Chen Fan took Liang Yue’s hand and stood in front of the crowd.

“Brother Chen Fan!”

With a crisp and somewhat sweet voice, Feng Xiao ran over, hugged Chen Fan’s arm, raised his little face, and looked at him with admiration.

“Brother Chen Fan, you are so powerful, you are already a second-grade alchemist!”

Chen Fan said with a smile:

“General, this training camp, how prepared are you for the kite?”

Feng Zheng waved his small fist confidently:

“In the past few days, I have broken through a small realm again!”

“After entering the training camp, I want to blow up the whole field!”

Everyone in the square immediately burst into a good-natured laugh.

“Domineering! Come on Xiao Feng Zheng! I’m optimistic about you~”

“Feng Zheng is a martial arts genius, and it is definitely not bragging to say that he burst the audience!”

“Good! People are short and ambitious! ”

Feng Zheng suddenly wrinkled his small Qiong nose.

“Whoever is short, I will grow taller in the future!”

She glared viciously at the person who said this, but unfortunately, her big watery eyes really had no deterrent power.

Chen Fan smiled and rubbed her short fluffy hair:

“Then I’ll wait for the kite to take me and your sister Yueyue to burst the audience together!” ~”

Liang Yue also smiled and helped:

“Xiaozheng, you are the main force Oh, Sister Yueyue will assist you~”

Feng Xiao braced his waist and went up:



After a while, the last few people who had not yet arrived also hurriedly arrived.

Seeing that all the people had arrived, Jiang Mubai began to give explanations and lectures before leaving.

“However, after entering the Jiangbei training camp, your opponents are also geniuses! Just because you are qualified to enter the camp does not mean that you will be cultivated! ”

“In the previous Jiangbei training camps, the average elimination rate exceeded 60%, and the rest had to be ranked, and the small group of top geniuses with the highest ranking would be focused on training!”

“Therefore, the challenges you face should not be underestimated!”

Hearing this, everyone’s faces showed solemn expressions.

Yes, who can enter the Jiangbei training camp, that is not a top-notch genius?

His own strength is difficult to meet in this school, and when he gets there, it is really difficult to say how outstanding it is.

It seems that it is necessary to go all out, and absolutely not underestimate the enemy!

Jiang Mubai scanned the students below, and saw that most of them had solemn expressions, and smiled slightly:

“Jiangbei Training Camp is very competitive, but if you can achieve a good ranking, the rewards will be equally rich! More abundant than you can imagine! ”

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes immediately lit up and their eyes showed anticipation.

Jiang Mubai also did not sell Guanzi, and shouted:

“I just got the news that this time the lord of our Jiangbei Mansion has spent a lot of money!”

“It is said that the reward contains essence blood from the Ten Thousand Races Demon 023!”

“Those who rank high can obtain the essence blood of a grandmaster-level or even a grandmaster-level demon!”

There was a commotion in everyone, and everyone was surprised.

The essence blood of a grandmaster-level or even a grandmaster-level demon is a very precious medicinal herb!

After refining and taking, it can greatly strengthen the body and greatly enhance the combat power!

It can even make the body change and improve the physical qualifications!

Qualifications are such a thing, always innate, there is something, no is no, destined.

And the essence blood of high-level demons can improve qualifications, and its preciousness can be imagined!

Everyone looked excited, and only felt that the fighting spirit was excited.

Chen Fan stood in front of the crowd, thoughtful.

The essence blood of a grandmaster-level demon? Not bad!

Jiang Mubai hooked the corner of his mouth and added another fire.

“It is said that if you get the first place, you will be rewarded with the essence blood of a marquis-level demon!”

Everyone was in an uproar!

“Seal-level essence blood! Oh my God! ”

“This level of essence blood is a very precious thing for a master of the town general level, right?!”

“The essence blood of a marquis-level demon, what is the difference between this and the elixir of the divine pill!”

“My God, Lord Mansion is also too proud this time! What a giveness! ”

Everyone turned their heads and ears, and their faces turned red with excitement.

Although they all have no extravagant hopes for the first place, after all, there are all gods, and they can’t talk about themselves.

But such a generous reward still made everyone excited.

Chen Fan’s expression was also a little shocked.

The essence blood of a marquis-level demon, straight treasure!

Even if it is put on the scale of the entire Jiangnan Province, it can cause a huge sensation!

He clenched his fists slightly, his eyes like electricity.

Just rush such a precious reward, this first place, say that you have to get anything!

Jiang Mubai was very happy when he saw the fighting spirit on Chen Fan’s face.

This Jiangbei training camp, heavy.

Seeing that Chen Fan decided to move seriously, he immediately felt that the ranking of this training camp was stable!

Jiang Mubai raised his hand and pressed down, signaling everyone who was talking excitedly to be quiet.

“However, don’t be too happy too much.”

“The Jiangbei training camp is rewarding, but the danger is not small.”

“In previous training camps, the average mortality rate has reached 10%! Don’t take it too lightly! ”

Hearing this, everyone suddenly looked at each other.

Jiang Mubai’s eyes flashed, and he said:

“Classmates who are scared, you can quit now.”

“If you are selected for the Jiangbei training camp, you can also choose to give up the quota (BCDB), which is not compulsory.”

“You don’t have to worry about anything, as the city lord, I promise you that you will not be punished or reprimanded for exiting this training camp!”

“If you want to quit, please come out!”

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

For a long time, but no one came out.

A determined look appeared on everyone’s faces, and their eyes looked like death.

“Lord City Lord, we are not afraid of death!”

“Yes, people of martial arts, how can they fear death! What is a 10% mortality rate! ”

“We may not be the strongest, but we are not afraid of death!”

Jiang Mubai was extremely relieved, and his eyes looked appreciatively at the group of young geniuses in front of him.

“Good! Very good! Hahaha! ”

“Determined and fearless of death! All of them are good talents! ”

“With a talent like you, I Wuyang City can’t prosper, and I can’t grow in Daxia!”

Looking at the morale of the people, Jiang Mubai made a final explanation:

“This time representing Wuyang City to the training camp, with Chen Fan as the captain!”

“Everyone must obey his management and command, and no one shall act without permission!”

“Is there a problem?!”

The crowd shouted in response:

“No problem! Lord City Lord arranged it correctly! ”

“Where God is the captain, of course, who has the right to oppose!”

“Exactly! With the strength of mortal gods, it is enough to beat all of us, and the captain should certainly be him! ”

“If every god is the captain, I will be 10,000 obedient!”

In front of the crowd, Liang Yue looked at Chen Fan and whispered admiration:

“Gee, your prestige is not an ordinary big yo~ These are the geniuses of other schools, and everyone actually obeys you!”

Feng Xiao held Chen Fan’s arm, his eyes shining, and he looked like a little fangirl.

“A must! Who called Brother Chen Fan so powerful! ”

Liang Yue stared at Chen Fan with a smile:

“Looking at this, you must have a lot of little fans in other schools, right?”

Chen Fan decisively pretended to be stupid:

“Huh? I don’t know? I’ve never been to another school. ”

Seeing that the students below were very convinced by Chen Fan, Jiang Mubai nodded in satisfaction.

“Since there is no problem, then prepare to go!”

“Chen Fan, you come with me, I’ll tell you something alone.”

Chen Fan quickly followed.

Jiang Mubai took Chen Fan to the side.

“This training camp, our students in Wuyang City will take the same train as the students of Ba’an City and go over together.”

Chen Fan nodded and didn’t care. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ba’an City and Wuyang City are close to each other, and it is normal for students from the two cities to go together.

Jiang Mubai said again:

“What I want to tell you is that Ba’an City and our Wuyang City have actually not been very easy to deal with at the level of officials.”

“Over the years, we and Ba’an City have often fought in many aspects, and the ranking of the training camp is also a key point of the battle between the two sides.”

Chen Fan was a little surprised:

“And this kind of thing?”

He had lived in Wuyang City for so many years, and he really had never heard of this.

But think about it, it’s not surprising that the fight at the official level, ordinary people like him, can’t contact it is normal.

Jiang Mubai nodded:

“This year’s training camp, we and Ba’an City fought again, this time it was even more exaggerated, and we almost fought for the sake of leaving by car.”

“Ba’an City doesn’t want to leave behind us, I also have to earn face for Wuyang City, if I set off behind them, those people below me can scold me to death.”

Chen Fan: “…?” ”

Jiang Mubai continued:

“So, in the end, the current situation, you and the students of Ba’an City are equally divided into a first-class carriage, with seats on both sides, and one side occupies one side.”

Chen Fan: “…”

How do you feel that officials do things, and sometimes they are like children are vindictive?

Jiang Mubai saw the expression on Chen Fan’s face, and he could see at a glance what he was thinking.

He shook his head disapprovingly:

“You don’t understand! These things seem naïve, but there is a reason behind them! ”

“Face, fame, prestige, these things are sometimes more important than you think!”

Chen Fan nodded a little helplessly:

“Got it, Uncle Jiang.”

Jiang Mubai said again:

“In this situation, you and the students of Ba’an City may collide.”

“I called you over to remind you not to take the initiative to provoke trouble, but if the people of Ba’an City provoke, don’t be polite, just call me back!” No need to be polite with them! I’ll take care of something for you! ”

Chen Fan looked at Jiang Mubai with satisfaction:

“This is almost the same, this is my domineering and tough Uncle Jiang!”

Jiang Mubai cried and laughed, and glared at him:

“You boy, it’s getting less and less like words in front of me!”

Chen Fan smiled:

“No need to be polite with you, this is what Uncle Jiang said!”

After saying goodbye to Jiang Mubai, Chen Fan took these more than a hundred talented students from Wuyang City to the high-speed railway station.

The camp of this training camp is in Jing’an City, the capital of Jiangbei Province, and it is good to take the high-speed train directly, and the ticket has been purchased in advance by the city lord’s mansion.

The city lord’s mansion arranged several luxury buses to send everyone to the station.

The body of the bus is wide, and the seats on both sides are three-seater.

Liang Yue chose a row of seats, sat in the innermost part, and beckoned to Chen Fan:

“Chen Fan, sit here!”

Chen Fan naturally had no opinion and sat down casually.

Feng Xiao kept holding Chen Fan’s arm, like a hand pendant.

She jumped sharply to the empty seat beside Chen Fan, and was lined by the wide and thick bus seat, and the whole person looked smaller.

Chen Fan glanced at her, and suddenly found that after Feng Zheng sat up, his legs were actually a long distance from the ground.

…… This little short leg.

Sitting side by side in the bus with Chen Fan, Liang Yue had the feeling of going out to travel with Chen Fan, and she couldn’t help but feel good.

She put her arm around Chen Fan and leaned her head intimately on his shoulder.

A faint fragrance penetrated into Chen Fan’s nose, which lifted people’s spirits.

Feng Zheng, who is too young and has some ignorance of doing things, does not understand the special significance of doing this action with the opposite sex.

She also followed suit and leaned her head towards Chen Fan’s shoulder.

And then…… She found herself out of reach.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yue burst out laughing.

Feng Xiao was suddenly unhappy, she dangled her little short legs, and muttered angrily:

“Why am I so short!”

Chen Fan couldn’t help but laugh and comforted her with her own words:

“Not short or short, our kite will grow taller in a few years, and it must be a slender and tall beauty by then!”

Feng Zheng was immediately cured, and she was happy again, her little face tilted, and she looked proud:

“I’m a big beauty now!”

Chen Fan thought for a while, but still felt that it was not good to deceive the children, so he told the truth:

“No, you can only be considered a little beauty now.”

Feng Xiao looked at his little arms and legs, frowned and thought for a while, and seriously agreed:

“Alas, it is indeed a little beauty.”

Chen Fan rubbed her little head:

“Don’t worry, you are just when you grow a body, your body grows very fast, maybe one day you don’t pay attention, and suddenly find that you have become a big beauty!”

Feng Xiao imagined that picture, and suddenly felt so happy, he couldn’t help but giggle.

Liang Yue looked at Chen Fan with a smile:

“You have a talent for comforting young lady~”

Chen Fan said smoothly:

“Okay, do you want me to comfort you?”

Liang Yue’s eyes rolled and leaned into Chen Fan’s ear with a smile:

“What do you mean by comfort?”

Chen Fan was stunned before he reacted, his eyes widening in shock.

Hold the grass! Is it so fierce?!


Liang Yue looked at Chen Fan’s stunned appearance, and suddenly leaned forward and back with a smile.

A car of students on the car, silently hugging Chen Fan left and right, talking and laughing with two big beauties, only felt that the mood was extremely complicated.

What evil have we done, to be stuffed with this mouthful of dog food!


City Lord’s Mansion, City Lord’s Office.

After seeing off Chen Fan and his group, Jiang Mubai called the deputy city lord with a smile.

“I’m going to the Jiangbei training camp to see, during this time, the big and small affairs in Wuyang City will have to tire you more.”

The deputy city lord was a little surprised:

“City Lord, you personally went over… Isn’t this battle too big? ”

Jiang Mubai waved his hand without care:

“Leave it alone! Wouldn’t it be more obvious that our Wuyang City attaches importance to this training camp in person? ”

“Besides, this time our Wuyang City will definitely be able to achieve good results, and when the time comes, it will definitely shock some people’s jaws!” With such a good opportunity to show off, how could I not go? ”

“I have to admire the stunned looks of those people, it must be funny, hahahahaha!”

Hearing Jiang Mubai say this, the deputy city lord immediately agreed:

“That’s really the way to go.”

He said with some emotion:

“Our Wuyang City, we haven’t had good results in the training camp for many years, so we must raise our eyebrows this time!”


The phone in the city lord’s office suddenly rang.

Jiang Mubai picked up the phone, and on the other end of the phone, a voice that he was familiar with came from:

“Xiaobai, did the students sent by Wuyang City to the Jiangbei training camp set off?”

The caller was Yang Xuance, the commander of the Zhenbei Army stationed in Jiangbei Prefecture, Jiang Mubai’s boss and the previous city lord of Wuyang City.

The two had a close relationship, and in private, Jiang Mubai called him Uncle Yang.

Jiang Mubai showed a kind smile:

“Yes, Uncle Yang!”

He is like a little child who shows off his good things in front of his elders:

“Uncle Yang, let me tell you, this training camp, our Wuyang City will definitely get unprecedented good results!”

“I’m planning to go over too, I’m going to the scene and enjoying the wonderful scene where our Wuyang City raised our eyebrows!” Hahahahaha! ”

On the other end of the phone, Yang Xuance’s voice was calm and calm:

“Don’t go, I’ll go.”

Jiang Mubai’s laughter stopped abruptly.


Người mua: Manh7890, 12/03/2023 23:42

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