But the gears in his body were suddenly stuck, and were controlled by Lin Fan's ability to control everything, so that his gears could not run quickly. Even the shield that his head turned into began to slow down, and the mechanical gears inside suddenly ran slowly!

He felt the crisis of death, but his blood bar was too low, and he could not form an effective counterattack under Lin Fan's attack.

"Lin Fan is here!"

The bloodless man roared with all his strength, and all the dark world creatures around him heard it. Lin Fan's face changed, and he accelerated the attack. A series of destructive thunders instantly penetrated the mechanical shield at the bloodless man's head and killed him.

[Experience +1000]

Lin Fan had no time to enjoy the joy of the increase in experience points, and instantly disappeared from the spot.

A few seconds after he left, a series of terrifying figures appeared on the spot. Looking at the members of the mechanical sect who were killed on the ground, everyone's face was very ugly.

"He actually dared to come out and hunt us, what a courage!"

"A small level 3 night watchman is so rampant, find him and kill him!"

A group of powerful dark world creatures instantly dispersed in all directions and began to look for Lin Fan. Lin Fan hid above a big tree and calmly stared at the flashing terrifying figures below.

His shadow demon can make him invisible in front of psychics below level 5. Once a level 5 psychic appears nearby, he will be discovered.

Therefore, he tried to lock those level 5 psychics in advance and avoid them first.

He jumped down from the tree, avoided the nearby level 5 psychics, and rushed towards the nearest level 4 residual blood.

Killing three more level 4 residual blood, he can collect 10,000 experience points. He is now deep in the tiger's den, but wealth and honor are sought in danger!

He bypassed all the level 5 psychics who were looking for him and quietly came to the nearest level 4 residual blood. This was a member of the Flesh and Blood Sect, who was turning into a ball of flesh in a big pit, wriggling and trying to repair his injured body.

Lin Fan came to the edge of the pit and looked down at the meat ball below.

He looked around and saw that there were no powerful dark world creatures within 500 meters. He acted decisively.

Thunders of destruction struck the meat ball like raindrops. He also jumped into the pit, holding the Grim Reaper's sickle in his hand. With a fierce blow, he directly split the meat ball in half, and the meat ball screamed.

Then, the two halves of the meat ball squirmed and turned into a gorgeous woman with only the upper body. She looked around in horror. She couldn't see Lin Fan.


Lin Fan held the Grim Reaper's sickle and chopped off the woman's head with one blow.

[Experience value +1000]

After solving this residual blood, he decisively left here and looked for other level 4 residual blood again.

Perhaps they had heard the news, and all the remaining HP began to move away from this area.

Because they all knew that Lin Fan could be invisible and could still see them, no matter how well they hid, they would be discovered. One by one, the remaining HP began to retreat with their seriously injured bodies.

Like a ghost, Lin Fan avoided those level 5 psychics and easily caught up with a level 4 remaining HP.

This was a black-robed man, who was covered in black robes. His real body under the black robe was actually a human-shaped black smoke, like a ghost.

Lin Fan caught up with this level 4 black-robed remaining HP, and the opponent's HP bar was only 17%.

He was floating in the dark, 20 centimeters above the ground, running forward. His speed was not very fast, and Lin Fan easily caught up with him.

Chapter 94 10,000 Experience Points

In the dark, the level 4 black-robed man was running madly in front. His HP bar was very low and his running speed was very slow.

Lin Fan came to his side and used his ability to control everything to instantly control the black-robed man's body.

The black-robed man was horrified to find that his body seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and it was difficult to move, as if he was bound by something. A trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Lin Fan!"

He was sure that Lin Fan was attacking him.

He launched a mental attack without hesitation, and a mental wave emanated from his mind, attacking all around without dead angles.

Lin Fan felt a mental wave rushing towards his mind, and a series of destructive thunders instantly appeared in his mind, and the destructive thunders blasted away the mental waves.


The destructive thunder can attack or defend. The health bar of this fourth-level black-robed man was too low, and the mental attack was not too strong. Lin Fan easily blocked it.

A series of destructive thunders appeared around the fourth-level black-robed man, surrounded him, and formed a destructive attack on him.

The destructive thunder naturally restrained dark creatures. The black-robed man was attacked by the destructive thunder, and suddenly bursts of black smoke emanated from his body, and his body was dissipating.

"What kind of thunder is this?"

He was horrified to find that he could not resist the destructive thunder.


The destructive thunder penetrated the black robe of the black-robed man. This black robe was his defense. Once penetrated, his body was passively exposed and was killed by the destructive thunder.

In one second, the black-robed man's body was destroyed by the destructive thunder, and it turned into ashes, leaving a tattered black robe on the spot.

[Experience +1000]

Lin Fan took a deep breath. His experience value broke through the 9,000 mark. He only needed to kill one more level 4 psychic to upgrade one of his talents.

He looked around calmly, locking onto the other remaining HP.

Within 500 meters, he could clearly see the health bars of everything, and through the health bars he could identify the level of residual blood.

He first ruled out the level 3 residual blood, which could only bring him 100 experience points, and he needed the level 4 residual blood.

In the darkness, his eyes locked on a level 4 residual blood, who was running away and was about to escape the 500-meter range. He chased after the level 4 residual blood without hesitation.

He avoided the level 5 superpowers who rushed towards him one by one.

Finally, he locked on the residual blood in front.

This was a middle-aged man with crazy eyes, disheveled hair, looking like a savage, exuding bloodthirsty wildness all over his body.

There were many wounds on his body that were bleeding, dyeing his clothes blood red, and he was running in front like a bloody man.


Lin Fan was very surprised that another dark world organization appeared!

Splitters, he had never encountered them before, but he didn't expect that there was a member of the Splitters here!

The Splitter belongs to a powerful organization in the dark world. They have a large number of members, distributed in all corners of the world.

The Splitter is a human with superpowers, but they live in the dark world. In a sense, they and the humans in the real world are actually humans, but because they live in the dark world, they do not think that they are the same race as the humans in the real world!

The Splitter hides in the dark and tries to overthrow the rule of the Federation. They want to dominate the world and become the leader of all mankind. What they are best at is splitting and disintegrating various forces from within.

The damage caused by the Splitter to the Federation is very strong. The Splitter has disintegrated many federal bases and even instigated many powerful Night Watchmen to join the Splitter camp.

This is a Level 4 Splitter. He was severely injured by the attack of the mechanical horn. His health bar was only 19%. He ran forward with blood all over his body...

Suddenly, he felt that his feet were tripped by something, and then his body lost balance and fell directly to the ground.

He tried to get up, but he was horrified to find that his hands were also controlled by something. Lin Fan was hiding next to him, and used his ability to control everything to control the hands and feet of the splitter.

He couldn't move.

It seemed that his movements were very stiff. At this moment, a series of destructive thunders suddenly appeared and struck his head.

At the critical moment, the splitter roared and instantly broke free from Lin Fan's control of everything. He rolled on the ground and avoided most of the destructive thunders. Only a few destructive thunders struck him. A burnt smell came, and his skin was split into black charcoal.

His health bar was not much to begin with. He just broke free with all his strength, causing his health bar to drop by three percentage points again. His eyes suddenly looked towards Lin Fan's position.

He seemed to be able to see Lin Fan, and Lin Fan was also shocked. Fortunately, he just glanced in Lin Fan's direction and then looked away. His eyes flashed with a crazy look. If you look at him, you will be affected by his eyes and fall into madness.

Lin Fan felt that the Splitter was just looking around randomly. The Splitter's eyes could not be made to look at them. Normal people who looked at them would be affected by their crazy expressions and become crazy, and then attack the people around them mindlessly.

Lin Fan used the ability to control everything to control the Splitter's body, while attacking him with the Thunder of Destruction. Finally, he held the Death Scythe and appeared behind the Splitter in an instant. With one slash, he directly split the Splitter's head in half.

[Experience +1000]

[Do you want to consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade the talent Shadow Realm]

[Do you want to consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade the talent Shadow Demon]

[Do you want to consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade the talent Control Everything]

[Do you want to consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade the talent Destruction Thunder]

[Do you want to consume 100 experience points to draw a random talent]

When the experience value exceeded 10,000, five choices popped up in his mind. Looking at these five choices, he hesitated for a moment and finally chose to upgrade the talent Shadow Demon!

The reason for upgrading the Talented Shadow Demon is that after the upgrade, he will be able to hide in the dark more perfectly. At least, in this time train base, he is confident that even a level 5 psychic will not be able to see his invisibility!

In a completely invisible state, he can assassinate anyone at that time. At least, he is invincible and no one can threaten his life. He can even threaten and assassinate level 5 psychics!

[Talented Shadow Demon Upgrading...]

Chapter 95 Shadow Demon Level 4

[Talented Shadow Demon Upgraded Successfully]

Shadow Demon Level 4, he hides in the dark, and the attack range is also expanded to 40 meters. Within 40 meters, he can turn into black fog and instantly devour the enemy. Below level 5, there should not be many people who can resist his devouring.

From now on, he can be regarded as a level 4 psychic, barely having the power to protect himself. In this time train base, those level 5 psychics should not be able to see him.

He calmly looked around and locked onto a level five psychic who was closest to him. He quietly approached the man. In the dark, he could take a step of 40 meters, and his speed was very fast. He was close to the man in an instant.

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