Chapter 90: Wenkao! It’s a bit hard for you guys!.

At the entrance of Yanming Middle School.

After all the candidates entered the examination room, Shen Zhaoqing also walked in.

As an ombudsman, his duty is to patrol the entire examination room and supervise the invigilators in the various examination rooms to prevent them from favoritism. On the square outside the examination room, Yang Xuance, the lord of the mansion, Sun Heng, and the city lords of Jiangbei Prefecture sat down in the pergola set up in advance, waiting for the exam to end.

A group of guards and assistants surrounded the pergola.

Outside, a large group of parents nervously await the test results.

The nearest prime position at the entrance of the school was firmly occupied by a group of reporters, ready to compete for first-hand college entrance examination news materials. In the pergola, Yang Xuance was triumphantly boasting about his strongest genius in Wuyang City: “Chen Fan is only 16 years old and is already a martial arts grandmaster!” This martial arts talent, not to mention in our Jiangbei Mansion, even if it is put in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, it is a handful! ~”

“What’s more, he’s still a third-grade alchemist! His talent on the Dan Dao is even more terrifying! The pills refined by Chen Fan were all extremely high-quality pills without erysipelas! Think about what this concept is! ”

“Chen Fan swept through the Jiangbei training camp! Beat the level directly in the simulated battlefield of the heavens! Such an unearthly talent can be called the true dragon of my human race! ”

The faces of dozens of city lords were uglier than the other. Someone snorted angrily: “Commander Yang, it’s the college entrance examination now, and only when the college entrance examination results come out will you know who is really the strongest, and there is no point in saying anything else.” ”

Looking at this group of city lords with extremely ugly expressions, Yang Xuance raised his eyebrows, and his expression was very unbearable: “College entrance examination? Those geniuses of yours were beaten by Chen Fan in the Jiangbei training camp, can the college entrance examination be hardened? ”

“This year’s college entrance examination, let’s not talk about anything else, at least you don’t have to think about the top student in the college entrance examination of Jiangbei Prefecture.”

“Then again, City Lords, I don’t know what kind of rank those genius students of yours plan to hit this year?”

A group of city lords had livid faces, and many people simply turned their faces away, not wanting to deal with this extremely show-off guy at all.

Mansion Lord Sun Heng listened to Yang Xuance’s display with a smile, and actually recognized his words in his heart.

However, as the head of a house, it is not good for him to behave too favorably at such a time, brushing his beard and smiling silently. In the examination room.

A group of students walked to their assigned examination room.

Mo Qingying suddenly stopped and turned to look at Chen Fan, who was walking over. The Kyoto students behind her also stopped.

Mo Qingying stared at Chen Fan with a proud expression, and a strong fighting intent surged in her eyes: “Chen Fan, I am Mo Qingying, remember me, because I will be your strongest opponent!” ”

Zhan Yan glanced at her, a little surprised.

The expressions of the others were also a little puzzled.

They couldn’t seem to understand why Mo Qingying attached so much importance to Chen Fan, the so-called genius of this small rural place. Chen Fan turned his head and glanced at Mo Qingying very casually, not caring at all.

He didn’t pause, flicked a sentence, and walked away unhurriedly.

“You can’t seem to tell the difference between confidence and conceit.”

Mo Qingying’s pretty face suddenly became cold, and she clenched her fists, so angry that her silver teeth clenched. Behind him, several Kyoto students were indignant.

“Heck, so arrogant!”

“Ciao! A dirt bun in the countryside, who has never seen anything in the world, thinks he is really a great genius! ”

“This silly fork! Who gave him the confidence to look down on our genius from Kyoto?! ”

“Shouldn’t he think that Sister Qingying and the fools in this broken place of Wuyang City are on the same level? Does this kid not have a brain?! ”

Zhan Yan’s expression was also ugly, and he stared at Chen Fan’s back, his eyes were like ice. In the examination room where Chen Fan was.

Dozens of candidates sat with solemn expressions, waiting for the exam to begin.

As another bell rang, the examination officially began, and the two examiners began to distribute the examination papers. After getting the test paper, Chen Fan glanced at it a few times, and he was immediately shocked.


That’s too easy, isn’t it?!

These questions, just like deliberately giving marks to candidates, for fear that they will get rid of the points, try in every possible way to make the questions more straightforward and simpler.

Especially the questions of those Dan Shu classes are no different from writing the answers directly in the exam questions. Chen Fan had a question mark on his face.

That’s it? Can this be a high exam paper? Did you send the wrong test paper?

The college entrance examination can not be too casual, if you have doubts, you must immediately find out, in case there is really a problem, affecting the college entrance examination results, it will be too late to regret it.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan immediately raised his hand: “Examiner, did you send the wrong test paper?” ”

When dozens of candidates heard this, they immediately looked at him in unison, and then looked at their own test papers, with different expressions, and there was a slight commotion in the classroom.

The two examiners were sent from other cities in Jiangbei Prefecture, but they also knew Chen Fan, a famous super genius, and did not dare to take his words lightly.

The two were taken aback by Chen Fan’s words and sent the wrong test paper, which was a fatal event! The two examiners walked over in three steps and two steps, with solemn expressions: “Let me take a look!” ”

The two picked up Chen Fan’s test papers, gathered together and read them over and over several times, and then walked around the classroom separately, checking the other students’ test papers.

Then, the two looked at each other, their expressions speechless.

“····· Chen Fan, the test paper was not wrong. ”

An examiner said to the other students: “There is absolutely no mistake in the test paper, please answer the questions carefully and do not make noise.” ”

After the verification of the two examiners, Chen Fan dared to confirm that the examination paper of the college entrance examination… It’s that simple. He touched his chin and thoughtfully: This is how it feels during the Super Genius exam?

There were no worries in his heart, so Chen Fan didn’t think much about it, picked up his pen and began to answer the questions.

These questions, for him, are basically just a glance, and the answers will pop out on their own. While answering the question, Chen Fan sighed in his heart.

It’s so simple, it’s ridiculously simple! In my life, I have never done such a simple problem! Chen Fan finished answering the test paper in three or two clicks.

He looked at the clock on the wall of the examination room and found that it was still too early, and it was still far from the time when he was allowed to submit the papers in advance. Chen Fan sat for a while, extremely bored, and simply stretched out his arms and took a nap.

The two examiners glanced at each other, walked over quietly, and glanced at Chen Fan’s examination paper a few times.

Seeing the answers written on it, the two calculated in their hearts for a while, and suddenly showed shocked expressions. Chen Fan’s answers seemed to be all correct!

This is not surprising, after all, he is a super genius. But isn’t this a little too fast?!

Doesn’t he even have to think?!…..

Outside the examination room, city owners, parents of candidates, and a large group of reporters were all eagerly waiting.

At this time, a young girl with a graceful figure and an elegant temperament with a proud temperament came out of the examination room and walked towards the school gate. Everyone immediately became excited: “There are candidates who have come out!” ”

“I remember this girl, she seems to be from Kyoto?”

When Mo Qingying walked out of the examination room, a group of reporters immediately rushed up.

“This student, how did you do in the exam?”

“Do you think this year’s essay exam papers are difficult?”

“Student Mo, how many points are you sure you will get?”

Mo Qingying raised her head slightly, her expression natural and proud: “This year’s exam paper is quite simple. Except for the last few questions, I am not absolutely sure, and I should not lose a single point for other questions. ”

Hearing her answer, everyone was in an uproar. The parents of the students behind were surprised and wary: “The genius from Kyoto is really powerful!” ”

“Hey, are they so strong? Then isn’t our Wuyang City’s ranking going to be affected? ”

“Hmm… They took the college entrance examination as students of our Wuyang City, and their ranking was also counted at the head of our Wuyang City. ”

“Well, that’s fine.”

“What’s good, with Chen Fan here, does our Wuyang City need their ranking?”

“That’s right, we have Chen Fan, the college entrance examination champion must be from our Wuyang City!”

In the pergola, the city lords of each city looked solemn.

The students from Kyoto are so strong, they are secretly worried that their students’ ranking may be affected. Yang Xuance and Sun Heng glanced at each other, and both saw the calmness in each other’s eyes.

What kind of Kyoto genius, is a group of scum, there is Chen Fan, which round to get them out of the limelight! After a while, the war gate also came out.

In the face of the reporters’ interview, his words were strikingly similar to Mo Qingying: “It’s quite simple, except for the last few questions that are not very sure, other questions will definitely not lose points.” ”

Everyone was in an uproar: “These students from Kyoto are so strong!” ”

“I’m a little worried that they will squeeze the ranking of our Wuyang City students…”

“yes, I’m thinking about that too, it’s really annoying.”

In the pergola, the expressions of a group of city lords were even more ugly.

These Kyoto students are all ranked at the head of Wuyang City, and the better they perform, the greater the threat to their students!

At this time, there was a sudden uproar in the crowd: “Chen Fan is out!” ”

A group of real power figures in the pergola suddenly stood up in unison and rushed towards the door of the examination room. Chen Fan yawned and walked out, and a group of reporters rushed over: “Classmate Chen Fan, how did you do in the exam?!” ”

“All Gods! Are you sure to take the first place?! ”

“Mortal God, do you think this year’s exam paper is difficult?”

Next to the door, Mo Qingying, who came out first, stared at Chen Fan tightly, with some caution in her eyes, but more confident and proud. Zhan Yan glanced at him with some contempt, and his expression was not very concerned.

Chen Fan glanced at the two, looked at everyone with an expectant face, hooked the corner of his mouth, and a trace of evil interest flashed in his eyes. He deliberately frowned and hesitated for a while before saying, “This year’s exam paper… It’s a bit hard. ”

A hint of joy flashed on Mo Qingying’s face, and the confidence and pride in her eyes became a little stronger. Zhan Yan snorted disdainfully, not bothering to look at him again.

Hearing Chen Fan’s answer, everyone was in an uproar.

“All gods say it’s a little difficult?! Isn’t the rest finished?! ”

“No, with Chen Fan’s strength, it makes no sense that it will be difficult? Could it be that he was malfunctioning? ”

“It’s not impossible.”

Chen Fan’s answer surprised Yang Xuance.


He glanced at Chen Fan a few times, and when he saw the confidence hidden under his indifferent expression, he immediately understood. Yang Xuance was a little angry and funny, and complained to Sun Heng: “This kid! Fooling people again! ”

Sun Heng saw it earlier, smiled and shook his head: “I see, he is like you, he likes to tease people.” ”

Yang Xuance smiled and looked at Chen Fan, only feeling more pleasing than before. Knock knock!

The bell for the end of the exam rang, and a group of students hula gushed out.

Feng Xiao jumped out, grabbed Chen Fan’s sleeve, and complained aggrievedly: “Brother Chen Fan, there are a few questions I won’t do in the exam!” ”

Liang Yue hugged her little head and said with a smile: “Those questions are already difficult, and many people will not do it!” ”

Feng Xiao was immediately comforted: “Ah! I’m still smart to say that! ”

Chen Fan couldn’t help but laugh and rubbed her hair: “Of course, the zither is the smartest!” ”

After the candidates left the examination room, they gathered in the square in front of the school without walking, waiting for the results to come out.

Of course, the score can be given in the literary test, but it is the score of the first reading, that is, the score of the first reading, and two re-readings will be carried out later to determine the final score.

But this is just a fixed process, generally speaking, the first reading score and the final score, basically the same, at most a few points of difference quickly, the first reading score will come out.

An examiner came out with a stack of papers, took a loudspeaker and began to read the scores. The full score of the literary test is 300 points, and the examiner goes from low to high, only promoting a passing grade or above: “Wang Fang 180 points… Hu Zhou 180 points… Ye Hao 180 points… Jiang Lin 220 points! ”


Chen Fan showed a happy expression and patted Jiang Lin’s shoulder: “Ermu, you did a good exam!” ”

He is very happy for this diehard, this result is really good, for him it is already quite good. Jiang Lin was also excited: “It’s playing well!” Better than I expected! ”

The examiner continued to read: “.. Zhuang Yu 230 points! ”

Zhuang Yu was extremely ugly: “! Got so badly! ”

Several Kyoto students comforted him: “Not bad, just a little bit away from the excellent score.” ”

“Actually, it’s okay, in the small place of Wuyang City, the ranking is definitely not bad, and I can get a good school.”

The examiner’s reading kept ringing:….. Feng Zheng 250 points… Liang Yue 265 minutes….. Feng Xiao blinked his eyes: “Brother Chen Fan, I heard others say that 250 seems to be a curse word.” ”

Chen Fan: “…..”

Liang Yue’s expression was delighted: “Xiaozheng, you and I have done well in the exam, reaching the standards of first-tier universities!” ”

Only then did Feng Xiao become happy: “Really? All right! ”

In the loudspeaker in the examiner’s hand, the scores reported higher and higher, and soon reached the top students with the highest scores: “… 280 points! Mo Qingying 285 points! ”

Everyone was in an uproar.

“What a high score! The genius from Kyoto is really powerful! ”

“This is a strong dragon overpowering the earth head snake! Our entire Jiangbei Prefecture, I’m afraid that few students can compare with them! ”

Mo Qingying raised her chin slightly, looking at Chen Fan with a proud expression, and there was some condescending pity in her eyes.

The examiner has not read Chen Fan, he will not fail the grade, right?!

If so, then it is really a waste of his own thoughts, a so-called genius who failed the literary exam, it is simply laughing to death!

At this time, the examiner paused visibly, before he pronounced the last name aloud: “The highest score in this examination room!” It is also the highest score in the entire Jiangbei Province! ”

“Wuyang City Dixing Middle School, Chen Fan, 300 out of 300!”

The students in Kyoto were in an uproar.

But their noise and discussion were drowned out by the cheers of others.

“Worthy of being a god! That’s the score he deserves! ”

“I know! How can the college entrance examination questions be rare to live in mortal gods! ”

Mo Qingying’s eyes widened in shock, she froze for a while, suddenly stepped forward a few steps, and asked incredulously: “You even made the last few questions?!” ”

Zhan Yan also stepped forward with a look of horror and stared at Chen Fan as if he really knew him for the first time. Chen Fan glanced at the two and smiled slightly: “I’m sorry, I didn’t seem to make it clear just now, I mean, with the level of the two of you, this year’s exam questions are a bit difficult.” ”

Everyone burst into laughter.

Mo Qingying’s pretty face turned pig’s liver color, and she clenched her silver teeth with an angry expression.

Zhan Yan’s face was livid, and he stared at Chen Fan coldly, his eyes as sharp as a knife.

Several Kyoto students were also angry, but their rebuttals were overshadowed by the laughter of the crowd and no one heard them. Mo Qingying held back in shame for a while before Huo Ran spoke, “You are proud too early!” ”

“The literary examination only accounts for 20% of the college entrance examination scores! What really plays a decisive role is the Wukao! Let’s see the real chapter on the Tower of Babel! ”

Chen Fan shrugged his shoulders and didn’t care: “Okay.” ”

The scores of the literary examination have come out, and the candidates immediately rushed to the examination room of the martial arts examination: the Tower of Babel and!.

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