When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1070: : I feed you!

Chen Cang regretted it!

He doesn't want to be president ...

too difficult!

Cang Chen swears, who will be the president and who is a fool in the future.

Cang Cang decided to pay attention. He could n’t do it for himself in the future. Where did he have so much time every day?

Let's talk again, who said that the chairman must be a self-employed person?

He now thinks of a good way: puppet support method!

Simple, is to support a few younger brothers and take them as president.

Long Chen, for example, can tell him: Comrade Bingsheng, there will be a vacancy for the president of this world general surgery, you go!

Comrade Baoshan, this World Health Organization Emergency Rescue Department is missing a director, you go!


Hey, how cool is this?

Now Chen Cang is riding a tiger!

Can't always pick a pick and stop doing it, right?

I haven't got the reward for my president ...


No wonder that Professor Hubert is unwilling to be the president. It is too smart to buy a villa to tease children, enjoy surgery and enjoy life, which is also very good!

Chen Cang felt that his head was about to explode.

Fortunately, there is Irene, there are a bunch of vice presidents, and the honorary president of Hamilton, Chen Cang only needs to be in the right direction.

But who knows in the future whether other societies will have such awesome teammates.

Chen Cang sighed and returned to the room.

What kind of stuff to eat at night is now hungry ...

Hey, it's really uncomfortable to do anything in a bad mood.

Passed the supermarket and bought a small cake, Oreo, yogurt, snacks and cola, and then returned to the room with satisfaction.

Qin Yue saw such a lot of snacks and jumped up!

Chen Cang saw this, and immediately said, "This is mine! You lose weight!"

When Qin Yue heard it, she immediately sat on the bed in a huff, staring at Chen Cang without speaking.

Chen Cang saw it and became happy.

However, let's do the business first.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang directly dialed Xiao Runfang's phone.

Not long after the phone rang, it was connected. It seemed that Director Xiao was waiting for the phone!

Seeing the phone, Xiao Runfang was very happy.

"Xiao Chen! Good, great!" Chen Cang said anxiously before Chen Cang could speak.

Chen Cang suddenly smiled: "Director Xiao, let me tell you something. The location of the headquarters of the World Society of Gastrointestinal Surgery has not been determined yet. As the first president, I can choose.

"Do you want me to choose our country?"

Xiao Runfang heard it and immediately stood on the table and stood up: "Yes! Of course!"

Such a thing is a good thing, how can it be launched?

Xiao Runfang said quickly: "Xiao Chen, you remember, we must choose our country."

"Where is the construction of such a headquarters, can improve the medical level and increase the academic influence! In the long run ..."

Xiao Runfang happily talked about the benefits of choosing a location in China.

She is really happy!

Originally thought it was a president, but I didn't expect ... I chose a president and gave it to a headquarters!

Thinking about this, Xiao Runfang quickly said: "Xiao Chen, I will organize a meeting now and let the leaders reflect on this matter."

"Oh, do you have a suitable location?" Xiao Runfang thought of Chen Cang and couldn't help asking.

Chen Cang: "Can you choose in Ammonium?"

Xiao Runfang heard it and immediately thought: "It's not impossible. Ammonium is developing well now. As a central city, it has convenient transportation and you can also choose."

"But ... the location must definitely be communicated with the leader, but your choice will be very important."

"Wait a moment, I will reflect with the leader now, and then organize a meeting."

Chen Cang nodded, then hung up the phone.

And here, I got a call from the leader of Kong Kong in Dongyang province.

As Dongyang's second in command, should he have a say?

Moreover, Chen Cang must return to Anyang to develop. If there is such a big Buddha, what worries will he have?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang felt that he should consult with the leaders!

After all ... this is also my own relationship. In the name of myself, I still want to call Kong Jiahui a brother and a leader uncle.

The phone was connected soon.

"Hey, Xiao Chen." Kong Xiangmin sat in the office and took a rare break. After seeing Chen Cang's phone, he answered it directly.

People in the political circle are more sensitive to some things. Recently, he heard that Chen Cang saved Grandpa Qin. Who can think of how long it has been, Chen Cang has grown to this point.

Kong Xiangmin also has some emotions!

Who can guarantee that he will not get sick, Kong Xiangmin is also a person.

If Kong Xiangmin used to focus solely on saving his son, now it is an equal relationship.

Chen Cang nodded and said with a smile: "Uncle Kong, I have something to tell you, I will come to participate in ..."

The more Chen Cang said lightly, the more shocked Kong Xiangmin was.

President of World Society of Gastroenterology?

The location of this international organization is to be selected in Amyang?

This is good news!

Largely speaking, the arrival of this organization can increase the landmark buildings of Anyang, increase the honor of the city, improve the local medical level ... and so on!

Too many benefits!

For himself, he is the leader of Dongyang Province.

Ammonium has developed well, and the medical and health services have been built. Isn't this a good achievement?

Dongyang Province, as a city in the central region, is connected to many cities. It has convenient transportation and convenient transportation, but the economy cannot get up.

Since it is not easy to develop the economy, can the people provide medical and health services?

Kong Xiangmin thought a lot.

On weekdays, the clouds are breeze and the wind is light, even if the son broke his hand, it is just a frown of Kong Xiangmin.

"Xiao Chen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Uncle, please do it for you!"

Chen Cang heard this, and he was stunned for a moment: "Uncle Kong, you are too kind."

Kong Xiangmin said: "Xiao Chen, the key to this matter is still with you. The leader is very fancy with you now. You are the president. The location must be centered on you."

"So, I still hope you can consider ammonium and stick to it!"

"I will also report the situation with the leader."

After hanging up the phone, the Health and Safety Commission held an emergency meeting here.

And Kong Xiangmin first called the provincial health committee and the leader in charge of health and urban construction, he needed to give a plan as soon as possible!

And here, Chen Cang hung up the phone and began to wait.

But he turned around and found that Qin Yue had knocked the little cake in his mouth, appeased Coke to pour into his stomach, and Oreo was advised to break up and get yogurt ...

Saw Chen Cang looking at himself, Qin Yue stunned.

Hey smile.

"good to eat!"

Chen Cangqi only rolled his eyes!

Qin Yue saw this, and quickly humiliated and offered her diligence.

"Come ... ah ... I feed you!"

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