When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1222: :time and location! (Thanks for the scenery still the leader)

According to everyone's understanding of Chen Cang, he is definitely not an untargeted person.

It is definitely problematic to suddenly open the inclusion criteria now!

Thinking of this, everyone looked up at Chen Cang.

Meng Xi also stared at her big disciple with curiosity, full of curiosity.

She has been studying this disease all the time. When she was at Karolinska Institute in Sweden, she once performed surgery and clinical trials with her instructor.

Know the dangers of this disease!

Once the inclusion criteria are liberalized, this mortality and complication rate will definitely increase dramatically.

Because after the release, many patients who have fallen into despair will join in.

These people are already mortal, and if there is a free clinical trial, they will definitely not participate in normal surgery.

After all, one spends money and the other saves money. There is a big difference between the two.

The most heart-wrenching thing in medical work is that people are gone and money is gone.

Human resources are empty!

How much do living people suffer?

So there was a patient like Yu Wan who was short-sighted.

Therefore, if the inclusion criteria are liberalized, many people will definitely join in, and there will be no shortage of cases.


At the same time, controversies and topics will come up.

After all, the mortality rate is high!

There are more right and wrong.

Even after there are more dangerous patients, the distribution of case severity tends to be more severe, and the mortality rate is obviously too high.

Meng Xi has always admired his tutor. The tutor always wanted to deal with this matter, but it has never been fruitful.

Because it is difficult to reduce the mortality rate!

Do you have to do things that your teachers can't do?

Thinking of this, Meng Xi's eyes shined.

I look forward to it.

Li Baoshan is a lot calmer than everyone else.

He just looked at Chen Cang quietly. In any case, he would support Chen Cang.

Chen Cang got up with a smile, and said, "Do you remember my mid-term exam a few days ago? The Kawasaki patient I met."

"His destruction of large blood vessels is more dangerous than that of Mafan patients. There are many dissections on the aorta of the thorax and abdomen. There is no operation at all, and even the dissection of large blood vessels has broken.

"At that time ... I came up with a special surgical treatment method that can effectively reduce mortality."

"I just want to use this surgical method for our clinical surgery to reduce the mortality of patients at risk!"

Hearing Chen Cang's understatement, everyone's heart is not very calm.

Think of a surgical method temporarily?

This difficulty ... how high!

After all, other experts and professors haven't studied it for so long, did you study this operation?

To put it lightly, how can there be such a simple thing?

At this moment, Chen Cang's phone suddenly rang.

"Chen Cang, this is Xiao Zhehai." Xiao Zhehai's voice came out just after answering the phone.

After Chen Cang heard it, he quickly asked, "Hello, Director Xiao."

Xiao Zhehai is a big cow in the field of large blood vessels in China, and the technology naturally has nothing to say.

Xiao Zhehai's voice seemed a little deep, making Chen Cang a little curious.

"Something, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

After hearing this sentence, Chen Cang did not rush to agree, after all ... Xiao Zhehai asked himself to help, this would be a little busy?

What character is Xiao Zhehai?

This is He Zhongzhong of Anzhen Hospital and is called the leader of large blood vessels. He is the big man on the list of China's top 100 medical doctors.

For large vessel surgery, there has always been the names of North Sun Zhong and South Xiao Zhehai.

However, Sun Zhong's industry status is higher, and Xiao Zhehai is more casual, so everyone generally thinks that Xiao Zhehai is not as good as Sun Zhong.

However, although Chen Cang had not seen Sun Zhong, he witnessed Xiao Zhehai's operation with his own eyes.

After all, the anastomosing speed of intercostal artery, Xiao Zhehai is the first in China.

After a moment of hesitation, Chen Cang said, "Director Xiao, you said, if you can help me, I will do my best."

Xiao Zhehai's breathing sound is relatively high, and he seems to be nervous: "I can't do an operation, I don't want to find Sun Zhong, I want to ask you for help."

"But ... the patient is a person who has died once. The situation is too dangerous. I myself ... I'm not sure."

After Chen Cang heard it, he groaned: "What's the situation?"

Xiao Zhehai sighed: "He was a patient of mine in Ruijin. When I was operating at that time, the patient was already bleeding heavily and the dissection was ruptured. The situation is very critical."

"I saved his life as much as possible at the time, but there was no way to perform the operation. Now his condition is more dangerous. The operation is imperative."

After speaking, Xiao Zhehai sighed: "The patient does not meet the surgical indications, the bleeding probability is very high, the mortality rate is extremely high, and the survival rate is less than two layers before the operation!

"Are you ... willing to do it?"

Xiao Zhehai's voice was a little uneasy.

This patient was his nightmare. At the beginning, in order to pursue speed and reduce postoperative complications, the patient had a rupture of the aorta during the operation.

After successful hemostasis, there is no way to perform the operation.

For this ...

Xiao Zhehai saved the patient's life as much as possible.

However, life was saved, but the patient could not get out of the ICU.

After Chen Cang heard it, he was suddenly silent.

What is called non-compliance with surgical indications?

This means that the patient has some complications that lead to a great risk of the patient's operation, a very high mortality rate, and may also be accompanied by various accidents.

According to the guidelines, surgery is not possible in this case.

Once the operation is performed, the operating table may not be dropped.

Because surgery is not the best option.


Xiao Zhehai really didn't want to see him lying in the ICU, with a tube inserted every day to monitor vital signs.

When checking the room yesterday, he said to Xiao Zhehai: "Director Xiao, thank you for keeping me alive, but ... I don't want to live like this with a long and persistent breath."

"I want to see the sun and want to go out for a walk. I don't think there is much difference between lying here and dying."

"I want to have my last operation."

This sentence touched Xiao Zhehai too much.

After hesitating for a long time, Xiao Zhehai decided to invite Chen Cang to complete this operation.

Chen Cang shook his head, at least a king-level BOSS, how difficult it is can be imagined.

Thinking of the patients with Kawasaki disease a few days ago, UU read www.uukanshu.com that kind of feeling of being in a desperate situation.

Chen Cang felt scared!

What happens if you do n’t have a clever move and come up with that solution?

And this patient, let Xiao Zhehai feel unsure of the operation, how easy will it be?


Chen Cang was silent for a moment. When Xiao Zhehai sighed and thought Chen Cang refused, he promised to come down: "Time, place!"


ps: Inclusion criteria: In the scientific research process, the sample is specified, and certain conditions are formulated, and those that meet these conditions can be put into the test.

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