Chapter 92: Mo Qingying: Are you cheering for me?!。

Under the Tower of Babel, one after another spiritual light kept flickering.

Students continue to fail in the fantasy world and are teleported out. Many students saw their achievements and cried bitterly: “Ten years of hard work, ruined!” It’s so hard! It’s really hard! ”

“Woooo I can only be a low-level logistician in the future, and I don’t even have the qualifications to go to the battlefields of the heavens to be cannon fodder!” ”

“You can’t go to university to cultivate higher-level exercises and martial arts, this life is like this, and life can be seen at a glance!”

On the high platform, the city lords looked at this scene with heavy expressions. Many of those who broke down and cried were their students.

The aura that teleported students out of the tower was still flickering.

However, the further back you go, the students who are teleported out will naturally get better and better. Of the tens of thousands of candidates, there are still quite a few who have reached the passing line of the fifth layer.

They look at their achievements and rejoice.

“It’s okay, it’s okay! I passed and was able to enter the university to continue my cultivation! ”

“Yes, when we graduate from the university, we will be qualified to go to the battlefield of the heavens and make meritorious achievements!”

“Great! As long as you can go to university, the future is bright! ”

Those students who were completely eliminated and could not go to college looked at them, their eyes full of envy.

Yang Xuance glanced down a few times, estimated the number of students graduating, and sighed with emotion.

“The pass rate of the martial arts examination is still as low as in previous years, alas, martial arts is difficult!”

He glanced at the stone wall under the Tower of Babel a few times.

At this time, there were less than seven or eight hundred people left in the Tower of Babel, and the others had all failed and were teleported out. Yang Xuance found Chen Fan’s name among a bunch of names.

Chen Fan was on the seventh layer, and there was a large group on the same floor as him, with more than a hundred people. In this way, Chen Fan’s speed of breaking through the pass was not very fast.

But Yang Xuance didn’t care.

Breaking through the illusion is not to see who is faster, but to see who can last longer. The winner is the one who perseveres to the end.

On the square, Principal Zhang Boming stood in front of the student procession, staring at the list on the stone wall without blinking, his expression happy.

“Chen Fan, Liang Yue, Feng Zheng, and several top students are still there, not bad, this time our 08 Emperor Star’s performance is quite good!”

Su Xingyue’s gaze glued to Chen Fan’s name, and nodded in agreement: “Yes, the quality of this batch of students is obviously much stronger than that of previous sessions.” ”

Zhang Boming touched his chin and pondered for a while: “I feel that this is mainly due to Chen Fan, a super genius, and his driving effect is too strong.” ”

There was a lot of noise in the square, and tens of thousands of students stared at the stone wall, exchanging ears and talking to each other.

“The illusion assessment is really too difficult, how long has it been, there are only so many people left!”

“Yes, this year’s martial arts exam is too difficult, I don’t know how many people can reach the admission line of first-class universities.”

“It’s too difficult to break through the seventh layer to enter a first-class university!”

“Yes, in our entire Jiangbei Prefecture, there are not many people who can meet this standard.”

The light that teleported out of the students was still lit up one after another.

In a short time, there were only more than a hundred people left in the tower.

During this time, about twenty people broke through to the eighth layer, and the rest were still on the seventh layer, and the sixth was struggling. Zhang Boming looked at the list on the stone wall and was very happy: “Chen Fan, Liang Yue, and Feng Xiao have all entered the eighth layer!” That’s great! ”

Su Xingyue said thoughtfully: “I heard that some time ago, Chen Fan gave Liang Yue and Feng Zheng special training, and they successfully broke through to the early stage of martial arts, which should be an important reason why the two of them can break into the eighth layer.” ”

Zhang Boming was surprised and appreciated: “I didn’t expect Chen Fan to be so good at teaching people?” ”

“It is worthy of being a super genius, and he is better than others in everything!”

On the high platform, Yang Xuance brushed his beard and praised: “We still have so many students in Wuyang City, which is very good!” ”

Dozens of city lords had ugly expressions.

Their students were almost completely wiped out, and only a dozen or so were still holding out. Nearly half of those who are still in the Tower of Babel are students of Wuyang City!

The city lords turned their heads and looked at each other a few times, and they all understood the meaning in each other’s eyes. In this year’s college entrance examination, Wuyang City is going to be in the limelight!

After a while, not long after Liang Yue and Feng Zheng entered the eighth layer, they were teleported out one after another. The two were pale and weak, obviously consuming a lot.

Su Xingyue supported Liang Yue, who was exhausted and could not stand steadily, and asked worriedly: “Yueyue, you don’t matter, right?” ”

Liang Yue shook her head weakly: “It’s okay, the consumption is too big, I’ll just rest for a while.” ”

Feng Xiao walked over shakily, hugged Su Xingyue’s round thighs, and the whole person leaned directly on it, his little pink tongue spit out, and his big watery eyes turned upward, like a hanged ghost.

She wailed weakly:, 9898 ah ~ ~ ~ so tired ~ ~ ~ help Su Xingyue was funny and helpless, bent down and hugged her directly: “The kite is tired, lie on the teacher’s shoulder and rest for a while.” ”

Feng Xiao unceremoniously put his little head on it, and after a while, he fell asleep and fell asleep sweetly. Liang Yue looked at the Tower of Babel and shook his head with trepidation: “The illusion is really too difficult!” The higher up, the more difficult it is several times and dozens of times more! Fortunately, you only have to take the test once! ”

At this time, Yan Xi was also teleported out.

He simply ran away from the Tower of Babel, and he felt a little safe.

“Heck! What the hell place! Never again! Labor and management can live ten years less if they do it again! ”

Liang Yue’s breath was weak, but his eyes stared at the stone wall without blinking, paying attention to Chen Fan’s progress. When Chen Fan ascended to the ninth layer, she immediately found out.

“Sister Su, look quickly! Chen Fan has reached the ninth layer! ”

Su Xingyue and Zhang Boming looked over together, and they were immediately overjoyed.

“Fantastic! Chen Fan is good! ”

“Chen Fan is our only hope! It is also our strongest hope! ”

At this time, Liang Yue noticed that Mo Qingying also followed closely into the ninth layer, and couldn’t help but frown slightly. On the high platform, Yang Xuance also noticed Chen Fan’s progress change for the first time.

He excitedly said to the mansion lord Sun Heng: “Brother Sun, although Chen Fan’s speed of breaking into the tower is not particularly fast, it is quite stable!” ”

Sun Heng nodded approvingly, looking at Chen Fan’s name on the stone wall, his eyes quite appreciative. At this time, there were less than ten people left in the Tower of Babel.

Chen Fan, Mo Qingying, Zhan Yan, Xu Tapir, and Wu Xuanying entered the ninth layer one after another, and the remaining few struggled on the eighth layer. The students in the square looked at the scene of this group of heroes and became a little excited.

“Chen Fan, Xu Tapir, Wu Xuanying, these are all the top geniuses of our Jiangbei Mansion! Don’t lose to those two from Kyoto! ”

“Come on! All gods, crush them! ”

“There is no doubt that all gods are definitely the strongest!”

Next to the student team in Wuyang City, several Kyoto students looked at Chen Fan’s name on the stone wall and were shocked: “Hold the grass!” This Chen Fan is a little powerful, he actually broke into the ninth layer without making a sound?! I hadn’t even noticed him just now. ”

“Unexpectedly, this Chen Fan is really a genius? The strength is a bit strong! ”

“Afraid of a fart, no matter how strong can it be that Brother Yan and Sister Qingying are strong?”

“That’s it, this kind of country bun, I guess he broke through to the present with a brute force, thick skin and good luck!”

On the high platform, Yang Xuance’s gaze swept over the names of these people on the ninth layer, and his face was full of confidence: “These people, Xu Tapir and Wu Xuanying have already been Chen Fan’s defeated subordinates. ”

“As for Mo Qingying and Zhan Yan, I have seen their information, they are not much stronger than Xu Tapir, and they are not a threat.”

“Although Mo Qingying is a scholar, it seems to be a variable, but from my understanding, I dare say that she must not be Chen Fan’s opponent!”

Mansion Lord Sun Heng pondered thoughtfully for a while, nodded slightly, and somewhat agreed with Yang Xuance’s inference. After another while, Wu Xuanying and Xu Tapir were defeated on the ninth layer one after another and were teleported out of the Tower of Babel. The two looked at each other, and both of their expressions were shocked.

“The illusion realm of the ninth layer is really terrifyingly strong!”

“Yes, I have tried desperately to hold on until now, but I still can’t hold on!”

Xu Tapir looked at the names of the only three people left on the ninth floor of the stone wall, and sighed: “Mo Qingying and Zhan Yan? These two people heard that they came from Kyoto, but they didn’t expect to be quite strong. ”

Wu Xuanying shook his head and said resolutely, “They will definitely not be Chen Fan’s opponents. ”

Xu Tapir glanced at her a little strangely: “Aren’t you talking nonsense?” In front of Chen Fan, they are considered farts! ”

Wu Xuanying: “…..”

As if to confirm Xu Tapir’s words, as soon as his words fell, the war gate was teleported out on the ninth layer. As soon as the war gate came out, he immediately turned to look at the stone wall.

Seeing Chen Fan and Mo Qingying side by side on the stone wall, he suddenly showed a shocked and incredulous expression.

“This… How is this possible?! ”

Next to the student team in Wuyang City, several Kyoto students saw the battle coming out, admiring and disappointed.

“Brother Yan can break into the ninth layer, which is really quite a bull!”

“Alas, it’s a pity that he came out first before Chen Fan and was overtaken by Chen Fan.”

“It’s okay, Sister Qingying is still here, she is a teacher, she is the best at breaking into this illusion, and she will teach Chen Fan that kid to be a man!”

“That’s it, and I estimate that that Chen Fan should also be almost at the limit, no matter how genius he is, he can’t be much stronger than Brother Yan.” At this time, several other people also withdrew one after another. ”

Only Chen Fan and Mo Qingying were left in the tower, both of whom were on the ninth floor.

Seeing this scene of the two kings fighting for hegemony, the students in the square became excited.

“Come on Chen Fan! Don’t disgrace our Jiangbei Mansion! ”

“Crush her! Show the dominance of your god-level genius! ”

“That Mo Qingying is a genius from Kyoto, and he is also a teacher, and his strength should not be underestimated.”

“The first must be Chen Fan’s! He is the strongest genius in our Jiangbei Prefecture! What about the Nianshi from Kyoto, still hanging! ”

“That is, no matter how good she is, can she be powerful as a mortal god?!”

At this time, the progress on the stone wall changed, and Mo Qingying took the lead to break into the tenth floor! Seeing this scene, tens of thousands of students in Jiangbei Prefecture were suddenly in an uproar!

“Hold the grass! Did I make a mistake?! Actually let an outsider take the lead?! ”

“No, all gods, hurry up, you won’t sleep in it, will you?!”

“Come on, God! Bring out your true strength! ”

Several Kyoto students were very proud.

“Sister Qingying! Too strong! ”

“Hmph! The first in Jiangbei Mansion is our sister Qingying! ”

“Sister Qingying is of course the strongest, what top genius can there be in a rural place like Jiangbei Prefecture?”

“Indeed, blowing so scary, the fame is quite big, but that’s it!”

On the high platform, Yang Xuance was not nervous at all, he touched his chin, thoughtful. “Chen Fan’s character is too stable, he is playing steadily and steadily, and he is accumulating stamina.” ”

Mansion Lord Sun Heng frowned slightly, thought for a while, and his brows slowly expanded.

He nodded approvingly: “With Chen Fan’s strength, his current speed is indeed seeking stability. ”

On the square, Liang Yue, Su Xingyue and Zhang Boming were a little nervous, their eyesight could not be compared with Yang Xuance, and they couldn’t see that Chen Fan was accumulating stamina.

The three muttered softly, silently cheering for Chen Fan.

In front of the crowd, Xu Tao, Wu Xuanying, and Yan Yu glanced at each other in surprise.

“This Mo Qingying is quite good, the progress is actually faster than Chen Fan!”

“Don’t panic, it’s nothing to be ahead of the speed, now, it’s time to fight for strength, I don’t think her stamina can have Chen Fanzu.”

Thinking of Chen Fan in the Jiangbei training camp, really majestic as the sea, one person hangs the wild scene of thousands of geniuses, the three of them nodded in unison: “Fight with Chen Fan, she lost!” ”

As if he heard their words, the next moment, Chen Fan also entered the tenth layer. Everyone in the square was overjoyed.

But before they could cheer, the progress on the stone wall changed again, and Mo Qingying was the first to break through the tenth floor! The highest record for the college entrance examination in Jiangbei Prefecture has been broken!

Tens of thousands of students in the square were shocked and in an uproar!

“Hold the grass! Am I not mistaken? This Mo Qingying is so strong?! ”

“Am I! Our college entrance examination record in Jiangbei Prefecture was actually broken by a student from Kyoto! Shame! ”

“Heavenly God, you are contending! Fast! Overtake him! Give us Jiangbei Mansion to find the field back! ”

“All Gods! Take out the domineering spirit of the strongest genius in your Jiangbei Prefecture! ”

“What are you doing, this is! All gods, you are too abrasive! Hurry up and rush! ”

Xu Tao, Wu Xuanying, and Yan Yu were also shocked: “This Mo Qingying is actually faster than Chen Fan!” ”

“Shhh! Is Nianshi so strong? ”

In front of the student team in Wuyang City, Su Xingyue and Zhang Boming were even more nervous.

“It’s a little bad to look at, Chen Fan won’t lose to this Mo Qingying, right?!”

“Who knows, this Mo Qingying’s momentum is indeed quite fierce!”

Liang Yue suddenly relaxed at this time.

She thought thoughtfully for a while and spoke, “Chen Fan should not have brought out his full strength, he is accumulating stamina.” ”

“This kind of assessment of breaking into the tower, there is no point in fighting for speed, who has the stamina, who is the final winner.”

Su Xingyue and Zhang Boming were stunned, thinking back to Chen Fan’s amazing performance in the past, and gradually calmed down.

“It makes sense, Chen Fan’s current performance is indeed different from his domineering and ferocious in the past, and he should be taking a steady and steady path!”

“That’s the case, let’s not think about it, believe Chen Fan, he has always been a person who is good at creating miracles!”

On the high platform, a group of city lords looked at each other, and they all began to wonder if Chen Fan was about to lose.

But Yang Xuance and Sun Heng looked calm, and the old god was there.

The two looked at each other, staring at Mo Qingying’s name on the stone wall, and tacitly revealed an extremely confident smile. How about letting you take forty-nine steps first? My fifty-meter big knife will arrive in an instant!


Mo Qingying looked at the portal leading to the eleventh floor in front of her, and shook her head with disdain: “The tenth layer? Make do with it! ”

She smiled proudly and strode into the portal.

Mo Qingying’s state has been stimulated to the peak, and her momentum is like a rainbow, and she has broken through one after another! Eleventh layer, broken!

Twelfth floor, broken! After ten layers, the difficulty of the illusion increased almost exponentially.

After entering the thirteenth layer, Mo Qingying persevered for a long time, and finally felt that he was unable to continue. She did not insist any longer and decisively withdrew.

Mo Qingying was sure that the twelfth floor was already a record that was enough to make the peers of the entire Jiangbei Mansion despair! When it came out of the Tower of Babel, her heart was full of pride.

At the same time that Mo Qingying came out, there was a sudden uproar in the square!

The exclamations of tens of thousands of people gathered together, and the huge sound rushed straight into the sky! Mo Qingying raised her head proudly and greeted her own cheers.

However, after a while, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. What’s going on?!

Why aren’t these people who cheer me on looking at me at all?

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