Shortly after Xie Liuyi left, Mr. Ouyang returned to his cell with a look of exhaustion after removing his disguise, mixed with uncontrollable pain.

He pressed his forehead against the wall, trying to use the coldness of the stone to relieve the pain in his head.

Yu Jun passed by the cell, saw his movements, walked in and asked, "Does it hurt again? I'll press it for you."

Ouyang Mr. Ouyang waved his hand in a conditioned reflex to refuse. He didn't know what to think, then withdrew his hand and walked back to the bed made of hay and sat down.

"Press it." He sighed and closed his eyes.

The fingers with thin calluses pressed on the top of the head moderately, and the headache was relieved slightly.

"How long do I have?" Mr. Ouyang asked with his eyes closed.

Finger paused for two seconds, "Don't use your brain, you can live for half a year."

Hearing this, Mr. Ouyang laughed and couldn't help coughing twice, "If I can escape successfully this time, I will find a place to grow flowers and vegetables, and have a good rest... What do you think? , this lord, is it credible?"

"Didn't you say that she was a rescuer sent by the Federation?" Yu Jun doctor's voice was flat, without fluctuations, and it could be heard from his tone that he didn't care about the identity of that person at all.

The intensity of the massage on the head was neither light nor heavy, Yu Jun doctor was silent for a moment before saying: "I think she is very good."

Mr. Ouyang sighed deeply. Before Xie Liuyi, there were no powerful people in the prison. He also pinned his hopes on the opponent, but the final result was that the team members were almost the whole army. overturned.

"I'm left with you and Ah Meng. I hope this time, I didn't see the wrong person."

"You just think a lot before you get old. A seventy-year-old person looks like a hundred or so." Military doctor Yu retracted his hand, leaned against the wall, and complained in a low voice own officer.

"You kid," Mr. Ouyang scolded with a smile, "Okay, I understand. When we escape, I will apply for retirement and find a cheap planet for retirement... No, I said that if you want to adopt Xiaoman, you have to choose a planet with a good education level. This child has good qualifications and is a good seedling to be a soldier, and he is guaranteed to be admitted to the military school in the future."

Yu Jun frowned, "Too stupid."

"Fumbling," Mr. Ouyang scolded with a smile, "you think everyone is like you. Our little man just doesn't understand biology, other aspects are still very good."

"At most, enter the combat department, don't even think about the command department." Military doctor Yu was obviously very dissatisfied with his students.

The two sang together and imagined the future, pretending that the difficulty of escaping the giant country does not exist, and they can definitely return to the universe covered by human civilization.


The sound of the door opening echoed in the prison, like the low roar of a beast.

The giant has entered.

Why did the giant come in at this time?

The two froze for a moment, then quickly hid their figure in the blind spot, and looked out with the probe. The firelight cast a huge black shadow on the ground, like the legendary dragon waiting for an opportunity to devour it.

"Hey, aren't you afraid of being punished?" A voice came from the door. The talking giant deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that people would hear it, but in the ears of humans in the prison, it was like a muffled thunder.

"I won't eat it, I'll see if I'm dead," another replied, "It's so badly wounded, 80% won't survive. It won't be fresh until tomorrow morning, so I'll take it to the freezer ahead of time to freeze it. superior."

Speaking, the shadow at the door gradually shortened. The giant came in.

There was another giant laughing voice from outside the door, "By the way, break an arm and try it, won't you?"

The two looked at each other and exchanged information quickly.

Mr. Ouyang: It came to you.

Yu Jun: I went out to hold it.

In the innermost row of cells on the first floor, nineteen corpses were pretended to be mature and sleeping, and the smell of blood was covered up by the stench in the cells.

But once you get close, the smell of fresh blood and the old smell of the cell will be distinct. The giant's sense of smell is not very sensitive, but it is not bad, so it must be stopped before the giant gets close.

The giant is here for the military doctor, and if you want to stop it, only the military doctor will go out.

Yu military doctor immediately took out the scalpel and slashed a few times on the body along the original damaged part of the clothes. He understands the human body and knows what kind of injury looks serious but not life-threatening.

This move is to cover up the fresh smell of blood in the prison, and the second is to make him look weaker. After all, he had just been thrown back from a serious injury and was on the verge of death more than ten hours ago.

Everyone in the prison woke up, but no one made a rash move, they all huddled in the haystack and watched the change.

The giant doesn't really like to enter this small house. He is eight meters tall, and this small house is only nine meters, as cramped as a box.

He still remembered that he had thrown the badly injured cargo at the door in the evening, but now it was gone, perhaps dragged in by his partner.

He bent down slightly, put his huge face on the third floor, and searched one by one. To be honest, he couldn't remember what these little things looked like, but he remembered that the goods thrown in today were no longer in human form, like a pile of uncut meat. He just needs to find that stall.

The little things shivered and hid in the corner of the room, he sniffed, the smell was mixed with a trace of blood that made him appetite, and the source of the blood was...

He aimed his gaze at the innermost cell on the first floor.

Oh, that little thing that bleeds a lot is there, it's so annoying, I have to lie down.

Mr. Ouyang stood in the corner cell on the first floor with the help of the military doctor Yu, holding his breath as he watched the giant's movements outside.

The giant first sniffed the smell in the air and made a huge pumping sound like an exhaust fan. Then, he knelt down on one knee. With his movements, the entire prison seemed to be shaking .

Immediately afterwards, a huge palm rested on the open space in the middle of the prison. The two veterans knew it was time to play.

Mr. Ouyang was holding one of the arms of the military doctor. The military doctor lowered his head and put all his weight on him. The two stumbled out of the cell and happened to meet the giant across the stairs. Huge eyes looking over.

Mr. Ouyang was stunned, shouted, left the military doctor and ran back to the cell, closing the door.

Yu Jun was thrown to the ground and groaned. In order to appear realistic, he was quiet, but visibly curled up.

"Oh, it's not dead." The giant let out a disappointed voice, and stood up, ready to stand up.

Doctor Yu and Mr. Ouyang breathed a sigh of relief.

However, as soon as he raised one leg, he suddenly stopped, maintaining the posture of kneeling on one knee, turning his head to look at the person on the ground, and then looking at the guard room.

Then, he stretched out a huge hand, grabbed the blood-covered man on the ground, raised his head, and opened his mouth.

Dr. Yu was suddenly lifted by a big hand, he couldn't help opening his eyes and saw the huge mouth below, his ears buzzed instantly, and his heart beat violently, as if he was about to jump out of his chest .

How? How dare giants eat living goods?

Everyone in the cell who pretended to be asleep opened their eyes and looked at the person who was caught by the giant.

Ameng hugged Xiaoman tightly, covering her mouth, his palms soaked with Xiaoman's tears.

Ouyang old Mr. Ouyang's fingers were white and his eyes were splitting.

The stench in the giant's mouth made the military doctor unable to breathe. At this moment, he thought a lot, but in the end there was only one sentence left in his mind: In the future, it is best not to let Xiaoman go to the military academy .

However, the next second, he felt himself being lifted up, and the giant's mouth was getting further and further away from him. Then, he was thrown down again and again, several times. The blood on his body ran down his face and hair, sinking into the mouth of the giant below.

Why don't you die?"

He wiped his hands on his clothes, got up and walked out of the prison, the door closed behind him, the sound of the door closing like the ending song of a thriller.

Yu military doctor only felt dizzy and nauseated, and even the weightless training in space combat was not so uncomfortable. He was lying on the ground, and cold sweat came out all at once, which made the wound hurt. This pain made him feel the joy of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

Ouyang Mr. Ameng and Xiaoman rushed over and sat limply beside him, Xiaoman was lying in his ear and kept saying, "Great, great, Great…"

Yu military doctor felt a little dizzy, before he lost consciousness, he murmured: "That lord come back soon..."

Xie Liuyi took the knife from the back of the giant mouse's neck, and the sticky, smelly blood spread along the handle to his hand. Her hands were stained with the blood of the giant rat.

There is a nest of giant mice behind the trash can, and giant mice about the same height as her are pouring out of it. These giant mice have eagle-like claws and rabbit-like flexible bouncing power. More powerful as a kangaroo.

Teeth, front claws, hind legs, and even tail, are their weapons. After Xie Liuyi killed two of them, he figured out their weaknesses.

The only weak point of the giant rat is the back of the neck, so they always stand up and face the enemy.

Rivers of blood.

There are three strongest giant rats left on the opposite side, they are very cunning, they drive other giant rats to face the enemy, and they hide behind to attack.

Among the three, there must be a giant rat leader.

Xie Liuyi glanced at the three giant rats opposite, holding a knife, staggering back.

The way she tried to escape deceived her opponents, they pressed step by step, but always kept a certain distance.

The figure disappeared behind the door with the fallen plank.

Her disappearance stimulated the giant rats, who squeaked and chased in.

Xie Liuyi restrained his breath and sat on the door bolt, looking down at the giant mice that came in through the hole one after another.

She jumped down, closed the plank, and hung far behind the giant rat.

The giant rats soon touched the kitchen door, perhaps stimulated by the aroma of the food, they squeaked and began to scratch the door with their front paws.

"What's the sound outside?" The giant's voice came from the guard room.

"Go and have a look."

The two got up, and the bench rubbed on the ground making a loud noise. Just at this loud noise, Xie Liuyi swept to the kitchen door like lightning, jumped up and leveraged on the opposite wall, and kicked the kitchen door in the crack.

The giant rat who was scratching the door found the door opened, slammed its head against the door, and slammed the door even wider.

Xie Liuyi stepped on the giant mouse's head and used strength to jump into the kitchen, the black gold ancient knife stuck behind the door, pulled hard, and threw himself into the shadow behind the door.

Thunder footsteps came one after the other to the kitchen door.

"Oh my God, yes...! How did they get in!" "Kill them, kill these thieves!"

As soon as the giant rats came in, they ran towards the food piled up in the corner of the kitchen, and the two giants chased after them, grabbing the baskets on the table and fighting the giant rats to the death.

Xie Liuyi took the opportunity to sneak out of the kitchen, ran back to the guard room, kicked open the small door on the prison gate that he had opened, and after dodging in, he quickly picked up a wooden block and blocked the door.

After all this, she finally took a breath.

She did not leave in a hurry, but lay down, looked out through the crack of the door, and listened to the movement outside. After a few screams of giant rats, the two giants came back cursing.

"These thieves are amazing... Where did they come from?"

"Who knows, they're everywhere. Don't forget, they're... burrowing."

Two pairs of blood-stained shoes entered the guard room and sat down on the bench. The other bench had been repaired, and the legs of the bench had been wrapped in wire, and the giant wobbled a few times as he sat on it.

The giant complained a few words, said some gossip, and then quieted down.

They were not suspicious, nor did they check where the giant rat came from.

Xie Liuyi was really relieved. Previously, she used the giant rat to create a riot in order to get the tiger out of the way, so that she could go back to the prison through the guard room. But in the end, he took a sigh of relief, worried that the giant would find clues.

Now it seems that Xiaoman and Mr. Ouyang are right, the IQ of the giant is really not high.

For her return, Xiaoman blushed with excitement, "Sir! You are finally back, save Uncle Yu!"

Xie Liuyi: ? ? ?

Didn't she just save someone?

The author has something to say:Xiao Xie: kill a mouse in ten steps

The text is written today, so it is only sent out now, there is one more update, it is being coded, and it will be released at twelve o'clock~


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 smoke;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Sisi, Li Changchang, 10 bottles of Orshifang; 8 bottles of Xie Qianshan; 2 bottles of Moqing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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