is LV2,

and it is also Lin Fan's biggest threat at present.

"I should also be LV1!"

Lin Fan knew it in his mind.

As LV1, he can easily assimilate and devour other LV1.

As for LV2, he may not be a match.

"One LV1 can only bring me a little experience value, I wonder how many experience points LV2 will have?"

He shuttled through the darkness, ready to assimilate and devour all these LV1s, turning them into experience points first.

A man was patrolling the stairwell, and a black fog enveloped him.

He made a clicking sound from his body, and his hands tried to mechanize, but were easily assimilated by Lin Fan, decomposed into molecules and devoured.

[Experience value +1]

Lin Fan felt that this feeling was too strange. He could assimilate and devour any creature, and the other party seemed to be ashes and smoke, becoming his experience points.

In the darkness, he devoured several LV1s in succession and gained a few experience points.

"Someone is assassinating us!"

The burly figure shouted in a low voice, summoning everyone to gather together.

He was two meters tall, his muscles were like rocks, and his strong body gave people a strong sense of oppression.

"Captain, we are missing five people."

The captain looked ugly, his left hand turned directly into a mechanical shield, and his right hand turned into a mechanical gun barrel.

"Be alert!"

The bodies of the others made a clicking sound, and their hands and feet were mechanized.

Some people's hands turned into long swords, some people's hands turned into machine guns, and some people's hands turned into giant hammers and axes.

Lin Fan looked at this group of mechanical sect members in the dark, and he was very surprised.

After the Federation ruled the world, the mechanical sect and other dark world organizations hid underground, but they did not expect to appear in the open now.

Lin Fan looked up at the sky, and the overlap of the two worlds seemed to have accelerated a lot, and more terrifying figures entered the real world from the overlap.

Dark world creatures are entering the real world...

Dark world organizations such as the mechanical sect can't help but walk from underground to the light!

Are all these mechanical sect members undercover in the Night Watch?

Or are they just simply walking out of the underground...

The Night Watch is a night patrol team of the Federation, and it has been infiltrated by organizations such as the Mechanical Sect. The Federation may no longer be safe.

No one knows how many dark world creatures are undercover inside.

The Mechanical Sect is a relatively powerful organization in the dark world. They believe in the God of Machinery.

They have been active underground, trying to usher in the God of Machinery to come to the world, thereby destroying the rule of the Federation and rebuilding a new world.

There are many dark world organizations like the Mechanicus.

They came to the real world two hundred years ago, and the people suffered. They were eventually repelled by the Federation and completely hid underground. They have not appeared for many years.

The eternal night is coming!

Lin Fan took a deep breath. The real world is not safe. The peaceful life of ordinary people will soon be broken.

The dark world organizations such as the Mechanicus are undercover in the Night Watch. Is this preparing to disintegrate the Federation from the inside, or to say that they are working together from the inside and outside?

When the dark world and the real world completely overlap, and the creatures of the dark world come, can the Federation stop them?

Two hundred years ago, the dark world did not overlap with the real world. At that time, only some of the creatures of the dark world came.

At this moment, the dark world overlaps, and all the creatures of the dark world will come.

The Federation is in danger. What should ordinary people in the real world do?

Lin Fan looked at the members of the Mechanicus in front of him, and he was ready to take a risk.

At this moment, he can only do his best to improve his strength so that he can survive the eternal night in the future.

He needs more experience points.

The black fog floated towards a member of the Mechanicus. This person turned his hands into swords, and the black fog completely submerged his body.

He only had time to strike once before he was dead.

"Retreat, the enemy is too strong!"

The captain growled, realizing that this was a terrible enemy.

"Friends, we are members of the Mechanic Cult. Please spare us for the sake of the God of Machinery."

The captain spoke calmly, hoping to force Lin Fan away in the name of the God of Machinery.

Lin Fan did not speak, but turned into black mist, constantly devouring members of the Mechanic Cult.

[Experience +1]

In the darkness, Lin Fan was hunting down the last member of the Mechanic Cult,

who was also the only LV2.

He wanted to try and see if he could devour the other party.

PS: Friends who came from the anime, please go to the anime comment area to guide the comments and let everyone read the book on Qidian. Many people can't find where to read the book. Everyone, please help and let more people know that the original book is here.

Chapter 6 Hunting LV2 (Please collect)

In the dark wilderness, a burly figure stumbled forward.

Behind him, a cloud of black fog was ten meters away in an instant, closing the distance with him rapidly.

"You are not a night watchman!"

"Who are you, and why are you targeting our mechanical sect!"

The burly figure roared angrily, and his mobile phone kept sending out distress messages.

In the distant sky, the sound of a helicopter propeller appeared.

The burly figure's face lit up, support is coming!

Lin Fan did not speak, and calmly stared at the top of the burly figure in front of him.

"90%, his health bar dropped by 10%, is it because he was injured and tired?"

Lin Fan was verifying his thoughts.

The health bars of non-ordinary people are full, and their health bars will drop after being injured.

He tried, but he could not assimilate and devour this LV2.

Before, he turned into a black fog to wrap this LV2, but he could not devour him, but only made his health bar drop by 10%.

Lin Fan looked up at the helicopter in the sky.

The health bar on the top of the helicopter was 100%, and there were two people inside, and their health bars were also 100%.

But there is still LV2 behind their health bar.

Two more LV2 came, belonging to the second-level psychic.

He had to hurry up!


In the darkness, Lin Fan took a ten-meter step, and the black fog enveloped the burly figure.

The burly figure kept struggling, his hands turned into gun barrels, and energy shells blasted out, piercing the black fog.

Lin Fan groaned, it was indeed difficult for him to devour LV2, but it was not without effect.

"Boom boom."

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