When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1146: : The subject begins, controversial

In these days, Chen Cang has to visit Ji Jun every day to see how his various signs recover!

On Wednesday, Wu Tongfu and more than a dozen people came to the monitoring room. At this moment, the operation has passed for ten days.

Ji Jun's situation has improved significantly, and the whole person's mental state has been restored to a great extent. The sequelae of the operation are not without, but they are basically negligible.

All in all, the operation was very successful!

The successful operation of Ji Jun gave everyone great encouragement!

At this time, Wu Tongfu quickly got in touch with Xiao Runfang, approved as soon as possible, and began clinical surgery experiments.

On the second day, Chen Cang's project finally passed.

The 100 million hospital-level project was approved by the National Health and Health Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology, allowing clinical trials to begin.

Once this news was announced, it immediately caused an uproar.

Countless people began to pay attention.

At this time, Chen Cang also took the members to formally meet to openly recruit clinical trials from the public.

The Cardiac Surgery and General Surgery of the Emergency Center provide 20 beds for clinical trials.

The holding of this subject made Wu Tongfu aware of one thing. The Capital Emergency Center seems to have been lacking in the development of scientific research and the construction of bases.

If it were not for the emergence of Chen Cang, Wu Tongfu had stayed in the function of the emergency center.

But ignoring the core competitiveness of a hospital and wanting to develop, it is inseparable from the improvement of clinical research capabilities.

How to improve the success rate of emergency patients, these areas seem to be very thin!

On the morning of the same day, the news of the public recruitment on the official website of the Capital Emergency Center received widespread attention.

At this time, Yu Wan had recovered very well, and she immediately shared the news to their Ma Fanren group.

Everyone still trusts the Capital Emergency Center. After all, as a national hospital, it is impossible to deceive patients.

Coupled with the help of Ji Jun and Yu Wan, more and more people began to sign up.

Of course, this does not mean that every registered patient can be included in the experimental group through approval.

This also requires screening of participants.

Of course, in the screening conditions, for example, to meet the case inclusion criteria.

So, in the past few days, hundreds of Ma Fan patients have come to the capital with a try mentality.

To be honest, everyone is a little uneasy.

After all, it is a clinical trial, which means that there must be a relatively large risk, at least higher than the risk of the hospital that is undergoing surgery.

This is not the case!

But there is no way to explain.

Therefore, most patients with financial strength are on the sidelines. They hope to wait for the results of this group of experimenters before deciding whether to perform surgery in the emergency center.

However, the large-scale recruitment of patients by the Capital Emergency Center quickly touched the interests of some experts and hospitals.

So one by one began to stand up and propagate and educate those Ma Fan patients.

Tell them the dangers of clinical trials and let them seriously consider them.

At the same time, it also said that thoracoabdominal aortic replacement surgery can never be solved in a short time. Since the other party is conducting a clinical trial, it means that they do not have enough surgical confidence and success rate!

So I hope they can cherish their lives.

The experts and teams in these hospitals are very skillful. They did not publicly deny Chen Cang ’s surgical technique or even question the ability of the Capital Emergency Center Hospital, but said that since it is a clinical trial, it means that the technology is immature and requires clinical trials To get some valid data.

Therefore, for a time, people were panicked. Although there were many people signing up, many people remained in a wait-and-see state.

A private hospital in the capital is called the US West German Hospital. This is a hospital that invites domestic and foreign experts to specialize in major operations, and their main target diseases are those difficult operations.

In fact, many domestic surgeries are in a state of underdevelopment. When many patients cannot be effectively treated in China, they will go abroad for medical treatment if they have the conditions.

However, going abroad to see a doctor not only has no access to medical treatment, but also faces various kinds of troubles, and even spends a lot of money!

Therefore, the American West German Hospital came into being.

The American West German Hospital is actually a private hospital with a good reputation, and the boss has been a native of China all his life. He discovered this opportunity and created this hospital, inviting domestic and foreign experts to come here for surgery .

The reason why it is called US West Germany is nothing more than to make the Chinese look like it is more like a foreign hospital.

Don't underestimate the skill of getting names.

For example, many hospitals in the Putian department have acquired many hospitals that look like armed police hospitals.

After all, most patients don't understand this. When they look at the name of the hospital, they immediately think that it is a military police hospital.

Actually, this is not the case!

There are only a few hospitals in the capital that can perform thoracoabdominal aortic replacement surgery. The West Side of the United States grows very well in such soil ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But now there is a free emergency capital emergency center. A little vigilant.

They even started to hire some so-called "experts" to comment online.

Patients are actually vulnerable groups in the disease, and they are also hesitant and hesitant, so at this time, many "experts" take advantage of this and will affect the judgment of many patients.

For a time, the outside world can be said to have mixed reviews of this clinical trial.

The Capital Emergency Center, which undertakes 100 million academic-level projects, is also under pressure.

If the outcome does not come out this time, it will face a reputational shock.

As the person in charge, Chen Cang was borrowed by some experts!

"Chen Cang has some abilities, but has Ma Fan patients been really considered in this clinical trial? Let professional people do professional things. I think Dr. Chen should go back to the general department to do digestive surgery. . "

In a word, it is very straightforward. You do n’t have this ability. Do n’t harm people with Marfan syndrome. They are already very dangerous. You are inhumane!

There is more than one such voice!

You know, Chen Cang has just been on the hot search list because of "My Needle Pliers". Recently, this song has also successfully made Chen Cang a traffic niche.

As a result, some experts also began to jump out of the "fever".

But in any case, Chen Cang and others naturally realized that they encountered some people's interests.

Looking at this group of so-called experts, Chen Cang ignored it. After all, for him, these public opinions were of no use at all.

Although Chen Cang is not as chic as Xiao Zhehai, he has never responded to these rumours that are not self-defeating!

After all ... In case of being rubbed against traffic, thanks?

(End of this chapter)

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