As it happens, there are members of the Bee lurking in the night watch outside.

Long Wu also immediately contacted the bee members outside and asked them to assassinate Lin Fan.

"Let Bee take action first. If Bee succeeds, then we will be fine. If it fails, we will use other undercover agents."

Long Wu has great confidence in the bees, because the bees have achieved amazing results so far, they rarely miss, and the bees can assassinate enemies that are stronger than themselves.

In the darkness, Lin Fan watched all the invisible people return to the fortress, and then he returned to Ji Ziyue's side. By constantly providing the night watchmen with the locations where the dark world creatures gathered, he asked the night watchmen to bombard the dark world creatures. The world's creatures suffered heavy losses as a result.

Lin Fan's ears twitched. He heard footsteps approaching him. When he turned around, he saw some night watchmen approaching him.

He didn't take it to heart. The night watchman was constantly moving and couldn't stay in the same position for too long because he might be exposed.

This group of night watchmen happened to pass by them. When passing by them, one of the night watchmen glanced at Lin Fan.


Lin Fan suddenly heard the sound of bees. He was surprised. He looked around and saw no bees. At this moment, he felt a little pain on the back of his hand. When he looked down, he found a red dot on it.

The red dot looked like it had been bitten by something.


When he stared at the red dot, he saw a drop of green liquid below the red dot, and began to spread along his hand and to his entire arm.

The green liquid spread very quickly. In less than a second, his entire arm was filled with the green liquid, and it spread to his entire arm like very thin green silk threads. hand.

Then, along his shoulders, it began to spread to every corner of his body. As these green threads spread, he felt as if his entire hand was numb and unconscious, and at the same time, a feeling of weakness appeared.

"No, it's poison!"

His heart skipped a beat. This was a kind of poison. The speed at which this poison spread was terrifying. It could spread to every corner of his body and into his mind in just a few seconds.

When the poison spread to the lower part of his neck, he felt the danger of death.

He did not hesitate to use his ability to control all things and began to control the poison in his body, locking the poison tightly under his neck so that the poison could not break through.

At the same time, he was controlling the poison to shrink in his body and retreat toward his arm.

The parts of the body invaded by the poison felt numb and unconscious, but when he contracted the poison into his arm, his body slowly regained consciousness.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He stood there blankly, controlling the poison with all his strength. Finally, the poison was compressed to his right arm and slowly compressed on the back of his hand.

Finally, a drop of green venom squeezed out from the red dot.

When the drop of venom was squeezed out of his body under his control, his body slowly returned to normal.

"Are you OK?"

Ji Ziyue saw Lin Fan standing there blankly, with a pale face and sweating profusely. She walked over. When she saw a drop of green venom suspended above the back of Lin Fan's hand, her pupils shrank.

"This is…"

Seeing this drop of green venom, she always felt very familiar. Suddenly, she thought of something.

"This is bee venom, it kills people invisible!"

Ji Ziyue's face looked ugly. She didn't expect that there was bee venom here. Bee venom is the venom that the undercover bees of the Mechanical Cult are good at. Bee members, they can use bee venom to assassinate all targets.

"This is level two bee venom, which can kill superpowers below level five!"

Bee venom is divided into levels one to five. Every kind of bee venom can kill people in two realms.

This second-level bee venom can kill third-level and fourth-level superpower users, and only fifth-level superpower users can resist it.

Ji Ziyue didn't know how Lin Fan forced this drop of bee venom out of her body, but she was very angry now.

"Did you see who took action?" she asked.


Lin Fan shook his head. He had no idea who was attacking him, but he thought that a group of night watchmen had just passed in front of him.

If there was a suspect, it would be someone from this team of night watchmen.

Bee is a member of the Mechanical Cult. Lin Fan looked into the darkness next to him. The group of night watchmen was lurking somewhere a hundred meters away from him, launching an attack on the creatures in the dark world. Lin Fan's gaze Staring at this group of night watchmen, there were ten of them in total.

His eyes were fixed on the bodies of these people, and after seeing through their bodies, he found that seven of the people in this group were made of flesh and blood, while three of them were mechanical.

First of all, the seven flesh and blood bodies can be eliminated, and the suspects are locked on the other three mechanical bodies.

There are also some people in the Night Watch whose bodies have been transformed by machines. Therefore, just by looking at the mechanical bodies, it is impossible to tell that the other party is an undercover agent of the Mechanical Religion.

Of course, one of these three mechanical bodies must be a member of Bee.

"I found three suspects!"

Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on the three night watchmen with mechanical bodies. All three of them were level two superpowers.

Judging from the superficial conditions, it is impossible to tell who is a member of the bees.

"Who are the three people?" Ji Ziyue asked.

Lin Fan pointed out the locations of the three night watchmen to Ji Ziyue. Ji Ziyue glanced at them. Then she took out her mobile phone and started to query the detailed information of these three people directly through the night watchman database.

The information of each Night Watchman can be checked on the Night Watchman's official website. Of course, this requires permission.

But as Ji Ziyue's status as a fifth-level night watchman, her authority was sufficient, and she easily retrieved the detailed information of these three people.

But her brows soon furrowed. These three people were all created by ordinary civilians who copied their powers step by step. Their identities and backgrounds were very innocent.

It is impossible to determine which of the three is a Bee member through their profiles alone.

"It can't be found out." Ji Ziyue shook her head.

However, one thing that can be determined now is that one of these three people must be a member of the Bee.

"Catch them all first and interrogate them one by one!"

Special thanks to Luo Xiling for voting monthly! Please follow up on the reading. I recommend reading on Tuesday to test the waters. Please help with reading in the next few days.

Chapter 86 Bee Bomb (please follow up)

The target was locked among the three night watchmen with mechanical bodies. Lin Fan looked at the three night watchmen.

The health bars on the heads of these three people are all 100%, LV2.

He nodded to Ji Ziyue and prepared to approach the three people, find a way to catch them, and then use other methods to detect who was the bee.


The familiar sound of a bee suddenly sounded. He looked up and saw a mosquito-sized bee in front of him. It suddenly shot toward his eyebrows at an extremely terrifying speed, dozens of times faster than the speed of a bullet.

At this speed, normal people would have no time to react, but as a third-level superpower, his reaction speed was very fast. He did not hesitate to use the ability to control all things, and instantly controlled the bee. The bee just arrived. Two centimeters in front of his eyebrows, he controlled everything and fixed it here.


This bee looks the same as a normal bee, except that it is smaller, and it is still vibrating its wings, trying to break through the control that controls everything.

"Be careful, get out of the way!"

Ji Ziyue reminded Lin Fan at the side, but it was too late. The bee's wings vibrated faster suddenly, and then exploded directly in front of Lin Fan with a bang.

Lin Fan felt a stinging pain between his eyebrows, and then a burning pain followed by loss of consciousness between his eyebrows.

After the bee exploded, his eyebrows were directly blown to pieces with blood, and the venom carried in the bee's body also entered his brain along the wound.

"Get out!"

Lin Fan endured the pain and used the ability to control all things to control the venom that was seeping into his brain from the wound between his eyebrows. He controlled the venom and squeezed it out from the wound.

Drops of green venom were squeezed out, and a total of nine drops of venom were suspended in front of him.

The wound between his eyebrows was also controlled by him, squirming, slowly sealing the wound so that the blood would no longer flow out and gradually become scarred.

"This is the bee's peak bomb. It will penetrate the target's eyebrows the moment it finds the target, and explode inside the target's body. As the bee venom spreads, you must not let the bee bomb enter your body!"

Ji Ziyue told Lin Fan about Feng Dan's situation in one breath, and Lin Fan felt a little scared. If it weren't for the fact that he could control everything within thirty meters, he would have been doomed just now.

Every bee member is an extremely terrifying killer. They are the trump card of the Mechanical Cult. They are specially placed undercover within the Federation and will not be exposed easily under normal circumstances.

Bee members generally have several attack methods, one of which is bee venom. The bee members control mechanical bees to approach the target, and then bite the target's skin normally, passing the bee venom into the target's body.

The bee venom will spread to every corner of the target's body within five seconds, causing the target to be poisoned to death.

Bee venom is divided into level one bee venom to level five bee venom. Each type of bee venom can poison the enemy in two realms. If you encounter level five bee venom, those with powers below gods will basically die!

What attacked Lin Fan this time was level two bee venom, which could theoretically kill a person with powers below level five!

In addition to using bee venom to kill targets, bee members also use bee bombs!

After the bee venom fails to attack the target, the bee bomb comes into play. The bee bomb is a mechanical bee the size of a mosquito. They will find the target in the crowd.

In the brain of each mechanical bee, a photo of the target will be uploaded. Through comparative analysis of the target photo, after locking the target in the crowd, they will instantly penetrate the target's eyebrows at an extremely terrifying speed.

The target is pierced between the eyebrows. If the target is not dead, the mechanical bee will instantly explode in the target's brain, destroying all the tissues inside the target's brain.

If the target is not dead in this case, then the moment the mechanical bee explodes, it will also release ten drops of bee venom stored in the body. These bee venoms will spread rapidly, spreading to every part of the target's body within a few seconds. A corner to poison the target!

Theoretically speaking, as long as the target is hit by the bee bomb, it is basically impossible to survive!

The record of the bees is very terrifying. They almost never fail. The targets they target will eventually die!

Lin Fan also had a little fear in his heart. He had brushed shoulders with death. Fortunately, he controlled the mechanical bee outside his forehead and did not enter his forehead. Otherwise, he would have died.


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