When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1007: : Of course I can! Must be able!

Hearing Chen Cang's meaningful but domineering words, the scene was quiet again.

"I allow you to observe!"

After Sun Guangyu heard it, he really couldn't calm down for a long time.

Really relieved.

You do n’t let us go up for surgery, why ca n’t we let you go up?

Is it just because you are awesome?

Sorry, I ’m better than you!

Chen Cang has enough confidence.

Although I don't know how strong the other party's surgery is, Chen Cang feels that he must not be strong.

Even Chen Cang himself admits that there are elements of anger.

But Chen Cang also intended to say so!

As Ford said at the beginning, we don't need the help of Dr. Chen or others, we can let him watch it, but without affecting our surgery.

This is a truth.

Ford's words seem reasonable, but in fact they still don't trust or even dismiss them.

Chen Cang recalled the old man's eyes, and naturally understood that the old man also insisted.

Even if he is old, his children may not listen, but he still hopes that the Chinese will save the Chinese themselves.

The old man insists on the old man's perseverance, not to say good and bad, not to prejudice.

But if you think about it, who hasn't insisted in your life?

Such a meritorious old man who has made great contributions to the construction of New China, can Chen Cang not even satisfy such a dream?

Of course I can!

Must be able!

He wants to turn on the camera to let the elderly wake up and see that Chinese medicine is booming and constantly improving. One day, we will be no worse than anyone!

He must insist.

Moreover, the remarks made by the old people after they came in again illustrate the last insistence of the old people.

Both Qin Zhenhong and Qin Zhenwei were silent.

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

The child wants the old man to enjoy the best medical treatment, the top team.

But the old man has his own perseverance.

At this time, an old man said to the father and son of the Qin family, "You two come out, I will say a word."

Qin Zhenhong and the two went out with the old man.

The old man sighed, "You guys, don't understand what your father wants!"

"You don't want to think about it. He was a person who participated in the Korean War. The two bullet marks are still on his body. He hasn't eaten or used the old and beautiful things in his life. Did you let him be rescued by Americans before he died? "

"Isn't this confused?"

"Foreign things are good, we know! But did you know what was the first thought of the old man who visited the United States at the time and saw people's luxurious car high-rise buildings with high technology?"

"It ’s not that I bought one hundred, I did n’t know how to enjoy other people ’s good things, nor did I ask someone to repair them, but we must have a car of our own, independently produced! ! "

"You guys, young and open-minded, but ... you don't understand the persistence of our generation ..."

"Furthermore, relying on mountains will fall, everyone will run, and the lessons of history are not painful enough?"

After the two heard the old man's words, they couldn't help but silent. Qin Zhenwei wanted to say something.

The old man directly interrupted at this time, "Don't tell me about yours, I tell you, Qin kid, you might as well understand that your little comrade Chen, your father!"

After finishing speaking, the old man shook his head, sighed with regret, and led the guard to follow Dean Li Kai to the operating room below.

Immortal fight, Li Kai, the dean can only watch.

At this time, Chen Cang did not say much. He took Sun Guangyu and told Shangzhuang Mingyue to walk towards the operating room.

In the office, Qin's father and son and Mayo were left behind.

Where did Ford and others have been ignored so much, but looking at Qin Zhenwei, Ford couldn't help laughing afterwards, "I promised Mr. Qin to come, just to ensure the stability of this operation!"

"We will be on the side, of course ... if there are any problems, we will help."

Qin Zhenwei nodded his thanks.



When changing clothes, Sun Guangyu and Zhuang Yueming said nothing.

Today's events are already on the line.

This is even more than just a surgery.

They looked at Chen Cang, but in fact they had no heart in mind at this time!

After all, this is no one else, this is the top medical team of the Mayo Medical Center, a knife for pancreatic surgery in the world, Ford Dopps.

They knew in their hearts that they were definitely not as good as the other, because some of the skills and ideas they used were still passed on by Mr. Ford.

Seeing the situation between the two, Chen Cang comforted him, "Director Sun, Director Zhuang, you ... don't be nervous, there is me."

Hearing this sentence, the two could n’t help but say, “Xiao Chen, let ’s not pull your hind legs, hey ...”

Chen Cang saw this and smiled, "You can just watch it, I can do it well."

The more comfort Chen Chen is, the more helpless Sun Guangyu and they can't help but sigh, "Hey ..."

Emergency preparations were made in the operating room, and the old man was also pushed in.

Chen Cang also knew enough about the old man's condition.

The old man watched Chen Cang come in and took Sun Guangyu and Zhuang Yueming.

Suddenly asked curiously, "What about those foreign experts? Are they not coming?"

Chen Cang looked at the old man and smiled, "He will come in a while, but you can rest assured that I will not let them get started, nor let them sew them with one stitch and one thread. We come to the operation and they will just look at it."

After listening to the old man, he suddenly excitedly patted the bed board, and ha ha ha ha laughed, "Good, good! Have a bone, like a Chinese! By the way, lad, are you a party member? I introduce you to the party!"

The old man is really happy. Why do you feel so comfortable with this sentence in your ears?

The old man looked at Chen Cang with a smile and said, "Boy, after the operation is over, I invite you to drink tea at my house. Don't panic, just do it!"

"I am a lucky man, and two bullets were all right in front of my chest. What's the matter of cutting a pancreas today?"

"Even if it is not done well, I do n’t blame you! Director Sun is an expert, and he believes in you if he does n’t believe it, and I believe in you! If it ’s not done, that ’s our national conditions! It means that our medical career is still in socialism At the initial stage, development is still needed! "

"In a nutshell, our generation is old and unusable. It is the spiritual pillar in plain words. If our thoughts can't stand the test, who can?"

The surrounding nurses and anesthesia listened to the old man's words, and all were silent.

At this time, the two old men in the meeting room heard old friends ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and laughed.

Chen Cang also smiled and looked at the old man firmly, saying one by one, "Old man, you can rest assured that we may be more powerful than they thought! They just haven't realized it yet."

"Maybe the president of the world's digestive surgery will also be us Chinese!"

The old man nodded, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and stopped speaking.

But his chubby chest told everyone that he was very excited.

Who doesn't want to see this day?

Sun Guangyu and Zhuang Yueming on the side were also a little shaken by Chen Cang, turned to stare at Chen Cang, and it was not a joke to see him.

For a time, Sun Guangyu suddenly understood what.


Chen Cang has always prepared more than just a committee member, right?


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