When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1218: : I teach you to watch movies

Zhang Yuan's family is not rich, but it's not bad.

The SUV of the Audi Q series was opened, and it was considered quite well.


Thinking of his Audi being derailed by Alto, Zhang Yuan felt sad and helpless.

"Is the ECG so beautiful?"

Zhang Yuan's heart collapsed.

Chen Cang sighed, although the electrocardiogram was indeed beautiful.

But his girlfriend sitting in someone else's Ottori is really tormented to see the ECG.

Chen Cang looked at Zhang Yuan: "Then what? You didn't do anything?"

Zhang Yuan said angrily: "Of course I did!"

Chen Cang glanced curiously: "What did you do?"

Zhang Yuan blushed and said: "I dragged the door of the car directly and shouted at her: Is the ECG so beautiful? Then I ripped the ECG away angrily!"

"Both of them stared at me and gave me a disgusted look at Audi and me behind me, not angry, but looked at each other and nodded to each other, saying that I did not understand the ECG at all. Nor did she understand her!

Chen Cang admitted that he was very distressed to Zhang Yuan, but ... he really couldn't help it.

Hahaha laughed.

The electrocardiogram is not memorized in this pot.

Zhang Yuan laughed at Chen Cang. He was helpless about this kind of thing ...

After drinking six or seven bottles of beer, Zhang Yuan chatted with Chen Cang for more than half an hour on his electrocardiogram, and left with complaints.

Before leaving, Chen Cang promised him to teach him palpation next time.

A diagnostic skill comparable to electrocardiogram.

If he couldn't do it, he would teach him to watch the movie.

A skill that is higher than the ECG.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan was so excited that it was difficult to calm down.

With filming and palpation, are you still afraid of finding a girlfriend?

After the drunk Zhang Yuan went downstairs, he looked at his Audi Q5 and spit on it!

"Garbage, I will buy Jetta, Alto, and QQ in the next car!"

Then he kicked his tires.

Then dash away in a taxi.



After the handover, Chen Cang returned to the office.

The emergency department in summer is troublesome, and there are many patients with trauma.

Moreover, fighting and fighting caused more bleeding and trauma.

The injury is not troublesome, the trouble is the man after drunkenness.

When Ji Jiǔ ordered more, the night market had just begun, but three men and two women came.


Somewhat unexpectedly, both women were bleeding on their heads, and the three men helped each other.

A patient treated by Chen Cang and another female doctor on duty.

When dealing with it, Chen Cang knew that the reason for the two injuries was very simple, and they were jealous.

This surprised Chen Cang.

However, after handling the patient and leaving, Xiao Li, the female doctor on duty, told Chen Cang.

It turned out that the three men were buddies and the two women were girlfriends. As a result, the two girls liked A boy at the same time, while B boy and C boy liked these two girls separately.

Chen Cang couldn't help but sigh, really: drought and drought, drought and waterlogging!

A man who doesn't know how to be in the middle of the blessing!

When the crowd left, the expression of male A annotated male B, and his expression was somewhat helpless.

This makes the female doctor Xiao Li seem to discover what a big secret!

This is so exciting!

Summer is really a season to release youth and hormones.

Everyone wears relatively thin.

It seems not uncommon for these things to fight for love.

However, when eleven o'clock in the evening, a group of people came.

"Doctor, doctor! Hurry up and see what's going on?"

"Grass, people! Hurry up, people!"

The nurse saw four or five adults who had broken in, one of them, one man and two women, still holding the child, and his face was obviously somewhat embarrassed.

Nurse Xiao Ke hurried to the office: "Dr. Chen, a group of people is coming! It seems that two children are having problems."

After Chen Cang heard it, he quickly got up and hurried out.

Chen Cang said quickly: "What's going on?"

The woman holding her child said with a sad face: "Doctor, let's see what happened to my children? He started twitching well! This ... directly comatose."

Chen Cang looked at the woman's tears, nodded quickly, and greeted Xiao Ke to push out the bed.

On the other side, I quickly contacted the pediatrician and asked the doctor on duty to hurry down.

"Okay, don't cry, what's crying!" The man couldn't help but glanced at the woman, her body full of alcohol.

The woman didn't want to make a noise. She glanced at the man and stopped crying, but she watched Chen Cang bow and said, "Doctor, save the child, thank you!"

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, tell me about the child, why did this happen suddenly."

The woman wiped the tears on her face and sorted out her emotions: "The two children are two years old and are twins."

"Today my husband and friends were drinking at home, my husband teased the child, let the child lick the chopsticks with the wine, the child was danced with spicy hands."

"I don't want him to make trouble with children, he said it's okay."

"After he drank too much, he drank a cup of wine, 52 degrees liquor!"

"After drinking, the child started giggling. After I saw it, I hurried away and the child fell asleep soon."

"As a result, the second child started to foam at the mouth after drinking, and then the whole person started to twitch."

"Doctor, look at what happened."

After Chen Cang heard it, he groaned inwardly and his heart sank!



Don't think there is only a cup of wine, the child is fine after drinking.

There is a big difference between children and adults.

Especially these children less than three years old.

After hearing this, the man said lowly, "It's impossible, it has nothing to do with drinking! Don't talk nonsense, listen to the doctor."

Chen Cang shook his head: "It may be related. If you said, the child may be alcoholic."

After that, Chen Cang will turn around and enter the rescue room.

The man couldn't help but say: "How is it possible, just a little bit, when I was a child and was fed by my father with wine, I would tease the child, this is impossible!"

The men around him nodded one after another.

"Yes, how can it be so serious. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Chen Cang couldn't help but sigh.

He glanced at the tearful woman and couldn't help sighing.

When meeting such a husband, I really don't know what to say.

Forget it, it's useless to talk about it, let's go to see the children first.

After finishing the procedures, the woman sat on a chair and wiped tears with paper towels. The man stood around the room.

The friends around me persuaded: "It's okay, because the child may be drunk, just sleep!"

The woman couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly: "It's okay, it's okay! Why don't you drink for your children? This is my child!"

After talking, the woman stared at the man: "You look at your friends?"

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