When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1099: : Hereditary ... **** diseases?

Chapter 1097 Hereditary ... Sexual Diseases?

Called the blood transfusion department, Chen Cang also hurriedly said to the nurse Xiao Ke: "Quickly check a blood sugar!"

As soon as Xiao Ke heard it, he immediately reacted and hurriedly checked his blood sugar.

After the blood sugar level came out, several nurses stared at the blood glucose meter were stunned!

"Dr. Chen! The watch burst ..." Cheng Yi couldn't help saying.

When Chen Cang heard it, he was suddenly at the bottom of his heart!

Sometimes, being a doctor, I really do n’t know if I ’m guessing the patient is a joy or a worry!

What are you really afraid of?

"Insert the urinary catheter, check the urine routine urgently, and pay attention to the urine ketone body."

"You can call Dr. B to check on your abdomen."


Chen Cang's methodical arrangements, Lao Ma is not idle.

In this case of the patient, the old horse guessed something.

Chen Cang's professional knowledge is solid and reliable, which allows Lao Ma to pull out and prepare for other things.

Because the amount of fat in the little girl's blood is so outrageous, it causes the blood to show a pink coagulation state!

This situation is a very dangerous thing, you must use the instrument to use the method of extracorporeal circulation to "clean up" excess fat and other garbage in his blood!

Chen Cang is preparing to lower blood sugar and inject insulin.

Now the patient is largely diabetic ketoacidosis, but are there any other diseases?

After all, patients have obvious abdominal pain before entering the clinic, and the abdominal pain is even more unbearable during the infusion!

This shows the possibility of acute abdomen!


Or cholecystitis?

Or ... pancreatitis!

All three are possible, and here is a doctor who is in a hurry.

Quickly check.

This inspection changed the situation again.

I saw that under B ultrasound, the pancreas was obviously swollen, blurred, irregular, echo enhanced, uneven, and other abnormalities. There may also be small patchy low echo areas or no echo areas in the pancreas!

Acute pancreatitis!

Ultrasound can show obvious lesions of the pancreas, but the diagnosis of pancreatitis by B-ultrasound is not clear, especially for the development of pancreatitis.

After all, it is necessary to consider whether there is a bile duct obstruction, etc. Do you want to improve the examination?

"Dr. Chen, the blood pressure is only 80 / 40mmHg!"

In a word, interrupted Chen Cang's thinking.

Now, Chen Cang has 70% to 80% certainty that the patient is severe acute pancreatitis.

It can be grasped that it is an acute reaction period!

Never mind!

It is imperative to correct shock, replenish plasma, and maintain water-electricity balance.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang started to make preparations nervously.

After the laboratory department learned of the patient's condition, he personally sent someone to take a blood sample.

Such patients are too rare.

Chen Cang stayed in the emergency department for such a long time, and it was the first time he encountered this situation.

Rescue work is carried out in an orderly manner!

At this time, Chen Cang said to the doctor in charge of the tube bed: "You see, tell me what happened, I went to the patient's parents to ask the situation!"

At this time, the mess outside the rescue room was already messed up.

Wei Yayu and her husband Ge Xingye are blaming the clinic doctor Miao Gaojun.

Ge Xingye stared at Miao Gaojun and shouted: "You quack! Do not open a clinic without the ability, do you still have a little conscience!"

Miao Gaojun saw Ge Xingye like this, did not say a word, sighed and sat aside.

"You don't have to scold me, if something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it, it is my responsibility, I will not shirk, I will not leave the hospital one step today."

Wei Yayu embraced his chest with his hands and paced back and forth at the door.

The girl's family is in very good condition. Her mother is a senior executive of a foreign company. She often travels on business. She has an office in the Philippines and often runs abroad. After just staying there for half a year, she came back.

Husband Ge Xingye is also a manager of a private company. He manages twenty or thirty people under his hands, and he is very imposing.

After Chen Cang came out, he glanced at Ge Xingye and Wei Yayu: "Family come over, I want to ask you some questions!"

Wei Yayu hurriedly ran over: "Doctor, what happened?"

Chen Cang took a deep breath: "The situation ... not optimistic!"

"We took a lot of unhealthy blood in the patient's blood. The specific test indicators were just sent. The patient's blood sugar is very high, which is a coma caused by diabetic ketoacidosis!"

"However, at the same time, the patient has severe acute pancreatitis. In short, the situation is still very dangerous. Now I see that the liver is also a bit wrong. Under ultrasound, I can only see that it is fatty liver. I cannot be sure whether there is hepatitis. I need to ask your family members some questions. ! "

Wei Yayu quickly called Ge Xingye: "You come, the doctor will ask some questions."

Ge Xingye came courageously.

Chen Cang couldn't help but sigh when he saw that Ge Xingye was falling into the Miao Gaojun.

"Do you two have any inherited diseases and infectious diseases?" Chen Cang asked straight away.

Wei Yayu shook his head here: "No, the inspection I just did when I returned home was nothing."

"I was abroad some time ago, and I came back on Friday. The medical reports are all there, and they are pretty good."

At this time, Ge Xingye suddenly froze for a moment. When he first came over, he didn't hear the whole story, but only heard the latter half of the sentence.

At this moment, Xiao Zhao, the doctor in charge of the bed, suddenly said, "Dr. Chen, the patient's blood pressure has reached 90!"

Chen Cang nodded: "You can ask, this ... is still quite necessary, I will come out and tell me later."

Wei Yayu nodded quickly.

Ge Xingye's eyes were a bit dazed: "I ... I'll ask."

Wei Yayu glanced at him.


Ge Xingye suddenly groaned in his heart. The doctor just asked me very clearly, is there any sexual disease? Is it an infectious disease?

Thinking of this, Ge Xing panicked a lot in the industry.

He picked up his cell phone and ran to no one outside, and made a call.

"Hello? I asked you something? Are you sick?"

The other party was silent for a while!

"You also found out?" Then came a female voice.

I heard that Ge Xingye was terrified!

"What the **** is that! Hurry up!" Ge Xingye asked anxiously, his eyes looking around, very alert.

The woman sighed: "Syphilis!"

Ge Xingye hung up the phone all at once ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ angrily wanted to drop the phone.

Is it ... syphilis can also be transmitted?

He had brought people back while his wife was abroad, and was afraid of being discovered, so he was in his daughter's room ...


Did he let the housekeeping clean up?

Can this be found?

Thinking of this, Ge Xingye shivered.

Chen Cang adjusted the plan here. After he came out, he glanced at Wei Yayu: "Is there any genetic disease between the parents?"

Wei Yayu nodded: "I have nothing here, his dad has diabetes and hypertension, oh! And cerebral infarction. Doctor, what's wrong?"

Chen Cang sighed: "It should be genetic diabetes."

(End of this chapter)

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