Chapter 87 Injured? They are too weak!.

By the open space in front of the hotel.

The onlookers were stunned when they watched Chen Fan kill three imposing Ten Thousand Races Pope Masters in three or two strokes like chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

“······ Is the grandmaster of the Ten Thousand Races Sect too wasteful, or is the mortal god too strong? ”

“Of course, the mortal gods are too strong, and the grandmaster of the Ten Thousand Races Sect is not easy to deal with!”

“Yes, those secret techniques that the scum of the Ten Thousand Races Sect learned from demons are evil and powerful, and they are very difficult, if they are replaced by someone else, even if they are also grandmasters, I am afraid that they will overturn them in three or two strokes!”

“Hold the grass! Are all gods so strong?! ”

“They are all grandmasters, all gods can actually hit three in one and three, and the whole process is easy to hang! It’s ridiculously strong! ”

“Worthy of being a god! Our Wuyang City actually produced such a bullish character, what a lot of luck! ”

In the crowd, Su Xingyue looked at Chen Fan dumbfounded, for a while, and asked Yan Xizhen in a bit of a trance: “… I’m not dreaming, am I? ”

Yan Xizhen shook her head seriously, staring at Chen Fan’s eyes full of admiration, and admiration that she didn’t even notice: “Chen Fan is really strong!” It is worthy of being the strongest genius in Wuyang City! ”

A group of heavily armed police patrolmen looked at Chen Fan, shocked and in awe.

“My God, what kind of demon is this, he is a grandmaster? I don’t think the Great Grandmaster is as strong as him! ”

“It’s terrifyingly strong! I suddenly remembered the Xiao family, how unlucky do you say they are, provoking such a peerless genius? ”

“Hey, who can blame that? It was they who did their own death. The Xiao family has no hope, sooner or later it will be over. ”

“Look at this scene, the stone floor has been beaten into ruins, fortunately Chen Fan is strong enough, otherwise we should go to deal with the three grandmasters of the Ten Thousand Races Sect, and there will definitely be heavy casualties at that time.”

“.. Also, Chen Fan, this is equivalent to saving our lives. ”

Yang Xuance and Jiang Mubai, who had just got off the helicopter, fixed their minds and hurriedly walked over.

Jiang Mubai glanced at the three corpses on the ground, looked Chen Fan up and down, and asked nervously, “Chen Fan, are you okay?” Are there any injuries? ”

Chen Fan shook his head: “Uncle Jiang, don’t worry, there is nothing at all.” These grandmasters of the ten thousand races are a little weak. ”

Jiang Mubai: “…..”

You may be a little misunderstood, the grandmaster of the ten thousand races is actually never weak, it is you who are too strong. Yang Xuance’s face was gloomy, and he was about to say something, when suddenly the phone rang.

He picked up and listened for a while, sneered, and said murderously to the other end of the 08 phone: “Surround it, don’t let a fly escape!” Wait for me to come! ”

Hanging up the phone, Yang Xuance gritted his teeth and said, “The secret agents of the Zhenbei Army started with these three Ten Thousand Races Sect Masters, followed the vine and touched the melons, and have found a secret stronghold of the Ten Thousand Races Sect in Wuyang City. ”

Jiang Mubai looked at him in surprise, but he was not surprised.

The Zhenbei Army sits in Jiangbei Prefecture, and the secret agents in the army monitor the dark forces in the entire Jiangbei Prefecture, and the intelligence ability is very strong, it is not surprising that the stronghold of the Ten Thousand Races Sect can be found so quickly.

Yang Xuance laughed murderously: “Good luck this time, Chen Fan, you brought out a big fish!” ”

He looked at Chen Fan: “Go, watch me go to avenge you!” ”

“Watch me slaughter this big fish with my own eyes so that you will not waste this dangerous test you suffered today!”

Chen Fan did not hesitate and nodded gladly: “Good!” Then thank you Commander Yang! ”

Jiang Mubai said with murderous intent: “Commander, the masters of my city guard also listen to your orders!” ”

Yang Xuance glanced at him, nodded, and greeted Chen Fan: “Chen Fan, follow me!” ”

Chen Fan immediately followed.

He walked a few steps, stopped abruptly, and beckoned to Su Xingyue and Yan Xizhen: “Sister Su, Zhenzhen, you guys are also coming.” ”

At this time, leaving the two of them here, he was a little uneasy. Who knows that the Church of All Races will not do anything here again.

The madness of these people must not be underestimated. Yikes!

Several special cars from the City Lord’s Mansion rushed over and stopped sharply on the side of the road. Before getting into the car, Jiang Mubai pointed to the group of police patrolmen: “Handle the scene!” ”

Chen Fan and the three followed Yang Xuance and Jiang Mubai into two cars, and the car immediately rushed out like an off-string arrow. In the outer part of Wuyang City, in a remote place, a church quietly towers.

The church is very dilapidated, unmaintained for many years, and the doors, windows and eaves have decayed in many places. Through a few broken windows, you can see that the inside is dark and lifeless.

In the courtyard outside the church, there was dead grass and thick dust on the ground, and it seemed that no one had been here for a long time.

A group of powerful masters stood scattered in the courtyard and surrounded the entire church. Some of these masters wore the uniforms of the Zhenbei Army, while others wore the uniforms of the City Guard.

These people stood here quietly, staring at the church expressionlessly, no one spoke, and the atmosphere in the courtyard was solemn.

There was a dead silence in the church, but there was a faint breath of inexplicability, as if there was an invisible force brewing and guarding. Yikes!

Several City Lord’s Mansion cars were parked outside the courtyard.

Yang Xuance took the lead in getting out of the car and walked in with Jiang Mubai and Chen Fan. He glanced at the church, murderous.

Chen Fan looked at the church in front of him and frowned slightly.

The secret stronghold of the Ten Thousand Races Sect looks like this? Not much better than a dump.

That’s right, this group of people taught by ten thousand races was originally a scum that should have been thrown into the garbage heap!

Su Xingyue and Yan Xizhen experienced such an occasion for the first time, and both of them were a little nervous and excited. A Zhenbei Army expert led by him saluted Yang Xuance with a fist: “General, the ten thousand ethnic groups in this stronghold have all been blocked by us, and no one has escaped!” ”

Yang Xuance nodded in satisfaction.

He stepped forward a few steps and stared at the church, murderous.

Yang Xuance Huo Ran spoke, his voice full of contempt and pride: “Zong Canglong, open your dog’s eyes and see clearly how your dog died!” ”

“Dare to calculate my super genius in Wuyang City, I will level your kennel!”

There was silence, and there was no response from the church. Yang Xuance sneered disdainfully: “Hide the lewd thing that shows its head and tail!” ”

He waved his hand: “Do it!” Raze this place for me! ”

A group of Zhenbei Army and City Guard Army masters pounced in unison! Yikes!


It’s really exciting, and the breath is roaring!

A series of fierce fights and screams erupted in the church. A voice as old as dead wood suddenly roared, “Yang Xuance! I will not die with you! ”

Yang Xuance sneered: “Old thing, it’s your turn to die with me?” You kneel down and beg me, and I won’t let you go! ”

Whoops! –The battle in the church suddenly became several times more intense!

The furious True Qi roared and roared, stirring up a thick and terrifying air explosion! Whoops!

Bombarded by the aftermath of the fierce fight, the church, which was already decaying, collapsed with a bang! Yikes!

A group of masters flashed, dodged the falling masonry, and stood safely on the ruins of the church.

This group of masters formed a battle formation, and in the middle of the battle formation, an old man stood with his hands down, his white hair dancing in the wind.

This old man’s face was withered, his fingers were like dead vines, his body was shriveled and thin, he looked like a dry corpse, but the momentum on his body was incredible.

Yang Xuance stared at the old man and sneered murderously: “Zong Canglong, you, the mouse hiding in the drain, have finally been able to give up?!” ”

Zong Canglong slowly turned his head, and a pair of old but exquisite eyes swept over Yang Xuance, staring at Chen Fan. Chen Fan looked at him expressionlessly, his eyes indifferent.

Zong Canglong’s momentum was amazing, and there seemed to be a deterrent force like a raging wave in his eyes.

Chen Fan just sneered disdainfully in his heart: Ha! Scare me? Little master, I was scared?

The two looked at each other for a long time, Zong Canglong’s eyes flashed, revealing a strange smile: “It is worthy of being a genius at the demon level, and it is really extraordinary.” ”

Chen Fan grinned at him and said lightly, “Shut up.” I don’t like compliments from dying people. ”

Yan Xizhen burst out laughing, and quickly covered his mouth again.

Zong Canglong’s eyes flashed fiercely, he slowly scanned the masters who surrounded him, and suddenly his figure burst out! A group of masters pounced in an instant!


The fist wind roars, and the sword light runs rampant!

This group of masters was like a large flexible and sturdy net, firmly covering Zong Canglong inside.

Zong Canglong bent his fingers into claws, his fingertips condensed the extremely sharp true qi, and he had the power to break mountains and stones between swings, but he never tore through this net that bound him!

He fought fiercely for a while, then suddenly stood still, and roared up to the sky.

A violent and treacherous aura suddenly gushed out from him!

On Zong Canglong’s body, a faint wisp of blood qi floated, and this wisp of blood qi quickly grew and condensed. In the blink of an eye, the blood qi in his body condensed as if it were substance!

As the blood qi became more and more intense, the aura on his body also swelled violently, and in a blink of an eye, it was more than twice as strong as before! He was originally as thin as a dry corpse, and his figure was even more shriveled at this time.

Yang Xuance frowned: “Blood Burning Secret Technique!” ”

He shouted at a group of masters: “All back off!” ”


The order was forbidden, and this group of experts withdrew without hesitation.

Zong Canglong also did not grapple with them, his figure flashed, and he rushed straight towards Yang Xuance! At this time, his speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Yang Xuance in the blink of an eye!

Zong Canglong shouted fiercely, his five fingers formed into claws, and he grabbed it like a flash! Whoops! –This claw brings a harsh sound of breaking the air, and the violent and fierce true qi on the fingertips shoots out, if it is grasped, it is enough to penetrate the gold and jade! –Between the electric flint, Yang Xuance slammed a punch on his claws with a brutal and arrogant momentum! Click!

Zong Canglong’s arm shattered in an instant!

He let out a sharp and withered howl, and flew upside down in the air!

Zong Canglong was blasted out like a cannonball, slammed into the ruins piled up by the church, and vomited blood in a big gulp. He raised his head weakly, staring at Yang Xuance without fear in his gaze, only tyrannical and crazy killing intent.

Yang Xuance snorted coldly and shook his head: “Great Grandmaster, you also dare to make a move on me, a marquis-level?” ”

“You people from the Ten Thousand Races Sect are really crazy enough!”

Zong Canglong spat out a mouthful of blood, stared at Chen Fan for a while, and revealed a strange miserable smile: “Yang Xuance, the true heritage of my Ten Thousand Races Saint Sect is not something you can imagine!” You can protect Chen Fan for a while, but you can’t protect him for a lifetime!” ”

Chen Fan’s eyes flashed fiercely, he stared at Zong Canglong, and spoke lightly: “Now Commander Yang is your opponent, in a few years, the most dangerous enemy of your Ten Thousand Races Sect will be me!” ”

Yang Xuance turned his head to look at him, his eyes appreciative

“Good ambition! This is the demeanor of my Terran Tianjiao! ”

Zong Canglong hooked the corner of his mouth with disdain: “The most dangerous enemy of my Ten Thousand Races Saint Sect? It depends on whether you can live to that day! ”

After speaking, a fierce look exploded in his eyes.

An obscure aura flashed away, and Zong Canglong’s severely injured body suddenly shook violently. The next moment, he tilted his head, fell to the ground weakly, and then silently.

Yang Xuance frowned: “This old thing actually killed itself?!” ”

He was a little regretful and a little angry: “It’s really decisive enough, I still want to capture him alive and torture more information about the Ten Thousand Races Sect from his mouth!” ”

“This kind of person is not without strong will and courage, but unfortunately he used it in the wrong place and was willing to be a dog for the demon!”

Chen Fan smiled coldly: “It’s not strange, when a dog is a dog, he first gives up human dignity, and if he doesn’t fight a little, how can he get the approval of his master.” ”

Yang Xuance nodded in agreement: “That’s the truth. ”

“In the end, these people are still guilty of their own slut, obviously they can be people, they have to be dogs!”

The matter was temporarily concluded here, and Yang Xuance turned his head to look at Jiang Mubai: “Xiaobai, you arrange for the masters of the City Guard Army to escort Chen Fan home.” ”

Jiang Mubai immediately nodded and answered: “Yes!” Captains! ”

Yang Xuance remembered something, and added: “Also, the secret guard protecting Chen Fan must be arranged in place immediately!” Stop grinding on twitter! ”

“If it weren’t for Chen Fan’s own strength this time, our Wuyang City would have lost a shocking genius! By then you’ll be late to cry! ”

Jiang Mubai was embarrassed and ashamed, and said weakly: “Uncle Yang, don’t worry, I won’t make this mistake again this time…”

Yang Xuance snorted lightly.

“That couldn’t be better.”

Chen Fan listened to the conversation between Yang Xuance and Jiang Mubai, his eyes and nose, nose and heart, and his mouth closed tightly. At this time, it is not appropriate to say anything yourself, and it is best to shut up.


Chen Fan, under the arch of a group of city guard experts, returned to the inner city with a rather eye-catching battle. He first sent Su Xingyue and Yan Xizhen back separately, and then went back to his home.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard of the villa, he sincerely thanked a group of city guard masters: “Thank you big brothers for escorting!” ”

The city guard masters were a little flattered: “Brother Chen, you are too polite!” It should be, it should be! ”

After entering the villa, before he could stand firmly, Chen Guoguo flew up. She pulled Chen Fan to look left and right, and her little face was full of panic and worry: “Brother! Are you all right?! I’ll see, is the hand broken? Broken foot? ”

Chen Fan: “·· It’s not broken, your brother and I are fine, and I haven’t lost a single hair. ”

Chen Guoguo personally checked around and confirmed that his own brother was not injured at all, which was a big sigh of relief. She patted her chest and looked happy: “It’s good that those people from the Ten Thousand Races Sect are all waste!” ”

Seeing that Chen Fan’s expression was wrong, she blinked her eyes and quickly changed her words: “Fortunately, brother, you are super strong!” Hang those masters of the Ten Thousand Races Sect! ”

Chen Fan snorted with a smile: “This is almost the same. ”

Li Qingmei and Chen Dexing ran out in a panic: “Fanfan, you are back!” You’re not hurt, are you?! Did it hurt somewhere?! ”

Chen Fan hurriedly said: “No, no, I’m fine, I haven’t suffered any injuries!” Your second elder can rest assured! ”

Li Qingmei looked at Chen Fan carefully, and saw that he was alive, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground. She sighed a little scared: “I saw the report on the TV news just now, and I was really scared to death!” ”

Chen Dexing was silent, his mouth was pursed tightly, and his face was full of solemnity and fear. Chen Guoguo whispered to Chen Fan: “Just now, my mother was scared to cry… Mom’s look just now is so scary…”

Chen Fan listened to a pain in his heart, and then instantly surged with monstrous anger.

He didn’t dare to imagine what kind of mood his parents would have if something really happened to him.

Then he remembered what he had said earlier in front of the church. He gritted his teeth, and the killing intent under his eyes was as deep as an abyss.

Dare to kill me? Ten Thousand Races Sect, I will not die with you!

It took some effort to comfort the second elder before Chen Fan returned to his room.

Although he couldn’t wait to crush the Ten Thousand Races Sect into powder immediately, Chen Fan knew very well that his strength was far from enough now. The road has to be taken step by step.

Right now, the most important thing is to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Qian Jun had already sent over the medicinal materials for refining the second-grade Peiyuan Dan and the third-grade Jinyang Dan, and Chen Fan set up the Dan furnace and began refining the pill. The most important thing at the moment is to make money by refining pills, and then krypton gold becomes stronger!.

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