Chapter 116: With me, it’s not the turn of the demons to run rampant!.

Everyone immediately looked over suspiciously.

“What is Brother Fan going to do?”

“Huh, how do I feel like there’s going to be a big surprise?”

In the puzzled and faintly expectant gazes of everyone, Chen Fan smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Law Jiuling, and slowly said, “According to the rules of the competition, your fourth in the Heavenly List and those below can challenge me.” ”

“Are you going to just give up? Are you demons so instigated? ”

The students of Jingwu immediately burst into laughter: “That’s it!” Don’t even dare to challenge! Quietly, Brother Fan didn’t say that I almost forgot this stubble, these demons are too intimidating! ”

“Hahaha! These scraps have arrived home! If you challenge Brother Fan, you won’t mention a word! What about the arrogant and rampant energy just now? Where’s it going?! ”

“Gee, look at your stubbornness, I feel ashamed for you!”

Lu Jiuling listened to the wanton mockery of the Jingwu students, and his expression was ugly.

Of course, Law Jiuling knew this upward challenge rule, but with the strength shown by Chen Fan, it had all lost, how could other peers be opponents?

There was no point in letting them challenge Chen Fan, they could only be beaten and humiliated in vain. Therefore, the Nine Spirits did not let them challenge Chen Fan and gave up by default.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fan provoked things again and humiliated them with this. Law Jiuling clenched his fists, his expression angry and contemptuous: “The strongest genius of the Terran race, using this reason to humiliate us, it really has no strong temperament!” ”

The students of Kyowu laughed: “It’s urgent!” It’s urgent! ”

“How? Only if you humiliate others, and others humiliate you, you will be anxious! Bah me! Inferior! ”

But Chen Fan looked at it and said seriously: “You misunderstood, I mean, all of you who are on the Heavenly List can go on together.” ”

“Defeat me, the top of the Heavenly List is yours!”

The students of Jingwu were stunned, and then roared in applause.

“Hold the grass! Brother Fan is really domineering! ”

“Bull batch! Can it still be like this?! How did I not expect it! ”

“Boom! It is worthy of being the strongest genius of our Jingwu! This courage alone is unmatched! ”

The reporters of the live broadcast gasped and their expressions were shocked: “Shhh! How dare Champion Lang do this?! What a strong self-confidence! ”

“Is that really going to work? I’m a little worried, what if I lose the first place in the list one day? ”

In the crowd, Xu Tapir and Wu Xuanying glanced at each other and saw the surprise on each other’s faces.

Behind the crowd, Yan Xizhen covered his mouth in surprise, his eyes widened, and his eyes were both shocked and worried. In the stands, the leaders and high-ranking officials looked at each other with worried expressions.

“Isn’t that too presumptuous? What should I do if I lose the first place in the heavenly list? ”

“Gee, classmate Chen Fan, this is using the face of our Terran and Huanghuang Daxia as a bargaining chip! What a guts! What a strong self-confidence! He didn’t think about losing at all! ”

“······ Alas, he is worthy of being the strongest genius of my clan, and this confidence and boldness alone are already incomparable! ”

“That being said, it’s also too risky and impulsive! Should we stop him? ”

At this time, Wang Fushan spoke lightly.

“You don’t need to worry, my apprentice has never been a reckless person.”

Everyone turned to look at Wang Fushan and saw that he looked calm and confident, looking at each other thoughtfully.

As a martial artist and Chen Fan’s martial arts master, Lord Wang’s judgment of the battle situation was definitely more accurate than these laymen. Thinking of this, although everyone was still very worried, they had to press down first.

Hearing Chen Fan’s words, Lu Jiuling’s face suddenly changed, and its eyes flashed, obviously quite moved. But there is still some hesitation and vigilance in its heart.

We account for nearly eighty percent of the Heavenly List, and if we are all on the list, the comparison with Chen Fan’s strength is obvious. But the kind of sword technique that Chen Fan used just now was too powerful, and he was obviously not afraid of group battles.

In case the boat capsized in the gutter, we became a complete joke!

Now that the situation is good, even if you lose the first place in the Heavenly List, it is not unacceptable, as if there is no need to take risks? Law Jiuling hesitated, and his face changed constantly.

Chen Fan stared at its expression, smiled meaningfully, and spoke again.

“Alas, you demons are really at home, so you don’t dare to challenge me.”

“Or just do this, all the demons you came this time, more than a thousand, all together!”

“If I lose, the 1st to 100th place in the Heavenly List, the entire Jingwu Heavenly List, will all be given to you!”

The crowd in the audience was silent for a moment, and then it exploded!

“Hold the grass, hold the grass, hold the grass! The cow batch is bursting! ”

“It’s numb! This domineering! It’s unbeatable! ”

“My Di Ma! I’ve never seen a hanging, I’ve never seen such a hanging! Just criticize this cow, and it is worthy of the strongest name in Jingwu! ”

“It’s domineering enough, but isn’t that too exaggerated? Pick a thousand? Is it possible to win? ”

“It doesn’t matter if he wins or loses! Just rush this domineering, you have to praise one! ”

“Exactly! Look at it, the demon cubs are like wooden chickens, they can’t imagine that our Terrans can be domineering to this extent! ”

“Hahaha! It’s a thrill to watch! ”

In the stands, many of the school leaders and high-ranking officials stood up in shock.

“Oh my God! Did I hear you right?! What is Chen Fan doing?! ”

“Oh my God! This is also an exaggeration! Isn’t that overconfidence?! ”

Wang Fushan was also a little surprised, but he didn’t worry much.

Hearing everyone’s words, he said unhurriedly: “Calm down, why are you so unstable.” ”

“It’s just a thousand, Chen Fan is not the first time to do it, don’t you know?”

Everyone was reminded by him, and also thought of the feat recorded in Chen Fan’s information, and suddenly froze.

In the crowd of students, Xu Tapir and Wu Xuanying were stunned.

But the two immediately thought of Chen Fan’s picking a thousand in the Jiangbei training camp, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be nothing surprising about this face now?

After all, Chen Fan had already done this kind of thing once. Behind the crowd, Yan Xizhen was completely stunned.

Her cold and pretty face was dazed, and her eyes were a little stunned. The reporters who broadcast the live broadcast roared: “I heard you right? Chen Fan wants to single out more than a thousand demon Tianjiao?! Is he crazy?! ”

Even the Golden Dragon Guards, who were supervising the Demon Tianjiao, also looked towards Chen Fan one after another, their eyes shocked and suspicious. Facing countless questioning gazes, Chen Fan’s expression was indifferent.

This practice of picking a thousand is not an impulse, he has long thought about it.

Otherwise, when he challenged the Demon Spider Woman and the Law Nine Spirits before, Chen Fan would not have been hiding all the time.

He was afraid that if he showed his true strength, he would frighten this group of demon Tianjiao and dare not agree to his current proposal. Chen Fan naturally made this proposal for a reason.

In this competition for the rankings, the Terran soldiers were defeated, although there was a Heavenly List No. 1 in hand, but he only barely left a fig leaf Chen Fan thought about it, only by using this method to completely destroy and cripple this group of demon Tianjiao, in order to barely wash away the shame on the Terran and save some face.

Alas, if the teammates do not give their strength, they can only work a little more themselves.

The Terrans lost like this, and as a member of the Terrans, I also feel humiliated.

How can I not beat you up and find some fields, Lao Tzu doesn’t want face?

Hearing Chen Fan’s proposal, many demon Tianjiao who could understand the language of the Terran were stunned. Law Jiu Ling Huo Ran stared at Chen Fan, shocked and incredulous.

Pick a thousand?!

This guy is crazy! Think that if you win the two strongest on our side, you will already be invincible?! What the strongest genius of the Terrans, it turns out to be a brainless fool! I was worried just now!

Law Jiu Ling came back to his senses and immediately wanted to agree. It suddenly remembered something again and asked, “If you lose, you will give us the entire Heavenly List?” Do you say that this matter can count? ”

Chen Fan laughed and was domineering.

He looked at the Jingwu students in the audience: “Do you promise or not?!” ”

Without any hesitation, the students responded with a bang: “Promise!” ”

What is there not to agree, anyway, they did not occupy a few positions on the heavenly list.

Now this situation of losing miserably, you can do anything, this is called barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes. Chen Fan smiled slightly, and then turned to look at the school leaders and high-ranking officials in the stands: “Leaders and adults, do you agree or not?!” ”

Leaders and high-ranking officials, you look at me, I look at you, under Wang Fushan’s signal, they all said: “Agree!” ”

“Yes! You just have to let it go! ”

Seeing this, Lu Jiuling’s eyes flashed, and Huo Ran spoke: “Good!” I promise your offer! ”

In the midst of the uproar and bustle, all 10 test tables on the square were removed.

In the empty square, a huge circle is drawn with paint, and this is the test site for this ultimate battle of picking a thousand!

In the middle of the circle, Chen Fan stood proudly.

More than a thousand demon Tianjiao poured into the circle, circle after circle, shoulder to shoulder, surrounding Dongfan to the ground. Most demons are far taller than the Terrans, hideous in appearance, and terrifyingly imposing.

Chen Fan, who was surrounded by them in the middle, his originally tall body also looked extremely small at this time.

But it is this small body, but like a giant in the sky, let the more than a thousand demons who confront him, all with vigilant expressions, jealous eyes, like a great enemy!

The students of Jingwu stood far away, looking at this shocking scene, all in awe.

The reporters of the live broadcast instructed the photographer to set up the camera high to find the best shooting angle, and they even subconsciously lowered their voices when they spoke, for fear of disturbing Chen Fan’s state.

The school leaders and high-ranking officials in the stands watched the situation below without blinking, and they couldn’t help but show a nervous and expectant look.

Call! –The bell ringing to mark the start of the contest.

Countless demons seemed to have a tacit understanding, and immediately launched their strongest killing moves! In an instant, all kinds of whistling and screaming were intertwined, and the demon power was stirring like a frenzy!

Chen Fan’s eyes flashed with thunder, and a violent aura like an abyss suddenly exploded from his body and rushed straight into the sky! The next moment.

Yikes! –Countless swords of True Qi that lingered with tiny thunders condensed and formed around Chen Fan’s body in pieces!

There were thousands of swords of true qi, and in the blink of an eye, a silver-white sword was formed, and the sword was swallowed and extremely powerful! However, the Sword of True Qi was still gushing out!

The Ten Thousand Swords Demon Technique, which has been elevated to the realm of “reaching the pinnacle and creating the extreme”, is only one step away from the realm of the ultimate extreme, and at this time, it has finally begun to truly exert its terrifying power!

Countless extremely powerful swords of True Qi were continuously condensed and formed, swallowing sharp swords and rushing up, like the inverted rewinds of the Heavenly River!

Three thousand! Five thousand! Ten thousand! Twenty thousand! Thirty thousand! Cover the sky!

Whoops! –Countless swords of True Qi, like a fierce wind, whistling and circling. The sword qi is like nine ghost winds, and the sword radiance is like a monstrous wave!

Law Jiu Ling’s delicate and pretty face turned miserable!

Its eyes widened in shock, its pupils trembled violently, and the bloodless sword was full of disbelief and dazedness. How is this possible?!

So powerful! Such combat power!

Those town general-level powerhouses of the Terran who specialize in sword skills can’t do this level at all! What realm is this Chen Fan?!

Law Jiu Ling barely recovered from the shock, and didn’t think much about it, it looked at the monstrous sword wave that rushed towards it, and let out a terrified and crazy shout: “Top ten on the Holy List!” Don’t wrestle with the air sword, break in! ”

Law Nine Spirits’ judgment seemed to be accurate.

Chen Fan commanded tens of thousands of True Qi Swords, shrouding more than a thousand Demon Tianjiao, perhaps because he didn’t feel the need, he didn’t leave a few Qi Swords to defend around him.

His body was empty, strong on the outside and weak on the inside, which was an obvious weakness.

The top ten demon Tianjiao of the Holy List were reminded and immediately discovered this weakness of Chen Fan.

In front of the Fierce Qi Sword that covered the sky, they didn’t care much about it, and immediately burst out with powerful demon power.

In order to seize this only chance of victory, they forcibly broke through the obstruction of the air sword with the momentum of forgetting death, and appeared in front of Chen Fan one after another!

These top ten demon Tianjiao on the holy list all showed joy and ecstasy in their eyes. Fortunately, our response was decisive!

The air sword did not have time to return the aid outside, and our ten strongest Saint List attacked together, and this Terran was defeated!

However, facing the ten masters who rushed from all directions, Chen Fan showed a mocking smile.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

The next moment.

A violent and domineering aura that was extremely violent, faintly crazy, suddenly exploded from Chen Fan’s body! At this time, Chen Fan was angry, his eyes were red, and he was really angry, like a war demon coming!

Chen Fan, who turned into a war demon, punched like lightning!

Boom, boom! –As if a giant mountain smashed angrily, and like a meteorite bombardment!

Accompanied by an air explosion like a thunderous explosion, ten figures rushing up, like shells shot out of the chamber, flew back in the air!

Bang bang bang!

Under the crushing attack of tens of thousands of air swords, they were already dead or crippled, and less than half of the other demon Tianjiao who were still struggling to hold on were shot through the formation by these ten figures with furious force, and the situation immediately collapsed completely.

These ten Saint List masters all broke their bones and broke their tendons, severely injured and vomited blood!

Chen Fan lowered his hand and indifferently glanced at the 4.1 flying Li Jiuling.

In Chen Fan’s eyes, the so-called top ten of the holy list, who is strong and who is weak without wheels, are all one dish.

He disdained to take care of the Nine Spirits of Law, and the attack power it received was the same as the top ten of the other Saint List. In this way, because of the strongest strength among them, the Law Nine Spirits suffered the lightest injury, and only one arm was wasted. In the distance, Law Nine Spirits flew more than ten meters and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

It coughed up blood, one hand hanging weakly at its side, staring at Chen Fan in horror and fear. Law Jiu Ling’s heart was full of resentment and chagrin.

It only thought that Chen Fan was hiding when he fought with Qingxue, but he didn’t expect that Chen Fan was still hiding when he fought with himself! Law Jiuling only felt that God seemed to be joking with himself.

How could there be such a sinister and cunning person in the Terrans?! The demons are not as cunning as him!

Chen Fan glanced at the dead and injured Demon Tianjiao, took a deep breath, and withdrew his true qi.

The whistling and circling, the air sword that covered the sky immediately dissipated, as if the earth-shattering power just now was just a phantom. If you don’t withdraw, you can’t do it, the two shots just now, he is all going all out, and the true qi has bottomed out.

Besides, killing and crippled so many demon Tianjiao is almost enough.

If you really want to kill the essence, the intention is too obvious, and the Holy Court will definitely not give up, which will make it difficult for the emperor old man to do it. This ultimate one-on-one battle is extremely large, but the duration is extremely short.

In less than three minutes, more than a thousand demon Tianjiao died, and more than two hundred died! More than seventy percent of the rest were either seriously injured or disabled.

There are very few minor injuries!

Even the leader of this group of demon Tianjiao, Law Jiu Ling, was scrapped an arm!

On the test table, Chen Fan stood proudly, indifferently scanning the demon Tianjiao lying on the ground, his voice was like thunder, like a martial god coming to the world

“With me, it’s not the turn of the demons to run rampant!”

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