When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1058: : Jim will never be a slave!


One half is the worst choice.

There is always no problem in trying.

However, after hearing it, the people in the exhibition hall couldn't help but look forward to it.

Maybe Chen Cang really can?

Everyone looked at this young but simple Dr. Chen.

I hope he can really help the two little girls.

Chen Cang had acquired a skill some time ago, [proficient in small intestine physiological structure and function].

I originally thought it was just a reward that was better than nothing.

But now he found that this reward is still a bit useful!

At least he can clearly judge the current situation of the small intestine and make the most suitable choice.

After some examination, Chen Cang combined with his own thinking, he found: Although the two duodenums seem to grow together.

But by feeling its morphology and structure, and the thickness of the bond, Chen Cang felt that the bond may be just the serosa of the duodenum.

After the serous layer is damaged, it is easy to cause intestinal fistula and it is also very dangerous!

But after careful separation, loose connective tissue exists and mesothelium can grow.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang took up the separating forceps and scalpel, and began to separate the duodenum.

Although this process seems simple, the difficulty lies in not destroying too much duodenal serosal membrane.

To be precise, the thickness of the separation is well controlled!

The whole process is very delicate.

Everyone in the operating room slowed his breathing, staring at Chen Cang's knife tip.

Chen Cang found his scalpel powerful at this time.

The sharpness is excellent. When carefully cutting according to the lines of different colors in the eyes, the difficulty is much smaller!

This process requires one centimeter to one centimeter, and even Chen Cang does not dare to carelessly.

Fortunately, the duodenum is not the jejunum and ileum, there are several meters, so that the processing process is not so painful ...

If it were a few meters, Chen Cang just wanted to get rid of it all.

Therefore, surgery is a patient process, and Chen Cang once felt that women may be more careful when performing surgery.

It took a long time to complete the separation, and when he reached the twist knot, Chen Cang said directly to Hamilton: "Professor Hamilton, cut it here, then duodenal jejunum anastomosis."

After Hamilton heard it, he nodded suddenly, even more happy inside.

Because he feels this is Chen Cang's recognition of himself!

Recognize your own matching technique!

Thinking of this, Hamilton was a little more happy: "Okay, rest assured, Dr. Chen, you have a rest first. You need to deal with the pancreas after a while, and you have to play."

Huber's characteristic head: "Yes, Dr. Chen, you have a rest quickly."

Now Chen Cang has conquered others with practical actions.

At this time, the exhibition hall is even more lively!

No one was gone at the venue that was already over eleven, and everyone was cheering: "Dr. Chen is amazing!"

"Dr. Chen is amazing!"

Everyone was amazed by Chen Cang's operation.

It can even be said to be conquered!

too strong.

Now who wants to say that Chen Cang's waves are worthy of fame, they are the first to be dissatisfied.

After the people in China heard these cheers, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

It seems that these cheers are complimenting them!

This is a kind of recognition!

Everyone felt excited and excited.

Qin Yue, who was sitting on the chair, was tight with both hands, and the tears of excitement were coming out!

From the beginning to today, Chen Cang has been questioned, even vilified by the spoof of the media!

But now, Chen Cang has proved himself with his own strength.

Prove that he is a cow!



In fact, Chen Cang also needs to relax.

The high-precision operation just made him a little tired.

And ... the intestinal anastomosis is really not very good, so now it is intermediate level, it is better not to be embarrassing!

Chen Cang smiled: "Well, you first come to the intestinal anastomosis, I consider how to deal with the pancreas."

At this time, Chen Cang moved quietly, using a bottle of energy potion, and a bottle of physical potion!

The state of the whole person has recovered a lot.

The operation continued.

Hamilton's stapling technique is really reliable. Chen Cang feels that this kind of stapling technique does better than Oster.

After Hamilton completed, Chen Cang couldn't help but thumbs up: "Professor Hamilton is really good, if I am the president, I will definitely invite you to be the honorary president."

As soon as these words came out, Hamilton smiled and almost shook hands with Chen Cang to reach an agreement to support Chen Cang as chairman.

But at this time, Jim Lawrence had a crowed face and was a little unhappy. Was it appropriate to conduct a py transaction in front of me?

Hubert couldn't help laughing.

The crowd watching the video on the spot in the exhibition hall even whispered and laughed.

At this time there are two videos in the venue, one operative field and one indoor screen.

So everyone can hear the chat.

Everyone laughed.

And those Hamiltonian pumps are honestly ready to vote for Chen Cang.

Pancreatic surgery is ready to begin.

The pancreas heads of the two pancreas are stuck together, and there is a piece of pancreatic duct that is even common where it merges with the bile duct.

How to deal with this?

After the treatment, the operation is basically completed.

As for the abdominal wall flap transplantation, the tissues have been cultured and we are waiting for the operation!

Seeing that the last relief is coming.

Basically, I've done it.

Only Jim Lawrence, from the beginning to the end, is hooked and knotted. There is no level of work.

Seeing that the operation was about to end, Jim Lawrence was about to cry in grievances!

Such a performance opportunity!

Chen Cang took the big head, Hamilton is also in line with the lead, but he alone ... The leader of the World Pancreatic Fistula Research Group, has not yet begun to play!

Jim Lawrence glanced at Chen Cang resentfully, wanting to express his dissatisfaction with a unique look.


At this time, it just happened to meet Chen Cang's eyes.

Chen Cang instantly understood Jim Lawrence's thoughts, and he froze for a moment, then looked at Jim Lawrence and said, "Or ... Professor Jim, are you here?"

Hubert suddenly changed his face: "Don't! Dr. Chen, you come!"

Ford was almost scared by Chen Cang.

Jim Lawrence's complexion!

He swears that Chen Cang is deliberate!

Because this damn's operation is so difficult, would you let me come?

Are you deliberate?

Thinking of this, Jim Lawrence glared at Chen Cang resentfully, wanting to throw away the irrelevant gauze and get up and leave!

He swears ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ from now on:

Improper killing aid!

Jim will never be a slave!

Chen Cang saw this and sighed helplessly: "Actually, Professor Jim really needs help for a while ... If Professor Jim doesn't want it, Ford, would you like to come?"

"No! I will!" Chen Cang's words did not fall, Jim Lawrence rushed to answer.



ps: Thank you QQ boss for "the scenery is still there" for the reward of 150,000, today I will add more to you!

Thanks to the starting point "", "black after white", "lighter than feathers" three 10,000 reward.

I sent it to Liu today, thank you, if you are happy to see, please support.

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