Chapter 79: Erecting a Monument for Chen Fan! Reward King-level demon essence blood!.

The tenth layer of the Heavens Simulated Battlefield is different from the other nine layers.

Here is a huge valley, beyond the valley, is a circle of flat land surrounded by dense roofs, and beyond that, there is the beach, connected to the endless ocean.

In the tenth layer, which can be used as a battle site, it is this huge valley, and the area of the battlefield is much smaller than the other nine floors.

In the valley, a full 100,000 allied troops composed of demons of various races were stationed.

The barbarian armor soldiers of the Iron Rhinoceros Clan, the Rangers of the Tianhu Clan, the heavy lancers of the Celestial Clams, the Eagle Feather Guards of the Eagle Head Clan, the archers of the Seven-Eyed Clan, the giant shield soldiers of the Minotaur Clan, the Javelins of the Golden Python Clan…..

The demon queues of various races are staggered and orderly.

A full 100,000 demon coalition troops, covering the entire valley all over the mountains, almost no larger clearing can be seen!

When Chen Fan teleported into the tenth layer, he appeared directly in the middle of the valley, surrounded by a full 100,000 demon coalition troops.

Woo! –When he saw Chen Fan appear, a thick trumpet immediately sounded in the valley. Boom! –100,000 demon coalition troops moved in unison, shouting, long knives unsheathed, armor rubbing, mounts roaring, countless sounds gathered together, forming a roaring sound that resounded through the sky!

Alone, against the 100,000 powerful demon coalition army! It’s a bloody testing ground!

The ultimate level, the difficulty is truly extraordinary!

Chen Fan slowly scanned the circle, and the battle intent in his eyes was as fierce as fire! He hooked the corner of his mouth, and his tone was excited.

“That’s what to look at! Finally able to fight a tough battle! ”

The long sword in Chen Fan’s hand was like an abyss like the sea, and the momentum of fury and tyranny soared into the sky!

“Ten thousand races demon, come and try my sword!!!”

Boom! –With the sudden sound of the horn, the demon alliance launched an attack in unison!

The giant shield soldiers of the Minotaur tribe stopped directly in front of Chen Fan, holding a thick and solid giant shield and slowly advancing, like a giant mountain pressing the top! The heavy lancers of the Celestial Clam tribe follow behind the giant shield soldiers, and with the protection of the giant shield, they can stab as much as they want!

The Tianhu Clan rangers roamed in the rear, cutting off Chen Fan’s retreat! The barbarian armored soldiers of the Iron Rhinoceros tribe pressed from the left and right sides, and the momentum was monstrous!

The eagle feather guards of the Eagle Head clan fluttered their wings, covering the sky and shrouding the entire valley!

The seven-eyed patriarch, and the golden python javelinist opened a military formation in the rear, with long arrows on the string, javelins in hand, just waiting to launch a thunder strike across the valley, turning into a huge and incomparable flesh and blood millstone! Just wait to grind Chen Fan into powder!

Chen Fan laughed, his momentum was monstrous, like an undefeated war god who was extremely dominant!

“Flesh and blood grind to refine the true body, and kill the demon I am a dragon!”

327 Yikes! –Dao’s dazzling sword light suddenly exploded!

The 100,000 demons suddenly struck in unison, feeling as if there was a round of scorching sun shattering in front of him! Clang! –The sword intent is like a tide, and the thunder is like the sea!

More than 10,000 thunderous swords, powerful swords of true qi, instantly emerged! Whoops! –Along with the fierce and violent sword wind, countless swords of True Qi shot violently, whistling and circling around Chen Fan! More than 10,000 swords of true qi, holding the wind and thunder, hovering and strangling with an incomparably violent momentum, like a millstone! Grind the disc with flesh and blood, millstone on the flesh and blood!

Chok, choke, choke!

Giant shield piercing! The spear shattered! Poof, poof!

Bone cracking! Flesh and blood into mud! Yikes!

The sword light in the sky crisscrossed and went, and the eagle feather guards flying and circling in the air fell like raindrops! In less than ten minutes, the valley was full of dead and wounded! The battle damage reached 10%!

The demon coalition army rushed towards Chen Fan from all directions, like a monstrous wave crashing against the reef, but it was blocked by the extremely fierce True Qi Sword tens of meters away, and a full ten minutes passed, and he was never allowed to advance!

Tens of meters away, there seems to be an invisible line of killing, and those who cross the line die!

The corpses of the demon alliance army are piled up outside this line, and the demons behind them are still surging, but they never cross this line! Chen Fan put a golden yang pill into his mouth, but a breath, a slightly weaker breath, once again as strong as ever!

His eyes scanned the surrounding demon alliance like electricity, and slowly revealed a cold smile full of killing intent. With the elixir in hand, I can hold out for more time than you can imagine!

In the monitoring room of the training camp base, there was silence.

Everyone stared at the surveillance screen in horror, and their hearts trembled. Mansion Lord Sun Heng sighed leisurely: “Looking at the condensation and purity of his True Qi, this is clearly a grandmaster-level realm, if you talk about combat power alone, it is difficult for even a grandmaster to match”

“Chen Fan’s son is so young, he has already been promoted to the realm of grandmaster!”

“My Jiangbei Mansion, out of the real dragon!”

In the tenth floor of the battlefield.

The crazy strangling had lasted for half an hour, Chen Fan stood still majestically, the sword of True Qi was still as fierce as ever, and its power had not weakened in the slightest!

And the demon alliance has lost more than forty percent of the battle!

On a mountain by the valley, the leader of the demon alliance stared at Chen Fan, his face was livid, his eyes were surging with monstrous anger, but deep in his eyes, there was deep jealousy and fear.

For a long time, it gritted its teeth and waved its hand.

Woo! –A low trumpet sounded.

The remaining less than 60,000 demon coalition troops had already been frightened by Chen Fan’s killing, and when they heard the retreat horn, they immediately rushed back.

Countless swords of True Qi burst out, leaving the chaos when the demon alliance retreated, and strangled thousands of demons!

Feeling the pinprick-like pain in the meridians and dantian, Chen Fan knew that he was almost at the limit, and if he continued to hold on, he would hurt the foundation.

He held the teleportation stone and, in a flash of light, disappeared into the tenth layer.

In the monitoring room of the training camp base, seeing the demon coalition army begin to retreat, the lord of the mansion, Sun Henghuoran, stood up and was extremely excited: “This is a miracle!” What a miracle! ”

“Since the establishment of the Jiangbei Training Camp, he is the first absolute genius to break through the simulated battlefield in the heavens!”

“Ancient and modern! Unprecedented! ”

“I’m going to greet him and personally give him the reward of first place in the training camp; The essence blood of a king-level demon! ”

The eight mentors were immediately envious.

Even Zhu Dao, who was the head of the Heavenly Dragon Guard, couldn’t help but show an envious look.

As a great master-level powerhouse, the essence blood of a king-level demon is extremely precious even for him.


On the teleportation array square, thousands of trainees were eagerly awaiting. The waiting time is getting longer and longer, and the trainees are getting more and more excited.

Because they knew very well that the longer Chen Fan stayed in the battlefield, the better his grades would be!

“Eh, what do you think Brother Fan has broken into now?”

“I think, you have to have more than five floors, right?”

“Only five floors? Who do you look down on?! Brother Fan should at least reach the seventh layer! ”

“I also think so, the seventh layer should be about the same.”

Everyone was discussing, and suddenly someone exclaimed: “Lord Mansion Lord is here!” ”

Everyone looked over in surprise, and the lord of the mansion, Sun Heng, was walking quickly towards this side with Zhu Xiao and eight mentors.

“What’s the situation, did the lord of the mansion personally come to greet Brother Fan? Brother Fan is coming out soon? ”

“Shhh! Lord Mansion personally greeted, what kind of noodles is this?! ”

At this time, the huge teleportation array lit up, and everyone immediately looked over in unison, no longer caring about discussion. When the aura of the teleportation array dissipated, Chen Fan’s figure appeared in the formation.

Sun Heng stared at Chen Fan with great excitement, his eyes full of relief and ecstasy. He suddenly shouted: “Classmate Chen Fan has broken through the ultimate level and created unprecedented glory!” ”

The trainees were stunned.

“What? What is the ultimate level? ”

“······ Hold the grass! The ultimate level is the tenth layer! Brother Fan broke through the tenth layer?! He broke through?! ”

After reacting, the square suddenly burst into flames!

“Oh my God! Tenth floor?! I never dreamed of it! ”

“Is Brother Fan still human?! This is the immortal! ”

“The cow exploded! This is history! ”

The trainees of Wuyang City were even more ecstatic, and they roared with mad cheers without mercy.

“Tenth floor!”

“Hahahahaha! Brother Van is God! ”

“Brother Fan is the god of my Wuyang City! I’ll go back and put you on a tablet!” ”

“My Di Ma! Too strong! Outrageously strong! ”

“Hold the grass, how can I be a classmate with such an immortal?!”

Liang Yue and Feng Xiao were also extremely excited.

Liang Yue’s clear eyes stared at Chen Fan without blinking, and her eyes were full of admiration. Feng Xiao cheered: “I knew that Brother Chen Fan could break through the tenth layer!” Brother Chen Fan is the most powerful! No matter how difficult it is, it can’t stop him! ”

Sun Heng raised his hand and pressed down slightly, signaling everyone to be quiet.

He slowly spoke, word by word, like a bell ringing: “Chen Fan has returned with the glory of the world.” ”

“All students, kneel!”


Thousands of trainees, all kneeling to the ground!

Countless voices, gathered into one, resounded in the sky!

“Welcome Brother Fan!”

“Welcome to all gods!”

In front of the crowd, Xu Tapir and Wu Xuanying only hesitated slightly, and also knelt down neatly, kneeling heartily! As for Yan Xi, he knelt even faster and sharper than all the trainees.

Chen Fan was walking outside the teleportation array, and he was immediately startled by this face.

Seeing Chen Fan’s helpless and embarrassed look, Sun Heng smiled slightly and appreciated him a little more. Chen Heng didn’t want to embarrass Chen Fan, so he raised his hand: “Let’s all get up!” ”

Chen Fan walked quickly to Chen Heng and respectfully saluted, “Meet the lord of the mansion.” ”

Sun Heng immediately stretched out his hands to support him, looked at him carefully for a while with an appreciative gaze, nodded with great satisfaction, and his tone was amazed.

“Such a young Grandmaster powerhouse! It is really a rare fortune in a hundred years that my Jiangbei Mansion can produce such a true dragon! ”

Everyone was in an uproar.

“Hold the grass! Brother Fan has already broken through to the grandmaster?! ”

“Isn’t it a martial artist? Could it be a breakthrough in the battlefield? Bull batch! ”

Hearing Sun Heng’s words, Chen Fan was stunned, and wanted to explain that he had not broken through to the grandmaster, but after thinking about it, he swallowed the words back.

Forget it, anyway, it won’t be possible to break through in a few days, so don’t embarrass the lord of the mansion in public. Sun Heng took out a small box the size of a palm and handed it to Chen Fan: “This is a reward for the first place, the essence blood of a king-level demon!” ”

The material of this small box is like gold and not gold, like jade and not jade, and the surface is engraved with dense and mysterious patterns, and if you look closely, there is also condensed aura circulating in the patterns.

This small box alone is an extraordinary product.

Everyone was in an uproar, and the trainees stared at the small box without blinking, their eyes full of eagerness and envy. Chen Fan was not very polite, took the small box, and said gratefully: “Thank you, Lord Mansion!” ”

Feng Xiao ran over and grabbed Chen Fan’s sleeve and jumped straight: “Show me and show me!” ”

Chen Fan gave her a fond look and handed her the box. Sun Heng looked at Feng Zheng, smiled slightly, and did not obstruct.

Feng Xiao took the small box in his hand, looked at it for a while, and said curiously: “Brother Chen Fan, can I open it and take a look?” ”

Chen Fan didn’t care and nodded casually.

Sun Heng’s face changed slightly, and before he could stop it, Feng Xiao had already opened the box with great speed. A clear aura leaked out of the box, and everyone suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.

Everyone couldn’t help but squeeze forward, all stretching their necks, scrambling to look inside the box. Chen Fan also looked over curiously.

The box was engraved with dense patterns, and the spiritual light flowed, which was the appearance of a miniature formation.

Above the formation, a drop of soybean-sized, purple-cyan liquid was suspended in the air, which must be the essence blood of a king-level demon.

Chen Fan was carefully observing this drop of essence blood, and Sun Heng suddenly reminded in a loud voice: “This drop of essence blood is sealed by a formation, and when the formation is opened, the essence blood must be taken and refined immediately, otherwise the effectiveness will be quickly lost.” ”

Chen Fan was taken aback.

So, you want to take it right now? Nima, I’m not prepared at all!

Feng Xiao was also taken aback, she knew that she had broken into trouble, and she was suddenly at a loss, and there were tears in her big watery eyes.

“I’m sorry Brother Chen Fan…”

Chen Fan rubbed her little head and shook her head indifferently: “It doesn’t matter, it’s a big deal, I’ll just take the refining here.” ”

Chen Fan used True Qi to take this drop of essence blood and sent it into his mouth.

The essence blood entered his throat, and Chen Fan immediately felt as if a stream of fire had rushed into his abdomen!

As soon as he was awe-inspiring, he immediately meditated cross-kneeled, closed his eyes and concentrated, carried the majestic True Qi, and began to refine this drop of essence blood.

As soon as Chen Fan started refining, he instantly felt that this drop of essence blood seemed to be only the size of a soybean, but it seemed to hide an ocean inside!

A small drop of essence blood contains an incomparably huge vitality! And the power of thunder like the vast sea!

The extremely powerful vitality and the power of thunder fused together, turning into a monstrous tide of rage, stirring back and forth in the body!

From the inside to the outside, every inch of flesh and bones, and even every cell of the body was greatly strengthened by this tide of anger! Constantly reinforced! Push the limits again and again!

The dantian was also shattered and reorganized by this wave of anger, and expanded exponentially! Deepen! Straight from the lake to the sea! The meridians of the whole body were thicker under the strengthening of this tide of anger! Tougher!

The True Qi in the body seemed to be boiling, growing at an extremely fast speed, and the Dantian that was as wide as the sea was quickly filled with the constantly renewing True Qi!


When the True Qi in the body was filled to the peak, a thunderous bang sounded in his mind, and in his body, there was an incomparably powerful shackle that was broken!

Rumble! Break through the shackles, heaven and earth are wide!

Chen Fan Huoran opened his eyes, his gaze was like electricity, and a chilling true qi flashing with thunder came out of his body, straight up to Jiuxiao!

Feeling the incomparably powerful power in his body, Chen Fan opened the attribute panel and was surprised to find that he had not only broken through to the early stage of Grandmaster, but also jumped directly from 4.2 million to 6 million!

Before he could rejoice, he heard Sun Heng’s exclamation: “This is Grandmaster-level True Qi!” Chen Fan, you have only broken through the Grandmaster now?! ”

Without waiting for Chen Fan to reply, he sighed with emotion: “Oh my God! With the realm of martial artists, break through the ultimate level of the battlefield of the heavens! ”

“Chen Fan, you are more genius than I thought! More demonish! ”

Sun Heng’s expression was extremely excited, he turned back and forth a few times, and suddenly opened his mouth and drank: “Come man!” Listen to my dictation of the inscription, erect a monument here, and record Chen Fan’s earth-shattering achievements! For those who come after to pass it on! ”

The trainees were in an uproar and shocked.

The Lord of One Mansion personally erected a monument of merit for Chen Fan, what a monstrous glory! Sun Heng spoke loudly, word by word, like Hong Zhong Da Lu!

“Today, there is Chen Fan of Wuyang City, who has broken through the ultimate level in the Heavenly Trial Battlefield and set a shocking achievement unprecedented in history, and this monument is specially erected for the future generations to admire!”

“Chen Fan, this son, has unparalleled qualifications, and has a mighty heart, and he should be a true dragon of my human race!”

“I hope that he will forge ahead bravely, reach the top of the martial arts as soon as possible, and raise the power of my human race!”

“Monument erector: Jiangbei Mansion, Sun Heng!”

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