The official base of the Jiangbei training camp, in the monitoring room.

Looking at the picture on the surveillance big screen, a group of big people were stunned.

“…… Is that okay? ”

“Wuyang City’s team this year… It’s hard to put into words. ”

“Don’t say, this team in Wuyang City is particularly fierce, and the combat effectiveness shown is much stronger than the data on the data.”

“They have the blessing of elixir, this captain named Chen Fan is also very strong in command, and it is normal to have such a performance.”

“Gee, looking at this trend, Wuyang City is only going to become a dark horse this year!”

Zhou Shu of Lincang City stood up straight and shouted angrily:

“What’s going on here?!”

“Chen Fan doesn’t do it himself, exchanging pills for points? Isn’t this blatant cheating? ”

Yang Xuance looked at this old rival with a smile, his expression was calm and calm, compared with the anxious and white-faced Zhou Shuyu, it was particularly hateful and made people’s teeth itch.

“Eh~ How can this be called cheating?”

“You have to know that the selection and assessment is a team, not an individual.”

“Chen Fan provides elixir to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the team, and other team members give him points, isn’t this obviously cooperation within the team?”

“If you even have to take care of this, be careful that others scold you for stretching your hand too long~”

Zhou Shuyu’s face turned blue and white, and his eyes turned sharply, thinking about how to refute this.

Yang Xuance would not give him a chance, and immediately said:

“Why do many assessments in Jiangbei training camp have to be carried out in the form of teams? Isn’t it to cultivate the ability of juniors to unite and cooperate? ”

“On the battlefield of the heavens, no matter how strong the personal ability is, unless it is as strong as Lord Martial God, if you only know that if you fight alone, most of them will not be able to achieve anything, and it is easy to be crushed into slag by endless demons of ten thousand races.”

“Brother Zhou, do you think I’m right?”

Zhou Shuyu’s face was gloomy, but he didn’t say a word.

He was speechless by Yang Xuance, and he didn’t know how to refute it for a while.

Yang Xuance’s face changed, his temperament instantly became cold, and a battle-hardened strong momentum suppressed the audience, making everyone’s hearts tremble, and they were a little breathless.

He stared at Zhou Shuyu lightly, and his tone was meaningful:

“Brother Zhou, you don’t approve of my Wuyang City students cooperating with each other, do you think that my martial arts people should fight alone to be true heroes, and those who hug each other are all cowards?”

With such a big hat buttoned down, Zhou Shuyu’s forehead suddenly sweated, and he stammered and defended:

“I, how could I think so at 13…”

Yang Xuance’s fierce momentum suddenly dissipated, and he returned to the gentle Yang Lao before.

He patted Zhou Shuyu’s shoulder with a smile:

“I know you also care too much about your team, and caring is chaotic.”

“But the competition must also be dignified, and if there is something that is not as good as others, try to make up for it!”

“If you can’t say what you can’t do, you won’t allow others to do it, it’s a rogue, don’t you say?”

Zhou Shuyu only felt as if he had been slapped on his face, his face turned red, and his eyes were embarrassed.

Yang Xuance withdrew his hand, his gaze swept over Zhou Shuxi’s face, his face was calm and calm, but there was a very obvious pride under his eyes.

Refreshing! So cool! Hahahahaha!

I was ridiculed by this guy every year before, but this year I can finally raise my eyebrows! This feeling of revenge going back is wonderful!

The expression on this guy’s face is really cool to look at!

Yang Xuance looked at Chen Fan on the surveillance screen, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was.

This little guy, ridiculously talented, smart, with means, and a strong talent for commanding, is really an absolute talent!

Such a demon genius, can’t let others go!

In the future, I have to find an opportunity to kidnap him to my Zhenbei Army!”


In the mountains.

Everyone in Wuyang City watched the stone-armed giant ape being smashed to death by Feng Zheng’s hammer, and it took a while to come back to their senses.

“Grip the grass… Xiao Feng Zheng turned out to be so violent? ”

“Wow! Such a violent little loli, it’s really interesting! ”

“Look, we’ve earned another 300 points!”

Everyone took out the point badge and looked at it, and they were overjoyed:

“The Stone Arm Giant Ape gives so many points!”

“My points are 340, a little more than you.”

“We all have five or six hundred points now! Half of the passing goal has been achieved! ”

“At this rate, the first place in the standings must be ours!”

Feng Xiao dragged a war hammer that was longer than himself, held his point badge, and ran to Chen Fan with a proud look on his small face:

“Brother Chen Fan, look! I have more than 500 points! ”

Chen Fan rubbed her little head with a smile:

“The kite is really powerful!”

Previously, the stone-armed giant ape was only injured not lightly, but it was far from death, and Feng Xiao smashed it to death with a hammer, and the contribution was the largest, so she got more than 500 points.

I have to say that the distribution of points is still very fair and reasonable.

Liang Yue also looked at Feng Xiao with some admiration:

“The kite is so powerful, I only have more than 400 points!”

Seeing that Sister Yueyue’s points were not as high as herself, Feng Xiao was even more proud, and her little face raised, :

“I am a majestic tigress! Woohoo! ~”

Liang Yue: “…”

Chen Fan covered his face: … Tired, destroy.

A boy looked at his point badge, scratched his head, and said thoughtfully:

“It seems like it’s easy to earn points!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was discussing points suddenly looked at him in unison, with strange expressions.

“Easy to fart, do you think the ferocious beast is really that easy to kill? If it weren’t for Brother Fan’s precise command, most of us would have died in the hands of the fierce beast at this time, and you thought so simply! ”

“That is, thanks to Brother Fan’s command outside the field, I dodged several attacks from ferocious beasts, and I didn’t expect those attacks myself, if it weren’t for Brother Fan’s reminder, most of them would have been seriously injured!”

Shocked by his teammates, the man was aggrieved:

“When I say it’s easy, I mean that with Brother Fan’s command, we are so easy!”

“I’m only in the late stage of martial arts, will I be so self-aware…”

Everyone rolled their eyes:

“Then you don’t make it clear!”

“I thought you killed two ferocious beasts with us, and then floated, thinking you could do it!”

Chen Fan saw that the team almost had infighting because of a word that was not clearly said, and came over to persuade with some tears and laughter:

“Okay, it’s just a small misunderstanding, don’t talk about him.”

“After killing two demon beasts in a row, everyone is tired, do you want to rest first?”

Everyone in Wuyang City was full of fighting spirit, and they shook their heads one after another:

“No need to rest, no rest, I’m in good shape!” It’s really full of qi, and it’s not a problem to kill two or three more ferocious beasts! ”

“Yes, Brother Fan’s Qi Gathering Pill is too easy to use! Without erysipelas, there is no need to meditate and refine, when killing a ferocious beast, mobilize true qi, the medicinal power will be automatically refined, and a steady stream of true qi will be restored, straight! ”

“The Qi Gathering Pill without erysipelas is really too strong! A good thing that doesn’t change! ”

Chen Fan nodded:

“Okay, then let’s continue to hunt the ferocious beast.”

Someone suddenly remembered:

“Oh yes, Brother Fan, didn’t you exchange points for pills before, the Qi Gathering Pill you gave us, how many points do we have to return to you?”

Everyone was reminded by him, and also said:

“Yes, Brother Fan, how many points do you want? I’ll pay you back the points I owe first! ”

Regarding the price of the elixir, Chen Fan had already thought clearly, and he said with a smile:

“50 points per person.”

Everyone was shocked:

“Only 50 points?! So cheap?! ”

“Hold the grass! I thought I would get at least three or five hundred points, 50 points? What’s the difference between this and giving it away for nothing?! ”

“Brother Fan, don’t sell pills to us at a loss just because we are teammates!”

“Yes, yes, my brother still knows how to settle the account, such a precious ultimate pill, like giving it away for nothing, I feel a loss when I eat it…”

Seeing that these team members were so sincere about themselves, for fear that they would suffer losses, Chen Fan’s heart was warm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He waved his hand and said with a smile:

“I have estimated that the price of 50 points, to say that the profit is indeed not earned, but it is not a loss, it is basically the cost price.”

“We are all from Wuyang City, my own brother, no matter what, I can’t earn yours, can’t I?”

Players, you look at me, I look at you, they are all a little moved.

Chen Fan suddenly smiled:

“You don’t have to worry about me working in vain, 50 points is the internal price for my brother, and selling it to people from other teams, but it’s not this price.”

“When I enter the training camp, there is no place to buy pills if I want them, just my only copy, see if I don’t slaughter them fiercely at that time!”

Everyone burst into laughter.

“Yes, slaughter him! Anyway, the opponent, no need to be polite with them! ”

“I’ll go, can it still be like this?! Why didn’t I think of that? Brother Fan’s thinking is really open! ”

Chen Fan glanced into the distance and said with a smile:

“Look, the person who sent me money and points is here.”

Everyone turned their heads to see that several teams were rushing towards this side quickly.

These teams came to everyone in Wuyang City, saw the corpses of the blood-eyed golden rhino and the stone-armed giant ape on the ground, and then looked at the group of fierce beasts that were still fighting together on the top of the mountain, and what else did they not understand.

They stared angrily at everyone in Wuyang City and cursed:

“How despicable! Did you use elixirs that attract ferocious beasts? This is cheating! I’m going to escalate to the examiner! Let her deprive you of your grades! ”

“The assessment must rely on your own ability, and you can’t rely on external forces, don’t you know this rule? You guys are finished, you must all have 0 points in the selection assessment! Hmph, I congratulate you in advance here! ”

The leader of a team looked at the top of the mountain for a while, staring viciously at everyone in Wuyang City:

“What’s special, we finally found a fierce beast, hummed and fought for a long time, seeing that it was about to die, it was lured away by you with pills, it was really shameless! Give us back the beast! No, that ferocious beast has been killed by other ferocious beasts, then you pay us points! ”

Everyone in Wuyang City immediately cursed angrily:

“Who are you, you? You say pay for it? ”

“Which city are you from?” It’s arrogant! ”

The man raised his chin in disdain and said proudly:

“I am Jiang Hao from Guangming City!”

“You Wuyang City is at the bottom every time, and you want to turn over and think crazy? Actually started cheating?! ”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and give us the points! 300 points per person! ”

Chen Fan’s eyes flashed sharply, and he slowly walked over and stared coldly at the person who spoke:

“Lose points to you?”

“Are you here to blackmail?”

Looking at the imposing Chen Fan, Jiang Hao was not afraid, but instead sneered:

“Why, you want to fight? Just by you? ”

“You think I don’t know your details? A weak chicken in the middle of the warrior period also dares to show itself in front of me?! ”

His expression sank, and the momentum on his body soared into the sky.

“It’s really a frog at the bottom of the well, I don’t know what a real strong person is…”

Before the words fell, Chen Fan moved instantly!

Everyone present only felt a flash in front of them, and then heard a muffled sound.


In the next instant, the imposing Jiang Hao was like being hit head-on by a high-speed train, and he flew upside down!

Jiang Hao was already silent in mid-air.

He flew upside down more than ten meters away, fell to the ground like a rag bag, his body twisted at an abnormal angle, and did not move.

Look at it like this, even if you don’t die, most of them are crippled.

Everyone in Wuyang City roared:

“Good fight, Brother Fan domineering!”

“This kind of person, there is no need to tell him any reason, it is most appropriate to talk about fists!”

The students of several teams watched this scene stunned, their faces angry and jealous.

Chen Fan’s eyes swept over, and they only felt their hearts tremble, and they were instantly cold!

These people you look at me, I look at you, wisely closed their mouths tightly.

Chen Fan said coldly:

“Who said just now that the people of my Wuyang City are using external forces?”

There was silence, and the students of several teams were silent, not even daring to look at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan took out his second-grade alchemist badge 723, pinned it to his chest, raised his finger and nodded upwards:

“See! I am a second-grade alchemist, and I refine the pill with my own strength, whether this is with the help of external forces, or belongs to the internal cooperation with my own team members, trouble you to find out! ”

Everyone looked at the alchemist badge on Chen Fan’s chest in shock, stunned.

“What? Second Grade Alchemist?! ”

“Hold the grass! Really fake? He is a mid-martial artist, plus a second-grade alchemist?! This talent is a bit demonish! ”

Seeing that Chen Fan began to reason with them, without any intention of starting again, someone had the courage to muttered in a low voice:

“But we are all conducting assessments based on our martial arts strength, you…”

Chen Fan hooked the corner of his mouth, glanced at the person who said this, and said lightly:

“Not convinced? Then you also refine the pills yourself? Rest assured, no one will stop you. ”

Chen Fan pointed to the sky:

“Each of our teams is under the monitoring of the training camp, if I can’t use my own alchemy, the examiner will already come to stop me, and I still need you to report to her?”

Everyone was suddenly speechless.

Chen Fan glanced at these people a few times, and suddenly his temperament changed, and the cold expression on his face instantly faded, replaced by a gentle face.

“Have you ever thought that different teams can actually cooperate with each other?”

“You know, in previous training camps, it was very common for different teams to cooperate to cope with various assessments.”

Everyone vaguely understood something, and their eyes gradually brightened.

Chen Fan prepared the foreshadowing and revealed his fox tail:

“Now, I also give you a chance to cooperate with me.”

“I will provide you with elixirs, enhance your combat power, and help you get more points.”

“You just need money or points in return.”

Everyone suddenly stirred, and the expressions on their faces were greatly moved.

They exchanged ears and whispered:

“This seems to be good, with the elixir, we can quickly recover our true qi, and killing demon beasts is much simpler…”

Chen Fan’s eyes flashed, and he added another heavy weight with a smile:

“You know, the pills I refine are all extremely high-quality pills without erysipelas, and they don’t need to be refined, and they can be taken in battle.”

Everyone was in an uproar!

“Hold the grass! No erysipelas?! This is a bull batch! No, we must not miss this kind of superb dan! ”

“Yes, yes, if we don’t buy it, others will definitely buy it, then we won’t lag behind!”

Everyone immediately rushed towards Chen Fan:

“I want me!”

“Sell me a few!”

Chen Fan raised his hand and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet.

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk about the specific cooperation conditions first.”

“500,000 pieces of one pint of Juqi Dan, or one piece of 200 points, 1 million pieces of second-pin Pei Yuan Dan, or one piece of 400 points.”

“The number of pills I prepared is not much, first come, first served.”

Everyone immediately burst into an uproar:

“Hold the grass! You’re too dark too, aren’t you?! “。

Người mua: Bóng ma vô hình, 13/03/2023 18:30

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