When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1196: : Hoarse throat

The difference between the attending doctor and the inpatient is tens of thousands of miles.

The difference is not whether you have the qualifications to be a doctor, but whether the hospital will hire you to be a doctor.

After becoming an attending physician, the most direct salary will change a lot.

Even if you are still writing medical records every day, but ... you earn much more!

Real treatment has improved!

Everyone heard Chen Cang's words and laughed directly.

"I depend, Cang'er, you are too good!"

"Boss Chen is mighty!"

"Director Chen is domineering!"


These people in the Second Provincial Hospital suddenly ecstatically.

Everyone looked at this group of people enviously.

The man wanted to say that Chen Cang was bragging, but ... he didn't say it for a long time.

Because of this, Chen Cang really doesn't need to brag!

People will be the director of the first-aid building of the Second Provincial Hospital next year, and the director of the eight-story building.


Based on the fact that the others are the deans of the Second Provincial Hospital!

For a time ...

Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree ...

Sour, sour!

Chen Cang looked at the man in the distance, smiled slightly, and leaked sixteen white teeth.

The manly endometrium suddenly shifts!



There are many invigilator teachers in the examination room, which are formed by the teachers of Xinhua Computer College and the staff of the medical system.

Here, all the staff members of Ammon Yang gathered and discussed together.

"Have you heard? Chen Cang is going to take this year's intermediate exam!"

"Yeah? Hahahaha, I haven't seen him for a while. I didn't expect this kid to participate in the intermediate exam."

"Yes, I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Let's take a look at Chen Cang's group in a moment, everyone will go together and join in the fun."

"good idea!"

Because these directors are inspectors and do not need to supervise exams, the time is more casual. This randomness makes it easier to spend more time. When the time is more, I do n’t know what boring things to do.

After the inspection, Chen Cang went to the classroom and found his place to sit down.

Waiting for the test to begin ...

Chen Cang sighed, knowing that he was not bragging just now, and now he just sat down and forgot the guidelines and differences of drugs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

And ... what is that alpha blocker! ?

Chen Cang panicked!

A lot of panic in my heart!

Is this okay?

I haven't even taken the exam yet, so I have forgotten all this?

Is it time to find Xiao Runfang to revise his grades?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang felt that he could blush to the ass.

He's too shy.

Never mind!

Zhang Sanfeng said it all, and forgot that the integration was through, let's go!

So, Chen Cang turned on the computer skillfully, logged in the test number password, and waited for the test to begin.

When the time is up, Chen Cang can't wait for the exam.

The exam begins!

The first one is from 8:30 to 10:00, which tests the basic knowledge.

These Chen Cang can still do.

After all, Chen Cang's university foundation is still relatively solid, and he has never let go of basic knowledge.

When doing the question, it was relatively smooth!

But ... By the beginning of the second door, Chen Cang's pressure began to increase!

Related professional exams.

Well, although it is related to majors, but ... the examiners did not say that the unrelated ones could not take the exam, right?

Do not ask!

The question is super class!

For a time, Chen Cang's good days came to an end.

At this time, the inspection staff began to be in place and arrived at the 1012 examination room.

Wu Tuo came in a dozen directors and experts.

After coming in, everyone made a round turn.


After turning around behind Chen Cang, everyone stopped.

at this time!

Facing a multiple-choice question, Chen Cang began to struggle!

How to choose?

Three long and one shortest?

Or ABCD choose the biggest?

It's so hard!

At this moment, suddenly coughed and interrupted Chen Cang's thoughts.

Looking around, Chen Cang was taken aback!

My Nima!

Why are there so many examiners behind me!

Are you putting pressure on me?

Chen Cang was about to cry.

And ... why are you so familiar?

Cough just now, is this not Yang Xiaoming, director of the respiratory department of the Second Provincial Hospital?

There are also many directors of surgical systems.

Chen Cang wants to cry without tears, you just see me addicted to surgery, just addicted to seeing my questions

Do you think it ’s fun to do something wrong?

Chen Cang looked helplessly at the multiple choice question.

Start tangled.

Should I just choose one without pretending to be scared?

Should we study carefully for a long time?

At this moment, suddenly Yang Xiaoming coughed twice.

Chen Cang gave Yang Xiaoming a puzzled look and saw him squeeze his eyes.

Chen Cang suddenly realized!

Choose B?

Chen Cang chose an A and decided to give it a try!

Sure enough, the coughing sound continued to ring.

Still two times!

Chen Cang suddenly blushed.

It would be unreasonable not to choose 2B.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang directly chose B.


There was no coughing sound behind him.

At this time, Chen Cang was finally determined.


Almost forgot!

The support team is here!


The next one will not!


An unknown cough sounded.


Ok, Ok!

After the exam, Chen Cang came out as a professor, feeling relaxed and happy.

I feel that the whole person is in a good mood!

Today's exam went smoothly.

Don't go for the sake of complacency.

Chen Cang even corrected a few questions.

Full marks?

Chen Cang didn't feel very good.

Of course, there are not many questions that Chen Cang will not do.

Even if it is self-assessment, you can pass it.

After the first day of the exam, Chen Cang came out of the room and was very grateful to a group of experts.

Nodded with eyes that understood each other.

Then went out!

The so-called wind and cold are easy to get cold!

The brave man went out and never returned!

After a director left, he returned to the office.

"Old Li, what shall we eat at night?" Asked a dumb director who could not help but ask?

"What to eat! Drink some fat sea, and my throat is hoarse!" Said old Li Li hoarsely.


"Go to my house for tea!" Said a hoarse voice.

"Go walk! My throat hurts ..."

The directors lowered their voices and said to each other hoarsely.

However, everyone seems very happy.

It seems that something great has been done.

After coming out of the examination room, Chen Cang waited for everyone to come out.

"Director Chen, how is the exam?"

Chen Cang smiled: "Fortunately ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fortunately, just pass it!"

Everyone knows, but they don't know and say hello to Chen Cang.

After all, Mr. Chen is righteous!

The medical system itself is jumping around, it is normal to change positions, in case Director Chen is under his hands.

Isn't it good to say hello in advance?

"Well! Director Chen must be okay, I have written the test, and the interview is not a problem!"



ps: Thanks for the 10,000 rewards for coffee on the keyboard.


Use life in code words. When meeting today, use life in code words. This is already the limit ...

Gangsters, I'll go back and do a good job and ask for support!

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