When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1224: : Come prepared ...

Here, a few men stood outside the airport holding signs and waiting for something.

"This Chen Cang's posture is so great!"

"Who said no? Dean Xiao personally invited, and as a result, 12 people came at once. It was really a trip!"

"Who makes people great? Young and promising, a little arrogant is normal!" An older man couldn't help smiling.

"Brother Yang, but ... is it too exaggerated to bring 12 people to the operation? I've seen those with surgical assistants and instrument nurses, but the most are four or five people!"

"Are these 12 people bringing their wives and children's nanny drivers?"

The two young men talked and laughed, and there was some ridicule in their hearts about Chen Cang bringing so many people.

Chen Cang's reputation in the capital is now rising, but in the generation of Shanghai and Guangzhou, where the same talents and medical care are developed, the influence is really limited.

Therefore, Xiao Zhehai asked the three cardiac surgeons to pick up the phone and accidentally chatted about it on the road.

Everyone thinks that Chen Cang is too big!

Moreover, Dean Xiao came over to pick up the plane in person.

Gee Gee!

Old Yang couldn't help but smiled: "It's okay, maybe there is something else coming over, don't think about it, Dean Xiao came to pick you up personally, what emotions do you have?"

"I just think, the more powerful this person is, the more low-key it is. Do you see Dean Xiao? How many people have no shelves!" The young doctor couldn't help but look at Xiao Zhehai, who was sitting at the same place looking at the mobile phone.

Not long after, the news of the arrival of the plane rang in the hall.

Xiao Zhehai also put away his phone and came over.

It didn't take long for a team of more than a dozen people to walk outside.

The man headed with a pair of sunglasses was tall and handsome. On the side was Meng Xi carrying a bag, and Xu Aiqing was holding a drinking glass.

More than ten people behind them are tall and mighty.

The entire lineup looks very domineering!

Xiao Zhehai looked dumbfounded.

This kid ...

Really domineering!

This lineup of more than a dozen people really came out extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhehai tasted inside, and when there was an opportunity for others to invite himself, he also took a team!


It is best to unify uniforms!

How handsome this is.

In fact, Chen Cang was also helpless. He was wearing sunglasses with Meng Xi, simply because he was dazzling when looking at the clouds outside the window on the plane, so he wore sunglasses.

"Professor Chen! Welcome!" Xiao Zhehai waved his hand with a smile.

Chen Cang took off his sunglasses and handed it to Meng Xi, and walked towards Xiao Zhehai with a smile.

A few young doctors who picked up the airport found out that this was Chen Cang, and he was suddenly confused!

Unexpectedly, Chen Cang is so decent!

Moreover, the two women around here hold a drinking glass, and the other one who is more beautiful than the stewardess is Chen Cang's life assistant?


Three Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles have been parked outside and took a group of people to the hotel for check-in.

Xiao Zhehai couldn't help but say: "Your boy, it's really decent! Bring more than a dozen people, this is the first time I saw it."

Chen Cang froze for a moment, and immediately smiled: "This is not my helper, it is my team. I think this operation is very valuable. I will take them to see it."

After listening to Xiao Zhehai, he turned around curiously and glanced at the two cars behind him: "Is this the team you are carrying out to study Marfan syndrome thoracoabdominal aortic replacement surgery?"

Chen Cang nodded: "Yes, they are all excellent. What I think is that after the clinical trial is over, let them perform the surgery independently. After all, it is not easy to encounter such a difficult case, and it just took them a long time!"

Xiao Zhehai nodded thoughtfully: "Well, opportunities are indeed rare."

Chen Cang smiled: "Moreover, this operation may be related to our later research projects."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhehai immediately wondered: "Oh? Have you finished the first phase? How is the effect?"

Chen Cang nodded a few words on the data, and Xiao Zhehai couldn't help but say, "Yes! It has reached the middle level in China."

"How do you follow up?"

Chen Cang said directly: "I plan to liberalize the inclusion criteria and reduce the mortality rate!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Zhehai's hands were stunned.

"Opening the inclusion criteria ... is it too fast?"

Chen Cang smiled mysteriously: "Tomorrow you will know whether it will be soon!"

Xiao Zhehai was stunned for a moment, looking at Chen Cang sideways with curiosity, wondering what kind of medicine this kid sold in the gourd!

Moreover, studying how to reduce mortality with the inclusion of open standards is itself an operation that makes it more difficult.

For a time, Xiao Zhehai was somewhat silent.

He found that after a month, he seemed to have lost sight of Chen Cang.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhehai couldn't help but shook his head.

After hearing the chat between Dean Xiao and Chen Cang, the young doctor at the back of the car couldn't help but also got stunned by the content of the chat!

Open the inclusion criteria and study how to reduce mortality?

Isn't Chen Cang too courageous?

And it can be said to be a bit arrogant.

After setting up a good hotel, everyone did not stop, and Xiao Zhehai originally arranged lunch.

But Chen Cang refused to refuse!

"Director Xiao, we ate a plane meal and went directly to the hospital. We looked at the patients and worked out the following surgical plan as soon as possible."

Xiao Zhehai nodded.

For Chen Cang's behavior, I have a lot of positive feelings in my heart.

This is a practical person.

After arriving at the hospital, Xiao Zhehai quickly organized a case discussion.

At this time, Chen Cang first went to see the patient, did some regular physical examination, and got some basic understanding of the patient.

Then he went to the medical record discussion room and started a heated discussion.

Especially Chen Cang and Xiao Zhehai!

The two are the main swords, and no one will let anyone!

The discussion became louder and louder for a while, making the two groups of people a little nervous.

Everyone is worried ...

Won't it fight?

At this time, everyone was a little nervous.

After all, there are a lot of doubles.

Although Chen Cang was fighting away, they brought twelve disciples!

A little bit more than the people who participated in the discussion on my side.

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At this moment, several young doctors finally realized why Chen Cang had brought so many people ...

It turned out to be prepared!

Xiao Zhehai's surgical plan is a non-stop circulatory operation at room temperature, and the key lies in how to segment the operation and deal with the pressure of the aorta.

However, Chen Zang directly interrupted Xiao Zhehai's voice.

"This is not realistic at all. The patient's blood vessel wall elasticity is already very poor. In addition to the second operation, the choice of anastomosis is more difficult."

Xiao Zhehai: "However, after hypothermic circulatory arrest, the patient's cardiopulmonary function is very poor, even if the operation is successful, there is no way to recover, but it is more than gains!"

Indeed, under low temperature conditions, it has a great impact on cardiopulmonary function.

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