In the darkness, they could hear the sound of bodies exploding in an instant.


Under the attack of the mechanical horn, the bodies of the night watchmen exploded one by one. No matter whether they were level one or level five psychics, as long as they entered the attack range of the mechanical horn, they would be wiped out in three seconds at most.

"How long will Passerby A take?"

Director Zhang looked grim. The night watchmen suffered heavy losses this time. They were buying time for Passerby A, but Passerby A had not yet controlled the mechanical horn. If this continued, they would probably be wiped out.

But they could not see what Passerby A was doing at all. Only Lin Fan could see it. The moment he turned around, he saw Passerby A standing next to Long Wu, staring at Long Wu's hands.

Passerby A was frantically memorizing the rhythm of Long Wu beating the mechanical horn. Finally, he memorized all the techniques and he took action!

Passerby A stretched out a hand and grabbed Long Wu's left hand. Long Wu's left hand was hitting the mechanical horn. Suddenly, he was caught. He was stunned for a moment. He tried to hit the mechanical horn, but his left hand seemed to be nailed in the void and could not move at all.

"What's going on..."

He looked at his left hand in confusion. Suddenly, he felt that his right hand could not move. Passerby A grabbed Long Wu's hands at the same time, preventing him from hitting the mechanical horn.

When Long Wu stopped hitting the mechanical horn, the music of the mechanical horn began to get smaller and smaller. After a few seconds, the mechanical horn became quiet and no music sounded.

"It's you!"

Long Wu instantly understood that the enemy hiding in the dark had made a move. His hands were caught. His hands were mechanized and turned into two gun barrels. He fired energy shells at the void in front of him.


The energy shells brushed against Passerby A's body and flew into the void from both sides. Passerby A's body twisted at a weird angle and avoided Long Wu's energy shells.

Passerby A stood in front of Long Wu, grabbed his hands, raised them up, and pointed Long Wu's double-gun barrels directly at the sky, and fired energy shells vertically into the sky.

Long Wu looked at his hands in horror. He didn't see anyone in front of him, but his hands were controlled to fire shells into the sky, and he couldn't move at all.

Long Wu felt the crisis, and the gears in his body turned madly, and then his body mechanized, directly from a human form to a mechanical sphere.


After turning into a mechanical sphere, Long Wu spun around frantically in place, trying to attack the invisible enemy, but Passerby A easily avoided the sphere. Long Wu turned more than ten times and still couldn't attack the enemy.

Suddenly, Passerby A slapped Long Wu, and Long Wu's body trembled. He felt that the gears in his body seemed to be broken, and he was going to die... He was terrified, and turned into a ray of light frantically, away from the mechanical horn.

As soon as Long Wu left the mechanical horn, Passerby A jumped off the mechanical horn and walked towards the ten members of the Mechanical Cult below. He walked to them one by one and slapped their heads with his hands.

He knocked them unconscious on the ground. After these people fell to the ground, their health bars changed from 100% to zero.

In less than half a minute, all ten members of the Mechanical Cult were killed by Passerby A, and he also got the mechanical horn.

Passerby A stood on the mechanical horn with cold eyes, ready to activate the mechanical horn to attack the creatures of the dark world!

Please read it again, today's reading is very important.

Chapter 89 Massacre (Please read it again)

When the sound of the mechanical horn stopped, the night watchman stopped running, and Lin Fan also told Ji Ziyue that Passerby A had snatched the mechanical horn and they were safe.

"Can you see Passerby A?" Ji Ziyue looked at Lin Fan in shock.

"Yes, he is trying to activate the mechanical horn now."

After hearing Lin Fan say this, Ji Ziyue took a breath of cold air, and Director Zhang also ran over. Only the three of them knew the existence of Passerby A.

Now, hearing Lin Fan say that Passerby A was about to start the mechanical horn, they were both stunned, and their eyes were full of expectations.

"Can Passerby A succeed? I heard that only the core members of the Mechanical Sect can successfully start the mechanical horn..." Director Zhang said worriedly.

"I don't know..." Lin Fan shook his head. He could only see Passerby A standing on the mechanical horn, staring at the creatures of the dark world, as if he was ready to start the mechanical horn. As for whether it could be started successfully... he didn't know.

All the night watchmen hid in the dark and did not dare to approach the mechanical horn.

Lin Fan and the other two were waiting, expecting Passerby A to create a miracle.

At the same time, after Long Wu escaped from the mechanical horn, bursts of broken sounds came from his body. Most of the gears in his body were broken in an instant, and he fell heavily to the ground...

His consciousness was blurred, and he was severely injured. If his body was not a mechanical body, he would have died with this degree of injury.

Passerby A just slapped his butt, and he almost died.

"Who on earth is that person..."

Long Wu felt that he might die at any moment, and he didn't even dare to look back at the mechanical horn.

He knew that the mechanical horn should be gone, stolen by the invisible enemy, and if he went back, he would probably be severely punished.

The mechanical horn is very important to the Mechanical Cult. His 100 lives are not worth a mechanical horn, but he has no choice. If he doesn't escape, he will die.

"Everyone listen to the order, grab the mechanical horn at all costs!"

Before Long Wu fainted completely, he issued the last order.

Then, his world fell into darkness. If Lin Fan was here, he could see that Long Wu's health bar was slowly decreasing.

After all the members of the Mechanical Cult received Long Wu's last order, they all rushed towards the direction of the mechanical horn frantically, ready to grab the mechanical horn back.

As for other dark world organizations, although they did not receive Long Wu's order, they saw all the members of the Mechanical Cult rushing towards the mechanical horn. They hesitated for a while and finally rushed towards the mechanical horn. They also saw the mechanical horn in the open space in the distance. They were also very interested in the mechanical horn.

In a sense, there is no one around the mechanical horn now, which is considered an ownerless thing. Whoever grabs it will own it.

"Grab the mechanical horn at all costs!" The head of the Flesh and Blood Cult, the Blood God, decisively ordered.

They and the Mechanic Sect are enemies. If they can snatch the mechanical horn from here, then the Mechanic Sect will never be able to reorganize the God of Machinery!

In order to save the God of Flesh and Blood, they must stop the Mechanic Sect from reorganizing the body of the God of Machinery!

"Take down the mechanical horn."

Not only the Flesh and Blood Sect, but other dark world organizations are also very tempted by the mechanical horn. This is a big killer!

Whoever masters the mechanical horn is invincible here!

When facing the Federation, the dark world organizations will unite together for a short time, but they are also competitors, and many are even enemies!

A group of dark world organization members, each with their own ulterior motives, want to snatch the mechanical horn that has no owner.

The dense dark world creatures rushed towards the mechanical horn frantically.

Passerby A stood on the mechanical horn, and no one could see him. He calmly watched a group of dark world creatures rushing towards him.

When he saw that all these dark world creatures rushed into the attack range of the mechanical horn, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

He was waiting for the best time to attack, ready to catch all the dark world creatures in one fell swoop.

His brows furrowed slightly, because he saw that the strongest dark world creatures did not rush over, such as Blood God, Yin Qi and other level 5 superpowers. They all stood outside the attack range of the mechanical horn, and seemed very cautious. They just let their members rush over, and they did not participate.

"What a pity..."

Passerby A took a deep breath. Yin Qi and others did not come in, so he could not catch them all in one fell swoop.

But looking at the dark world creatures rushing around densely, getting rid of all these people was also a success!

Passerby A stood on the mechanical horn, recalling the rhythm of Long Wu beating the mechanical horn before. He stretched out his hands and gently patted it on the mechanical horn. A note came out of the mechanical horn, and the sound was very small.

He continued to pat a few more times, and the mechanical horn slowly sent out a melody like a birthday song. When this melody came out, the dark world creatures who rushed to the front were stunned for a moment.

"Did you hear the music?"

"It seems to be coming from the mechanical speaker, but that's impossible. There's no one around the mechanical speaker, how can it start automatically?"

"Something's wrong..."

When Passerby A slapped the mechanical speaker in a certain rhythm, the sound from the mechanical speaker became louder and louder.

The dark world creatures running in the front finally realized that something was wrong. They began to stop and turn around, preparing to escape the attack range of the mechanical speaker.

"Don't come over! The mechanical speaker has been activated, run away!"


The dark world creatures in the front shouted loudly, calling on the dark world creatures around to escape the attack range of the mechanical speaker as soon as possible, but it was too late.

"No, come back quickly!"


The faces of the Blood God, Yin Qi and others on the outside changed drastically. They also heard the music from the mechanical speaker. They frantically ordered everyone to retreat, but it was too late.

The beautiful melody sounded, and the sound became louder and louder. The dark world creatures running in the front were directly shattered by the music before they escaped far.

The densely packed dark world creatures shattered like bubbles, and were annihilated by the music of the mechanical horn.


One by one, the dark world creatures died instantly, and turned into ashes. The area within a kilometer directly became a slaughterhouse. All the dark world creatures within this range were killed.

A group of level 4 dark world creatures supported for two more seconds in the music and narrowly escaped the attack range of the mechanical horn, but they were also severely injured and dying.

"Retreat, leave here!"

Please read it again, it is very important to read it again today.

Chapter 90 A, you did a good job


The bodies of the dark world creatures were shattered by the music.

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