When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 102: : The lord exploded!

After the activation of the famous teacher's guidance, Chen Cang's eyes changed tremendously!

A lot of prompts started to appear in front of the transparent virtual screen!

Even a beep sounded in my ear!

"Famous teacher instructed Mu to open! Detected: the patient has type rr syndrome!"

"The surgical procedure is as follows: first cut the gallbladder at the gallbladder r bag, **** the bile, and remove the incarcerated stones ..."

"Do you want to start an action demonstration?"

Chen Cang stunned!

With the sound of the sound, a virtual picture began to operate on the human body.

How amazing?

This is [Master Teacher's Guide]!

Too strong?

At this time, the surrounding Zhou Xiaodong and Qin Yue stared at the horrible group of abdominal gallbladder on TV that didn't know how to start.

Because you have never seen this before!

What is this?

Zhou Xiaodong was helpless, and the ghost knew how a chronic cholecystitis would evolve into such a thing!

Qin Yue could not help asking: "Cang Cang, do you know ... what kind of patient is this? What kind of disease is this?"

Chen Cang sighed and looked up at the two of them: "I'm afraid we are in trouble. This is a rare and difficult gallbladder complication: called rr syndrome. Such patients can't find anything abnormal before surgery. It ’s not so different from ordinary chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, even ... not as obvious as those! ”

As soon as this word came out, the two of them suddenly froze.

If you do n’t say anything else, just say that English letter, I feel a bit powerful.

Zhou Xiaodong suddenly realized that he had heard this thing: "This is rr syndrome?"

However, Zhou Xiaodong also only vaguely remembered that his teacher Qian Liang said that this disease was one of the most difficult cholecystectomy in school!

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaodong was half-hearted!

Qin Yue couldn't help asking: "What is this?"

Chen Cang nodded slightly: "This is a rare disease, a rare complication that occurs in chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. It is a syndrome!"

"Rr syndrome is a clinical syndrome characterized by cholangitis and obstructive jaundice caused by cystic duct stones or stones in the neck of the gall bladder, which in turn compresses the common bile duct or common hepatic duct, leading to stricture of the common duct.

"This disease is relatively rare in the clinic. The pathological basis is incarceration and inflammation of the cystic duct or neck stones. The patient's common medical history is prolonged."

"Continuous incarceration and compression of large stones in the ampulla and neck of the gallbladder can cause common hepatic duct stenosis or gallbladder bile duct fistula, as well as recurrent cholecystitis and silicon jaundice."

After Chen Canggang finished speaking, Zhou Xiaodong nodded quickly: "Yes! The patient did have chronic recurrent cholecystitis, and liver function showed that serum bilirubin was significantly increased, even significantly."

For a time, Chen Cang's status in the hearts of the two had risen significantly, and even the equipment nurse was dumbfounded.

This is a master!

Absolute master!

You can see at a glance what the disease is.

I can see it, can I do it?

Chen Cang has already seen the demonstration several times at this time, and he is familiar with the heart, and said to the two people, "Doctor Zhou, help me with the mirror and I'll have the surgery. Let's start. The patient can't be dragged this way!"

Zhou Xiaodong nodded quickly!

It would be great if Chen Cang could do it ...

The desperate mood just now is terrible.


Does Chen Cang know?

Zhou Xiaodong himself was a bit timid: "This ... can you ...?"

"This is rr syndrome!"

It's not that he doesn't believe in Chen Cang, but that this operation is really easy to grasp and difficult!

It's definitely not that easy.

Chen Cang turned: "Is there any other way?"

One sentence made Zhou Xiaodong's eyes dumbfounded.

Yes indeed?

Is there any other way?

However, Zhou Xiaodong reminded: "Can you do it? If you can't, you still have to go to someone. In the event of an accident, you ... you can't afford it!"

Hearing what Zhou Xiaodong said, Chen Cang couldn't help but smile: "Relax, I can!"

Chen Cang looked at the complicated abdominal cavity. Without [Master's guidance], he was absolutely at a loss as to what to do!

The first thing to do is still to separate the bad gallbladder triangle. At this time, triangle edema, tissue fibrosis, and thickening of the gallbladder duct are easy to bleed. In this case, the average person cannot dissect the boundary of the gallbladder duct, gallbladder artery and common bile duct. .

This is also the main reason for Zhou Xiaodong's reluctance to start!

In case of bleeding, this is a big problem.

Zhou Xiaodong carefully asked: "Can this gallbladder triangle be separated? No ... I ..."

Chen Cang shook his head and said directly, "Give me an electric hook!"

Zhou Xiaodong was uneasy, some doubts, and some expectations, struggling, and passed the electric hook to Chen Cang.

Chen Cang took the electric hook and carefully opened the gallbladder serosa of the anterior and posterior triangle of the gallbladder, for fear of damaging the gallbladder duct.

"Give me the attractor!"

Chen Cang pushed the scraper with a suction device. At this time, the gallbladder duct, gallbladder artery, and common hepatic duct were still very vague and could not be seen clearly!

Chen Cang's operation is already very difficult. Is there no way to be careful and work hard for a long time?

Zhou Xiaodong had sunk to the bottom of the sea, and Qin Yue stared at the TV tightly without saying anything, but also secretly flustered. This gallbladder triangle is too bad. It is not ordinary difficulty to want to separate!

It ’s not necessarily the teachers in Xiangya Attachment 2?

Is this Chen Cang too reckless?

Dare to pick up this surgical booth!

Isn't this something for yourself?

Chen Cang was not discouraged, but instead had a clever move, picked up the electric hook, started from the liver bed, and took the lead in freeing the gallbladder!

Then continue to dissect in the direction of the triangular area, free the gallbladder from the liver bed, and carefully handle the gallbladder duct and gallbladder artery in the triangle.

Zhou Xiaodong was a little flustered at this time, even the hands holding the mirror began to sweat!

Too much ...

Zhou Xiaodong couldn't help turning around and looked at Chen Cang. Seeing him didn't seem to be flustered at all.

The movement is very light, one push, one wave, one condensation, one departure is just right!

The technique is very clever.

Zhou Xiaodong who was watching was astonished ...

at last!

It took almost twenty minutes to free the gallbladder triangle!


With the gallbladder triangle separated, the operation is actually half done!

too difficult!

Zhou Xiaodong looked up at Chen Cang, his eyes were full of incredible.

Can this be separated?

It's too strong!

Zhou Xiaodong stared at Chen Cang who was meticulous to continue the next operation.

Because ... At this time, Chen Cang seemed to be the incarnation director. Whether it was a nurse, Zhou Xiaodong or even Qin Yue, he was calmed down by this kind of calmness and calmness in Chen Cang's body!

Qin Yue's big eyes blinked and blinked, her eyes flickered and filled with: Chen Cang Niubi (broken sound)!

This process seems simple, but in fact it is extremely tedious. Every step of Chen Cang is very jerky. If it is not continuously prompted by the system, he cannot do it.

This gallbladder is a level 45 blame. He is just a small level 15 resident doctor. How easy is that?

This is not a heavyweight at all, and a little carelessness may cause the patient to be injured again.

The rr syndrome generally cannot be handled by ordinary doctors in the top three hospitals, at least it must be Zhang Youbing's level to deal with.

Next is the most important job!

Chen Cang first cut the gallbladder in the gallbladder r bag and sucked the bile.

Then remove the incarcerated stones!

The stones are big, stuck in the neck, and there are 20 full!

Seeing that the stone was taken out, Zhou Xiaodong finally fluttered a heart into his stomach.

The next step is to remove the gallbladder. When the anatomy is performed to the right side of the common hepatic duct, if the r-bag is tightly adhered to the right side wall of the common hepatic duct, the gallbladder wall next to it is electrocoagulated to the gallbladder mucosa ...

Surgery proceeded in an orderly manner. The rarest level has been passed. The follow-up work is already very simple!

【Ding! Congratulations, kill the Level 45 Lord Gallbladder! Gain experience +3000; Cholecystectomy experience +5000 (promote to master to continue upgrading); Gain RMB +3000; Gain: Stern gloves. 】

【Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to level 16! Gain skill points +1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to level 17! Gain skill points +1! 】

Chen Cang was dumbfounded and suddenly gave birth to two levels.

Mainly, my level is about to be improved. This 3000 experience allows me to directly upgrade to level 17!

Now there are 7 skill points.

Surgery is complete!

No surprises.

Zhou Xiaodong suddenly seemed to collapse. This feeling of the rest of his life made him really wonder what to say!

Words can't express the excitement inside him!

Without Chen Cang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it would be difficult for him to imagine the consequences?

Patients are fierce and bad, and they must bear responsibility, even for a lifetime!

【Ding! Zhou Xiaodong favorability +20! 】

Raising his head, looking at Chen Cang, Zhou Xiaodong held Chen Cang's hand with both hands, his eyes were scrupulous at Chen Cang, and he said sincerely, "Doctor Chen! Thank you, really! You saved the patient, you saved me, you saved I am so grateful for my career. I thank you very much. I need help in the future, even if I speak! "

Fortunately, Zhou Xiaodong has a culture, Barabara said a lot, if this is to Sister Xiao, a straightforward rebirth of parents will be done directly!

Chen Cang smiled: "It's okay. Everyone is a colleague. Hurry up and wash off work!"

At this time, it is already 1 o'clock in the morning. If this operation was not too passionate, a few people would have been trapped!

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