When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1119: : Can't keep up with the rhythm ...

Chapter 1117 Can't Keep Up With The Rhythm ...

This operation came from the director, not even the deputy chief physician.

It was because the age was old, and the gossip heart was not so strong. Which one of the chief physicians of Peking University Affiliated Hospital did not know a few small stars?

At this point, he wouldn't be curious for a long time with his teeth and claws like a young man.

Second, the technology is excellent!

Director Zhang Xuan glanced at Yao Lekang, a little helpless. He actually wanted to follow Director Xiao's surgery. After all, Xiao Zhehai, as the top big blood vessel surgeon in China, could learn a lot.

Being able to perform assisted surgery on Xiao Zhehai can have some inspiration and improvement for them.

This operation will not allow them to watch the operation video. If it is not to prevent the operation from going to the Zhenggongtang in the future, the camera in the operating room will not be turned on.

Therefore, this operation, they did not have the opportunity to turn around to watch the video.

In fact, Xiao Zhehai is also very helpless. You must know that he is more curious than other people.

Chen Cang's abdominal aortic endarterectomy made Xiao Zhehai itchy at this time.

After anesthesia, an abdominal incision began to be established.

This time, the range of incision selection is relatively large, and it is convenient for the two operations to participate together!

Before the operation, Xiao Zhehai glanced at everyone and said, "Everyone be more careful!"

This time, everyone wore double gloves and masks on their faces.

Although many people think that double-layer gloves are useless and also affect the flexibility of surgery, this is not the case. Studies have shown that the probability of injury from double-layer gloves is only one-fifth of single-layer gloves.

Because whether it is a scalpel, a suture needle ... these sharps are very sharp, and they will be cut if they are not careful.

Perhaps the role of double-layer gloves is to strengthen everyone's psychological and security awareness.

Chen Cang is the main knife, he is responsible for the laparotomy, and Yao Lekang on the opposite side assists him.

As soon as the so-called expert shot, he will know whether there is!

There is no fixed opening for this operation.

The chief surgeon needs to make his own judgment based on the impact.

This is the first test of the master knife!

However, because of the existence of the four-dimensional model diagram, Chen Cang can know the patient's abdominal cavity at this time!

How to choose a suitable surgical incision becomes particularly important.

It is well known that the larger the opening, the harder it is to recover, and the greater the risk of infection.

At this time, Chen Cang stopped from the left 12th rib tip to the midline of 5-7cm below the navel!

This incision is very different from ordinary large vessel replacement surgery.

Is this okay?

For a time, everyone looked at Chen Cang's eyes full of doubts.

However, when Chen Cang cut the external oblique, internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles layer by layer to reveal the peritoneum, and then began to free the intestine layer by layer, two large vessels were clearly exposed soon!

"Towing hook!"

"All-round pull hook!"

When the omnidirectional pull hook separates the tissue, the operative field is immediately exposed!

Compared with conventional openings, such an opening not only increases the surgical field and operation space on both sides, but also effectively uses the contraction of the skin of the abdomen to reduce the wounds on the abdomen.

At the very beginning, this operation made all directors shine!

But if you think about it carefully, everyone can't help but sigh, after all, it is the big brother in the field of general surgery.

When the large blood vessels were exposed, Chen Cang and Xiao Zhehai glanced at each other, nodded, and said, "Start surgery!"

In the limited space, two hand speeds must be carried out, one left and one right, and the construction starts simultaneously!

This is extremely demanding on the two chief doctors!

At the same time, the assistant directors also have very precise requirements.

And Yao Lekang was full of curiosity and expectation for Chen Cang's operation at this time!

He wanted to see how Chen Cang's so-called exfoliation surgery was handled!

How to deal with this 8 cm long hemangioma?

Because of the limited time, neither Chen Cang nor Xiao Zhehai dared to delay.

When Chen Cang carefully free abdominal aorta and the common iliac artery, external iliac artery and internal iliac artery on both sides!

The whole process is very fine, which is 2 to 3 cm beyond the lesion.

Moreover, at the same time, the recommended middle artery and the corresponding lumbar artery must be freed and controlled.

And at the same time, hemostasis needs to be carried out at the same time as Xiao Zhehai to coordinate the work of the two.

The operation starts 6 minutes!

Xiao Zhehai and Chen Cang said at the same time: "Successful separation! Prepare hemostatic forceps!"

The doctor who assisted Xiao Zhehai was surprised for a while!

They did not expect Chen Cang to be so fast!

Xiao Zhehai's "fast" is the industry's top, he once created aortic arch replacement surgery took only 18 minutes.

Unexpectedly, Chen Cang is not inferior to Xiao Zhehai!

However, the shock in the hearts of Yao Lekang and Zhang Xuan who helped Chen Cang's operation was even more intense!

Because they know, actually ... Chen Cang was actually faster than Xiao Zhehai just now!

Because after Chen Cang's treatment, he cleaned and separated the surrounding tissues, which made vascular surgery more convenient!

This moment shocked the two of them!

So fast!

If Tao Mi and Xia Gaofeng or others who are familiar with Chen Cang are present, they may say something lightly: "Basics"!

After all, our President Chen is notoriously "fast"!

Here, Chen Cang felt the pulsation caused by the huge aortic dissection hemangioma with his hand, and his heart began to feel, which was convenient for the operation to open the blood vessel in a while.

However, at the same time, the situation of large blood vessels has also entered Chen Cang's mind!

[Abdominal aortic dissection pseudoaneurysm: lv88, lordosis, infection of pale pallidum causes damage to part of the intima of the blood vessel wall, resulting in the destruction of the intima of the aorta, forming a pseudoaneurysm. 】

88-level lord monster!

Quite satisfactory.

After all, Chen Cang is a big brother who has been seen by 99-level conjoined babies, and this 88-level lord is naturally not afraid.

At this time, the hemostatic forceps are in place!

Chen Cang turned to a scalpel and began his next operation: aneurysm bisection!

Chen Cang held the electrocautery carefully and cut the adventitia and tunica media longitudinally along the median line. At this time, the upper end just stopped at the junction of the tumor and the normal artery, and then the knife was changed into a transverse incision to make it T-shaped. !

In this way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The transverse incision accounts for about 40% of the circumferential diameter, which is the best treatment caliber!

At this time, you need to carefully clean the tumor with the knife handle, and the peeling plane can be between the middle and the intima.

Because here, there are organic thrombi and other substances that adhere to the intima. Once these things enter the blood circulation, it is troublesome.



"Natural saline!"


At this time, Yao Lekang performed all kinds of movements with Chen Cang's instructions.

At this moment Yao Lekang suddenly discovered one thing!

He can't keep up with Chen Cang's rhythm ...

(End of this chapter)

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