"Hey. "

"Lao Wang. "

"The one you said was surnamed Kong, I checked it for you. "

"Nothing special. "

"It's just an ordinary ......".

In the director's room.

Wang Bosheng answered the phone.

On the other end of the line was an old friend of his.

A bit of a means.

You can find things that can't be found by ordinary back investigation companies.

According to Kong Xuan's previous performance.

Wang Bosheng didn't believe that he was an ordinary person.

I don't think he's a big guy.

At least part of the experience is hidden.

Otherwise, it simply doesn't make sense.

Facing the tricky link of your own design.

No one else has been able to do that like him.

But now.

The results he received from his old friend silenced him.

Ordinary people?

Can ordinary people behave like this?

So his current mentality is very contradictory.

He knew the abilities of his old friend.

But he was not convinced by this result.

Hang up.

Look at the live scene on the screen.

pondered for a moment.

He spoke into the microphone.

Instructed to the actors:

"Cut it down. “

"Be careful!".

"Don't hurt anyone!".

In the inner hall of the villa.

The muscular man heard the director's words.

His hand trembled involuntarily.

Cut it down?

There's not that in the script?

To know.

In order to keep the plot as authentic as possible.

The machete in his hand was not a prop.

It's a real weapon!

Because if it's a prop, it's easy to see.

Especially at such a close distance.

So before the start of filming.

The program team also repeatedly emphasized safety to him.

Now the director suddenly asked him to do this dangerous maneuver.

Let's be honest.

He was still a little hesitant.

However, he himself was born in a martial arts school.

It's kung fu.

Thinking about it, the other party is just an ordinary person.

As long as you have the strength and angle of your own.

It should be unlikely to hurt the other party.

As a matter of fact.

This is also the director's belief in him.

The reason for him to do this dangerous maneuver.

"Made. "

"Stinky boy. "

"You have to find death, right?"

"Then don't blame labor and management for being polite!".

He said angrily.

Kong Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The muscular man raised his machete.

Blood splattered from the blade.

The sharp blade slashed towards Kong Xuan's body.


In the studio.

Luo Wan'er screamed in fright.

Cheng Hai's expression also became serious for a moment.

Even the host Liu Yiyi's eyes widened.

Because he remembered the information he had gotten that the knife was real, not a prop!

on the barrage.

Netizens were also frightened by this.

- "it!".

- "it!".

- "Is this knife really fake?"

- "It must be true, it's been opened!".

- "Nima, I don't dare to look at it!".


The blade is in contact with the Kusunoki chair.

There was a loud noise.

The muscular man was stunned.

I looked at where the knife fell.

He frowned slightly.

When did this kid hide for a while.

I didn't even see it clearly?

Although the place where he originally dropped the knife was the chair next to Kong Xuan.

But in his calculations.


knife should have fallen against Kong Xuan's body.

And now.

It turned out to be a lot more than I expected.

He didn't even see when Kong Xuan made the dodge move.

Am I dazzled?

Could it be that last night's shot really had such a big impact?


"I'm scared to death!".

In the studio.

Luo Wan'er's little hand patted her chest.

The face is a little pale.

Young guest Fan Liming said with a smile:

"Haha, don't be afraid. "

"We have to believe in the professionalism of the program team. "

"Since the director asked him to make this kind of action. "

"It must be certain. "

"Huh, Brother Cheng Hai, what's wrong with you?".

Fan Liming suddenly looked at Cheng Hai and wondered.

And behold, they looked.

I saw Cheng Hai frowning and staring at the screen.

There seems to be something I can't figure out.

Cheng Hai shook his head.

"Did you see how the protagonist dodge?".

"What dodge?".

Luo Wan'er said with a puzzled expression.

"Just now when the knife fell, the protagonist dodged. "

Cheng Hai explained.

Fan Liming was also stunned.


"Did he dodge?".

"Didn't our actors deliberately cut it crooked?".

Cheng Hai shook his head and said:

"The actor did deliberately cut a little crooked. "

"But at the same time. "

The protagonist dodges a bit. "

"But I don't see exactly when he hid. "

Fan Liming smiled:

"Brother Cheng Hai deserves to be a kung fu superstar. “

"If you don't say we didn't find that. "

"Of course. "

"I didn't see it clearly, maybe it was a problem with the picture broadcast. "

"After all, there is still some delay during the live broadcast. "

Cheng Hai smiled bitterly and nodded.

It can only be explained in this way.

The machete sank into the chair more than a centimeter.

It can be seen that this force is not small.

"I say it again!".

"Get out of the way!".

The muscular man pulls back the knife.

Point the tip of the knife at Kong Xuan again.

As a matter of fact.

At this time, his heart is also empty.

The knife just now has exhausted its momentum.

If you go again.

You can't go back to the wrong way, right?

That would be too fake.

But I cut it right.

What should I do if I hurt someone?

So he's struggling right now.

Of course.

On the surface, the momentum still needs to be sufficient.

"Director, what should I do?".

"Do you want to let the others in now?".

In the director's room.

The assistant asked.

The best thing to do at this time.

It's about ending the scuffle outside.

Lin Xiaolei led people to rush in.

Restrain the muscular man.

In this way, the cohesion of the plot can be silky.

The follow-up is also easy to handle.

Wang Bosheng frowned.

Ponder for a moment.

Said to the actors:

"One more stab. "

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