When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1207: : A lot of blood!

Ascending aorta replacement was successful.

Completed within 20 minutes.

With the recovery of the patient's body temperature, the vital signs of the body also began to return to normal.

The staged victory greatly inspired everyone.


Hou Liang also began to have an idea: maybe ... can we also create miracles?

That's right!

Life hit us with bruises and bruises.

Let us gradually realize that there is no difference between ourselves and others!

Let us be mediocre.

Even the confidence in our hearts began to gradually get lost.

But at this time, this 18-minute miracle, this miracle led by Chen Cang and their joint accomplishment, greatly inspired everyone and let them begin to believe that they may also be able to challenge the impossible!

At this moment, Chen Cang inadvertently glanced at everyone, slightly stunned.

Because he found that everyone has light in his eyes!

This light has a common name, called confidence!

Because of the special nature of the surgery, there is no way to complete it at once.

There is not even a way to plan and arrange the entire operation in a short time.

Because the biggest risk factor for this patient is the uncertain risk.

Need to constantly study some details and do a good job.

and so……


With a negligible sound, a burst of blood burst out!

A large amount of blood was sprayed directly on the mask in front of Chen Cang's face!

Blurred Chen Cang's vision!

This sudden phenomenon is like a death scythe to relentlessly reap the confidence in everyone's heart!

It seems to tell everyone present: You, but so!

This is a battle!

No smoke!

But there is life and death!

At this moment, the medical staff who just won the tug of war were surprised by the sudden attack!

Hou Liangxin sinks to the bottom!

Zhang Peiyi was shocked!

The anesthetist Liang Tai's face was cold.

Everyone in the operating room looked at the blood spraying thinly, and watched the blood slowly flow down the mask of Chen Cang, onto the surgical gown, to the legs, to the feet ...

The first person who responded was not a person, but a little nurse. She quickly wiped the blood from Chen Cang's mask!

The second is Hou Liang, who is ready to stop bleeding when he reaches out.


Hou Liang saw that he was about to grasp the blood vessel, and Chen Cang suddenly started to startle him!

Everyone's face changed, staring at Chen Cang, somehow?

To know!

The probability of death from major bleeding caused by rupture of the aorta during surgery is as high as 70%.

Why not stop bleeding?

Once bleeding occurs, the body enters a state of low circulation.

Ischemia and hypoxia lead to tissue necrosis!

Especially brain tissue!


indeed! If most of the time, this is the only feasible way!

But now it doesn't work!

Because there are several dissections in the blood vessel above the patient's bleeding!

And these mezzanines are more dangerous!

Blocking one will definitely increase the pressure in the aorta, causing a sudden rupture of the blood vessel wall!

Moreover, there is another reason, once the aorta is closed without hypothermia to close the blood vessel, the patient's abdominal aorta in the area of ​​blood supply at this time definitely has an ischemic reaction.

At that time, trouble will increase again!

How to do it?

"How much blood is preheated?" At this time, Chen Cang asked quickly!

"1000 ml!" The nurse said quickly.

"Not enough!" Chen Cang said lowly.

How to deal with this situation?

too difficult!

It's really hard!

How to save you, my patient!

At the office outside the operating room at this time, no one spoke, and Li Hui and Wei Zhuhua were very nervous!

Put your hands on your chest and do not speak.

What Wei Zhuhua has seen over the years is data, how much mortality, how much morbidity, but ... How long has it been since I saw such a live patient die on the operating table!

Moreover, the patient just shook hands with himself happily, talking and laughing.

At this time, it is facing the mark of life and death!

Li Hui instinctively considered that once the patient died, who was the biggest problem?

How much responsibility will the hospital take and how will he deal with the next things as the dean.

No one wants the patient to die.

Outside the operating room, the family was restlessly waiting for the operation to end.

Suddenly the woman felt a chest discomfort.

"Mom? What's wrong with you?" The child asked quickly!

The woman stretched out: "It's okay, it's okay, I didn't take a rest last night."

Woman comforts the child.

She did not know why this sudden pain.

Unclear, unclear!

Don't be cranky outside the operating room.

The woman quickly comforted herself.

No one wants the patient to have a problem.

However, the person who least wants the patient's problems is still the doctor on the operating table.

How to deal with it?

Blood pressure must not be so high, bleeding can lower blood pressure slightly, this is not a bad thing.

But how does such blood pressure ensure blood supply to the nervous system of patients?

At this time, Chen Cang stared at the abdomen, thinking quickly in his mind!

One by one ideas keep appearing in Chen Cang's mind!

The four-dimensional graph in front of Chen Cang has continuously constructed one possibility after another!

How to solve?

How to do? !

At this moment, Chen Cang suddenly thought of a way!

So he turned decisively and stared at the blood pressure!

When blood pressure dropped to a limit, Chen Cang said decisively: "Stop blood transfusion!"

"Director Hou, stop bleeding!"

"Director Zhang, prepare to bridge the artificial blood vessel!"

Although everyone was unclear, they instinctively followed Chen Cang's instructions.

This is also a military order!

Chen Cang decisively began to free the right axillary artery!

He is going to try.

Once this attempt is successful, it will change the traditional aortic replacement surgery.

Or to be more precise, this will become a guarantee.

It will even significantly reduce the mortality of aortic dissection surgery!

Improve the safety effect of surgery!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang said to the instrument nurse: "Give me the separating forceps! Hold the needle forceps!"

After speaking, Chen Cang immediately began to free the axillary artery.

Looking at the picture, Chen Cang calmly and calmly, not slow or slow, it seems that there is a kind of demeanor that Taishan collapsed in the past!

This scene seems to everyone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ had to pay three respects!

This is the boss!

Not only the colleagues in the operating room, even Wei Zhuhua couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Great! Professor Chen is really a personal thing!"

Thinking of this, Wei Zhuhua suddenly thought of something.

After Chen Cang returned to study, he decided to help Chen Cang do one thing.

This incident hasn't changed Chen Cang's medical skills much.

But for Chen Cang's life, even for his contacts, it can be changed drastically!

If such a talent can stay in Amyang, how good it is!

what a pity!

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