Lin Fan glanced around. His eyes could clearly see all the details within 500 meters. Beyond 500 meters, he could also vaguely see some figures. He did not see anyone approaching.

Long Wu is bluffing him!

However, he also couldn't understand why Long Wu didn't ask for support? Is he worried about something?

Quick victory!

Delay will lead to change!

Lin Fan instantly transformed into black mist and shrouded Long Wu directly. Long Wu was lying on the spot. Most of the gears in his body had been broken. He could only move his head, and most of the gears in his body below his head were broken. It was broken, so he lay there like a vegetable, watching helplessly as Lin Fan's black mist enveloped him.

He felt a terrifying devouring force descending on his body and began to devouring his entire body.

"Level 4..."

Long Wu was horrified. He originally thought that Lin Fan was only a level three superpower. When the black mist swallowed him, he felt how powerful Lin Fan was. This was not level three. This was clearly level four!

"When did you reach level 4!"

Long Wu was desperate. He was confused by Lin Fan. Lin Fan gave him two level three powers at the beginning, making him mistakenly think that Lin Fan was still a level three power user. Now Lin Fan caught him by surprise and a level four power swallowed him up. , which directly confused him.

He wanted to resist, but found that his world was dark, and he could clearly feel that his health was weakening...

Lin Fan devoured Long Wu with all his strength, not giving him a chance to resist or ask for help!

Devoured by the shadow demon, Long Wu's health bar was slowly declining.



Although he couldn't kill Long Wu at once, he could kill Long Wu slowly, and he could clearly see Long Wu's health bar decreasing.

Long Wu felt the threat of death, but his blood bar was too low. He tried hard to resist, but the more fierce he resisted, the faster his blood bar dropped.


Chapter 97 Level 4 Shadow Realm, One Thousand Meters

Long Wu felt that his consciousness was blurred, and his health bar was only in single digits.

Devoured by Lin Fan, he was completely in despair.

Seeing that Long Wu's health bar was only 7%, Lin Fan felt confident in his heart. Ten thousand experience points were about to be obtained!

Suddenly, Long Wu showed a strange smile to Lin Fan.

When he saw Long Wu's smile, Lin Fan instinctively felt uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

Long Wu knew that he was bound to die, so he sent a distress signal with all his strength.

Near the Time Train base, all members of the Mechanical Cult received Long Wu's distress signal at the same time, and Long Wu also sent his location coordinates to them.

"Long Wu is delaying Lin Fan and buying us time. Let's get there quickly!"

The leaders of other dark world organizations also received Long Wu's coordinate information, and they decisively led their people towards Lin Fan.

"Everyone, please note that Lin Fan's stealth ability has become stronger. We can't see him even fifty meters away. We have to set up a dragnet to seal him in place!" The Blood God sent a message to other fifth-level superpower users. information.

He proposed that all level five superpowers form a circular encirclement, with each person fifty meters apart. With this encirclement, they would approach Lin Fan's position to form an encirclement.

All the creatures in the dark world received the order and all moved toward Lin Fan's position to surround him.

Lin Fan didn't know that he was surrounded. Although he felt uneasy in his heart, he didn't know what was happening. He just wanted to kill Long Wu and leave here. Long Wu only had 4 health bars left. %.

"No, Lin Fan is surrounded!"

Ji Ziyue received news from an undercover agent they had installed in the Mechanical Religion. The undercover agent told her that Lin Fan's position had been exposed and that he was surrounded by creatures from the dark world.

"The dragnet has been formed, and he probably won't be able to escape!"

Ji Ziyue's first reaction was to lead people to rescue Lin Fan.

"No, are you sure the news from the undercover is true? What if this is a trap? Our duty is to control the time train base, we can't be impulsive!"

Director Zhang stopped Ji Ziyue. He believed that they had just taken control of the Time Train Base. If they went out to rescue Lin Fan rashly, they would be weak. If they fell into the trap of the creatures from the dark world, their efforts would be ruined. Fall short!

The most important thing is that they cannot activate the mechanical horn and cannot fight against all creatures in the dark world.

They finally used the mechanical horn to frighten the creatures in the dark world. They have been staying here at the Time Train Base. They are absolutely safe, but if they leave the Time Train Base, they will be passive. It is very likely that the Calabash Baby will save Grandpa.

"Aren't we going to save Lin Fan?" Ji Ziyue said coldly.

"Of course we have to save, but we must focus on the time train. Let's do this. You and I will find some people to go out together, and the others will stay here and continue to guard the time train base.

I believe there is a mechanical loudspeaker here, and the creatures in the dark world do not dare to attack rashly. Let's go back quickly and save Lin Fan before leaving. "

Ji Ziyue smiled and nodded.

"Let's go too!" Xiao Wu and the other five volunteered.


Ji Ziyue and Director Zhang took several powerful fifth-level night watchmen, plus Xiao Wu and others towards Lin Fan's coordinates. Their move was a bit risky.

Of course, everyone is a level 5 psychic. If you are careful, there should be no problem. As for whether Lin Fan can be saved, it is unknown.


Lin Fan is still devouring Long Wu. Long Wu's vitality is very tenacious. Even if the blood bar is about to be cleared, he is still resisting fiercely. In the end, Long Wu's blood bar becomes zero and is completely devoured by Lin Fan.

[Experience value +10000]

A level 5 psychic directly increases 10,000 experience points. Four choices popped up in Lin Fan's mind instantly.

[Whether to consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade the talent shadow world]

[Whether to consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade the talent to control everything]

[Whether to consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade the talent to destroy thunder]

[Whether to consume 100 experience points to draw a random talent]

This time he did not hesitate at all and chose to upgrade the talent shadow world without hesitation.

[Talent Shadow World Upgrading...]

After spending 10,000 experience points, the talent shadow world was upgraded to level 4. His eyes changed dramatically again.

Within a thousand meters, he could see all the details clearly, and the distance doubled directly!

He looked around and could see through all the scenery within a thousand meters. He could see it clearly like a magnifying glass, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Because he saw that within a thousand meters, there were already densely packed dark world creatures, and even many level five superpowers appeared on all sides of him, surrounding him!

His good mood, which had just been upgraded to level four, was instantly shattered, and he finally understood why he felt uneasy.

Run away!

He did not hesitate to hide, disappeared on the spot, and began to break through the weakest point, but he soon found that no matter which direction he went, he could meet level five superpowers.

These level five superpowers formed a circle, each less than fifty meters apart, and were surrounding him, and as the distance to him got closer and closer, the distance between these level five superpowers was also shortening.

Soon, the distance between each level 5 superpower was less than 40 meters, which meant that no matter which direction he ran, he would be discovered by these level 5 superpowers.

"Save me..."

Lin Fan had no choice but to send a distress message to Ji Ziyue. Ji Ziyue quickly replied that she and Director Zhang were coming to rescue him with a group of level 5 night watchmen. The two of them directly started sharing their locations.

Lin Fan looked at Ji Ziyue's location on his phone. He was at least two kilometers away from him, but the dark world creatures were less than eight hundred meters away from him.

It was difficult for Ji Ziyue to get to him before these dark world creatures found him.

"Hold on, we'll be there soon!"

Lin Fan glanced around. He could see all the details within a kilometer clearly. He was thinking about how to delay time!

He couldn't run away. These level 5 dark world creatures had formed an encirclement. No matter where he ran, he would be discovered because the distance between each level 5 dark world creature was only thirty meters.

Once he approached the level 5 dark world creatures for fifty meters, he would be discovered. Thirty meters was a dangerous range.

The only advantage is that these level 5 dark world creatures can't see him now. He is in the dark and they are in the light!

"Since I can't run away, I'll fight to the death!"

Chapter 98 Killing Crazy

Lin Fan's advantage is invisibility!

As long as he is not close to 50 meters, even level 5 superpowers can't see him.

He took a deep breath and rushed towards the dark world creature in front of him. He was hidden in the darkness, like a ghost, and he took a 40-meter step, and instantly shortened the distance with the dark world creature in front.

In front of him, a group of people from the Flesh and Blood Sect appeared. These people were less than 40 meters away from him. He launched an attack without hesitation. Thunders of destruction appeared densely in the crowd and chopped them down. One by one, the heads of the members of the Flesh and Blood Sect were chopped off.

[Experience Value +100]

[Experience Value +10]


As long as he is below level 4, he can kill instantly and attack indiscriminately. The first row of Flesh and Blood Sect members fell, which attracted the attention of all dark world creatures.

Suddenly, densely packed creatures of the dark world surrounded him in this direction, but he did not retreat, but actively killed them among the dark world creatures. Wherever he passed, destructive thunders struck the dark world creatures to death one by one, and he received a steady stream of experience points...

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