Qiu Qinghong decided to try the combat power of the puppet form again.

He vaguely felt that the human form seemed a bit disappointing. Although he imagined that the body was flexible, handsome and strong, it was actually not the case at all. It was as fragile as a piece of paper.

According to Wei Chengjie, in order to prevent the damage of parts from causing too much frustration to the players, such as being directly headshot by the monster's upward attack as before, there seemed to be protective gear similar to helmets in the game, which means that the defense of a certain part can be targeted.

But this is just a trial demo after all, and there are no such protective gear.

And Qiu Qinghong highly doubted that there would really be such a thing as a helmet in a game with a Victorian background?

I am afraid that even if there is a special protective gear to protect the head, it will not be easy to obtain.

In this case, if you can't beat it, join it. Since the puppet is very strong, how about I become a puppet?

Thinking of this, Qiu Qinghong immediately returned to the street lamp and checked the options.

Sure enough, there is really an option of "transforming prosthesis"

According to the normal game process, some functions in the game need to be unlocked by specific processes in the early stage, and they need to be used at fixed NPCs in the early stage. For example, you must find special puppets to upgrade in the early stage, and you need to find special puppet craftsmen and workbenches to transform prosthetics.

Of course, as the game process progresses, these functions will be integrated into street lights in the middle and late stages for the convenience of players.

It’s just that those special functions have not been made in the demo yet, so they are all integrated into street lights.

However, when Qiu Qinghong clicked on the option to transform prosthetics, he felt a little dizzy.

“You can’t transform the head!”

Wei Chengjie coughed twice: “Of course, there is a certain order for the transformation of puppet prosthetics. How can you change the head right away? This is obviously unscientific.”

According to the functions in the game, it is a relatively long process to transform the whole body into a puppet. You need to continue to collect various parts and key props in the game process, and consume a certain amount of crystals solidified by unclean blood. In layman’s terms, it is the experience gained by fighting monsters in the game.

And there is also a certain order for transforming puppets.

At first, the player only has the left arm as a puppet prosthesis, and the subsequent transformation order is the right arm, legs, back, abdomen, chest, and finally the head.

If you think about it carefully, you will find that this order is actually very reasonable. This is based on the "danger of transformation" and "human nature".

The limbs and back are relatively insignificant. The abdomen has human digestive organs, and the chest is only responsible for breathing and heartbeat. The head is responsible for human thoughts, so it must be continuously upgraded to complete the transformation of the whole body.

This made Qiu Qinghong very helpless, because he originally wanted to directly transform the head and make himself without weaknesses.

Now it seems that he thought too much.

Wei Chengjie coughed twice and comforted: "In fact, transforming the limbs and torso is also beneficial.

"If it is a human body, the destruction of the limbs will also have serious consequences.

"For example, if the legs are damaged, the movement speed will slow down and the player will stagger when stepping. If the back is damaged, subsequent attacks on the back will cause high backstab damage, which will in turn damage the internal organs.

"In more serious cases, the player may even be disabled and unable to move in battle, and can only crawl.

"Not to mention that the modification of the limbs will also cause subtle changes in the corresponding movements."

Qiu Qinghong was stunned. Wow, it turns out that the damage to other parts is also so severe?

I originally thought that only the damage to the head was fatal, but now it seems that the damage to the body is equally fatal.

Hand injuries directly lead to deformation of attack movements?

Leg injuries directly lead to limited movement?

The back will bleed directly.

It can be seen that the damage to these parts will also seriously weaken the player's performance. Although it will not directly cause death, it is almost the same.

After all, if you can't beat the monster in the first place, if your legs are lame, won't you be even more unable to beat it?

Wei Chengjie quickly added: "Of course, the damage to the parts will not make the players completely unable to play. After the battle is over, the players can also use certain means to repair the damage to the parts.

"If it is a human body, then light damage can be solved with simple bandages; severe damage requires injection of special repair crystals.

"If it is a puppet body, use various tools to repair it."

Qiu Qinghong was sweating a little, thinking that the designer of Against Heaven was really kind!

Instead of letting the player drag the broken leg to the next street lamp, he kindly provided a way to repair the damaged parts. This is so humane... What the hell!

This is still very pitfall!

The repair of the damaged parts must be carried out after the battle. Whether the player can drag the broken leg and limbs to the end of the battle is still a big question mark.

And even if it can be repaired, it will definitely consume a certain amount of resources, which undoubtedly increases the burden on the players to some extent.

Although the more he played, the more he felt that this game was going to be a disaster, but after all, it was designed by the client. As a studio employee who had lost his self-awareness, Qiu Qinghong was embarrassed to say too much and could only continue to play.

Fortunately, the demo was relatively kind and provided players with more resources, so Qiu Qinghong could directly transform himself into a half puppet here at the street lamp.

Right hand, change!

Legs, change!

Back, change!

That's it. The demo has not yet made more changes. The abdomen, chest and head are three crucial positions. Perhaps only the official version of the game can be changed through specific plots.

But even if only the limbs and back are changed, the changes are already big enough.

At this time, it can be clearly seen that the character's body has changed. Both hands and legs have joints similar to puppets, and the driving gears can be vaguely seen behind the back, and there is a very strong shell.

Qiu Qinghong couldn't help but feel good about himself: "Okay, I should be very hard now, right?

"It seems that as long as the head and front are protected, there should be no problem. ”

He noticed that, at present, whether it was the puppet or the character, the body size was still relatively small, and this was a small monster after all, and the attack movements were relatively simple.

As long as the upward move was avoided, it should not be hit in the head.

Generally, the enemy's attack movements were mainly left and right swings, so it should not be a problem to use two arms to take a beating. Although the main attack method of this puppet was stabbing, as long as it dodged a little, it could avoid the chest position and would not cause too much damage.

Thinking of this, Qiu Qinghong stepped forward again.

This time he found that after the puppet's body was transformed, the action module had also changed!

First of all, after the right hand was replaced, the original human-like attack method disappeared, and it was more like a puppet.

If you just press the attack button, the puppet will not attack continuously like a human, but will freeze when the hand is raised to the highest point, just like the puppet is winding up.

If you just click once, this attack action is not only slower than humans, but also less damaging than humans.

But in contrast, players can choose to hold down the attack button, at which time the puppet's arm will continue to charge, and when released, it will quickly attack and cause considerable damage.

Qiu Qinghong couldn't help but be delighted, very good, I have mastered the fast and slow knife!

Although this action feels a little stiff when I first get started, I will get used to it soon, and this charging and stealing knife style is also very suitable for round-based games.

But there is also a bad point about the transformation into a puppet, that is, the body movement becomes inflexible.

Whether it is moving or stepping to dodge, the performance has been significantly reduced, and it is a bit clumsy.

One of the most fatal problems is that the pre-swing seems to have increased. The puppet must be charged by the clockwork before it can make a move, but this short clockwork charge makes it impossible for the puppet to dodge in the first time.

"What if I keep the human legs and only transform the puppet's arms and back? ”

Qiu Qinghong subconsciously had such an idea, but soon he fell into a dilemma again.

Because the damage of the puppet also depends on the total amount of puppet parts to a certain extent. The more parts there are, the closer the springs of each part are connected, and the more power can be exerted.

From a purely numerical point of view, it is definitely the highest damage to transform into a pure puppet, but this will also bring a series of problems such as stiff movements. There are many factors that affect the game battle, and blindly pursuing high damage may not be the optimal solution.

Qiu Qinghong felt that his scalp was a little itchy, as if he was going to grow a brain.

However, this kind of complex mechanism is mostly something that needs to be verified and considered after the game is released. After the body was transformed, Qiu Qinghong clearly felt that the damage reduction rate was improved. He dodged the upper attack and protected his head, and quickly killed the monster.

Simply repairing his body with crystals, Qiu Qinghong chose to move forward.

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