The god-level master saw that everyone's confidence was hit, and hurriedly comforted them. He told everyone that every night watcher who came here would be assigned to a battlefield of different levels.

For example, the first-level night watcher would be assigned to the first-level battlefield, and the second-level night watcher would be assigned to the second-level battlefield. They would not go to the battlefield that was too much beyond their strength!

After hearing him say this, everyone felt relieved. They were worried that they would be assigned to some terrible battlefields and be used as cannon fodder when they came here. This would be like sending themselves to death!

Fortunately, everything was reasonable. The flying warships passed through cities one after another. Most areas were uninhabited areas. There were also killings in uninhabited areas. Many night watchers and dark world creatures met in uninhabited areas, and fierce gunfights broke out between the two sides!

Once, they just saw a group of night watchers being surrounded and killed by a group of dark world creatures. Someone stood on the deck and called on the god-level master to let them go and rescue the night watchers below.

But the god-level master didn't care, but continued to move forward at a steady pace. Many people didn't understand that they could save the night watchmen as long as they went down.

"Why don't you save them?"

Someone questioned the god-level master, but the god-level master just looked at everyone coldly.

"The Night Watchmen have a strict hierarchy. Your mission is to go to Baihu City, not to save people on the way! My mission is to send all of you to Baihu City safely!"

After saying this, the god-level master ignored anyone.

Many people were thoughtful, but many people were not convinced. They could have saved them easily, so why didn't they save them?

Lin Fan stood in the corner of the deck, silent.

The flying warship finally took them through battlefields and finally arrived at Baihu City. Baihu City is a medium-sized city with a population of one million. It is now full of gunpowder smoke. When they arrived outside Baihu City, there was already a group of night watchmen waiting for them.

The flying warship slowly landed on the ground below, and then a thousand night watchmen lined up and walked down from the flying warship.

"I brought them here safely. The mission has been completed. I want to go back."

After the god-level master sent a thousand night watchmen here, he controlled the warship to take off and returned the same way.

And Lin Fan and his thousand people lined up here, waiting to receive the mission.

"I am Long Zhan, the commander of Baihu City. Welcome to Baihu City. Now, listen to my command. Level 1 night watchmen stand here, level 2 night watchmen stand here... level 5 night watchmen stand here!"

Long Zhan divided the thousand people into five camps according to their levels. Lin Fan and a dozen level 5 night watchmen stood on one side.

"Okay, take them away!"

As soon as Long Zhan finished speaking, the figures standing in front of the other four camps waved their hands and took them away in four different directions.

And Lin Fan and his fifteen people stayed where they were.

Long Zhan came in front of Lin Fan and the others. Lin Fan looked at Long Zhan. He could not see through Long Zhan's realm, which meant that Long Zhan was at least a three-god realm strongman.

"You are level 5 superpowers. You are qualified to lead a night watchman here, but I need to conduct a simple assessment on you. From now on, you will enter Baihu City alone and bring me the head of a level 5 dark world creature. Even if you pass the assessment, you can immediately become a centurion. I will arrange a night watchman of 100 people for you and obey your orders!"

"By the way, I need to remind you that you should not go too deep behind the enemy. Come back as soon as you complete the mission. The night watchman has a strict hierarchy. You cannot act on your own. You must report to me before doing anything!"

After Long Zhan finished speaking, he directly let the fifteen people disband on the spot and let them go to Baihu City on their own.

Lin Fan and the other fifteen people looked at each other. They did not expect that they would face a small assessment just after coming here.

Some people looked a little pale. Although they were level 5 psychics, it was still a little difficult to kill a level 5 dark world creature alone. It was very likely that they would be killed instead of being hunted.

But some people were full of confidence. They rushed to the White Tiger City in front of them.

Lin Fan left alone. After reaching the safe zone, he went invisible and entered the White Tiger City directly.

In the invisible state, even a strong man in the God Realm could not see Lin Fan unless he was 100 meters close to Lin Fan. As for the psychics below the God Realm, they could not see Lin Fan directly.

The structure of the White Tiger City was similar to that of a normal city. They were outside the city and could enter the city directly along the ring road.

Lin Fan went invisible and entered the White Tiger City carefully, 500 meters in an instant. He did not dare to run too fast. If he ran into the enemy in an instant, he would be finished. Along the way, he saw too many god-level creatures.

If he accidentally teleported to a god-level creature, he would not even have a chance to escape.

500 meters in an instant was just right.

It was very quiet along the way, and he met several groups of night watchmen.

This part of the area is temporarily controlled by the night watchmen. There are no dark world creatures here. You need to pass through this area and reach the middle of the city to encounter dark world creatures.

The middle position is also the most intense area of ​​the battlefield. The night watchmen and dark world creatures use this as the center of the battlefield and a war breaks out. The two sides come and go, and there are constant battles.

Lin Fan came to the most intense area of ​​the battlefield and saw the battle in front. The densely packed night watchmen were fighting with countless dark world creatures.

People on both sides kept falling, but generally speaking, the Night Watchmen died more.

The battlefield was also divided into levels. People of the same level fought each other, and few high-level people ran to the low-level area, which would destroy the balance.

In general, people of the same level fought each other, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals. In some special cases, those powerful psychics would suddenly rush into the low-level psychics and slaughter them.

But if you do this, the other party will do the same.

So a kind of tacit understanding was formed. Everyone fought at the same level and would not easily slaughter the other party's low-level psychics.

After Lin Fan arrived here, his eyes naturally locked on those level 5 dark world creatures, which was also his goal to come here.

He first observed the battlefield and found that there were at least hundreds of god-level dark world creatures on the battlefield, distributed in different areas.

And the level 5 battlefield he locked on had a one-god-level dark world creature nearby, and he was fighting with a one-god-level Night Watchman.

Their eyes swept across the battlefield from time to time.

As long as they found that they were in a weak position, they would secretly take action and directly break the balance.

However, the two were restraining each other, making it impossible for the other to attack, so they could only watch the people below fight on their own.

Lin Fan analyzed the battlefield and he could attack quickly to gain experience points.

He disappeared from the spot in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the fifth-level battlefield. Looking at the fifth-level superpowers fighting around him, he came behind a fifth-level dark world creature.

This was a humanoid creature with wide fangs and red hair all over his body. He was fighting with a fifth-level night watchman.

Lin Fan calmly walked behind him and gently placed the Grim Reaper's sickle in his hand on his neck. The humanoid creature felt a chill on his neck, and then his neck was directly cut by Lin Fan with the Grim Reaper's sickle, and Lin Fan stabbed his heart again.

[Experience +10000]

Chapter 118 Upgrade your talent to control everything, kill dark world creatures with the Grim Reaper's sickle, and frame the invisible person

The tip of the Grim Reaper's sickle pierced through the chest of the humanoid creature. Lin Fan put away the knife, and the humanoid creature fell to the ground in the confused eyes of the level 5 night watchman opposite.

"Who is helping me?"

Qian Tao looked at the corpse on the ground in confusion. He was fighting with this dark world creature, but he didn't expect that a bloody hole suddenly appeared in the opponent's chest, as if he was stabbed, but he didn't see anyone around him.

After Lin Fan killed the humanoid creature, he instantly flashed to the side of another level 5 dark world creature, using the same method to cut the throat first, then pierce the heart, and directly killed this level 5 dark world creature.

His experience value instantly gathered 100,000, and four choices popped up in his mind again.

[Do you want to consume 100,000 experience points to upgrade the talent Shadow Realm]

[Do you want to consume 100,000 experience points to upgrade the talent Control Everything]

[Do you want to consume 100,000 experience points to upgrade the talent Fuyao]

[Do you want to consume 100 experience points to draw a random talent]

He stood there invisibly and made a choice silently.

"Upgrade the talent to control everything!"

[The talent controls everything, upgraded successfully]

When the control of everything is upgraded to level 5, his control range is instantly expanded to 50 meters. Within 50 meters, he can control many things, and he can also control objects weighing more than 1,000 kilograms!

Of course, controlling everything does not mean that he can really control everything. This is also restricted. Level 5 control of everything can only allow him to control the body of a level 5 psychic to remain motionless at most, and he cannot completely control the other party. If he encounters a strong man in the realm of God, he naturally cannot control the other party's body!

Facing psychics below level 5, he is sure that he can directly control the other party's body to do any action!

As for psychics at level 1 or 2, he can directly control the other party's heart to explode and the brain to die.

But he couldn't do this for the superpowers of the same level or higher than him!

After the control of all things was upgraded to level five, his strength was greatly expanded again. He came to a level five member of the Flesh and Blood Sect and directly controlled his body with the control of all things.

Half of this person's body was wriggling flesh and blood, but after being controlled by Lin Fan's control of all things, he found that every cell in his body seemed to be out of his control, and his strength seemed to be controlled and could not be used perfectly.

Even his body stayed in place. He wanted to raise his right hand, but his right hand grabbed his heart without his control, directly tore open his chest and grabbed his heart.


He roared in fear, but his right hand was controlled by some kind of power, and grabbed his heart out at once.

A normal person would die if his heart was grabbed out, but he did not die because he had two hearts!

Lin Fan was surprised to see that this member of the Flesh and Blood Sect was not dead. Then his eyes moved and he saw that there was still a heart in this person's chest!

"No wonder..."

He used the power of controlling everything to continue controlling the man's hand, and once again tore open his chest, grabbing his other heart. After both hearts were grabbed, the member of the Flesh and Blood Sect fell to the ground in an instant, completely dead.

[Experience +10,000]

"What happened?"

"How did he grab his two hearts?"

Everyone around was stunned. Many people witnessed this member of the Flesh and Blood Sect grabbing his heart out one by one.

"He should be controlled by someone. There is a powerful enemy hiding near us!"

Someone made a guess, which made many people panic. A level 5 mutant was controlled by someone and had his heart dug out without any resistance.

This shows that the enemy hiding around them is very powerful, and it is very likely that he is a god-level strongman beyond level 5.

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