When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1079: : Marfan syndrome!

Xu Ziming heard a patient with aortic dissection and ran to the emergency department himself.

After seeing Chen Cang, he asked directly, "Mr. Chen, what's going on?"

For Chen Cang, Xu Ziming has always been very respectful. If it were not Chen Cang, what would he do with mitral valve replacement without heart beating?

This is impossible!

Non-beating heart surgery is now more and more popular, and he and Concord's Wang Tong are now two benchmarks in this field.

However, they are very clear that all this comes from Chen Cang.

After hearing the consultation of the six departments of the emergency department, Xu Ziming got up and rushed directly.

Aortic angiography is performed by injecting a contrast agent and then developing it under CT to clearly see where the aortic dissection occurs.

Aortic dissection is neither a true aneurysm nor a pseudoaneurysm, but damage to the intima and middle layer of the artery due to various reasons. The blood along the torn intima forms a hematoma in the middle layer!

And the aortic wall is peeled into two layers. Under the impact of blood flow, the peeled part gradually expands to the proximal and distal ends of the aorta, forming a separate expansion of the middle layer in different ranges, called aortic dissection. Like to call aortic dissection.

Xu Ziming hurried out from the inside, holding a film in his hand, his face was obviously dignified.

Chen Cang saw this and quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

Xu Ziming couldn't help but say: "The situation is a little special!"

In a word, Chen Cang groaned: "Ascending aorta?"

Xu Ziming nodded!

Chen Cang participated in the cardiosurgery skills competition at the time was the main chest blood vessel anastomosis.

In the pleural anastomosis of the thoracic cavity, the most technically difficult and the most dangerous is the ascending aorta.

Now that the aortic dissection appears in the ascending aorta, this is obviously not good news!

Chen Cang quickly took the film and took a closer look, and suddenly saw the location of the aortic dissection!

Moreover, it can be clearly seen that the dissection site of the aortic wall starts at the root of the ascending aorta, and the rupture of the intima starts at the proximal anterior wall of the ascending aorta and extends to the distal end of the aorta to the descending aorta!

After seeing it, Chen Cang couldn't help thinking. Such a situation ... it's really a bit complicated.

Because it has already involved the dissection of the arch artery branch and the insufficiency of the aortic valve.

Looked at the film, the three suddenly fell into silence.

"Return to the emergency department first, and go back to find a way!" Ma Yuehui said directly, "There is still a problem that needs to be clarified, what is the cause of the patient!"

During the speech, a group of people pushed the patient to the emergency department, and the results of the examinations here also came out one after another!

The tube bed doctor has collected the history of the disease with his family at this time.

Saw Chen Cang and others came back and hurriedly came over.

"Dr. Chen, through contact with his family, the disease history is like this. The patient has a previous medical examination, no history of trauma and surgery, no hypertension, diabetes ... The patient's parents did not find a family genetic disease!"

The words of the doctor in charge of the bed stunned Xu Ziming!

What's the reason?

Although the etiology of aortic dissection has not been clarified so far, there are some predisposing factors, right?

At this time, Chen Cang suddenly remembered something and turned to the rescue room.

After coming in, Chen Cang directly lifted the patient's hands and looked directly!

Tian Zhengkai is a basketball star with long arms and long arms, and Chen Cang suddenly remembered it.

I saw his hands with long fingers!

Chen Cang's careful comparison, his hands are about 25cm long, with a height of 220 ... Hand to height ratio> 11%!

Next, Chen Cang quickly observed the palm.

At this time, Tian Zhengkai had some relief from the symptoms after using the medicine.

Chen Cang said quickly: "You put your thumb inwards and the other 4 fingers make a fist!"

Tian Zhengkai nodded and did it.

Cang Cang suddenly saw that the tip of Tian Zhengkai's thumb was beyond the lower edge of the palm!

This is a thumb sign!

Special bone changes and abnormal cardiovascular performance. Although there are no eye symptoms, Chen Cang is only one step away from the diagnosis. That is family history!

At this time, Xu Ziming and Ma Yuehui also saw a series of inspections by Chen Cang, and for a time, they also reflected what was going on.

Chen Cang hurriedly said to the doctor in charge of the tube bed: "Take me to see my family!"

The young doctor nodded and took Chen Cang directly to the emergency room. Chen Cang also saw the patient's wife and parents.

After seeing his father, Chen Cang also suddenly understood that height is really inherited.

"Hello, I'm Chen Cang, Tian Zhengkai's doctor. Now I have a few questions to ask." Chen Cang asked directly, without any condom.

At this time, Tian Zhengkai's family had long been confused.

Tian Zhengkai's child is only two years old and is held in his arms by his wife.

And the parents are less than 60 years old, the father is very tall.

"Dr. Chen, what is happening to my son now?" Tian Tian asked with some concern.

Cang Cang directly said: "The situation is not optimistic, we are preparing for surgery, this time I talk to you to talk, first to understand some circumstances, and second is to sign the surgical consent!"

After speaking, Chen Cang said to the young doctor: "Go to prepare the informed consent form, the critical illness notice ..."

After hearing the doctor, he quickly got up.

And the Tian family here was suddenly dumbfounded, and the Tian family quickly asked: "Notice of critical illness? Dr. Chen, what happened? How critically ill ?!"

Tian Zhengkai's parents are just ordinary people, his father is a physical education teacher in a middle school ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mother is a math teacher, now both of them have retired, their hometown is in Beihe Province, and they live in the capital and take care of their children.

While the wife is 28 years old now, the child is only two years old!

Such a family, if Tian Zhengkai has an accident, the result is self-evident.

As the pillar of the family, this disaster may be devastating.

Know that even if Tian Zhengkai is 33 years old, he still holds an annual salary of several million a year. Even in the capital, he is a high-income group.

If Tian Zhengkai ...

So, after hearing the news, all three people were pale.

Chen Cang saw the situation and explained the danger of the patient, and even detailed the mortality of the operation.

After listening, the family was silent.

The wife looked at Chen Cang with tears in her eyes, and the hand holding the child was shaking a little: "Doctor, you must save him!"

"The child is less than two years old, just learned to call my father ..."

Tian Zhengkai's wife's voice was choked up before he finished speaking.

Chen Cang appeased: "We will do our best."

Finally, Chen Cang looked at Tian Zhengkai ’s father: “Is there any history of Marfan syndrome in your family?”

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