From level one to level four, all the Infant God Birds were wiped out by him.

In the sky, the bodies of the Infant God Birds fell from the sky and hit the ground below.

A group of night watchmen who were patrolling near the Time Train Base were startled by the bodies of the Infant God Birds that suddenly fell from the sky.

Then, they saw the bodies of the Infant God Birds raining down from the sky.

"What's going on? Who is slaughtering the Infant God Birds?"

The night watchmen were stunned. Ji Ziyue and others also received the news soon. They came out of the Time Train Base and looked at the bodies of the Infant God Birds on the ground. These bodies ranged from level one to level four. The Infant God Birds seemed to be slaughtered by unknown enemies in the sky...

"Could it be the enemy of the Infant God Birds?"

"Everyone be alert. It should be a big guy. If anyone sees Lin Fan, let him come back and be ready to start the mechanical horn at any time!"

Director Zhang thought that an unknown enemy had come. The existence that could slaughter the Infant God Birds in the sky might not be so easy to deal with.

Ji Ziyue sent a message to Lin Fan, asking him to come back as soon as possible, but now Lin Fan was busy and had no time to read the message.

"I can't get in touch with him." Ji Ziyue said to Director Zhang.

"You continue to keep in touch with him, we will go back to the base to guard it first, we can't lose the base again this time."

All the night watchmen shrank their defenses and came to the time train base, and at the same time moved out the mechanical horn. Although they could not activate the mechanical horn for the time being, they could be used to shock the creatures of the dark world!

In the sky, Lin Fan was chasing the infant god bird. Half of the hundreds of infant god birds were slaughtered by him. The remaining infant god birds felt something was wrong and began to flee!

However, even though they fled in a scattered manner, they were still quickly caught up and killed by Lin Fan!

Nine hundred meters in an instant, Lin Fan's speed was really too terrifying. The infant god birds below level five were caught up by him before they had time to escape far, and their throats were cut in an instant.


The only level 5 infant bird roared angrily in the sky, his heart was bleeding. Almost all of his men were slaughtered, and he couldn't do anything to Lin Fan, Lin Fan's speed was too fast.

He couldn't catch up at all!

Lin Fan flashed quickly in the sky, slaughtering infant birds one by one. No matter how these birds ran, they would be quickly caught up by him. This was simply a one-sided slaughter!

He was killing like crazy!

Soon, his experience value broke through the 10,000 mark again, and three choices popped up in his mind.

[Should I consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade my talent Destruction Thunder]

[Should I consume 10,000 experience points to upgrade my talent Fuyao]

[Should I consume 100 experience points to draw a random talent]

Looking at the choices that popped up in his mind, he hesitated. Although his speed has become very fast now, his attack is still a bit weak!

Fast speed, weak attack, he can't do anything to level 5 mutants!

The speed is enough, maybe I should improve my attack!

"Upgrade the talent of Destruction Thunder!"

[The talent of Destruction Thunder is being upgraded...]

Please read on. Today's reading is very important. Please read to the end.

Chapter 103 Level 4 Destruction Thunder (Please read on)

[The talent of Destruction Thunder is successfully upgraded]

The Destruction Thunder has been upgraded to Level 4, and the attack range has been expanded to 40 meters!

A series of tiny arcs of Destruction Thunder traveled on his body, making him look like a Thor.

He clenched his hands and felt that he had endless energy.

He ran 900 meters in an instant and came behind a Level 4 Infant God Bird. A Destruction Thunder directly pierced the head of the Level 4 Infant God Bird, killing it instantly!

[Experience Value +1000]

Sure enough, after the attack power was increased, his combat power increased a lot.

With the blessing of Fuyao, he can quickly catch up with those fleeing Infant God Birds.

He ruthlessly slaughtered the Infant God Birds one by one. While his experience value increased rapidly, he also killed all the Infant God Birds. In the sky, only one Level 5 Infant God Bird was still alive.

The Level 5 Infant God Bird went crazy. He was like a madman looking for Lin Fan everywhere in the sky. However, Lin Fan was just looking at him quietly 50 meters away, thinking about how to kill him!

But he couldn't see Lin Fan at all. All his men were slaughtered by Lin Fan. He watched it all happen next to him, but couldn't stop it. No one could understand this feeling!

Lin Fan thought for a long time and finally decided to take a risk. He came behind the Infant God Bird in an instant, and the dense thunder of destruction struck the Infant God Bird.

The Infant God Bird was looking for Lin Fan. He was suddenly attacked by the thunder of destruction, and at the same time he sensed Lin Fan's figure. He turned around without hesitation, let out a baby's cry, and the terrifying mental attack instantly shook Lin Fan's side.

The destructive thunderbolts around Lin Fan were directly destroyed by this mental attack, and Lin Fan vomited blood and flew backwards. However, he felt much better this time. The power of the destructive thunderbolts increased, helping him to resist most of the mental attacks. He was only slightly injured...

"There is still a little gap..."

The destructive thunderbolt can defend and attack. Most of the mental attacks of the infant bird were blocked, but Lin Fan could not do anything to the infant bird.

"I won't play with you anymore."

Lin Fan realized that he couldn't kill this level 5 infant bird, so he changed his mind and prepared to go down to kill other dark world creatures. He didn't want to waste time here. Instead of entangled with this infant bird, it would be better to go down to earn more experience points.

He fell directly into free fall, falling towards the dark land below.

The infant bird saw him falling down, and it also swooped down, not intending to let Lin Fan go.

Lin Fan saw that the infant bird was chasing him, but he didn't care at all. With a little effort, he could instantly distance himself and make the infant bird unable to catch up with him.

Under the effect of Fuyao, Lin Fan quickly came to the dark land, and he could see everything within a kilometer clearly.

He easily saw a group of dark world creatures within a kilometer, they were hiding in the dark and ambushing.

Lin Fan came to this group of dark world creatures in an instant. These dark world creatures were all below level 5. Lin Fan came behind one of the level 4 dark world creatures and easily cut its throat with the Death Scythe...


[Experience +1000]

This dark world creature covered its throat and fell to the ground. The other dark world creatures looked at the corpse in horror.

"There is an enemy!"

"The invisible enemy, could it be Lin Fan?"

Just as they were terrified, Lin Fan took action. His figure flashed quickly and appeared behind the dark world creatures one by one, and easily cut their throats with the Death Scythe.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen dark world creatures fell to the ground.


The remaining dozen dark world creatures began to flee in a scattered manner, but their escape was useless. Lin Fan's soaring speed was 900 meters in an instant. He could catch up with any escaping dark world creature in an instant.

He was like the god of death, harvesting the lives of dark world creatures one by one.

He was killing madly again!

[Experience +1000]

After the last creature from the dark world was cut in the throat by him, he stood in the darkness, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. The feeling of killing made him a little bit intoxicated!

After opening his eyes, he searched around, and then he rushed in a certain direction. Soon, he saw another group of creatures from the dark world. They were a group of people from the Flesh and Blood Sect.

They were searching in the darkness, as if they were looking for someone.

"The Blood God has been killed. Let's go to the time train base and guard it. Once we see Lin Fan come out, we will kill him!"

When Lin Fan finished off the Blood God, he was seen by several people from the fourth-level Flesh and Blood Sect. So, after they went back, they mobilized all members to look for Lin Fan together.

They were ready to kill Lin Fan and avenge the Blood God.

At this moment, this group of people from the Flesh and Blood Sect were ready to ambush near the time train base, waiting for Lin Fan to come out and hunt him down.

"No need to go, I'm right beside you."

Lin Fan's voice suddenly sounded beside them. They turned back in fear, but they didn't see anyone.

"Lin Fan, you dare to appear beside us!"

"I was just going to look for you, but I didn't expect you to come to me on your own initiative."

"You are hiding your head and showing your tail, get out!"

The group of people from the Flesh and Blood Sect were very angry and roared angrily. They wanted to kill Lin Fan, but they didn't expect to meet him here.


Lin Fan didn't speak, but told them with his actions.

Lin Fan's figure flashed among the people of the Flesh and Blood Sect like a ghost. One by one, the members of the Flesh and Blood Sect suddenly covered their throats and fell to the ground. They were killed instantly by Lin Fan.

"What! How is it possible!"

"How did he become so powerful!"

Lin Fan started to slaughter the group of members of the Flesh and Blood Sect. One by one, the members of the Flesh and Blood Sect covered their throats and fell to the ground and died. They were scared and started to run away.

Lin Fan stared at them like the god of death, and his scythe easily cut their throats. They struggled in despair, but were eventually killed by Lin Fan easily.

"You can't do this!"

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