When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1450: : Chen Cang succeeded?

Operating room!

The atmosphere was unprecedentedly serious.

This operation is the core operation of their rescue work.

At this time, it was already twelve in the evening.

But the emergency department on the first floor of the hospital is still brightly lit.

Wang Tong, Yu Yonggang and others also completed today's work.

They entered another office in the operating room and started watching this operation!

This operation is directly related to the success of this rescue!

After all, before the rescue, it has been said that Sidis is the key rescue character!

Therefore, no one dares to relax their vigilance.

At this time, Lao Ma glanced at Xu Aiqing and asked curiously, "Aiqing, you and Chen Cang have been together for a long time. When did he learn so many operations in neurosurgery? After he came to our emergency center, I seemed Haven't seen him participate in many neurosurgery operations?"

This question, Lao Ma asked everyone's voice.

These are all coming to participate in the rescue work, are elites from all walks of life, many people are very curious about Chen Cang.

What kind of person is this, proficient in so many types of surgery.

Moreover, each type of surgery is not very connected, but each type of surgery can achieve excellent results, and even win the industry status they can't earn in their lifetime!

After Xu Aiqing heard it, he was silent for a moment, and asked, "Do I have to follow the surgery to learn?"

This rhetorical question directly made Lao Ma ask silly!

"I...I..." Zhizhiwuwu for a long time, the old horse did not speak.

"The operation has started!" At this time, Yu Yonggang said.

Everyone gathered their thoughts.

Only the old horse was thinking about the problem just now, does it have anything to do with surgery and learning to operate!



In the operating room, the blood transfusion department is ready and ready for everything.

When surgery chose anesthesia, Chen Cang chose local anesthesia!

That's right!

Choose local anesthesia for craniotomy.

This also made Xue Zhengcheng and others feel awkward.

After the head was fixed, Chen Cang had a scalpel.

This time, it was all of them.

However, when everyone looked at Chen Cang's calm mind, it was not like the first operation!

The choice of incision is still the right temporal valve.

Although the patient has undergone a CT examination, due to the particularity of the location, it is still necessary to carry out drilling exploration to prevent the direct opening of the circuit. For some reasons, the operation needs to be replaced.

Holding a power drill, Chen Cang carefully drilled holes in the lower temporal area.

After the skull was opened, Chen Cang also saw a thin layer of hematoma under the dura mater.

Yang Ming was right next to Chen Cang. After seeing the hematoma, he did not need to say more about Chen Cang. He just removed it.

Later, everyone also saw the swollen brain tissue bulge outward.

Intracranial pressure is still not low!

However, when he saw the hematoma, everyone was relieved.

Because it means that the brain contusion and laceration is near it!

As long as you go deeper, exploration into the bottom of the brain can often confirm the presence of the lesion.

After making up his mind, Chen Cang was ready to open his head.

And Xue Zhengcheng directly said: "Professor Chen, let me come!"

Chen Cang stunned, glanced at Xue Zhengcheng curiously, hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay! Be careful."

Chen Cang didn't respond to Xue Zhengya's sudden favor.

Yang Ming saw this, instead he smiled.

Craniotomy is usually an assistant to open the bone flap.

After all, this is physical work, and the chief surgeon generally has to keep his energy for core operations.

Therefore, Xue Zhengcheng's appearance is obviously showing good to Chen Cang!

Xue Zhengyao's skill is very skillful. I have to say that as a rare academician of neurosurgery, Xue Zhengyao has a deep foundation!

After the dura was opened, Xue Zhengcheng took a step back and said: "Professor Chen, come on!"

At this time, the intracranial picture appeared within everyone's field of vision.

The situation is not good!

The most serious injury on the impact and the hedge is not outside, but... even then, still see the purple-red tissue under the pia mater of the brain injury!

Moreover, some small blood clots and broken, necrotic, and softened brain tissue can be clearly seen on the surface of the intracranial brain tissue.

After seeing this scene, everyone held their breaths.

The situation is worse than everyone thought.

Chen Cang frowned as he saw it!

After all, CT inspection is only an inspection, and all you get is a signal!

After all, many things need to be opened directly to see.

"Give me bipolar electrocoagulation forceps."

"And ordinary tweezers, give me a hand!"

The surface work is very simple to clean up.

After spending less than ten minutes, Chen Cang breathed a sigh of relief after cleaning up some damaged blood vessels and coagulating tissue.

The key lies in the subsequent processing.

The blood clots and broken tissue on the surface have been cleaned up.

At this time, Chen Cang was careful to separate the brain tissue with blunt tissue forceps.

Under the illumination of the shadowless lamp, the internal situation was soon exposed.

After seeing this scene, everyone's face changed!

No one expected that the internal damage would be so serious!

Xue Zhengya's eyebrows pressed tightly: "Can this be cleaned up? The inactivated tissue has broken like the ventricles, and the boundaries have been lost! And the brain tissue has become soft and collapsed. After this loss of support, it will also press the nerves... a little bad!"

Yang Ming also stared at the brain tissue like tofu brain, shaking his head without saying a word!

The success rate of this operation is too small!

Debridement of inactivated tissue, how is this different?

Accidentally cleaned up the normal tissue.

The people watching the surgery outside are even more silent!

Can this operation be done?

At this moment, Chen Cang said:

"Attractor to me!"

The little nurse on the side nodded quickly and handed it over.

Chen Cang held the suction device in one hand to start the suction from the eroded lesion, and held the bipolar electrocoagulation forceps firmly in one hand!

The next operation is a serious challenge.

Chen Cang's movement is very small.

Even if his eyes can clearly see the red inactivated tissue and the yellow damaged tissue, but the intracranial and abdominal cavity are not the same, and he can't move hard!

In this way, Chen Cang encountered electrocoagulation when hemorrhage blood vessels.

Such gradual removal, starting on the surface of the brain, gradually clears deeper, so that the brain area after the removal is like a pot bottom.

With the passage of time one minute and one second.

Chen Cang's hand is really stable!

The bipolar coagulator was also put down by Chen Cang, replaced with a needle thread, and carefully sutured the blood vessels in the yellow area.

The whole process is very long!

But you can't be half anxious!

You need to have enough patience and care~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's it, when everyone around me feels sleepy and full of heart.

Suddenly saw that the brain tissue has resumed pulsation!

Suddenly, everyone was awake!


The standard for the complete removal of inactive tissues is that the brain softens, sinks, and resumes pulsation.

Has Chen Cang succeeded?


ps: There will be two chapters later, ask for a monthly ticket, hold on to the veteran! We can win!

Come on!

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