When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1077: : The Veterans End

In the morning, an emergency call rang.

"Hello, we are LeTV Sports Ecological Center, which is Wukesong Gymnasium. We have athletes injured here and severe pain in the front heart area ..."

An emergency call came, and nurse Cheng Yi hurriedly got up and ran to the office: "Leader Ma, Wukesong Gymnasium, there is a sudden and severe pain in the precordial area of ​​the athlete."

Ma Yuehui quickly got up after hearing it.

Severe pain in the precordial area?

Myocardial infarction?

then what?

Ma Yuehui hesitated and said to the busy Chen Cang: "Xiao Chen, come out with me!"

Chen Cang put down his hand and patted the doctor on duty: "I'm going out."

Then got up and walked outside.

Ma Yuehui directly introduced Chen Cang's condition: "Just now in Wukesong Gymnasium, an athlete suddenly experienced severe pain in the precordial area. Now call an ambulance!"

After Chen Cang heard it, he kept thinking about all the possibilities and turned to look at Xiao Ke: "Xiao Ke, prepare the equipment box, and thrombolytic drugs ..."

Seeing the old horse, he didn't say much.

Be prepared.

Rescue work is like this.

Athletes with sudden anterior cardiac pain must not rule out myocardial infarction, but there is also a disease that cannot be ruled out, that is, sudden vascular disease, such as aortic dissection.

Is actually aortic intima damage, resulting in the formation of a dissection between the blood vessels, hindering the operation of blood, causing severe pain.

This dissection is now generally more interventional therapy.


If this dissection is very dangerous and easy to break, surgery must be performed.

The reason why Chen Cang carried surgical instruments was to worry about where the dissection of the aorta occurred.

If it was on the ascending aorta, it would be gone if it could not be sent to the hospital.

After some preparations, the group hurriedly got into an ambulance.



In the Wukesong Stadium, the Beijing team played a friendly match with a European team.

There are also many audiences on site!

But just during the game, a veteran suddenly fell to the ground, holding his chest with both hands, and could no longer stand up.

The staff ran over quickly to replace.

And the game continues!

The Beijing team has team doctors, but most of the team doctors are sports medicine and rehabilitation medicine majors. There is not much response to sudden heart disease and special diseases.

Tian Zhengkai is lying on the ground, holding his hands on his chest, feeling a feeling called utter death constantly approaching!

This game is in the third quarter. He has not won the starting qualification for a long time and has scored 12 points and 8 rebounds.

This is a piece of data that makes everyone look at it!

This kind of data is not easy for a 33-year-old basketball veteran.

Every game, he went all out to perform well and strive to get the recognition of his coaches and teammates.

Competitive sports is always the most cruel industry, the survival of the fittest has always been the law of the jungle.

He is desperately training and is highly concentrated when playing.

Is to prove that he can do it.

However, at the moment he just fell to the ground, he felt a desperation.

This feeling makes people feel an unprecedented despair and death.

Seems to clearly feel the passing of life!

The team doctor also used oxygen to **** him up, and kept him relaxed and breathing ...

Tian Zhengkai held the team doctor's hand: "I ... I feel like I am dying ..."

Was shocked when the team doctor heard it, and the assistant coach comforted him constantly!

"Persevere, Laotian, wait for you to make a starter! You will definitely have to win this year's Olympics!"

Tian Zhengkai is short of breath and pale, this is his dream, the 2020 Olympics ...

Several old players on the side quickly surrounded Tian Zhengkai, holding his hand, and kept talking to him.

Laotian is the hardest and most unsatisfactory among their group.

The pinnacle of Chinese athletes is 25-28 years old. The talents of NBA talents are around 31 and 33 years old. They are already veterans!

All aspects of physical fitness will decline, and the appearance of injuries will slowly destroy the original "genius"!



After about 20 minutes, the ambulance drove directly to the door.

An athlete had been waiting for a long time at the door, and after seeing the car, he hurried to greet him.

"Doctor! Here and here!"

The ambulance just stopped, Chen Cang took the first aid box, Xiao Ke was carrying the equipment box, and Ma Yuehui ran directly toward the inside holding the stretcher.

Chen Cang also likes to play. When he came to the capital, he said that he had the opportunity to watch the game on the spot. After all, there are also many stars in the capital. Jeremy Lin or something ...

Didn't expect to come here for the first time, even in this capacity.

However, now is not the time to think about this, he hurriedly followed the front athlete towards the inside.

After arriving at the dressing room, I suddenly saw a man with a height of more than two meters lying on the ground. After seeing the man, Chen Cang suddenly froze!

Tian Zhengkai!

This was a substitute for Mr. Yao at the 2008 Olympics, and in the game with the Dream Team, a man with a big hat famous all over the country, even formed a double tower with Dayao.

At that time, Tian Zhengkai was 22 years old, with a height of two meters and a good physique. His talent and height, his arms and arms were long, and he became an oriental giant!

Later turned around several teams, signed the Beijing team three years ago.

Chen Cang saw this and quickly evacuated the crowd: "Let's let it go first."

Everyone came apart.

Because it is a basketball uniform, it is easy to operate.

"How do you feel uncomfortable?" Ma Yuehui asked directly.

Tian Zhengkai's facial expression is very painful: "I feel like I'm dying, it won't hurt here! Severe pain, but also involves the back!"

Chen Cang heard this and quickly said to Xiao Ke: "Measure blood pressure in both arms."

Then picked up the receiver and started listening to his chest area ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Cang heard diastolic rumbling-like murmurs in the aortic valve auscultation area. You can also touch the sound of femoral artery shooting!

Chen Cang was surprised for a while!

its not right?

Is this the sound of aortic insufficiency?

Soon, Xiao Ke said: "The blood pressure in the left hand is 110 / 70mmHg, and the blood pressure in the right hand is 140 / 90mmHg!"

Hearing this sentence, Lao Ma and Chen Cang looked at each other!

Chen Cang's brain turned very fast, the blood pressure of his hands was within the gap, a difference of 5-10 mm Hg was acceptable, but you suddenly lost 30mmHg, this is definitely a problem.

Xiao Ke also understands this, is it a technical problem?

Immediately, Xiao Ke measured again, and the result was still the same.

Severe pain in the anterior heart area, dying feeling, discomfort in the back, so much difference in blood pressure on both sides, plus signs of incomplete aortic closure ...

Chen Cang suddenly thought of a possibility!

"Aortic dissection ?!"



Ps: There are four chapters in the afternoon, hehe ...

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