When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1156: :Why bother?

After talking, Zhao Danyan quickly asked: "Have you contacted the family?"

The babysitter said anxiously: "Doctor, this ... Miss Mi, her parents were gone three years ago, and now she is alone in the capital!"

"And when contacting her boyfriend, the other party said that they had broken up, no more contact!"

Some words made Chen Cang and Zhao Danyan look at this little girl, and they felt a little bit more distressed.

However, this situation is not unprecedented in the emergency department!

The medical department records!

Emergency rescue!

At this time, Xu Ziming said: "Director Hong of Neurosurgery is here."

During the talk, he walked in with a middle-aged man.

After seeing Zhao Danyan, he nodded: "Director Zhao is good, Doctor Chen is good."

Zhao Danyan nodded: "Well, Dr. Hong! You will see the patient's situation."

Hong Sheng nodded and frowned immediately after picking up the film and watching it!

It's just that ... the more Hong Sheng watched the film, the more embarrassed it was. After a while, this was said.

"It definitely needs surgery!"

"Because the patient's condition is so special."

"In general, intracranial hemorrhage requires hemostatic drugs, but the patient still has deep vein thrombosis. At this time, the superior sagittal sinus is blocked by more than 70%. After this blockage, hematoma has formed!"

"At this time, if hemostatic drugs are used, it will not only stop bleeding, but will also aggravate deep vein sinus thrombosis, aggravate the hematoma, and induce a lot of bleeding!"

"What is the intracranial pressure now?"

Zhao Danyan said directly: "Half an hour ago, 400 water columns were measured in the car! Mannitol was used ..."

After hearing Zhao Danyan's words, Hong Sheng took a deep breath and pondered.

Throughout the rescue room, everyone fell into a tense silence.

As an experienced senior senior deputy chief physician, Hong Sheng naturally has a set of treatment methods, but the patient's situation is really too special.

Zhao Danyan here is also embarrassed after listening to Hong Sheng:

"Indeed, once the parietal lobe hemorrhage continues to increase, it will definitely lead to further aggravation of brain edema. At that time, cerebral hernia may be induced at any time, and even ... life-threatening!"

"Can it be operated? Director Hong?"

It can't be dragged on like this most of the night?

Hong Sheng nodded: "Yes, yes, even surgery is the best treatment method. The patient's intracranial pressure is due to both bleeding and edema. The bleeding can be extracted during surgery, but if this deep venous sinus thrombosis ... thrombolysis will definitely Inducing cerebral hemorrhage, it is better to use Sindou transverse sinus bypass afterwards! "

After talking, Hong Sheng said a little embarrassedly: "But now it can't, let's lower the intracranial pressure first."

"Director Zhao, you still need to design a plan!"

Zhao Danyan took a deep breath: "Okay!"

At this time, the test results came out!

However, after seeing the test sheet, Chen Cang suddenly lost his sight.

Platelets are more than double the normal level, plasma viscosity is also very high, homocysteine ​​70!

This made Chen Cang frown.

How can such a 24-year-old girl reach such a high-coagulation state?


But yesterday the patient said she was not pregnant!

Not only Chen Cang, but also Zhao Danyan and Hong Sheng thought of this possibility!

So, quickly asked Dr. B to do an examination.

The results relieved everyone.

Not pregnant!

However, without genetic diseases or special diseases, what kind of state can induce such hypercoagulable state?

Such a state, even if it is surgery, may still induce cerebral thrombosis.

At this time, Chen Cang suddenly said: "Sister Yang, let the laboratory check the progesterone and estrogen urgently."

Hearing Chen Cang's words, Zhao Danyan and Hong Sheng were slightly curious.

What is this doing?

The patient is not pregnant.

With such high blood coagulation, thrombolytic drugs can be used.

However, we still need to be cautious.

Zhao Danyan struggled and thought for a long time, and suddenly said: "Thrombolysis with urokinase, heparin calcium calcium anticoagulation, while improving circulation and reducing intracranial pressure!"

"Give hyperbaric oxygen to promote nerve function and limb recovery."

"It is best to guarantee that the operation can be completed this morning!"

As a result, several people in the emergency room began to be nervous and busy again.

The entire process must be monitored at all times, and the intracranial pressure was measured twice a night.

When it was less than 7 o'clock, the intracranial pressure reached about 200, and most importantly, the overall state of the patient was relieved.

If the patient starts surgery, the existing heart rate and abnormal pulse and blood pressure are easy to go wrong.

In the rescue room, several people struggled hard for a whole night, without a single glance.

Fortunately, the patient's condition is getting better.

Mitty also opened his eyes at this time, looking at the people around him, suddenly silent.

Chen Cang looked at Midi and couldn't help laughing.

After Zhao Danyan checked the situation, Mitty made a big improvement compared to last night.

Hong Sheng was also relieved at this time: "Then I will go up first. If the patient has surgery ... I suggest to invite Director Xue to do it. The position of the upper sagittal sinus blockage is special. Understand, and his subarachnoid cavity is more good at sera wounds, it is not easy to damage the surrounding tissues, and the sequelae are smaller. "

Speaking of which, Hong Sheng couldn't help but say: "After all, I studied at Harvard Medical School for two years ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The level is very high!"

At this time, the test results of progesterone and estrogen also came out.

When he handed it into Chen Cang's hand, Chen Cang frowned.

Why is the progesterone index so high?

Seeing Mitty silent, Chen Cang couldn't help but ask: "Are you taking birth control pills for a long time?"

Mitty looked at Chen Cang, his eyes pitying, and tears were flowing.


The sound is very soft.

Waking up, Mitty seems to have experienced a life and death, just like the feeling of the next world, making her feel ridiculous.

Pay so much for a man!

But what is the end?

Zhao Danyan, Xu Ziming and others looked at Chen Cang: "What do you mean?"

Chen Cang said: "There are a lot of progestogens in the contraceptive pills. Long-term use will lead to an increase in blood coagulation components, resulting in increased blood viscosity and slow blood flow, which may cause thrombosis of the sinus!

"For women who take oral contraceptives for a long time, the incidence of deep venous sinus thrombosis will increase eight to ten times than those who do not take them!"

Some words made Mitty cry.

A few people around saw this scene and immediately sighed.

Poor girl!

Peng Zhen, the babysitter on the side, cried distressedly holding Mitty: "Poor boy, why did you encounter such an asshole!"


ps: There are five more changes today, ask for monthly tickets!


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