Soon, the conference room was full of people.

Wei Chengjie had installed the demo of "Blood of Lies" on his computer and connected it to the projection screen in the conference room. The person he chose to play the game this time was Qiu Qinghong, a former vice president of Chuangda Technology.

As an outsourcing company, Chuangda Technology's main outsourcing business comes from domestic game companies. Although there are also a small number of outsourcing jobs from overseas or non-game outsourcing jobs, they are not mainstream.

Therefore, most people in Chuangda Technology are basically practitioners in the game industry and have a good understanding of games.

Although Qiu Qinghong is only a vice president, he is currently in charge of most of Chuangda Technology's affairs, and the real boss doesn't manage much.

Wei Chengjie talked a lot with the boss when discussing the details of in-depth cooperation, but after he officially settled in Chuangda Technology and started working, he didn't see him often, and most of the work was done with Qiu.

Moreover, Qiu Qinghong himself is also a game enthusiast. He has played some of the previous games of Against Heaven, and for this reason, he is the best candidate to show the demo.

At this time, Qiu Qinghong was already holding the handle, eager to try.

"It's good to be an internal staff member. I can play the new game of Against the Heaven so early.

"Mr. Wei, to be honest, I was already excited just by seeing the name and promotional pictures of this game, but I am looking forward to it!"

Soon, the game screen appeared on the projection screen.

Since it was just a trial demo, there was no fancy opening CG, just simple characters, scenes and enemies, all of which were the most essential parts of the game.

The first thing that people care about is the clothing style of the character controlled by the player.

At first glance, this is a bit similar to the Victorian and Gothic clothing styles, which are quite famous and recognizable.

For example, the characters in the game wear long black coats with smooth lines and simple style, but they are clean and neat and full of details. For example, there are accessories such as metal buttons or patterned silver ornaments on the hem, cuffs or other parts of the coat, which looks very layered and beautiful.

In addition, the characters wear tricorn hats and leather gloves, which also have buckles and engraved designs on the gloves. Other accessories such as pocket watches can be vaguely seen on it, which looks quite gentlemanly.

Of course, what you see now is just a set of standard clothes that are made first. In the game, there are actually many clothes that players can choose, but they have not been made yet.

Looking past the character, you can see a special gas street lamp in front.

This is the "bonfire" or "Buddha statue" in the game.

In similar games, such elements can be seen as nodes in the game. Players can be resurrected here after death, and can also be used for upgrades or teleportation.

Originally, similar games achieved this function through methods such as "save" and "function menu", but this "bonfire" design is more conducive to adjusting the player's game rhythm and providing players with appropriate difficulty challenges. In terms of level design It is also more advantageous, so it has gradually become a "popular school of thought" and is generally accepted by players and designers.

It's just that the gas lamp in "Blood of Lies" is indeed a bit special in shape.

In fact, to this day, there are still some old gas lamps in London and other places. These gas lamps can be traced back to the early 19th century and are still regularly maintained.

They have different sizes and shapes. Some are square and present an inverted trapezoidal shape, while others are hollow cylinders. The short ones are only about one person tall, and the tall ones can reach about 3 meters.

In "Blood of Lies", depending on the scene, the gas lamps that players can use also have different heights and shapes. In some small scenes, the size of the gas lamp will also be reduced, and in large scenes, the size of the gas lamp will also increase accordingly.

Unactivated gas lamps are turned off by default. , some on the roadside, some in the center of the square. Although they are cleverly integrated with the scene, there will be a dark special effect surrounding them, attracting the player's attention.

When the player lights the gas lamp, the light will dispel the darkness, and at the same time, the visibility of the entire surrounding scene will be significantly improved.

For the players, this will give them psychological comfort to a certain extent.

Of course, there are actually other light sources in the game. For example, some outdoor scenes have light sources from cloudy days or the moon, in addition to torches, street lights, lights in the room and other light sources.

In fact, as early as 200 years before the Victorian era, Louis XIV had issued a city lighting decree, which not only generally set up street lights on the streets, but also required residents to install lighting fixtures outdoors, so this period was also known as the "Age of Light".

This setting is obviously partially continued in "Blood of Lies". In addition to the eye-catching gas lamps that can be used as storage points, a large number of lighting equipment can be seen on the outer walls of the town.

However, due to the needs of the game atmosphere, most of these wall lamps are damaged, and only one or two are intact where the designer needs to provide light.

In addition to scene lighting, players can also use lanterns or torches for lighting. If the puppet is more serious, they can even use specially modified puppet prostheses to achieve night vision effects.

Qiu Qinghong controlled the character to come to the street lamp in front and lit it up.

At this time, he noticed that there was a tool bench on the side, where weapons and prosthetics could be modified.

Wei Chengjie explained: "In fact, in the official version of the game, the modification of weapons and prosthetics will be completed using different tool benches, but this is a demo after all."

Qiu Qinghong nodded, and he looked at the scene in front of him again.

This demo shows the most basic town scene, which is completely in the Victorian style, but the streets are messy, with many abandoned wreckages of carriages or debris deliberately piled up to block some entrances.

The first enemy in front is a doll.

She looks about the same height as a normal person, wearing a crown on her head, pale skin, obvious and abnormal blush on her cheeks, bright lips, and dark eyes. And she is wearing a very luxurious one-shoulder dress, and she wears several complex necklaces on her chest. Each bead has a gold-plated and enamel border, which is still dazzling in the dim night.

But if you look closely, you will find that her long skirt is already stained with blood and is damaged.

Next to her is the broken window of the clothing store and the body of an unknown person.

Qiu Qinghong knew that this doll might be the first enemy he would encounter.

According to the plot, this doll is actually a "clothing doll", in other words, a model placed in a clothing store.

In the 19th century, the clothing doll industry in Europe was quite popular. Professional painters and textile workers joined in and produced luxurious and expensive clothing dolls to display a series of luxury goods including hats, shoes, headdresses, jewelry, clothing, etc., to attract nobles to consume them.

Obviously, this setting is also used in the game. There are also many clothing stores in this town, and similar clothing dolls are indispensable in clothing stores.

But it is obvious that after the plot in the game, these dolls also began to riot like other dolls and became dangerous killing tools.

According to the setting in "Blood of Lies", although these dolls are produced for different purposes, such as the costume dolls are just for clothes hangers, due to the craftsmanship and world view, all dolls have the same power and upgrade opportunities, and all have the ability to kill humans.

For example, the murder weapon of this costume doll is a sharp metal candlestick, which should also be taken from nearby.

After determining the enemy, Qiu Qinghong began to examine the character he controlled.

At this time, he should be controlling the standard form of humans. Except for the puppet prosthesis on the left hand, other parts can be seen as obvious human characteristics.

The difference between humans and dolls is still quite obvious. Human clothes are worn on the body, which looks light and elegant, while the clothes of dolls are actually painted directly on the body. There is no difference from a distance, but you can clearly see the joints when you look closely, and you can also see structures such as springs if you zoom in.

"This is an attack, this is a dodge, and this is a jump..."

"Oh? Pressing and holding the attack is a heavy attack or a thrust attack. It seems that different derivatives are determined according to different weapon action modules? What is a heavy attack? Oh, transformation slash!

"The two shoulder buttons on the left are for defense and prosthetic abilities, and there are also combination buttons. The defense buttons can be combined to become special martial arts, and the prosthetic abilities can be combined to become different prosthetic skills. It seems that the transformation slash can also be used to press the combination button to form different moves...

"It's quite complicated. "

Qiu Qinghong was a little surprised, because the action system of "Blood of Lies" was obviously much more complicated than he expected.

Because it was a demo, the character he controlled at this time was actually in a state of unlocking all the slots.

Whether it was a weapon or a prosthetic, the player could carry three to four different skills and release them through a combination of keys.

Whether to carry three or four depends on the rarity of the skill. Some powerful special skills will take up two grids.

If it is a regular game process, these slots are constantly unlocked.

At this time, the character was holding a special greatsword.

Its blade is broad and heavy, and it seems to be engraved with sacred inscriptions. However, the size is a bit strange: its length is shorter than that of an ordinary greatsword, and the attack action is mainly horizontal swing, which is not convenient, but the width is similar to that of a giant sword, which is obviously much wider than a straight sword and a great sword.

However, after using the transformation slash, Qiu Qinghong quickly understood this The essence of the shape.

During the transformation slash, the character seems to press the mechanism on the cylindrical hilt. During the swing, the greatsword stretches out instantly and turns into a spear.

At this time, the character holds it with both hands, and the attack action is also biased towards the action module of the spear.

If the transformation slash is used again, the character will still use the inertia of swinging to retract the hilt of the spear, turning it into a greatsword again.

During the two transformation slashes, you can see obvious GP invincibility frames. In that brief moment, the inscription on the sword will flash once. The approximate timing is the moment before the greatsword is thrown out to stretch into a spear and hit the enemy, or the moment when the spear thrusts and shortens the hilt and hits the enemy.

The timing of the GP invincibility frames of the two transformation slashes is not consistent.

As for the martial arts of this weapon, there are also three different tricks. One is the upward thrust after charging, one is the downward slash after raising it high, and the other is the continuous slashing that looks a bit fancy.

After the transformation, the martial arts movements are generally the same, but there are differences in details, such as charging time, dash distance, forward and backward swing, etc.

As for the prosthetic limbs worn by the character at this time, they are puppet arms that can spit fire.

In normal use, the puppet arms will continue to spit fire forward to burn the enemy. If combined with combination keys, you can also enchant the weapon, or rotate and spray in all directions, or bury fire bombs underground, etc.

"Okay, I have mastered it completely!"

Qiu Qinghong walked towards the puppet in front with confidence.

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