When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1047: : The location of the headquarters is in Amyang?

Such a grand event, there are dedicated staff responsible for reception.

In Rochester, Minnesota, around three in the afternoon.

After Sun Guangyu merged with other small teams, he stayed at the hotel.

Rochester is the third largest city in Minnesota. It is said to be a town, but ... there is still a gap with what we think.

Rochester is also a city with a long history and many historical buildings, many of which have been included in the National Register of Historic Places, including the Burgtheater and the Avalon Concert Hall.

However, the reason the city is truly world-famous is the headquarters of the medical institution Mayo Medical Center.

Unintentional tour, after a little round, everyone returned to the hotel.

Check in, receive conference materials, there is a specific process.

This time the meeting lasted a long time. Compared with the previous meetings held on Saturdays and Sundays, this meeting was more relaxed and was completed in four to five days.

This meeting naturally attracted media from all over the world, and everyone has been looking forward to this meeting for a long time.

Especially because the Chinese pancreatic surgery organization withdrew from the pancreatic fistula research group, making Chen Cang and Jim Lawrence become contestants with hot topics and hot discussions.

Even the organizer is happy to see that this kind of competition can still attract interest.

The World Health Organization Commission and the Secretariat have sent specialized staff.

This meeting was the last item decided by the General Assembly of the World Health Organization. Many members of the executive meeting group also came to ensure the smooth progress of this meeting.

As soon as Chen Cang arrived at the door of the hotel, a group of reporters gathered.

Can not dodge, Chen Cang calmly faced the media.

However, it can be seen that most reporters are tricky and want to get some news from Chen Cang.

"Mr. Chen Cang, now the outside world says you want to run for president, is it true or false?"

"Mr. Chen Cang, do you really think you are eligible to run for president?"

"Mr. Chen Cang, what do you think of Jim Lawrence ..."

All kinds of questions are asked.

Chen Cang looked at the people very calmly and said confidently: "Yes, I am here to run for president. I don't want to be a general soldier, not a good soldier!"

"I am definitely eligible to be nominated for the question of eligibility, but I am sorry if you are eligible to vote."

"In the end, I have great respect for Jim Lawrence, Hubert and other seniors. They are academic seniors. Their papers and academic ideas have inspired me a lot, but the idea of ​​progress is the result of academic collision. Competition is the driving force for progress. I yearn to compete with them! "

Chen Cang's simple and neat words made the companions around couldn't help but clenched his fists!

well said!

Chen Cang really gave his teeth back, which surprised the group of media.

In their eyes, the Chinese are very humble, but Chen Cang seems to be different.

The media person who was said to be unqualified by Chen Cang was also stunned for a moment. He did not expect Chen Cang to openly say that he was unqualified and suddenly speechless.

Because ... their media is really not qualified.

After talking, Chen Cang went directly back to the hotel room, he and Qin Yue had a room.

After returning, Chen Cang said with a smile: "Did I say too much?"

Qin Yue shook his head: "Very relieved!"

Chen Cang smiled and opened the meeting process.

Tomorrow is the first day of the meeting, mainly to openly establish the World Society of Gastrointestinal Surgery, and the World Health Organization announces the participating member states.

Then the leaders of the World Health Organization made a speech, and Hubert, the leader of the Mayo Medical Center, made a speech.

Then in the afternoon, a general meeting of members was held.

The meeting was presided over by the preparatory group. The preparatory group for gastrointestinal surgery is mainly the leaders of several digestive fields of the World General Surgery Society, including 9 people including Hubert, Jim Lawrence, Hamilton, Li Zhengjin, Oster ... .

Next is the list of candidates for executive directors. This is the nomination of recommended candidates to the conference by the prestige of the preparatory group, and make recommendations for everyone.

Next is to vote for the executive director.

This vote is interesting, not only the nine members of the preparatory group to vote, but also five members of the Executive Committee sent by the World Health Organization, and five voters from the academic media organization.

So the whole looks fair.

The executive director will be elected tomorrow afternoon.

The meeting on the first day officially ended.

The second day is to hold the first council.

The preparatory group and the executive director are the moderators of the meeting, which is also the most important part, because the moderator nominates the candidates for the recommendation of the chairman, vice president and secretary general.

Determine the list of candidates!

This process is more complicated because the chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary-general are all important positions. The nomination is simple and the introduction is more troublesome.

The next thing to do is to give a speech, introduce yourself on stage, and your own ideas. To put it bluntly is to vote.

This process takes two days!

On the fourth day, the second general meeting was held.

The honor of the board of directors announces the official candidates for the chairman, vice-chairman and secretary-general to the conference and starts the election.

Then the World Health Organization announced the results of the election, awarding cards and printing!

The last day is the fifth day.

The chairman presides over the meeting, determines the internal structure, division of labor, and hires honorary chairman, deputy chairman, consultant, and other staff.

One thing added to this meeting is to determine the location of the headquarters.

This basically depends on the choice of the first president.

Next is the inaugural declaration.

After reading the whole process, Chen Cang felt that he was too big, and the whole meeting process was very cumbersome.

And, most importantly, Chen Cang thought of something ...

I didn't seem to have reached one thing, that is the location of the headquarters.

Where to put it?

If you become the president, where should you put your headquarters?

Is it put in this small town of Rochester?

Of course impossible!

It must be by your side.

Otherwise, it will take more than ten hours to fly anything, which is too much trouble.

In the capital?

Suddenly Chen Cang thought of a place!


That's right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ put its headquarters in Amyang City, the capital of Dongyang Province.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang decided to say hello to Leader Kong.

If a city can have such an international organization, this is definitely a great thing for this city.

Every year, without talking about others, holding a conference can promote economic development.

Chen Cang suddenly hesitated. If I call now, if ... if not selected, how embarrassing is that?

If you do n’t wait for the election of the president, let ’s talk about it. Anyway, there is still more than a day left in the middle.

Otherwise, it will be awkward for the leader to have a joyous time!

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