When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 994: : Feeling palpitations!

At this moment, the expert group's recommendations also diverged.

One is to question Chen Cang's diagnosis. In their view, this should be a complicated functional digestive system disease.

Pancreatic cancer?

How dare you think about the incidence rate?

Why don't you say small bowel cancer, that's less!

The other group of people supported Chen Cang and agreed with Chen Cang's analysis and discussion that the inspection was very feasible.

This lineup is not as simple as medical surgery.

Even the people who participated in the salon at that time, there were many questions about Chen Cang's ideas.

That's the case with academics, you agree with his academic ideas, nothing more

The literati relatives still exist.

Qin Zhenhong sat aside, uneasy, and his heart was really awkward.

I originally thought that my father was just an old stomach disease. I knew that it would be better to find a group of Chinese medicine masters to take a look at it. Taking some traditional Chinese medicine and conditioning, the effect is also very good.

Today's experience is really terrible!

In contrast, Chen Cang, standing there, besides constantly searching for stars with his mobile phone, is really quite calm.

In fact, Chen Cang is also looking for the one in his mind.

Those who look too handsome ... well, Chen Cang thinks these stars are too handsome, pass away, because what he needs is the image of a small citizen, ordinary people.

You are so handsome that you don't have a sense of substitution.

Sun Guangyu, on the side, was actually quite worried. Seeing Chen Cang brush this star photo, he couldn't help but speechless ...

"You ... chase the stars?" Sun Guangyu asked Chen Cang, looking puzzled.

Chen Cang shook his head: "No, take a public service advertisement, I am a screenwriter, I have to find actors."

In a word, Sun Guangyu Lei can't do it: "What kind of screenwriter are you doing?"

Chen Cang smiled: "This is ... secret!"

Sun Guangyu is also helpless, it takes a while to make this film.

Qin Zhenhong wanted to calm down, but the calmness that disappeared after years of self-cultivation had disappeared.

Time passes by one minute and one second.

Chen Cang saw a still picture of Sun Honglei. It was a shy look in a school uniform, bald, smirking ... It seemed pretty good.

At this time, the director of the radiology department sat in front of the computer, frowning!

Because he found that there is indeed a signal of different elasticity on the pancreas tissue.

What does it mean?

Research on normal human pancreas MRE has been reported.

It is pointed out that there is no obvious difference in the elasticity of different parts of the pancreas. The age and body mass index (BMI) may cause pancreatic fibrosis and fat infiltration among individuals.

However, this is not a manifestation of fat infiltration and fibrosis!

In general, benign tumors tend to grow in an orderly manner, which is not much different from normal tissue elasticity.

On the contrary, the growth of malignant tumors is mostly in a disordered and unorganized manner. This can be used to understand the growth, infiltration and malignancy of tumor cells, and to identify the benign and malignant pancreas occupying according to the elastic heterogeneity of the entire pancreas occupying. .

Because of this, the director of this radiology department feels uneasy, and the patient is likely to have a pancreatic malignancy!

Thinking of this, he watched it carefully several times, fearing that he might read it wrong for technical reasons!

However, it is clear that the results are still correct!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, wrote the result, and carefully signed his name.

Get up, get out of the film, and walk towards the outside.

At this point, everyone was already waiting for some restlessness.

Sun Guangyu and others heard the door ringing, and hurriedly surrounded them.

I saw Director Li of the Radiology Department looking at the crowd, his face low and black, very dignified.

Seeing this, Qin Zhenhong asked directly, "Director Li, how are you?"

Director Sun also looked at Li Heng and asked, "Director Li, has the result come out?"

At this time, nurses and medical technicians pushed the old man out.

Sun Guangyu said to the nurse: "Bring the old man back and have a rest."

After the old man walked for a few minutes, Li Heng told the truth: "It may be a malignant tumor!"

In a word!

Suddenly everyone said!

Is it really a malignant tumor?

Qin Zhenhong breathed directly, feeling that the whole person was wrong, and his two ears buzzed in his brain!

Li Heng called everyone to the office.

"You see, this is the result of the elastic signal. Here ... there is obviously an irregular area, and in the pancreas head, it just affects the patient's islet function. Even if insulin is used to control blood sugar, it is now unstable. "

"However, it should be early, because the tumor volume is very small at first, but ... My suggestion is to take a PET-CT, make sure it is accurate, and also see if there is metastasis."

Many people have heard of PET-CT, but they don't know much about it.

In fact, it is a perfect integration of PET and CT. PET provides detailed functional and metabolic molecular information of the lesion, while CT provides precise anatomical positioning of the lesion.

One-time imaging can obtain tomographic images of all directions of the whole body. It has the characteristics of sensitivity, accuracy, specificity and precise positioning. It can understand the overall status of the whole body at a glance and achieve the purpose of early detection of lesions and diagnosis of diseases.

Hearing what Director Li said, everyone was silent.

Li Heng took a deep breath: "This is really terrible. It looks like a normal condition. This can be thought of pancreatic cancer. To do this MRE, Director Sun is amazing!"

Li Heng said with heartfelt emotion: "So, I have done so many years of examination, and this is the first time that pancreatic cancer has been discovered so early. It is really difficult to find it early."

At this time, Qin Zhenhong's face was very poor. After hearing that his father was pancreatic cancer, his heart was already deep in his heart: "Director Li, Director Sun, is my father serious?"

Li Heng looked at Qin Zhenhong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to tell the truth: "Commander Qin, don't worry about it. I can be honest. I can find pancreatic cancer today, which is a good thing, because most pancreatic cancers I couldn't find it at all early! "

"Since it is discovered and treated in time, this success rate is still quite high. Pancreatic cancer is not afraid of others. It is afraid that it will be discovered late. Once it is advanced, the survival rate is basically very low."

"So, you have to thank Director Sun!"

After hearing many directors around, they moved their eyes to Chen Cang with emotion.

Qin Zhenhong also looked at Chen Cang.

Because it was this young man who pointed out the situation of the old man.

But it is really a powerful character.

Thinking of this, Qin Zhenhong looked at Chen Cang and said sincerely: "Little comrade, great gratitude does not thank you. I thank you so much for this matter. If you have anything in the future, call me directly."

After everyone heard it, it was a moment of surprise ...

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