He disappeared instantly without hesitation and rushed in the direction of the rules. His speed was not very fast and he was cautious all the way.

When the rules were broken, the army of night watchmen and the army of creatures from the dark world instantly fought together. The god-level experts on both sides also faced each other, and people below the god-level were fighting each other.

At the same time, a group of god-level dark creatures were nearby, lying in wait like a dragnet, silently waiting for Lin Fan to come to his door.

"The rules have been broken. Lin Fan should be looking for an opportunity to break out. We will stay here. Once he appears, we will catch him. If we can't catch him, we will kill him. We must not let him escape!"

This group of god-level dark world creatures has one person every ten meters, and they stick to the rules.

Now the rules have only been cracked with a gap of about a hundred meters long. They are guarding here and no one can pass by them.

When Lin Fan came nearby and saw many god-level creatures densely guarding the rules, he felt despair in his heart.

"As for that? I'm just a level five superpower!"

Lin Fan wanted to cry, but there were no tears. At the gap in the rules, there was a powerful god-level dark world creature every ten meters. How could he get past this?

Although he is fast and can pass through in an instant, he will be blocked by these god-level dark world creatures before he can pass through.

"Requesting support, can you find a way to force away the god-level dark world creatures in the gap? I can't clear the card!"

Lin Fan had to ask Long Zhan for support again. After Long Zhan received his message, he asked him to wait patiently. They would create opportunities for him and let him focus on the gaps in the rules.

Lin Fan was overjoyed and silently stood near the gap. Looking at the battle ahead, he wanted to rush in and harvest experience points, but he couldn't.

Because there are many god-level dark world creatures here staring at him eagerly. Once he shows up, he will be attacked immediately.

His attack methods have basically been figured out, and as soon as he takes action, his identity will be guessed immediately.

The Night Watch army is frantically breaking more rules. The gap in the rules is one hundred meters long, and now this length is being expanded.

Gradually it reached two hundred meters, three hundred meters, and when the rule gap reached five hundred meters, the expressions of those god-level dark world creatures changed.

With such a wide gap, they needed to send more strong men to block the gap so that Lin Fan could not escape in an instant.

"Be careful, Lin Fan may get stuck at any time!"

This group of god-level dark world creatures also widened their eyes and sensed the surroundings.

Samoyed came to the gap. He closed his eyes and silently sensed his surroundings. As long as Lin Fan walked a thousand meters away from him, he could immediately lock Lin Fan's position.

Samoyed closed his eyes and held a sniper rifle in his hand. Once he determined Lin Fan's location, he would snipe him immediately!

Lin Fan was staring at the gap in the rules nearby. When he saw that the gap became 500 meters, he still shook his head. Five hundred meters was still too narrow for him to pass through.

What's more, there is a Samoyed outside the gap. Theoretically, within two thousand meters, as long as he glances at the Samoyed, the Samoyed can sense his position.

The Samoyed could block his way by standing directly at the gap.

He did not act rashly and waited silently. Seeing the gap in the rules getting longer and longer, his heart relaxed.

Soon, the rule gap reached one thousand meters.

Of course, Lin Fan still did not act rashly. Although one thousand meters is long, a Samoyed alone can block him.

Samoyed stood in the middle of the regular gap, 500 meters to the left and right, so that he could completely sense his surroundings. As long as Lin Fan appeared within a kilometer of the gap, he could sense it.

"Why hasn't he charged the card yet?"

A group of god-level dark world creatures were impatient to wait. The gap in the rules had expanded to one thousand meters. Lin Fan hadn't taken the risk to rush the card yet. They were just wasting their manpower by waiting here.

Because the Night Watch army is very brave now, they are ambushing here and there is no way to support them. Without them, the army of creatures from the dark world will not be able to suppress the Night Watch army for the time being.

"Lin Fan, how long do you need, we can't bear it anymore!"

Long Zhan sent a message to Lin Fan. In order to save Lin Fan, he spent a lot of money this time. This time he broke the rules and fought with the army of dark world creatures. Countless people have died, even the fifth-level superpowers have killed more than a dozen people. !

In order to save Lin Fan, a fifth-level psychic, he sacrificed more than a dozen fifth-level psychics. This was a loss-making deal, but he promised Ji Ziyue that he would take care of Lin Fan!


Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on the rule gap. The rule gap had now expanded to almost two thousand meters, which was a length that could be sprinted.

Lin Fan instantly emerged from the invisible state, and then appeared two thousand meters away from the rule gap. When he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of all the god-level dark world creatures, including Samoyed, who also looked at Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan!"

"He showed up!"

"He actually showed up openly, how brave he is!"

Seeing Lin Fan appear in the light, a group of god-level dark world creatures found it incredible. Then they disappeared instantly and chased Lin Fan.

Lin Fan glanced at Samoyed, who raised a sniper rifle and fired a bullet directly at him.

The bullet flew past Lin Fan's ear. Samoyed's bullet could ignore spatial distance. Although the two sides were two thousand meters apart, his bullet had already reached Lin Fan's side the moment he fired.

If Lin Fan hadn't been able to control everything and control the flight trajectory of bullets, he would have been killed long ago!

The Samoyed chased Lin Fan and fired continuously. Bullets appeared in Lin Fan's eyebrows, heart and other vital parts, but Lin Fan used his control over everything to control them and deviate from the trajectory. They flew past him. .

Samoyed frowned. His bullets could kill a strong man in the One God Realm, but they were strangely unable to kill Lin Fan. It was as if there was some kind of power around Lin Fan that could change the flight path of the bullets. He couldn't kill him every time. Lin Fan's body.

Lin Fan silently watched as a group of god-level dark world creatures and Samoyeds rushed toward him. He kept flashing nearby, using his speed advantage to keep distance from them.

At the same time, his eyes are also staring at the gap in the rules. He is looking for an opportunity. His maximum speed can reach 90,000 meters in an instant. As long as the gap in the rules does not threaten his existence, he can pass through it in an instant. Escape through the gap!

But at the gap in the rules, there are always a dozen god-level dark world creatures guarding there. They are preventing Lin Fan from using his speed advantage to escape!

Suddenly, a turning point appeared!

Chapter 127: Tenth on the combat power list, third on the sure-kill list

A dozen god-level night watchmen suddenly rushed in from outside the gap in the rules, attacking point-to-point the god-level dark world creatures guarding the gap.

These god-level dark world creatures were originally stationed here to block Lin Fan's escape route, but now that they were attacked, they could not block the road.

Even being forced to leave their posts by the god-level night watchmen, a loophole in the rules appeared. The moment the loophole appeared, Lin Fan seized the opportunity and 90,000 meters passed through the gap in an instant. , fled to the night watchman area.

"I'm safe."

After Lin Fan was safe, he immediately sent a message to Long Zhan. After receiving the news that Lin Fan was safe, Long Zhan gave orders to all the night watchmen without hesitation.


Suddenly, all the night watchmen in the gaps in the rules turned around and disappeared in place. The powerful god-level night watchmen stayed behind to resist the army of the dark world and give other night watchmen a chance to escape.

"It's over, Lin Fan ran away!"

"Damn it, what a failure, he still managed to escape!"

"How could he be so fast!"

The moment Lin Fan escaped, only a few god-level dark world creatures sensed it. They only felt a gust of wind passing through the gap in the rules. They couldn't even intercept it because they were blocked by some god-level night watchmen and couldn't take action. , could only watch Lin Fan wear it out.

Most of the god-level creatures in the dark world cannot sense Lin Fan. They did not know that Lin Fan had left, but when the night watchman army at the scene began to retreat, they knew that Lin Fan had left!

"A bunch of idiots, this made him run away!"

Samoyed couldn't hold back any longer, and he was so angry that he cursed. A group of god-level dark world creatures nearby heard Samoyed scolding them, and they immediately glared at Samoyed.

"What are you looking at! It's all your idiots' fault. If you hadn't alerted Lin Fan and forced him away, I would have killed him long ago."

Samoyed could no longer calm down and cursed loudly. A group of god-level dark world creatures saw that Samoyed, a fifth-level superpower, dared to scold them. They felt very humiliated. After all, they were also god-level powerhouses.

"Samoyed, for the sake of snipers, we are not as knowledgeable as you, but if you dare to scold us again, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Who do you think you are? A little fifth-level superpower dares to scold us. You are simply seeking death!"

This group of god-level dark world creatures were already full of anger. They set up a dragnet, but Lin Fan managed to escape.

Now they were being scolded by a fifth-level superpower from Samoyed. How could they endure it? A few of them were still calm and did not lose their minds.

But a few people couldn't control themselves and attacked Samoyed directly.

"Let me test how powerful a sniper genius you are!"

"I also want to test your strength. Is your mouth as powerful as yours?"

Several god-level dark world creatures surrounded Samoyed, preparing to attack him. Even if they didn't kill him, they would still teach him a lesson to let him know that a god-level powerhouse was not something he, a fifth-level superpower, could insult at will.


Samoyed raised his hand and fired a shot, directly hitting the head of a god-level dark world creature in the one-god realm. The man's body fell from the sky to the ground, creating a deep pit, which shocked everyone around him. .

"What, a headshot!"

"He can actually kill a powerful person in the One God Realm instantly. Is this really a level five superpower?"

"What a terrifying sniping ability!"

Samoyed shot one of the gods in the head with one shot, which immediately frightened everyone. Those god-level dark world creatures who said they were going to attack him also stopped and did not dare to take action.

"You're a bunch of trash, I'll kill you like dogs!"

Samoyed dropped these words coldly and disappeared instantly. The faces of the god-level dark world creatures he scolded were very ugly, but they did not dare to chase Samoyed!

Of course, these god-level dark world creatures are all in the one-god realm.

People above the second god realm were more cunning and did not attack Samoyed because they knew how powerful Samoyed was.

In this battle alone, this group of god-level dark world creatures were completely frightened by Samoyed.

There were rumors before that Samoyed could kill a god-level strongman, but they thought it was too exaggerated. There was a huge difference between a god-level and a level 5 superpower. A god-level strongman could easily slaughter a group of level 5 superpowers.

But now Samoyed used actual actions to tell them that he could really kill a god-level in seconds!

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