Zhang Qifeng did it right away and quickly conducted a series of experiments.

However, the results of the experiment disappointed him a little.

If you continue to delete Alvette's files, the game will indeed reselect a new character who has not been on the island as a guide. If the player keeps deleting, the system will keep changing until there are no other sci-fi characters.

At this point, the archive will be completely damaged.

Even if the player copies the character file to the archive folder again, it cannot be repaired. The only way is to reselect the previous archive to play.

However, this operation is obviously very risky, because there are many characters in the game. Every time a character is deleted, a new archive will be automatically generated when the game is reloaded, and a certain character will be "regularized" as a guide in order.

If the player does not save in advance and the automatic archive happens to be overwritten, it will be very embarrassing.

Fortunately, the possibility of this situation is not high. As an old player, Zhang Qifeng has subconsciously reacted to save the file, so there is no problem of destroying the archive.

If you delete Arios first, wait for the system to make other characters regular guides, and then copy Arios's file in, nothing will happen.

At this time, Elios's file is like a redundant file, and will no longer play any role. Elios will no longer serve as a guide, nor will she become a playable character.

It seems that deleting Elios's file is an irreversible operation in the current archive.

This conjecture has not been verified for the time being, so Zhang Qifeng had to return to the previous route, continuing to fall in love with the girl while observing various plot details in the game.

So far, there are not many plot introductions about "Heartbeat Dream" on the Internet.

This is mainly because the plot of this game is mainly divided into two parts.

One part is the content of love with the girl. There are actually many plots in this regard, and there are also many videos on the Internet, but they are mainly about you and me, sweet words, etc. Strictly speaking, there is no introduction to the world view of the entire game.

The other part exists in various details of the game.

For example, there are some special collectible props, books, letters, notes, etc. in various corners of the game. Even in the horror game, when you survive or kill monsters, you will get some props with information.

This part of the plot is much more complicated, and it obviously contains more content about the world view.

It may be because the game has just been released for a short time, so everyone's attention is basically still focused on the love part, and they are still thinking about how to capture girls as much as possible and unlock more sweet scenes, but there is not much attention to those fragmented props information.

After all, most people still play it as a love game, why study the world view?

Whether it is a peaceful and prosperous era or the end of the world, it should not affect dating with girls.

However, after discovering that this game can delete characters, Zhang Qifeng felt that there are obviously many places to dig deeper in this game, and after understanding the plot of the game more clearly, maybe there will be more gains.

So Zhang Qifeng began to consciously wander around various places and collect various props, books and letters.

He found that the props collected were different depending on the time he went to a specific place.

For example, there are places like libraries and reading rooms in the game, where it is easy to collect some special books and letters.

Sometimes when the guide is not there, you can secretly look at her computer and get some information such as memos.

At this time, Zhang Qifeng's guide is Yalvette, and the information he collected is also varied, including some summaries of daily life, work records, some insignificant complaints, or memories of some things in the past...

Obviously, most of these contents seem to be generated by fake-AI.

This is not surprising. After all, the various information collected by Zhang Qifeng is just the tip of the iceberg, and Against the Heaven has even arranged similar content for all the characters in the game. If it is written by humans alone, the amount of text alone can kill people.

But with the help of AI, first set the character's personality characteristics, then generate them in batches, and finally have the staff conduct a simple review, which is much less work.

What first interested Zhang Qifeng was Yalvette's opinion of the protagonist.

According to the game settings, the characters played by players are still very popular, handsome men and gentle and beautiful women.

This is an inevitable setting. After all, ugly people as protagonists will affect the players' sense of substitution.

And if the protagonist is not good-looking, it would be too fake to chase after all kinds of girls after checking the active option, which would easily make the players out of the game.

From Yalvette's various memos and various text messages recorded inadvertently, she still has a good impression of the protagonist. Although she seems a little cold on the surface, she is actually quite hot in her heart.

This made Zhang Qifeng feel a little secretly happy.

At this time, he was like secretly flipping through the diary of the class flower, and he saw all kinds of content about himself in it, and the impression of the class flower was not bad.

In addition, Yalvette will have different impressions of other female characters, some of whom she likes very much, and some of whom she hates very much.

Zhang Qifeng is not sure how this favorability is set. Is it arranged directly by the official? Or is it calculated by the system based on the different backgrounds and personality settings of the two characters?

If it is generated by AI, then perhaps this favorability will change in the future, but Zhang Qifeng has not found any way to change it for the time being.

Of course, in addition to these, there are two very important contents.

One is Yalvette's nostalgia for the past, which also shows some information related to the world background.

This is related to the opening CG of the game. Players have long known that this seems to be a background that tends to be doomsday. From Yalvette's nostalgia for her hometown, more information can be seen.

The other is some small complaints from Yalvette.

For example, she would complain that she accidentally forgot her diary in the reading room again, or forgot to set a password for the notepad file on the computer. Even she herself thinks these behaviors are too outrageous. After all, who writes a diary?

Not only did he write his true feelings in a diary, but he also threw it around without locking it. This was even more outrageous. Even a child of a few years old would not do this.

But in the Garden of Eden, this seemed to be a fairly common thing. After all, she seemed to have seen other people's diaries before, but she just forgot what they were called.

Zhang Qifeng was speechless: "The official of this game is quite humorous, making fun of themselves, right? But can you focus your energy on other things!"

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